digitalmars.D - D has become unbearable and it needs to stop
- GrimMaple (30/30) Jun 08 2023 I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I
- FeepingCreature (5/13) Jun 08 2023 Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my
- GrimMaple (16/20) Jun 08 2023 2.104 deprecated `ref in`, this changes function signatures (Adam
- FeepingCreature (12/35) Jun 08 2023 Yeah I somehow managed to completely avoid those, I guess.
- Steven Schveighoffer (22/35) Jun 08 2023 On 6/8/23 10:33 AM, GrimMaple wrote:
- Adam D Ruppe (18/21) Jun 08 2023 The problem is that there is no easy migration path for the cases
- Steven Schveighoffer (19/37) Jun 08 2023 You mean, it happened to work because of the ordering of the overloads?
- Adam D Ruppe (25/31) Jun 08 2023 Yes, attaching an attribute to the first overload worked well for
- RazvanN (4/9) Jul 04 2023 The deprecation was not broken. There was another bug in the
- harakim (26/51) Jul 05 2023 This article has stuck with me over the years:
- FeepingCreature (33/49) Jul 05 2023 Linux guarantees binary compatibility. ("We do not break
- harakim (30/50) Jul 05 2023 It's hard to imagine a hypothetical situation where this could
- FeepingCreature (6/16) Jul 05 2023 The problem is that you're committing your whole project to
- harakim (25/30) Jul 05 2023 I don't see a lot of projects being so large and complex that
- Steven Schveighoffer (6/19) Jun 09 2023 I just decided to do it. And of course, it's taking more time
- Dukc (25/48) Jun 08 2023 This list demonstrates you aren't complaining for nothing. It's
- Adam D Ruppe (25/33) Jun 08 2023 I'm pro breaking changes that move toward something better that
- H. S. Teoh (79/108) Jun 08 2023 +1, me too.
- Johan (26/40) Jun 08 2023 Can 100% confirm (Weka), and I share the frustration. Breakage
- Ernesto Castellotti (10/14) Jun 08 2023 Personally I only use GDC in production and I've never had any
- H. S. Teoh (18/30) Jun 08 2023 DMD is Walter's baby, and he'll probably let it go only over his dead
- Ernesto Castellotti (15/30) Jun 08 2023 Yes that's true, however I don't see all this difference compared
- H. S. Teoh (17/24) Jun 08 2023 I stuck with LDC mainly for the ease of cross-compiling to Windows. All
- Ernesto Castellotti (4/9) Jun 08 2023 Yeah great point, I hadn't thought about Windows because it's
- Walter Bright (5/8) Jun 15 2023 I suggest:
- FeepingCreature (13/22) Jun 15 2023 Going a bit offtopic, but this is one case where a true package
- Adam D Ruppe (57/60) Jun 15 2023 This is often even worse than just changing the original, so such
- FeepingCreature (6/11) Jun 15 2023 Yeah, hard disagree; or rather: "there's nothing actually wrong
- Walter Bright (2/2) Jun 15 2023 Option 1 looks pretty good. Letting the user combine it with getOverload...
- Johan (9/18) Jun 15 2023 Weka is using its own fork of the compiler (*), so indeed this is
- Steven Schveighoffer (7/23) Jun 08 2023 I'm not saying your wrong or arguing with you, but you need to give
- Sergey (7/12) Jun 08 2023 I think Grim meant this one:
- Steven Schveighoffer (7/18) Jun 08 2023 That's a segfault bug in the compiler, not an intentional language issue...
- GrimMaple (8/15) Jun 08 2023 I like your sarcasm, but I didn't bring up the linked issue, as a
- Steven Schveighoffer (14/27) Jun 08 2023 I'm very interested in hearing problems that aren't compiler bugs
- Timon Gehr (2/8) Jun 08 2023 Add dlangui to the list of 3rd-party projects?
- GrimMaple (12/19) Jun 08 2023 The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been
- Steven Schveighoffer (17/26) Jun 08 2023 An LTS branch needs at least one dedicated person to keep it up to date
- GrimMaple (12/17) Jun 08 2023 So, DLF isn't going to care, and then you try to convince me,
- bachmeier (23/26) Jun 08 2023 But that's not the purpose of an LTS release. You do it so you
- Mike Parker (7/14) Jun 08 2023 At the end of every monthly meeting summary I post an open
- GrimMaple (9/15) Jun 08 2023 As far as I appreciate your efforts, becoming a language
- Mike Parker (8/17) Jun 08 2023 I'm not saying you should become a language developer. I'm saying
- mw (6/14) Jun 08 2023 Too much bureaucracy: just look at:
- FeepingCreature (13/17) Jun 08 2023 I am a developer who maintains real (commercial!) projects, and I
- GrimMaple (37/48) Jun 08 2023 Maintaining closed-source commerical projects isn't a problem
- monkyyy (6/21) Jun 09 2023 A formal meeting with idk how many people but id guess like 6
- Mike Parker (13/18) Jun 09 2023 Our meetings are far from formal. And it's in no way a scenario
- GrimMaple (19/31) Jun 10 2023 Long story short, what is there to discuss, if a simple question
- Mike Parker (6/24) Jun 10 2023 You're the one pushing for an LTS release. If you have a case to
- GrimMaple (2/7) Jun 10 2023 With that attitutude, I choose to "leave it".
- Rune Morling (17/24) Jun 11 2023 How come? Mike is saying you're more than welcome to state your
- GrimMaple (83/108) Jun 11 2023 No. I am suggesting that there is no reason to believe that this
- Ernesto Castellotti (13/22) Jun 11 2023 I don't understand why you say GDC is awful, it's simply D GCC
- H. S. Teoh (26/29) Jun 08 2023 Here's a wild idea:
- Walter Bright (6/8) Jun 09 2023 It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it wo...
- GrimMaple (15/25) Jun 09 2023 I disagree with this statement, and I see a lot of people
- FeepingCreature (5/16) Jun 09 2023 How would LTS help? That only means they'll end up stuck at an
- GrimMaple (21/25) Jun 09 2023 Answer is: planning and versioning. It's much easier to allocate
- Martyn (23/40) Jun 09 2023 In my opinion, I do believe D is missing a LTS. It is needed.
- Petar Kirov [ZombineDev] (51/63) Jun 09 2023 What is your vision for LTS releases? How often would a new LTS
- GrimMaple (43/95) Jun 09 2023 If it were up to me - I'd just split D into D2 and D3. D2 being a
- Walter Bright (5/7) Jun 15 2023 It's come up before many times, it's not like we haven't considered it.
- IGotD- (7/11) Jun 09 2023 Think about it, if there wasn't a new D2 project that was
- H. S. Teoh (21/33) Jun 09 2023 I wasn't around during the D1/D2 split, but AFAIK there were D1 projects
- Adam D Ruppe (13/17) Jun 09 2023 Indeed.
- H. S. Teoh (18/39) Jun 09 2023 See, to me this proves that:
- monkyyy (6/15) Jun 09 2023 2 versions is hardly balkanizing
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (8/9) Jun 09 2023 Not making the compiler versions required to bootstrap the compiler LTS
- Martyn (21/39) Jun 15 2023 I understand this could be division (or maybe also to say
- Walter Bright (2/2) Jun 16 2023 Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declar...
- monkyyy (4/8) Jun 17 2023 Coordination is not when everyone speaks.
- Martin Tschierschke (3/5) Jun 17 2023 👍👍👍
- Walter Bright (2/4) Jun 18 2023 Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
- Martyn (12/16) Jun 19 2023 OK - while I am a developer that has used D for minor programs on
- bachmeier (9/13) Jun 19 2023 If you go back only three years, that means there are currently
- Martyn (22/36) Jun 19 2023 I agree. While I don't think LTS releases needs to "get all bug
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (6/6) Jun 19 2023 You're overthinking it a bit.
- Martyn (3/9) Jun 19 2023 Thanks - those replies might have skipped me. Will look for them.
- bachmeier (14/17) Jun 19 2023 It actually is that simple. This is how the discussion is
- Chris Katko (26/30) Jun 23 2023 No, I don't think solution is to significantly delay features on
- monkyyy (26/31) Jun 19 2023 Coordination is not when everyone speaks.
- Dany12L (5/8) Jun 18 2023 After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break
- Hipreme (2/10) Jun 18 2023 You know that this was actually a bug, right?
- Dany12L (3/16) Jun 18 2023 This is a deprecation that becomes an error, it should have been
- Hipreme (6/24) Jun 18 2023 Deprecation period serves to give people time for them to remove
- FeepingCreature (31/39) Jun 19 2023 I'm not sure about that one myself, even though I did it. (See my
- Dany12L (15/57) Jun 19 2023 I think there is a misunderstanding here, saying that a
- Dejan Lekic (4/8) Jun 08 2023 The solution is simple - LTS release that will only get critical
- bachmeier (3/12) Jun 08 2023 What's a "critical update" for a compiler? A compiler is not a
- GrimMaple (5/9) Jun 08 2023 I am not getting paid for other contributions that I did (or
- Cecil Ward (2/11) Jun 17 2023 @GrimMaple - Grim, are you ever using GDC or LDC?
- bachmeier (6/11) Jun 08 2023 My opinion is that this is a coordination problem. If you label a
- Dennis (5/9) Jun 08 2023 If they are public, perhaps they are good inclusions to buildkite:
- IGotD- (10/25) Jun 08 2023 Thank you for sharing this and this is a valid concern indeed.
- GrimMaple (8/17) Jun 08 2023 Thank you for understanding my issues. I also think D2 is good
- mw (7/25) Jun 08 2023 Fully agree! and I also suggested *over and over again* to
- Ernesto Castellotti (3/8) Jun 08 2023 Cool, but after that who will continue to maintain D2?
- ryuukk_ (20/29) Jun 09 2023 Is it even true? I always thought D was pretty rigid when it
- Hipreme (23/53) Jun 08 2023 For facing reality, there is a bunch of code that were made in
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (5/6) Jun 08 2023 Not true.
- Adam D Ruppe (6/7) Jun 08 2023 And I maintained compatibility with that version in my libs until
- Iain Buclaw (27/33) Jun 09 2023 GCC is released yearly with a D front-end frozen at whatever the
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (5/5) Jun 09 2023 My general feeling is the LTS should be based upon what is required to
- Iain Buclaw (5/7) Jun 10 2023 We're already doing that then? It is already a requirement that
- Guillaume Piolat (16/24) Jun 09 2023 For Dplug I tell users what compiler they should use, even then
- Guillaume Piolat (2/3) Jun 09 2023 Oh crap, I do get the __traits(getAttributes) deprecation. Karma.
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (4/5) Jun 09 2023 It does have some strong benefit, wrt. bootstrapping of the compiler.
- Walter Bright (1/1) Jun 09 2023 Thanks for spending the time to post this. We're going to take it to hea...
- mate (3/5) Jun 11 2023 Don Clugston also strongly advocated for an LTS:
- Johan (35/40) Jun 12 2023 The situation at Weka is very similar.
- bachmeier (12/16) Jun 12 2023 I sort of agree with this, but the goals are not exclusive. I
- Martyn (53/58) Jun 12 2023 I am referencing Mike Parkers' comment found inside the above
- Ki Rill (4/9) Jun 12 2023 That is exactly what I would like to see as well! This versioning
- deadalnix (3/10) Jun 13 2023 Case in point:
- Martyn (48/60) Jun 13 2023 Interesting...
- Basile B. (6/27) Jun 13 2023 Mangling is not really the problem I think. If the ABI changes
- GrimMaple (44/69) Jun 13 2023 Actually, dub already allows specifying toolchain requirments.
