digitalmars.D - D on EclipseZone
- Olli Aalto (3/3) Jan 08 2007
- Lutger (16/21) Jan 08 2007 There is one recurrent theme present here that I have seen in all Seems that the conversation is not going very well D-wise atleast. O.
Jan 08 2007
Olli Aalto wrote: Seems that the conversation is not going very well D-wise atleast. O.There is one recurrent theme present here that I have seen in all criticisms of D: the feature set as it appears on the language comparison page. I guess that people who want to get an overview of D in a short time find the comparison table the easiest source of information. From the thread on eclipsezone: "After a glance on the feature comparision - which I find not to be be enitrely correct, btw - it seems that the language design faild to hurt somebody." People get the impression that D tries to cram as much features into one language without caring much for overall design. Although D is quite large, this is of course not true. The comparison table serves as a quick overview and of course a 'praise' of D as mentioned by the wiki. But it might be a misleading / off-putting entry instead. At least I would suggest a stronger disclaimer on top than there is now and a link to the comparison table in the wiki.
Jan 08 2007