- Hipreme (6/17) Jun 13 2023 Although I have done my own standard library myself. I have
- Martyn (42/43) Jun 13 2023 Thank you for taking the time to respond.
- Chris Katko (39/44) Jun 14 2023 I just did a grep -nr in my git directory, I've got 26 uses of it
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (3/4) Jun 14 2023 That is more or less solved.
- Chris Katko (3/8) Jun 15 2023 That's great news!
- Adam D Ruppe (6/11) Jun 15 2023 What case triggers this? I've heard of most the other things but
- Walter Bright (3/5) Jun 15 2023 All objects are default constructed before the constructor is called.
- Jonathan M Davis (5/10) Jun 15 2023 Or to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructo...
- Walter Bright (2/4) Jun 15 2023 Right. (Good to hear from you!)
- Jonathan M Davis (7/11) Jun 15 2023 Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, ...
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (3/9) Jun 15 2023 Good to hear, I was also wondering what was up.
- claptrap (14/27) Jun 16 2023 My wife has had crippling migraines for years, like 2 a week,
- Chris Katko (10/39) Jun 16 2023 I feel for you. Start keeping a log of food whenever you have a
- Walter Bright (2/6) Jun 16 2023 That's great news! I'm glad to have you back!
- Chris Katko (16/23) Jun 16 2023 I misremembered a bit when summarizing, from this thread last
- Walter Bright (3/3) Jun 17 2023 Thanks for the reference. I think Mike accurately diagnosed it. D doesn'...
- BlueBeach (17/22) Jun 15 2023 Hi,
- zjh (10/11) Jun 13 2023 Add the `deprecation` directory and save the `deprecation`
- zjh (3/5) Jun 13 2023 With the `deprecated` directory, there is no need to maintain the
- Joe (54/84) Jun 21 2023 To be honest, it is best to leave D. There really is no vision,
- Z3Solver (61/61) Jun 30 2023 Putting in my 2 cents. I used to work as a professional D
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (4/4) Jun 30 2023 Are you seeing warnings about alignment?
- Z3Solver (5/9) Jun 30 2023 That's the one! Crazy that an issue that we've known about since
- Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole (11/14) Jun 30 2023 Reference compiler, not flag ship which is a bit different.
- Dukc (14/20) Jul 02 2023 This is a misunderstanding. The standard library whose core
- FeepingCreature (7/27) Jul 02 2023 Funkwerk, same here. Widespread use of the standard library
- Walter Bright (7/9) Jul 02 2023 I appreciate you spending the time to post here.
- GrimMaple (6/10) Jul 03 2023 Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked
- Guillaume Piolat (9/11) Jul 03 2023 Recently translated miniz (a zlib replacement) from C to D and
- GrimMaple (3/11) Jul 03 2023 So to help projects in D you should re-write them in C? Huge W
- Guillaume Piolat (6/8) Jul 03 2023 If I can keep part of my stack in C by just not translating them
- Bastiaan Veelo (3/5) Jul 03 2023 I didn't ask, but I sure am happy ImportC exists!
- Dmytro Katyukha (52/62) Jul 03 2023 Why so many hate for ImportC? I am waiting when it will be ready
- Paolo Invernizzi (5/11) Jul 03 2023 FYI, I'm cross-compiling and cross-linking targeting Windows from
- Walter Bright (2/4) Jul 03 2023 Awesome!
- Guillaume Piolat (6/13) Jul 03 2023 Unrelated, but I plan to make a `miniz` package with this
- FeepingCreature (4/9) Jul 03 2023 I'm not using it in D right now, but every compiler I've ever
- Sergey (9/12) Jul 03 2023 Many used approach with clang/cling..
- Walter Bright (3/6) Jul 03 2023 There wasn't a DIP, because ImportC isn't about the D language. I.e. it'...
- Walter Bright (4/17) Jul 03 2023 There have been 4 previous attempts at automating access to C .h files, ...
- Walter Bright (3/4) Jul 02 2023 As far as I can tell, this is the first post by Z3Solver. I cannot find ...
I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage. It's nearly impossible to develop any reasonable 3rdparty in those conditions. I'm tired of fixing things that weren't broken. And I can't even imagine having to support multiple branches of code because of those deprecations. But I probably should, as, periodically, I get issues that dlangui can't compile with some outdated dmd version. It's just insane! Recently, some of the changes resulted in direct API changes. This is unacceptable, as it, basically, forces people to update major versions and split the codebase between "before" and "after". Also forcing them to support two version of the same thing. There have been a lot of talk about Gripes, about the "Vision" of D... But more than half a year passed, and yet the breakage only gets worse, and nothing seems to be improving. At least in regards of LTS. And with no proper LTS, no proper 3rd-party can exist. So, as pissed as I am, please, for the love of everything, stop breaking D. I understand the desire to improve the language, but can you understand the desire to just... write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent.Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my experience (and we maintain a lot of D code), serious *new* breakage (not an existing bug) is pretty rare. To be fair, we don't use that many external libs though.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:54:53 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my experience (and we maintain a lot of D code), serious *new* breakage (not an existing bug) is pretty rare. To be fair, we don't use that many external libs though.2.104 deprecated `ref in`, this changes function signatures (Adam was particularly displeased with having to push breaking changes). 2.103 deprecated `alias this` on classes, which resulted in complete code breakage. This lad even refused to do anything about it. 2.102 deprecated `__traits(getAttributes)`. Somebody complained about this, but I can't remember who exactly. Probably Adam again. 2.101 removed `std.xml`, which led to a significant rewrite of dlangui, which inevitably led to me leaving D (even though temporarily). And no, `undeaD` maintainers refused to fix my problems: , (tl;dr undeaD doesn't work with GDC) Other versions go too far back for my memory
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:33:57 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:54:53 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:Yeah I somehow managed to completely avoid those, I guess. Re std.xml, I'd probably have just vendored the entire module. Re alias this on classes, we weren't using that anywhere, but "alias this" is always a nice-to-have anyways. You can always just access the property manually. Annoying but not crippling. `__traits(getAttributes)` isn't deprecated, `__traits(getAttributes)` on overloads is deprecated because it was just plain broken. This only ever worked as a side effect of DMD compiler internals, ie. overloads being a linked list in functions. `ref in` I just dodged outright. We just never use ref.Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my experience (and we maintain a lot of D code), serious *new* breakage (not an existing bug) is pretty rare. To be fair, we don't use that many external libs though.2.104 deprecated `ref in`, this changes function signatures (Adam was particularly displeased with having to push breaking changes). 2.103 deprecated `alias this` on classes, which resulted in complete code breakage. This lad even refused to do anything about it. 2.102 deprecated `__traits(getAttributes)`. Somebody complained about this, but I can't remember who exactly. Probably Adam again. 2.101 removed `std.xml`, which led to a significant rewrite of dlangui, which inevitably led to me leaving D (even though temporarily). And no, `undeaD` maintainers refused to fix my problems: , (tl;dr undeaD doesn't work with GDC) Other versions go too far back for my memory
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/23 10:33 AM, GrimMaple wrote: I agree some of these are questionable. We shouldn't be doing *this much* breakage. And thanks for giving specific examples.2.104 deprecated `ref in`, this changes function signatures (Adam was particularly displeased with having to push breaking changes).This is pretty stupid actually. Why are we doing this? Just ignore `ref` when doing `ref in`. preview in is supposed to treat `in` as implicitly `ref`.2.103 deprecated `alias this` on classes, which resulted in complete code breakage. This lad even refused to do anything about it.I haven't experienced problems with this, but it doesn't seem sound to me, without a valid replacement. I've seen a lot of complains about this on discord.2.102 deprecated `__traits(getAttributes)`. Somebody complained about this, but I can't remember who exactly. Probably Adam again.`__traits(getAttributes)` was deprecated if called on an overload set. It still works otherwise. In this case, `__traits(getAttributes)` was *wrong*, so a bug is being fixed. How do we fix bugs like this without using deprecations and eventual removal?2.101 removed `std.xml`, which led to a significant rewrite of dlangui, which inevitably led to me leaving D (even though temporarily). And no, `undeaD` maintainers refused to fix my problems: , (tl;dr undeaD doesn't work with GDC)This one is an issue with GDC and obscure varargs usage. I filed a bug on it, found that the answer is, GDC just isn't going to do that. See I have it in my backlog to fix undead: If someone else wants to do this, it should be pretty trivial! Just I don't have all the time in the world for these things. -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:00:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:In this case, `__traits(getAttributes)` was *wrong*, so a bug is being fixed. How do we fix bugs like this without using deprecations and eventual removal?The problem is that there is no easy migration path for the cases where it actually did work just fine. The update required an extra static if branch added to each use for a generic loop. Moreover, a loop over overloads *still* required an additional getOverload since the deprecation message triggers in cases when it shouldn't have! foreach(idx, overload; AliasSeq!(__traits(getOverloads, Module, memberName))) static if(.isScriptable! (__traits(getAttributes, __traits(getOverloads, Module, memberName)[idx]))()) { // lol i have to do the second getOverload to stop the compiler from deprecating The `overload` there wouldn't work despite it already being drilled down, since the deprecation wasn't smart enough to see I had already handled that case! Pointless nagging from the compiler that led to worse code, not any bug fix.
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/23 11:21 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:00:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:You mean, it happened to work because of the ordering of the overloads? This is the nature of things that do something incorrect in the face of ambiguity. This very much reminds me of the cycle detection problems I fixed. Cycles wouldn't get detected, because the algorithm was flawed. Fix the algorithm, and now "working" code breaks because there actually is a cycle. What do we do about it? The answer at the time was to introduce a ridiculous deprecation system, where I implemented both the correct algorithm and the incorrect algorithm, and ran *both*. Then if they disagreed, still allow it and print a deprecation message. In my estimation that is what is happening here -- you are relying on a faulty implementation, and that reliance is being deprecated.In this case, `__traits(getAttributes)` was *wrong*, so a bug is being fixed. How do we fix bugs like this without using deprecations and eventual removal?The problem is that there is no easy migration path for the cases where it actually did work just fine. The update required an extra static if branch added to each use for a generic loop.Moreover, a loop over overloads *still* required an additional getOverload since the deprecation message triggers in cases when it shouldn't have! foreach(idx, overload; AliasSeq!(__traits(getOverloads, Module, memberName))) static if(.isScriptable! (__traits(getAttributes, __traits(getOverloads, Module, memberName)[idx]))()) { // lol i have to do the second getOverload to stop the compiler from deprecatingThat seems like a bug in the deprecation. If you have the overload, you shouldn't need a second getOverload. And... bug just filed a few days ago. -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:50:22 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:You mean, it happened to work because of the ordering of the overloads?Yes, attaching an attribute to the first overload worked well for a lot of cases and could have been specified to work. Or maximally, overload sets could be a well-defined concept in D and the symbol refers to them and then UDAs either don't attach to them or... something. Or, minimally, going from overload set to specific overload could have been made trivial and generic with other symbols that are not overload sets, so you can migrate by calling that instead of doing an extra branch externally.This is the nature of things that do something incorrect in the face of ambiguity.Technically, the spec is still ambiguous: "Takes one argument, a symbol. Returns a sequence of all attached user-defined attributes. If no UDAs exist it will return an empty sequence " It doesn't say anything about special treatment of overload sets, so it doing the same thing as the rest of the language - using the first one - is no more or less wrong than anything else. In fact, it giving a deprecation is probably a violation of the spec... These "bugs" ought to be defined in terms of the spec, and spec changes ought to be reviewed before merged.That seems like a bug in the deprecation. If you have the overload, you shouldn't need a second getOverload.Yes, indeed, the implementation of the deprecation is obviously broken. Yet it shipped anyway.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 16:13:32 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:The deprecation was not broken. There was another bug in the compiler that the deprecation simply exposed. That bug is being fixed with this PR: seems like a bug in the deprecation. If you have the overload, you shouldn't need a second getOverload.Yes, indeed, the implementation of the deprecation is obviously broken. Yet it shipped anyway.
Jul 04 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:50:22 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:On 6/8/23 11:21 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:This article has stuck with me over the years: That is what made Windows successful. It was what made .NET and Java successful. You can write a program and then you have a program. If someone at my work removed a field that I was using from a database or an optional field from an API, I would flip out. I have never seen removing "useless" or "ambiguous" features as a good thing if people are actually using them. If that's the case, then you have to go out and talk to them and get them to agree first because you're the one who screwed up. Otherwise, you leave it as it is. I see this has been brought up, but why not use compiler flags? It's a win for everyone. You do have some extra code in the compiler until the next major version, but refer back to my Sim City example. That's the price of being a stable tool. That's it for my reply, but I also have a few questions: 1. If I wanted to be a contributor and understand the dmd codebase and be able to understand the core team's perspective, how would I start? 2. How would I join the meeting with the core team where they go over things? 3. Could the people who want a stable language theoretically declare one version of it stable and maintain it themselves?On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:00:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:You mean, it happened to work because of the ordering of the overloads? This is the nature of things that do something incorrect in the face of ambiguity. This very much reminds me of the cycle detection problems I fixed. Cycles wouldn't get detected, because the algorithm was flawed. Fix the algorithm, and now "working" code breaks because there actually is a cycle. What do we do about it? The answer at the time was to introduce a ridiculous deprecation system, where I implemented both the correct algorithm and the incorrect algorithm, and ran *both*. Then if they disagreed, still allow it and print a deprecation message. In my estimation that is what is happening here -- you are relying on a faulty implementation, and that reliance is being deprecated.In this case, `__traits(getAttributes)` was *wrong*, so a bug is being fixed. How do we fix bugs like this without using deprecations and eventual removal?The problem is that there is no easy migration path for the cases where it actually did work just fine. The update required an extra static if branch added to each use for a generic loop.
Jul 05 2023
On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 09:50:55 UTC, harakim wrote:This article has stuck with me over the years: That is what made Windows successful. It was what made .NET and Java successful. You can write a program and then you have a program.Linux guarantees binary compatibility. ("We do not break userspace!") However, Linux is IMO more willing than D to say "well, that API was a mistake, we're going to support it but we'll also offer a new API that does it right." Microsoft, of course, does the same thing. And ultimately, that's dependent on your ability to engineer a clean separation between the user API and the internals. D is hampered here because a user type has a *lot* of ways to be sensitive to implementation internals, and they can stack exponentially. Maybe at some point D has to start deprecating *combinations* of features; to say "well, we're adding a new functionality, if you want to use that you cannot use this old functionality." So all the code that was written at time X continues to work, but the *features* that were available at time X don't necessarily work together with features that were available at time X+1. We have to get the combinatorial explosion under control somehow.If someone at my work removed a field that I was using from a database or an optional field from an API, I would flip out. I have never seen removing "useless" or "ambiguous" features as a good thing if people are actually using them. If that's the case, then you have to go out and talk to them and get them to agree first because you're the one who screwed up. Otherwise, you leave it as it is.And what do you do when that person has left the company and you don't have anyone with commit access to their code? If I push for a Phobos deprecation, I'd love to be able to go through all affected projects and update their code; the problem is first that I can't *find* all affected projects because they'll be either closed-source or not in Buildkite, and second if I do find them that there's no guarantee there's anybody there to actually look at the fix. How many months should I wait for PRs? Theoretically the use of the 'deprecated' feature is exactly to draw user attention to n upcoming change, and D already has very wide deprecation windows. If something is marked as deprecated and people only speak up (and post their repos) once it's actually removed, my sympathy is honestly limited.I see this has been brought up, but why not use compiler flags? It's a win for everyone. You do have some extra code in the compiler until the next major version, but refer back to my Sim City example. That's the price of being a stable tool.Compiler flags don't work as soon as libraries come into play. Really, what you'd want is *package flags;* settings that lexically affect exactly the modules of a particular dub library.
Jul 05 2023
On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 10:14:38 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 09:50:55 UTC, harakim wrote:It's hard to imagine a hypothetical situation where this could happen and where I also couldn't come up with a a workaround. Unless it resulted in a security issue or data corruption, I would probably not change the API to add additional requirements until the calling application could be replaced. If I added a new field, it would be optional. If I couldn't identify which calls were coming from the old errant service and I felt like I had to make it required for security or data corruption reasons, I would probably write a proxy. This is all assuming that service is both never updated and also important. As for D, do you know what Java would do in this situation? or .NET? I know all of the 20 year old Java code that I have attempted to compile still compiles. I don't have .NET code that old, but I have never had issues downloading examples from 10 years ago unless they use XNA. Maybe the D community should actively reach out and maintain a list of critical projects (kind of like the kite list) and then just make sure there is some kind of continuity plan and list those as almost-standard libraries or the like so people will tend toward them.If someone at my work removed a field that I was using from a database or an optional field from an API, I would flip out. I have never seen removing "useless" or "ambiguous" features as a good thing if people are actually using them. If that's the case, then you have to go out and talk to them and get them to agree first because you're the one who screwed up. Otherwise, you leave it as it is.And what do you do when that person has left the company and you don't have anyone with commit access to their code?Theoretically the use of the 'deprecated' feature is exactly to draw user attention to n upcoming change, and D already has very wide deprecation windows. If something is marked as deprecated and people only speak up (and post their repos) once it's actually removed, my sympathy is honestly limited.If your target audience includes only people who notify you every time a feature they use is deprecated, then I think that's a fine stance. It would be helpful to spell that out as a philosophy of D so people can make a language decision with that in mind.Compiler flags don't work as soon as libraries come into play. Really, what you'd want is *package flags;* settings that lexically affect exactly the modules of a particular dub library.At first, I thought this made sense, but now I wonder why would it be a problem? Either you're pulling the source and you can compile with the flag or you're pulling the binary and it's already built. It seems like it makes sense and I must be missing something.
Jul 05 2023
On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 23:22:14 UTC, harakim wrote:On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 10:14:38 UTC, FeepingCreatureThe problem is that you're committing your whole project to either having the flag set or not having it set. If some code will only work with and some code only without, you're SOL. And the more flags you add to the compiler, the more likely a conflict becomes.Compiler flags don't work as soon as libraries come into play. Really, what you'd want is *package flags;* settings that lexically affect exactly the modules of a particular dub library.At first, I thought this made sense, but now I wonder why would it be a problem? Either you're pulling the source and you can compile with the flag or you're pulling the binary and it's already built. It seems like it makes sense and I must be missing something.
Jul 05 2023
On Thursday, 6 July 2023 at 02:44:30 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:The problem is that you're committing your whole project to either having the flag set or not having it set. If some code will only work with and some code only without, you're SOL. And the more flags you add to the compiler, the more likely a conflict becomes.I don't see a lot of projects being so large and complex that someone could not realize they are using a flag and then also miss the behavior in testing. And if the project is like that, then they have the manpower to go and remove the flag. How often are you expecting these compiler flags to come along? The first requirement is that there was a bug in the compiler or standard library. That seems like a pretty high bar to clear, although all code has bugs so it does happen. The second bar is the code base has to be such that it *relied* on the behavior of the bug. Then the person who is actually building the source has to decide it's too difficult to fix the issue for whatever reason. How many flags do you think a code base will have? When I write code, I split it up so I could pass the flag into a payment gateway but not into the shipping price calculator, for example. I think in the case that the core team made a mistake that needs to be fixed, a flag is a good option. And only pushing the removal of deprecations every few years doesn't seem like a big deal either. I would like to see what you all talk about at the monthly meetings. I would like to learn what goes into making a programming language that makes these things so difficult. I would be willing to take a long time of listening and understanding to figure that out. And at the end of it, I think I could be a bridge from the language developers to the discontented community members who want to see stability.
Jul 05 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:00:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:On 6/8/23 10:33 AM, GrimMaple wrote:I just decided to do it. And of course, it's taking more time than I would like... Any help appreciated: -Steve2.101 removed `std.xml`, which led to a significant rewrite of dlangui, which inevitably led to me leaving D (even though temporarily). And no, `undeaD` maintainers refused to fix my problems: , (tl;dr undeaD doesn't work with GDC)This one is an issue with GDC and obscure varargs usage. I filed a bug on it, found that the answer is, GDC just isn't going to do that. See I have it in my backlog to fix undead:
Jun 09 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:33:57 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:54:53 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:This list demonstrates you aren't complaining for nothing. It's easy to see dealing with this rate of breakage it is painful. That being said, I don't think language instability is the problem. We want D to develop after all, and the language already tries to be reasonably backwards-compatible. It's just the natural price of using a language that is still developing. Bundling changes to fewer releases wouldn't probably help either. We'd have version changes less often, but they'd be bigger when they do happen. If anything, we should have a common agreement of what is the latest "LTS" compiler verion a DUB library should support. I don't mean the compiler would have any LTS support from it's development team, just that it'd be the verion DUB libraries are tested against. Fortunately there are ways for the user to ease the pain. The common theme in your list seems to be you're relying in many libraries. I don't know how many, and I'm not saying it's wrong. But the less library dependencies you have, the less problems. Sometimes it may be more practical to bundle the library source in your codebase (as opposed to DUB registry) so you can fix it yourself. That has its downsides but it's still a valid choice. Also, unless it's something security critical such as certain parts of Vibe.d there is no pressure for libraries to be up to date. You can use older library versions until everything is ready to update to newer compiler version.Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my experience (and we maintain a lot of D code), serious *new* breakage (not an existing bug) is pretty rare. To be fair, we don't use that many external libs though.2.104 deprecated `ref in`, this changes function signatures (Adam was particularly displeased with having to push breaking changes). 2.103 deprecated `alias this` on classes, which resulted in complete code breakage. This lad even refused to do anything about it. 2.102 deprecated `__traits(getAttributes)`. Somebody complained about this, but I can't remember who exactly. Probably Adam again. 2.101 removed `std.xml`, which led to a significant rewrite of dlangui, which inevitably led to me leaving D (even though temporarily). And no, `undeaD` maintainers refused to fix my problems: , (tl;dr undeaD doesn't work with GDC) Other versions go too far back for my memory
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 20:08:51 UTC, Dukc wrote:That being said, I don't think language instability is the problem. We want D to develop after all, and the language already tries to be reasonably backwards-compatible. It's just the natural price of using a language that is still developing.I'm pro breaking changes that move toward something better that have a good migration path. I'm against breaking changes that don't do those thing. The alias this for classes thing has no migration path and isn't moving to something better. It has no actual technical justification, being an arbitrary removal. This is not a step forward. The getAttributes of an overload set had no easy migration path for the cases where it worked just fine (nor the other cases really, the "right" way is a pain in the butt consistently, and this deprecation is not a step toward fixing that pain), and the deprecation message itself is buggy giving false positives that are a pain to work around! This is a step backward. The changes to `in` are obnoxious since it keeps changing the definition to protect people who weren't following the spec while punishing people who were. But... it is potentially leading to something valuable and is pretty easy to migrate things, so I'll cut it a bit of slack. While it annoys me, on balance, I can actually see this as worthwhile.But the less library dependencies you have, the less problems.Yeah, dependencies are evil, but again this is a bit of a problem: D works best when everyone does their own thing. But one of the paths to bigger adoption is more collaborative libs...Sometimes it may be more practical to bundle the library source in your codebase (as opposed to DUB registry) so you can fix it yourself. That has its downsides but it's still a valid choice.When your thing is open source it tends to become a problem eventually whether you like it or not.
Jun 08 2023
On Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 12:14:35AM +0000, Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]I'm pro breaking changes that move toward something better that have a good migration path.+1, me too.I'm against breaking changes that don't do those thing.Yes.The alias this for classes thing has no migration path and isn't moving to something better. It has no actual technical justification, being an arbitrary removal. This is not a step forward.I actually think alias this for classes is a bad thing. I used it in my own code and liked it at first, but as I gained more experience with it, I discovered that it was only good for short term convenience, over the long term it becomes a source of confusion and maintenance headaches. So I'm not against removing it per se. However, as you said, there is no migration path, and that's bad. I did have to rewrite a good chunk of code in my own project after the deprecation came into effect. In some parts it wasn't too pretty, though overall I did feel that the code improved afterwards. Still, the extent to which I used it was quite limited; I can imagine the frustration if I had to deal with a much more extensive usage.The getAttributes of an overload set had no easy migration path for the cases where it worked just fine (nor the other cases really, the "right" way is a pain in the butt consistently, and this deprecation is not a step toward fixing that pain), and the deprecation message itself is buggy giving false positives that are a pain to work around! This is a step backward.I never dared use getAttributes on overload sets, because reading the docs made it clear to me that it simply wasn't designed to handle that, and probably would exhibit quirky behaviours and be unstable across releases. (It's a scary thing when the docs describe something and fails to describe corner cases that immediately pop up to mind when you read it -- obviously it didn't even occur to the author that it could be a problem, which gives you a lot of confidence in the implementation -- NOT.) I'm glad I exercised caution. :-/The changes to `in` are obnoxious since it keeps changing the definition to protect people who weren't following the spec while punishing people who were. But... it is potentially leading to something valuable and is pretty easy to migrate things, so I'll cut it a bit of slack. While it annoys me, on balance, I can actually see this as worthwhile.With the recent proliferation of attributes and their frequent breakages, I've become more and more hesitant to use them in my own code. If it's a template and the compiler deals with them for me, then fine. But I'm feeling more and more resistance to writing them myself, in the fear that it will come back one day to bite me from behind at the least convenient moment. (One time I had a user request that got stalled because of a deprecation kicked in for an old-ish project that I hadn't touched in a while. What could have been a 5-minute bugfix turned into a several-hour detour to fix deprecations. It was Not Fun(tm).) Another example of a deprecation of questionable value, though in Phobos, not the language itself, is the approxEqual -> isClose deprecation a couple of years ago. I mean, there's totally a good reason behind it, but the fact that it broke lots of perfectly-fine old code was Not Nice. And the deprecation message was unclear about how to fix the code -- I had to go out of my way to look up the docs for isClose (and the choice of name IMO was unfortunate) just to figure out what exactly I needed to do to replicate the old behaviour of approxEqual. That was Not Nice when I needed to recompile an old project just for a 1-line bugfix. I ended up spending hours on it, rather than just a 5-minute quick fix. I have absolutely no problem with using isClose for new code, but why gratuitously break old code for no reason? A lot of the breakage in my code was in old unittests -- verifying computations for values that are known to work correctly with approxEqual. Just because approxEqual had some bad corner cases -- which my unittests did NOT touch -- is no reason to break it for ALL old code in existence that uses it. Just undocument it so that new code won't use it anymore. It doesn't cause problems with anything else; its continued existence in Phobos doesn't cause any detriment. Old code would continue to compile, and that's a Good Thing(tm).Dependencies *are* evil. (Dependency hell is an NP-complete problem. That says something.) I've come to adopt the practice of keeping a local copy of all my 3rd party dependencies in my workspace, just so the code will still exist 10 years down the road when I suddenly need to recompile old code again. I've been burned a couple of time with non-D projects (these were C and C++ projects) where upstream of a 3rd party lib either vanished into the ether, or decided to go ahead with a totally breaking change with no migration path, AND the old version of the code conveniently doesn't exist anymore. I swore to myself that I'll never rely ever again on the existence of some library source code that only lives on some server somewhere out there on the 'Net. If I ever need a 3rd party lib, I'd better be darned sure I'm relying on a local copy of it that's gonna STAY put forever (not just in some temporary dub cache that can randomly get removed), until I don't need it anymore. That said, though, if D is forever going to remain in the realm of DIY code, then it's never going to grow beyond what it is now. We NEED to promote more collaborative libs, not discourage them through gratuitous breakages.But the less library dependencies you have, the less problems.Yeah, dependencies are evil, but again this is a bit of a problem: D works best when everyone does their own thing. But one of the paths to bigger adoption is more collaborative libs...Also, some things you may not be able to fix yourself. E.g. if the lib was a crypto lib and you're not a crypto expert. Or fixing a deprecation issue requires deep knowledge of the internal workings of the lib, which you may not have. T -- That's not a bug; that's a feature!Sometimes it may be more practical to bundle the library source in your codebase (as opposed to DUB registry) so you can fix it yourself. That has its downsides but it's still a valid choice.When your thing is open source it tends to become a problem eventually whether you like it or not.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:54:53 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Can 100% confirm (Weka), and I share the frustration. Breakage happens upon every release, with significant effort involved to find and fix the breakage (i.e. you hire a compiler dev for it = me). Breakage is due to: - Intentional change of behaviour, sometimes without clear solution path or with buggy solutions. and 23977 for recent examples. - New bugs due to some improvement or new functionality. I'm not sure, but I think this is mostly due to a severe lack of rigorous test cases, and unstructured compiler implementation (no splitting of certain analyses into well-defined functions (copying around of complex analysis) and too many special cases all around the semantic analysis for example). A change made in part X, has high likelihood to change behaviour of a seemingly unrelated part Y, and the lack of test cases means it will go undetected. The breakneck pace of releases means that the releases themselves do not get sufficient community testing (who tests betas?? lol, I'm still working on fixing the code for the release from last year). So every release is maintaining the level of immaturity (note: .0 releases I don't even consider, .1 or .2 (what LDC uses) is slightly better). -JohanI usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent.Can't confirm. Can you give some examples, please? In my experience (and we maintain a lot of D code), serious *new* breakage (not an existing bug) is pretty rare.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 17:20:25 UTC, Johan wrote:So every release is maintaining the level of immaturity (note: .0 releases I don't even consider, .1 or .2 (what LDC uses) is slightly better). -JohanPersonally I only use GDC in production and I've never had any surprises with their releases, I honestly would never use DMD in production I consider the quality of the backend insufficient for serious use in production. I don't want to say a heresy, but sincerely if I had to decide for D the first thing I would do is stop work on DMD I don't see the real usefulness when we have LDC and GDC. Probably the primary development could be done on LDC to not have to be conditioned by the release times of GCC.
Jun 08 2023
On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 05:34:40PM +0000, Ernesto Castellotti via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 17:20:25 UTC, Johan wrote:[...]So every release is maintaining the level of immaturity (note: .0 releases I don't even consider, .1 or .2 (what LDC uses) is slightly better).Personally I only use GDC in production and I've never had any surprises with their releases, I honestly would never use DMD in production I consider the quality of the backend insufficient for serious use in production. I don't want to say a heresy, but sincerely if I had to decide for D the first thing I would do is stop work on DMD I don't see the real usefulness when we have LDC and GDC. Probably the primary development could be done on LDC to not have to be conditioned by the release times of GCC.DMD is Walter's baby, and he'll probably let it go only over his dead body. :-D To be fair, though, for all its flaws DMD has one upside: super-fast compile speed, which is valuable during development because the shorter your code-compile-test cycle is, the more productive you are. For final builds of almost anything (except shell-script replacements where codegen quality is irrelevant), I wouldn't touch DMD with a 10-foot pole. Its codegen quality is just too low, esp. when it comes to performance of the resulting executable. Over the years I've consistently gotten 30-40% speed improvements with LDC over DMD, sometimes even 50%. LDC is my go-to compiler for serious work. Once in a while I use gdc and find that it has comparable codegen quality to LDC. T -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 20:55:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:DMD is Walter's baby, and he'll probably let it go only over his dead body. :-DOf course, in fact I was referring to a utopian situation ;-DTo be fair, though, for all its flaws DMD has one upside: super-fast compile speed, which is valuable during development because the shorter your code-compile-test cycle is, the more productive you are.Yes that's true, however I don't see all this difference compared to GDC or LDC. For me it's not enough to concentrate the time in the development of DMD, killing DMD I think it's wrong but I if I was in the utopian situation of being able to decide anything about D I would keep it exclusively as a best effort side projectFor final builds of almost anything (except shell-script replacements where codegen quality is irrelevant), I wouldn't touch DMD with a 10-foot pole. Its codegen quality is just too low, esp. when it comes to performance of the resulting executable. Over the years I've consistently gotten 30-40% speed improvements with LDC over DMD, sometimes even 50%. LDC is my go-to compiler for serious work. Once in a while I use gdc and find that it has comparable codegen quality to LDC. TTrue, LDC is really good. GDC starting from GCC 12 version started to get really interesting (so much so that now I've replaced LDC with GDC in production because it's much easier for me to handle for my embedded programming) because it is updated to recent D versions. I believe that no one can ever reward enough Iain Buclaw for the great work he did with GDC, having a D compiler on GCC mainline is just amazing.
Jun 08 2023
On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 09:05:18PM +0000, Ernesto Castellotti via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]GDC starting from GCC 12 version started to get really interesting (so much so that now I've replaced LDC with GDC in production because it's much easier for me to handle for my embedded programming) because it is updated to recent D versions.I stuck with LDC mainly for the ease of cross-compiling to Windows. All I need is to download the LDC releases for Linux and Windows, modify a config file, and it's ready to go. Cross-compiling with GDC is much trickier to setup, and can be fragile if you're not 100% sure what you're doing.I believe that no one can ever reward enough Iain Buclaw for the great work he did with GDC, having a D compiler on GCC mainline is just amazing.To get a language into GCC mainline takes dedication and skill. The GCC codebase isn't the most friendly to work with if you're not familiar with it. And getting code to the point that it gets accepted into mainline takes some real skillz. But it also takes time -- IIRC it took many years for Iain to push it through to GCC mainline. That takes dedication: long, dogged persistence. It's really rare to find someone who can do both. Iain is a real treasure to the D community. T -- Which is worse: ignorance or apathy? Who knows? Who cares? -- Erich Schubert
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 21:33:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:I stuck with LDC mainly for the ease of cross-compiling to Windows. All I need is to download the LDC releases for Linux and Windows, modify a config file, and it's ready to go. Cross-compiling with GDC is much trickier to setup, and can be fragile if you're not 100% sure what you're doing.Yeah great point, I hadn't thought about Windows because it's been years since I've done anything on Windows and in any case I've never used D for Windows programs only C++ :-(
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/2023 10:20 AM, Johan wrote:- Intentional change of behaviour, sometimes without clear solution path or with buggy solutions. and 23977 for recent examples.I suggest: Restore the old getAttributes behavior, and create a new getAttributes2 with the new behavior. Will that work for you?
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 07:07:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/8/2023 10:20 AM, Johan wrote:Going a bit offtopic, but this is one case where a true package system would come in handy! You could opt into migrations on a per-package basis, and have one compilation that mixes for instance different usages of `getAttributes` in different source files with no ambiguity or confusion. One may even imagine bundling lots of migrations into "language editions" and updating those on a "long-term" basis. dub.json: ``` "edition": "d-2023", ``` (More at my dconf talk!)- Intentional change of behaviour, sometimes without clear solution path or with buggy solutions. and 23977 for recent examples.I suggest: Restore the old getAttributes behavior, and create a new getAttributes2 with the new behavior. Will that work for you?
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 07:07:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Restore the old getAttributes behavior, and create a new getAttributes2 with the new behavior. Will that work for you?This is often even worse than just changing the original, so such things need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. For the case of getAttributes, there's nothing actually wrong with the original behavior! The proposed getAttributes2 would be exactly identical to getAttributes, except that it gives a deprecation message on certain (currently ambigously defined, but could easily become defined) uses. There's no benefit to this and it would just add to long-term confusion as new people wonder what the differences are between the two. (Something similar happened with getVirtualMethods and getVirtualFunctions. One was simply defined incorrectly and instead of fixing it, the other was introduced with a subtly different definition. That one is more justifiable than getAttributes2 would be, since it actually *was* defined, and *maybe* that subtle difference matters, and it is hard for the compiler to statically detect. But now the current result is you have a function that is wrong and a function that is right sitting side by side with only a careful reading of the docs revealing which is which.) What I would suggest for getAttributes is either: Option 1: Define its status quo behavior on the spec. If passed an overloaded function symbol, it will return the attributes of the lexically first function in the set. There's nothing actually wrong with that if people know what to expect and how to work with it! Put in the docs: Tip: you can use getOverloads to loop over all the overloads in the set. Optionally, change getOverloads so it also works on non-functions, so you can always loop over names and overloads (Even if a set of one item in the case of non-overloadable entities) without a separate branch. OR Option 2 (my preference): Sit down and define what, exactly, an overload set is in the language and make it into its own conceptual model with associated definitions in the reflection system. I don't have a specific proposal for D right now, but in my little script.d language, I made overload sets actually be an object with opCall defined. This is, of course, different since script.d is a dynamic language so many things, including overload resolution, happen at runtime. Indeed, this design was less about conceptual purity than about laziness in implementation - I already had objects and opCall working, so defining an object that internally had an array of functions and dispatched it was fairly easy. But a side effect is the rest of the language can still work with it. I can loop over the overloads by... just literally looping over the overload set member in the object. You can detect it is an overload set by comparing object types. Other properties can be attached to it, etc. That exact implementation is not right for D, but perhaps something similar could work. We could define all kinds of things in both the docs and in the language, iron out some edge cases, and make reflection easier to use. Our random collection of of traits has served D well so far, but a second draft can learn a lot from its real world lessons and then both would exist side by side as a compatibility bridge.
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 12:35:37 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:Option 1: Define its status quo behavior on the spec. If passed an overloaded function symbol, it will return the attributes of the lexically first function in the set. There's nothing actually wrong with that if people know what to expect and how to work with it!Yeah, hard disagree; or rather: "there's nothing actually wrong if people know what to expect and how to work with it" ... *and do so reliably*, which is to say that it is terrible. If you place a [pit of despair]( next to a feature, you should not blame the user for falling into it. The truth is, `getAttributes` *invites* handling overloads wrong, it's a footgun, because you'll probably not be testing it with overloads and unless you choose the right tests, even if you do it will still appear to work correctly, while silently executing a behavior that you probably won't expect and definitely won't notice until a user complains years later when you have long moved on to another project.
Jun 15 2023
Option 1 looks pretty good. Letting the user combine it with getOverloads sounds good.
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 07:07:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/8/2023 10:20 AM, Johan wrote:Weka is using its own fork of the compiler (*), so indeed this is what I had tried, but Phobos was also adjusted and I try to stick to "no Phobos modifications" to prevent diverging even further from upstream. I'll think I'll settle on the workaround as suggested in the bug report (assuming it works out for us). -Johan (*) because we have such reverts / cherry-picks- Intentional change of behaviour, sometimes without clear solution path or with buggy solutions. and 23977 for recent examples.I suggest: Restore the old getAttributes behavior, and create a new getAttributes2 with the new behavior. Will that work for you?
Jun 15 2023
On 6/8/23 9:38 AM, GrimMaple wrote:I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage. It's nearly impossible to develop any reasonable 3rdparty in those conditions. I'm tired of fixing things that weren't broken. And I can't even imagine having to support multiple branches of code because of those deprecations. But I probably should, as, periodically, I get issues that dlangui can't compile with some outdated dmd version. It's just insane!I'm not saying your wrong or arguing with you, but you need to give specific examples. We can do nothing about general nebulous problems. I know about the deprecation messages from DIP1000, I don't like those either (deprecation messages for my vibe-d project went from like 5 (that are my fault) to 20,000). -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:08:05 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:On 6/8/23 9:38 AM, GrimMaple wrote: I know about the deprecation messages from DIP1000, I don't like those either (deprecation messages for my vibe-d project went from like 5 (that are my fault) to 20,000). -SteveI think Grim meant this one: Also another user mentioned previously about __traits(getAttributes) deprecation and problems with dyaml package
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/23 10:15 AM, Sergey wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:08:05 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:That's a segfault bug in the compiler, not an intentional language issue. I would love to ensure that every release of the compiler doesn't have any bugs, please let me know when you have figured out how to guarantee that.On 6/8/23 9:38 AM, GrimMaple wrote: I know about the deprecation messages from DIP1000, I don't like those either (deprecation messages for my vibe-d project went from like 5 (that are my fault) to 20,000).I think Grim meant this one: another user mentioned previously about __traits(getAttributes) deprecation and problems with dyaml packageThis I am interested in seeing, have a link? -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:26:56 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:That's a segfault bug in the compiler, not an intentional language issue. I would love to ensure that every release of the compiler doesn't have any bugs, please let me know when you have figured out how to guarantee that.I like your sarcasm, but I didn't bring up the linked issue, as a segfault is obviously not related to my experience. Even though it adds an insult to injury.This I am interested in seeing, have a link? -SteveI am particularly displeased with the community attitude of "link or didn't happen", because you personally know me and know how much struggle I had with trying to code in D.
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/23 10:37 AM, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:26:56 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:I'm very interested in hearing problems that aren't compiler bugs though. So when I ask, please bring an issue, and the answer is this, then what am I to say?That's a segfault bug in the compiler, not an intentional language issue. I would love to ensure that every release of the compiler doesn't have any bugs, please let me know when you have figured out how to guarantee that.I like your sarcasm, but I didn't bring up the linked issue, as a segfault is obviously not related to my experience. Even though it adds an insult to injury.I am particularly displeased with the community attitude of "link or didn't happen", because you personally know me and know how much struggle I had with trying to code in D.I know it does happen, I know some of the issues you have faced. As I said, I'm not saying you are wrong. But what can someone like me do if it's just "things are bad, please help"? I'm ready to help! I just need to see what's happening. The truth is, D *shouldn't* break code. It's not an intentional thing (most of the time). We have a set of something like 50 or 60 3rd-party projects that are CI tested with every PR. So the assertion that the core team doesn't care about 3rd party is simply wrong. But what can we do to help, if there is no specifics? -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On 08.06.23 16:44, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:The truth is, D *shouldn't* break code. It's not an intentional thing (most of the time). We have a set of something like 50 or 60 3rd-party projects that are CI tested with every PR. So the assertion that the core team doesn't care about 3rd party is simply wrong. But what can we do to help, if there is no specifics?Add dlangui to the list of 3rd-party projects?
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:44:00 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:The truth is, D *shouldn't* break code. It's not an intentional thing (most of the time). We have a set of something like 50 or 60 3rd-party projects that are CI tested with every PR. So the assertion that the core team doesn't care about 3rd party is simply wrong. But what can we do to help, if there is no specifics? -SteveThe truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere. Per "core team doesn't care", when was the last time they had any meaningful meeting with said third party? When did they ask 3rd party developers directly about what they want or what they need? When did core team asked about "is it okay to deprecate this"? The buildkite link is a joke in itself. It has some random packages, many of which are either deprecated, either abandoned. It doesn't even include most of the list.
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/23 10:56 AM, GrimMaple wrote:The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere. Per "core team doesn't care", when was the last time they had any meaningful meeting with said third party? When did they ask 3rd party developers directly about what they want or what they need? When did core team asked about "is it okay to deprecate this"? The buildkite link is a joke in itself. It has some random packages, many of which are either deprecated, either abandoned. It doesn't even include most of the list.An LTS branch needs at least one dedicated person to keep it up to date with any bug fixes that happen in the main line. This is not a trivial task. I think it would be fantastic to have, I don't know what the DLF has in terms of resources to make it happen. As far as 3rd party input, they have started inviting community members into the monthly meetings. I attended the last one, along with 2 others. Maybe ask Mike about attending? Adding libs to buildkite requires someone to set up the buildkite CI, it's not too hard. But I just noticed, the one I got added was removed (MartinNowak/io), I probably was contacted about it, but I don't remember. But this isn't something that DLF is going to do itself. If you want your project added, all you have to do is make the PR: And then you have to be responsive to any issues that happen because CI fails to build. -Steve
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:11:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:But this isn't something that DLF is going to do itself. If you want your project added, all you have to do is make the PR: And then you have to be responsive to any issues that happen because CI fails to build.So, DLF isn't going to care, and then you try to convince me, that they _do_ care. I'm sorry, but running around begging "oh please don't break my code" is unproductive. There is only this much one can do. And I know this goes both ways. I don't expect core team to run around and check if everyone is happy, but I expect at least some level of commitment towards making D a safe (not in a sense of memory-safe) language. What I'm seeing right now is strong refusal that there even are any issues.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:11:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:An LTS branch needs at least one dedicated person to keep it up to date with any bug fixes that happen in the main line. This is not a trivial task.But that's not the purpose of an LTS release. You do it so you can share your code with others without having to support every compiler release for the last several years. A good example for another language is what R does for Ubuntu releases: Some background: It's a nightmare trying to install R packages on Linux these days because that's traditionally been done from source. One of the prolific package writers adds insane numbers of dependencies like he's writing Javascript, and many of those dependencies require compilation of C++, which has miserable compile times. It's not unusual to spend more than an hour installing a single package because you need a single function it provides. Since it got to the point of impractical to use R on Linux, someone created the c2d4u repo. As it says on the linked page: "The ‘c2d4u’ repository is only available for LTS releases." It doesn't matter which release is labeled LTS, what matters is that Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 are the only things they have to support - but they couldn't do that with Ubuntu labeling one of their releases every two years as LTS. That's not to say that big fixes couldn't be backported if they were valuable. Just that it's orthogonal to LTS.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:56:21 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere. Per "core team doesn't care", when was the last time they had any meaningful meeting with said third party? When did they ask 3rd party developers directly about what they want or what they need? When did core team asked about "is it okay to deprecate this"?At the end of every monthly meeting summary I post an open invitation for anyone who wants to bring something to us to discuss. I've been doing that for a while now. If you want to make the case for an LTS, that's the place to do it. Anytime you want to bring anything to the team, just email me and I'll bring you in.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:22:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:At the end of every monthly meeting summary I post an open invitation for anyone who wants to bring something to us to discuss. I've been doing that for a while now. If you want to make the case for an LTS, that's the place to do it. Anytime you want to bring anything to the team, just email me and I'll bring you in.As far as I appreciate your efforts, becoming a language developer was never my intention. Especially, for free. I have other things to write (in D, mind you), and I'm only willing to help as much as I can -- I steadily file bug reports every time I encounter something; I'm keeping some code up to date; I contribute to other D libraries that I can contribute to. All I'm saying is, any further coding in D is going to be impossible if no effort is brought into stabilizing the language.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:29:08 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:As far as I appreciate your efforts, becoming a language developer was never my intention. Especially, for free. I have other things to write (in D, mind you), and I'm only willing to help as much as I can -- I steadily file bug reports every time I encounter something; I'm keeping some code up to date; I contribute to other D libraries that I can contribute to. All I'm saying is, any further coding in D is going to be impossible if no effort is brought into stabilizing the language.I'm not saying you should become a language developer. I'm saying if you have a strong case for an LTS release, bring it. I'm sure it's come up before, but no one has ever pushed it in a meeting that I can recall. I can't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't mind seeing it. I just know that there's a mountain of other work that we're putting a priority on right now, and until someone pushes it, I doubt anyone's going to pick it up.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:38:15 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:29:08 UTC, GrimMaple wrote: I'm not saying you should become a language developer. I'm saying if you have a strong case for an LTS release, bring it. I'm sure it's come up before, but no one has ever pushed it in a meeting that I can recall. I can't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't mind seeing it. I just know that there's a mountain of other work that we're putting a priority on right now, and until someone pushes it, I doubt anyone's going to pick it up.Too much bureaucracy: just look at: 1) How fast this threads grow: 30 replies in ~3 hours! esp. from developers who are maintaining real projects. 2) And, how many times this topic have been raised in this forum again and again.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 17:49:27 UTC, mw wrote:1) How fast this threads grow: 30 replies in ~3 hours! esp. from developers who are maintaining real projects. 2) And, how many times this topic have been raised in this forum again and again.I am a developer who maintains real (commercial!) projects, and I want D to break more compatibility and do less stability. Just, you know, for reference. Every time a complaint threat comes up, it tends to hog the frontpage. This sort of forum mechanics selects for *engagement*, not agreement. Note how my responses disagreeing with you bump the thread just as much as responses that agree. Also, at the end of the day, language development is not a poll. There are some good arguments for (and against) a D3 split; "look how many posts can get spammed on this thread" is not one of them. Otherwise we should probably go and make `private` class scope as well...
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 19:34:41 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:I am a developer who maintains real (commercial!) projects, and I want D to break more compatibility and do less stability. Just, you know, for reference.Maintaining closed-source commerical projects isn't a problem with changing compiler. Because you only need to support one version at a time. Then, try writing open-source with many users, all of whom use different versions (and vendors) of compiler. Now you're in trouble.Also, at the end of the day, language development is not a poll. There are some good arguments for (and against) a D3 split; "look how many posts can get spammed on this thread" is not one of them. Otherwise we should probably go and make `private` class scope as well...D3 split doesn't hurt anyone. I don't know about making `private` class scope. If it doesn't hurt people - why not. After all, the "support" of an LTS branch will most likely go towards those interested in that branch, while others can use D3 if they want breaking changes. Of course it's not a poll, but if issues come up repeatedly, then you have to listen to them. I don't understand how LTS is such a bad idea that everyone is so aggressively against it. It's not like we're stealing your freedom to do whatever, we're proposing (or at least trying to) a solution that theoretically should fulfill both ends needs.The thing is that D doesn't have structure enough to get a LTS. We can only try to always get newest ones because we don't want to deal with old and nasty > bugs.As someone in this thread pointed out already, LTS doesn't really require a lot of work to begin with. Just fix behavior in-place, with occasional security and segfault patches. At least, a working strategy could be developed according to amount of manpower. Also, "D doesn't have structure" isn't coming from the nature of things. It has no structure because nobody is giving it structure. I also find it very amusing how, supposedly, Walter has a final say anyway, but it's always the community's fault for D lacking structure, or manpower, or anything else. I would've liked to see a negotiation point from the D core team, like: "We can do an LTS branch, if: #list we can allocate people, assign roles, maybe even raise funds. But I hate it when core devs just show up saying "nah can't be bothered you do it". Because I know, at the end of the day, Walter can just say "no" and all the effort will go down the drain. I find the whole idea of LTS pointless when the core community isn't interested in working towards that goal. I mean, if the initial author of LTS leaves, what are you stuck with?
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:22:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:56:21 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:A formal meeting with idk how many people but id guess like 6 people where your posting minutes is hardly an invitation Id accept. Formality and 1 on 6 is scary; id suggest different methods to get information from people who dont feel listened to.The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere. Per "core team doesn't care", when was the last time they had any meaningful meeting with said third party? When did they ask 3rd party developers directly about what they want or what they need? When did core team asked about "is it okay to deprecate this"?At the end of every monthly meeting summary I post an open invitation for anyone who wants to bring something to us to discuss. I've been doing that for a while now. If you want to make the case for an LTS, that's the place to do it. Anytime you want to bring anything to the team, just email me and I'll bring you in.
Jun 09 2023
On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 00:32:33 UTC, monkyyy wrote:A formal meeting with idk how many people but id guess like 6 people where your posting minutes is hardly an invitation Id accept. Formality and 1 on 6 is scary; id suggest different methods to get information from people who dont feel listened to.Our meetings are far from formal. And it's in no way a scenario in which all of us will gang up on any one person. Often, we disagree with each other at first and discuss our way to agreement. Adam and Steve are regular members now. Nick Treleaven joined us last time and may become either a semi-regular or regular member. There's much benefit to having a range of viewpoints, and I think once anyone comes in, any trepidation or uncertainty they have will disappear once they see how it goes. And if anyone doesn't want their words to appear in the summary, all they have to do is tell me. That's why I call them "summaries" and not "minutes".
Jun 09 2023
On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 05:43:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:Our meetings are far from formal. And it's in no way a scenario in which all of us will gang up on any one person. Often, we disagree with each other at first and discuss our way to agreement. Adam and Steve are regular members now. Nick Treleaven joined us last time and may become either a semi-regular or regular member. There's much benefit to having a range of viewpoints, and I think once anyone comes in, any trepidation or uncertainty they have will disappear once they see how it goes. And if anyone doesn't want their words to appear in the summary, all they have to do is tell me. That's why I call them "summaries" and not "minutes".Long story short, what is there to discuss, if a simple question like "What are the requirments for the D team to consider LTS branch/release" is hanging unanswered? I don't believe that discussing such a thing is worth my (or anyone else's) time just because nobody cares enough to give straight answers. Without resorting to [please forgive my momentary rudeness] idiotic suggestions to come to some arbitrary meeting to discuss essentially nothing. I am willing to come to the meeting, fine, but only after some common ground is found on topics of: 1. Needing LTS in the first place 2. Requirments and prerequisites for such an event 3. Your (D team's) proposition on how such thing could be achieved, and what resources are necessary for it So far I only saw endless debates on wether LTS is even needed, and some abstract talk about "gib monez" without any concrete propositions. Otherwise, this is a waste of everyone's time.
Jun 10 2023
On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 08:58:34 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Long story short, what is there to discuss, if a simple question like "What are the requirments for the D team to consider LTS branch/release" is hanging unanswered? I don't believe that discussing such a thing is worth my (or anyone else's) time just because nobody cares enough to give straight answers. Without resorting to [please forgive my momentary rudeness] idiotic suggestions to come to some arbitrary meeting to discuss essentially nothing. I am willing to come to the meeting, fine, but only after some common ground is found on topics of: 1. Needing LTS in the first place 2. Requirments and prerequisites for such an event 3. Your (D team's) proposition on how such thing could be achieved, and what resources are necessary for it So far I only saw endless debates on wether LTS is even needed, and some abstract talk about "gib monez" without any concrete propositions. Otherwise, this is a waste of everyone's time.You're the one pushing for an LTS release. If you have a case to make for it, then you're welcome to come to the meeting and discuss it. I can't speak for everyone on the team. You might find support, you might not. The invitation's there, without any preconditions. Take it or leave it.
Jun 10 2023
On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 09:31:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:You're the one pushing for an LTS release. If you have a case to make for it, then you're welcome to come to the meeting and discuss it. I can't speak for everyone on the team. You might find support, you might not. The invitation's there, without any preconditions. Take it or leave it.With that attitutude, I choose to "leave it".
Jun 10 2023
On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 10:34:06 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 09:31:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:How come? Mike is saying you're more than welcome to state your case? Are you suggesting that you'll only bother to do so if it's a foregone conclusion that it'll indeed happen? That seems an odd tack to take for something you apparently feel quite strongly about? Also, see Iain's message above; 2.076 is already the _de facto_ LTS due to GDC requirements (I believe ADR made this argument recently in the Discord too). From my limited perspective, the ideal case here is LDC and GDC working together on the _de facto_ LTS versions re. backporting important patches it seems. I'll leave the discussion of how that could work to more knowledgeable people. In other words: This is _really close_ to happening is my impression. Why wouldn't you want to be one of the people helping to bring it over the goal line re. DLF buy-in so _you actually get what you were after in the first place?_You're the one pushing for an LTS release. If you have a case to make for it, then you're welcome to come to the meeting and discuss it. I can't speak for everyone on the team. You might find support, you might not. The invitation's there, without any preconditions. Take it or leave it.With that attitutude, I choose to "leave it".
Jun 11 2023
On Sunday, 11 June 2023 at 19:33:42 UTC, Rune Morling wrote:How come? Mike is saying you're more than welcome to state your case? Are you suggesting that you'll only bother to do so if it's a foregone conclusion that it'll indeed happen?No. I am suggesting that there is no reason to believe that this "meeting" is going to be productive in any way. What going to happen is, I will join the meeting, and then get reiterated everything that's already been said here. Things like:It's just that I can't see how it would be effective.If Walter can't see how it would be effective, and actually directly disagreeing with me:Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance.How can I convince him otherwise? Just say "no u wrong"? This isn't going to work. Or, rather, why __would__ I even bother convincing him, when a clearly better solution for me would be to simply switch languages. Where I wouldn't even __need__ to support a GUI library to have one. I have already said that, IMO, to understand my point, core D should try supporting some of the 3rd party. Maybe then they'll have to deal with all that versioning stuff. And maybe then they'll realize that LTS is needed. After all, there are things you can't understand until you're struck by them.That seems an odd tack to take for something you apparently feel quite strongly about?Some develop the langauge, some use the language. I'm not a language developer, and I don't intend on becoming one. If I wanted to, I'd just make my own language. Because there is only this much resistance I'm willing to go through __for free__. I have my daily job (in D!), but I'm still willing to commit in ways that can be found productive by both parties. Arguing with Walter isn't something I'm going to do, even for money. As someone said in this thread previously, D is heavily biased towards language __developers__, not language __users__.From my limited perspective, the ideal case here is LDC and GDC working together on the _de facto_ LTS versions re. backporting important patches it seems. I'll leave the discussion of how that could work to more knowledgeable people.From my limited perspective, GDC is awful and is not good for production. Then again, it's not like any other D compiler is "good enough", maybe LDC is. But anyway, in practice, GDC is a rare beast and most people use DMD/LDC. Maybe if GDC is promoted as "default" D compiler, then yes, we're getting there. But this wasn't suggested by anyone from the D team. They don't even want to spend 5 to 10 minutes coming up with ideas on my _direct_ question:What is your take, what will allow us to have an LTS branch?So, again, there's simply nothing to discuss. I'm not big into how D team internals work, so how can I know what they want/need.In other words: This is _really close_ to happening is my impression. Why wouldn't you want to be one of the people helping to bring it over the goal line re. DLF buy-in so _you actually get what you were after in the first place?_Contributing to any open-source project isn't a privilege. At least it shouldn't be, in my opinion. Especially, when everyone is saying how they "lack manpower". But when issues are brought up, they just resort to "nah" or "do it yourself". And even when you _do_ it yourself, you end up in pages of useless arguing and very little productive being achieved. Or even your commits being reverted *sigh* It's not that I expect D team to go and magically fix all my issues, and I never implied that. I'm jsut a language user ~~crying for help~~ coming up with a proposal to improve the language. I don't have expertise to be a language developer. And I sure don't expect blatant disagreeing and responsibility dodging from the D team. What I expect is: 1. Understanding the problem 2. Proposing a possible solution with a list of requirments 3. Analyzing possible pitfalls to discuss Only then a meeting is necessary. Those 3 steps can easily be discussed in a forum post without wasting everyone's time with pointless banter. I outlined the preconditions for (actually any) meeting:I am willing to come to the meeting, fine, but only after some common ground is found on topics of: Needing LTS in the first place Requirments and prerequisites for such an event Your (D team's) proposition on how such thing could be achieved, and what resources are necessary for itOtherwise (I'm probably repeating myself too much) there's simply __nothing to talk about__. It will be a stupid, pointless, phylosophical debate with nothing productive being achieved. You can read this as: I'm a user that is willing to contribute, but I'm not going to spend my time begging and arguing, because there are other languages. I already spent enough time trying to do good things for D, and there is a decent chunk of sunk cost fallacy, but this can't go on forever. What angries me the most is how everyone is blatantly ignorant about users that they lose. For the love of everything that's holy, I already started my most recent project in **C++**, because it's just easier, despite everything bad about the language. Take this with a little grain of salt, because I already stopped beginning projects in D. LTS isn't even the only problem with the language. It's one of the many that make D actually _unusable_ in modern day programming. Unfortunately, none of them are being addressed. P.S. I still don't understand why D team expects people to spend hours and days to get very little done in regards of productivity. Despite how many people have left because of those reasons. I don't understand why D treats 3rd party developers as morons/idiots/non-importnat people (please select the correct one), and why they still make no effort to support said 3rd party. Modern day programming is impossible without third-party. Because people would rather deal with C++ that has everything, than enjoy D that has nothing. (and it's not like D is really an enjoyable language to begin with)
Jun 11 2023
On Sunday, 11 June 2023 at 22:25:48 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:From my limited perspective, GDC is awful and is not good for production. Then again, it's not like any other D compiler is "good enough", maybe LDC is. But anyway, in practice, GDC is a rare beast and most people use DMD/LDC.I don't understand why you say GDC is awful, it's simply D GCC frontend and behaves as one would expect from GCC. GDC (like all GCC frontends) also has a great professional manual where it explains everything there is to know about the compiler, far superior to any other D compiler where the documentation I do not consider excellent. What are your problems with GDC?But this wasn't suggested by anyone from the D team.It's literally on the dlang download web page, I would say that it is certainly to be considered among the officially recommended compilersP.S. I still don't understand why D team expects people to spend hours and days to get very little done in regards of productivity. Despite how many people have left because of those reasons.I doubt the D team expects anything from people
Jun 11 2023
On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 02:56:21PM +0000, GrimMaple via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]The buildkite link is a joke in itself. It has some random packages, many of which are either deprecated, either abandoned. It doesn't even include most of the list.Here's a wild idea: - Go through and compile them with the latest compiler. - Add *every* project that compiles to the buildkite list. - Repeat this every release cycle. - In the meantime, if anyone comes across any D project anywhere, as long as the source is public add it to buildkite. OK, that takes care of coverage. By this point the core devs are probably already screaming, "who's gonna fix broken builds when an unmaintained project stops compiling?" My answer is: - For every buildkite breakage, contact the maintainer and ask him to fix the code. - If he doesn't respond (the project is abandoned / inactive), the PR submitter should figure out a way of fixing / working around the problem. THEN ADD THE WORKAROUND TO THE COMPILER. Either offer a flag to enable the workaround, or have the compiler generate an error message with explicit instructions of how to fix the problem. The idea as presented above is probably impractical for a ton of reasons. But it's a starting point. Somewhere to begin taking practical steps attacking this problem, rather than sweeping it under the rug or just yelling at each other. T -- Let X be the set not defined by this sentence...
Jun 08 2023
On 6/8/2023 7:56 AM, GrimMaple wrote:The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere.It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance. Clearly, the deprecation scheme is not serving our users well. We'll have to find a better way.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance.I disagree with this statement, and I see a lot of people agreeing with my disagreement :) LTS is LTS for a reason, meaning that 3rdparty will (ideally) only target LTS, without having to target unpredictable compiler. I don't understand how this is going to be worse for 3rd party, I only see wins. Have you read the thread btw? I already posted an example ( where one person outright __refused__ to do anything about their broken code. I'll copy-paste the reasoning (it's about deprecated alias this):Honestly I don't know how to fix it without breaking/revamping the code. The solution proposed in the dmd changelog didn't work for me. It also looks wrong and insufficient at all.As for tis part:Clearly, the deprecation scheme is not serving our users well. We'll have to find a better way.The better way has been proposed already, it's just being dismissed without consideration. What is your take, what will allow us to have an LTS branch?
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 09:22:10 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I disagree with this statement, and I see a lot of people agreeing with my disagreement :) LTS is LTS for a reason, meaning that 3rdparty will (ideally) only target LTS, without having to target unpredictable compiler. I don't understand how this is going to be worse for 3rd party, I only see wins. Have you read the thread btw? I already posted an example ( where one person outright __refused__ to do anything about their broken code. I'll copy-paste the reasoning (it's about deprecated alias this):How would LTS help? That only means they'll end up stuck at an old LTS version. It buys you a year, and then it breaks anyway. You'd have to postulate a person who is okay with fixing *more* breaking changes, so long as it's more rarely. I'm skeptical.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 10:16:15 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:How would LTS help? That only means they'll end up stuck at an old LTS version. It buys you a year, and then it breaks anyway.Answer is: planning and versioning. It's much easier to allocate your time to migrate once a year (ideally once every two years) than to end up in a constant loop of fixing small issues every month or so. Breaking changes usually mean bumping major version number. This isn't what you want to do _every month_ when you develop some sort of third party. Long-term breakage is okay, as long as it happens less frequently. And, as long as this breakage is actually meaningful, not this "deprecate stuff because we can't fix it". My **user** opinion is, a well-known bug is better than correctly working code that breaks code that already works this known bug around.You'd have to postulate a person who is okay with fixing *more* breaking changes, so long as it's more rarely. I'm skeptical.Provided that there _will_ be more breaking changes. Actually, LTS branch will allow for more breakage short-term, allowing more freedom of D development, and resulting in less breakage long-term. Take this `alias this` issue mentioned earlier. If we had an LTS branch (or release), it could've been deprecated, and then un-deprecated again. Instead, since it's deprecated, there's no sense in un-deprecating it now since everyone kinda moved on already.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 10:16:15 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 09:22:10 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:In my opinion, I do believe D is missing a LTS. It is needed. For example, all I see are monthly releases. Which release should I be using? As the original post suggest, there are breaking changes not just in own code but with third-party libraries as well. processes. Whenever I have an afternoon experimenting with D for a future project, I always hit a brick wall trying to test something. For example nanomsg-wrapper. What am I doing wrong? No idea. I get errors. Now, since the creation of this post... maybe I need to use an older D release? However, if I then include another project, will have get more problems? If we have a LTS build of, say. 18 months, the beta of the next build can be 12 after, allowing 6 months of tests and cleanups. It also allows third-parties to build their libraries/tools to LTS (as well as prepare for the next one) I think .NET has a good system with .NET 5, .NET 6, etc. Of course, they likely have a larger team but I don't think an LTS workflow for D would cause that much problems? Monthly builds of dlang can continue, afterall. Just my thoughts (and simplistic, I know.)I disagree with this statement, and I see a lot of people agreeing with my disagreement :) LTS is LTS for a reason, meaning that 3rdparty will (ideally) only target LTS, without having to target unpredictable compiler. I don't understand how this is going to be worse for 3rd party, I only see wins. Have you read the thread btw? I already posted an example ( where one person outright __refused__ to do anything about their broken code. I'll copy-paste the reasoning (it's about deprecated alias this):How would LTS help? That only means they'll end up stuck at an old LTS version. It buys you a year, and then it breaks anyway. You'd have to postulate a person who is okay with fixing *more* breaking changes, so long as it's more rarely. I'm skeptical.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 09:22:10 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:What is your vision for LTS releases? How often would a new LTS version be released and for how much time would it be supported? How many LTS branches would be maintained in parallel? Something like the Ubuntu release cycle - What is the range of supported versions that you would expect an actively maintained D library to support? Only the oldest LTS, or only newest one? What about the current versions? What are the criteria for backporting changes to an LTS branch? While library functionality removals and new compiler errors are obviously a no-no, what about deprecations? On one hand, one would would prefer things to keep working as they were, but on the other hand deprecations are a migration tool - they let the users know that they need to adjust their code in order to be able to upgrade to a new version down the line. There's also the question of certain bug fixes: usually druntime & phobos are straightforward, but there are some compiler bug fixes that can cause surprising regressions that are only discovered years (!) later, despite the best effort of everyone. I can assure you that this is not a theoretical concern - we've had hundreds of regression-causing bug fixes like this. The main cause is that the semantic processing part of the compiler codebase is very complex and convoluted. While some argue that the solution is ground-up from-scratch reimplemtnation (which is what the SDC project that has been years in the making is trying to accomplish), realistically, the most pragmatic option is to continuously refactor the codebase until it becomes much easier to maintain and evolve. Which is exactly what almost every major compiler contributor has worked towards on many occasions, but the reality is that we're still far from the place we want to be, and there's much more work to be done. I don't expect the rate of change to decrease, (and I surely hope it doesn't as it means the development is dying!), so I would expect the divergence between the LTS release and the current one to constantly increase, both in terms of direct user-observable language changes, but also in terms of the codebase. There are many cases where in order to fix a bug you first need to refactor the code (so e.g. the logic is centralized in a single place and not spread across multiple files), which would make certain commits very difficult to apply to the LTS branch. And even just in terms of user-facing changes, if the jump from LTS to the current release is too big, upgrading would become much more time consuming than the current status quo of a major release every two months, so in that sense, I would agree with Walter that this has the risk of splitting the community.It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance.I disagree with this statement, and I see a lot of people agreeing with my disagreement :) LTS is LTS for a reason, meaning that 3rdparty will (ideally) only target LTS, without having to target unpredictable compiler. [..]I don't understand how this is going to be worse for 3rd party, I only see wins.While the past few releases may have been heavier on the deprecation side of things, once there's a new compiler release with shiny new feature X™, you're quite likely to get an influx of users requesting support for it, so sticking with an old compiler release is unlikely make everyone happy.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 10:59:35 UTC, Petar Kirov [ZombineDev] wrote:What is your vision for LTS releases? How often would a new LTS version be released and for how much time would it be supported? How many LTS branches would be maintained in parallel? Something like the Ubuntu release cycle - What is the range of supported versions that you would expect an actively maintained D library to support? Only the oldest LTS, or only newest one? What about the current versions? What are the criteria for backporting changes to an LTS branch? While library functionality removals and new compiler errors are obviously a no-no, what about deprecations? On one hand, one would would prefer things to keep working as they were, but on the other hand deprecations are a migration tool - they let the users know that they need to adjust their code in order to be able to upgrade to a new version down the line.If it were up to me - I'd just split D into D2 and D3. D2 being a stable non-breaking lang that only adds upon what it already has. And D3 being a playground with "whatever goes", until peopel agree it's good enough and split for D4 is required. However, I understand other points of view as well, so having _at least_ some sort of stable release I am willing to treat as "good enough". A two-year cycle is a widely accept practice it seems, so why not adopt it?There's also the question of certain bug fixes: usually druntime & phobos are straightforward, but there are some compiler bug fixes that can cause surprising regressions that are only discovered years (!) later, despite the best effort of everyone. I can assure you that this is not a theoretical concern - we've had hundreds of regression-causing bug fixes like this. The main cause is that the semantic processing part of the compiler codebase is very complex and convoluted. While some argue that the solution is ground-up from-scratch reimplemtnation (which is what the SDC project that has been years in the making is trying to accomplish), realistically, the most pragmatic option is to continuously refactor the codebase until it becomes much easier to maintain and evolve. Which is exactly what almost every major compiler contributor has worked towards on many occasions, but the reality is that we're still far from the place we want to be, and there's much more work to be done.I think, in the real world, if you don't add new stuff -- you end up with less bugs, provided you fix existing ones. As in, bug fixes rarely lead to introducing more bugs, it's the development of new features that usually bring new issues. If you localize refactorings to a concrete issue - it's not too difficult to backport everything. Anything else is, unfortunately, tough luck (tm). In my view, an LTS branch should only recieve critical bugfixes, such as compiler crashes or security vulnerabilities. If something leads to a buggy behavior - that's a thing that should be fixed in main branch and released in the next LTS.I don't expect the rate of change to decrease, (and I surely hope it doesn't as it means the development is dying!), so I would expect the divergence between the LTS release and the current one to constantly increase, both in terms of direct user-observable language changes, but also in terms of the codebase. There are many cases where in order to fix a bug you first need to refactor the code (so e.g. the logic is centralized in a single place and not spread across multiple files), which would make certain commits very difficult to apply to the LTS branch.In my opinion, that is only going to happen if D continues do develop with no clear goal or target. Lack of understanding where D is heading towards is creating that issue almost singlehandedly. Of course you're gonna divert the community if big changes are going to keep popping out of nowhere, like ImportC did. Infact, I think, LTS branch might help bring order to somewhat chaotic nature of D development cycle. Provided that D wants to have any order, which doesn't seem to be the case. Again, it boils down to the fact that D developers (the lang & compiler ones) don't really use D on a day-to-day baiss, outside of the compiler. So they can't even grasp what I and others are talking about. How could they, if their "work" never affects them to any extent, they are free to change and break whatever they want. They don't have to deal with the damages that they cause.And even just in terms of user-facing changes, if the jump from LTS to the current release is too big, upgrading would become much more time consuming than the current status quo of a major release every two months, so in that sense, I would agree with Walter that this has the risk of splitting the community.It's still the same amount of changes, which are just easier to plan ahead for. And, again, it's not the changes themself that cause me pain, it's how frequent and breaking they are.While the past few releases may have been heavier on the deprecation side of things, once there's a new compiler release with shiny new feature X™, you're quite likely to get an influx of users requesting support for it, so sticking with an old compiler release is unlikely make everyone happy.The whole __point__ of LTS is that everyone has the same version. LTS releases and nobody complained about the "recent" compiler being unsupported. Because everyone understands why it's called an "experimental" version, and they patiently wait for new LTS release.
Jun 09 2023
On 6/9/2023 2:22 AM, GrimMaple wrote:The better way has been proposed already, it's just being dismissed without consideration. What is your take, what will allow us to have an LTS branch?It's come up before many times, it's not like we haven't considered it. We actually do have it - we do major releases, and point releases. Into the point releases go regression fixes and critical bug fixes. The trouble, though, is we simply don't have the staff to do a whole lot with this.
Jun 15 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance.Think about it, if there wasn't a new D2 project that was decoupled from D1. Where would D be today? I strongly suspect D would be near as "rich" as it is today. D1 would just stand still stomping. Now it is time again to make that leap. Balkanization is a necessary evil I think.
Jun 09 2023
On Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 03:58:16PM +0000, IGotD- via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I wasn't around during the D1/D2 split, but AFAIK there were D1 projects that eventually had no way to transition to D2 because of fundamental language discrepancies that had no migration path. If D3 ever happens, it would be nice to think about feasible migration paths for existing D2 code. // Also, as far as balkanization is concerned, I think we already have that with -betterC and nogc. Let's just face it, folks, the people embracing Phobos and GC are in their own camp, and the -betterC/ nogc crowd is in another camp, and the two aren't seeing eye to eye. Libraries written with Phobos in mind aren't compatible with betterC code, and libraries written with nogc in mind, while in theory compatible with Phobos-using code, do present some friction (e.g., you have to go out of your way to clean up after yourself instead of letting the GC do it, like you would in non-betterC code; you can't pass a GC callback to a nogc library, etc.). So, fear of balkanization IMO is fallacious. T -- The best compiler is between your ears. -- Michael AbrashIt's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance.Think about it, if there wasn't a new D2 project that was decoupled from D1. Where would D be today? I strongly suspect D would be near as "rich" as it is today. D1 would just stand still stomping. Now it is time again to make that leap. Balkanization is a necessary evil I think.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 16:22:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:I wasn't around during the D1/D2 split, but AFAIK there were D1 projects that eventually had no way to transition to D2 because of fundamental language discrepancies that had no migration path.Indeed. So worth noting that the D1/D2 split happened almost simultaneously: D2 came out about six months after D1. What happened previously is there was just the D language that changed randomly as it wanted. People asked for some long term support. D1 was arbitrarily branched off. It became the "stable" version and the existing all-development version got rebranded D2. This actually was a decent success for a while! Some big users stayed on stable successfully. But the stable thing eventually got dropped with no migration plan, and then there was never another stable release to replace it. Would want to avoid repeating those latter mistakes.
Jun 09 2023
On Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 04:41:28PM +0000, Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 16:22:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:See, to me this proves that: (1) LTS is viable for D; (2) A migration path must be provided to move between LTS releases. Point (1) is simple, at least in theory. (Well, simpl*er*, anyway.) Point (2) is something we need to work on. There should be a clear migration path for every breaking change introduced to the language, and this should be well-documented in a well-known place. Probably it's too onerous to do this for every release (though ideally that should be the case), but at the very least there should be a solid migration plan from one LTS release to the next. That way, users who want/need stability will have a way to migrate to newer releases, and won't be left behind with a 10yo obsolete compiler because there's no migration path. Users who don't mind breakages every now and then can just stay with the current releases. T -- Caffeine underflow. Brain dumped.I wasn't around during the D1/D2 split, but AFAIK there were D1 projects that eventually had no way to transition to D2 because of fundamental language discrepancies that had no migration path.Indeed. So worth noting that the D1/D2 split happened almost simultaneously: D2 came out about six months after D1. What happened previously is there was just the D language that changed randomly as it wanted. People asked for some long term support. D1 was arbitrarily branched off. It became the "stable" version and the existing all-development version got rebranded D2. This actually was a decent success for a while! Some big users stayed on stable successfully. But the stable thing eventually got dropped with no migration plan, and then there was never another stable release to replace it. Would want to avoid repeating those latter mistakes.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/8/2023 7:56 AM, GrimMaple wrote:2 versions is hardly balkanizing Given even 1 wave of depreciations I would have dropped dlanggui; if grim says he needs an lts to continue supporting that ancient project I think theres a simple question: Would you rather make an lts or let dlanggui die entirely?The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere.It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance. Clearly, the deprecation scheme is not serving our users well. We'll have to find a better way.
Jun 09 2023
On 09/06/2023 8:05 PM, Walter Bright wrote:It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective.Not making the compiler versions required to bootstrap the compiler LTS dooms our very ability to have a working compiler. Without having C++ dumps of the compiler, before we did the whole self hosting thing was kinda short sighted. Having LTS versions which work towards bootstrapping would certainly be beneficial to us long term and would allow us to solve the problem for the wider community who need stabilization.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 08:05:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/8/2023 7:56 AM, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 07:39:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:The truth is, I've been nagging about LTS branches, and I've been nagging directly to Mike about it, and it went nowhere.It's not about not caring about it. It's just that I can't see how it would be effective. Making LTS versions balkanizes the language into multiple languages, which will play hell with 3rd party library maintenance. Clearly, the deprecation scheme is not serving our users well. We'll have to find a better way.It's come up before many times, it's not like we haven't considered it. We actually do have it - we do major releases, and point releases. Into the point releases go regression fixes and critical bug fixes. The trouble, though, is we simply don't have the staff to do a whole lot with this.I understand this could be division (or maybe also to say repetition) to the core/language developers if we introduce LTS in D. I mean, if there was a security vulnerability that was fixed, it would need to be replicated on the active LTS releases, etc. However, I do not see why this would cause a division for 3rd Party Libraries - as they *should* be targeting their releases towards LTS, anyway. I think enough content has been voiced about LTS and, generally, appear to be on a similar wavelength by those in favour of it. Certainly enough for it to be discussed in a near future meeting with the core members. I understand there might not be enough staff at this time and other factors. I get it. I still believe this can spark more discussion and, potentally, form a strategy on how **it could work** if we had X, Y and Z. If a plan is presented and is understood on what needs to be done + the work involved, maybe someone will step up and get involved. Thanks.
Jun 15 2023
Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.
Jun 16 2023
On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.anyoneCoordination is not when everyone speaks. All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.
Jun 17 2023
On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 12:14:37 UTC, monkyyy wrote: [•••]All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year"👍👍👍
Jun 17 2023
On 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
Jun 18 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 17:49:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:OK - while I am a developer that has used D for minor programs on my home systems (and someone who visits the forums and conf videos often) - I am happy to step up to support/contribute LTS. However, I am not in a position to do this right now. Not because "I am busy" or similar, I need to understand the internals and community process of the D language. I guess I am a "user" of Dlang, but happy to dive into the dev world. When I am ready (and noone else had stepped up to handling LTS) I will likely create a new post to kick things off officially. Thanks.All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 10:35:34 UTC, Martyn wrote:On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 17:49:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Hi Martyn, If you need any help in any direction, feel free to contact myself or Dennis on whatever channel you want (Gmail, slack, discord etc.) Best regards, RazvanNOn 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:OK - while I am a developer that has used D for minor programs on my home systems (and someone who visits the forums and conf videos often) - I am happy to step up to support/contribute LTS. However, I am not in a position to do this right now. Not because "I am busy" or similar, I need to understand the internals and community process of the D language. I guess I am a "user" of Dlang, but happy to dive into the dev world. When I am ready (and noone else had stepped up to handling LTS) I will likely create a new post to kick things off officially. Thanks.All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 13:59:25 UTC, RazvanN wrote:Hi Martyn, If you need any help in any direction, feel free to contact myself or Dennis on whatever channel you want (Gmail, slack, discord etc.) Best regards, RazvanNThank you!
Jun 19 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 17:49:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:If you go back only three years, that means there are currently nine major releases of DMD still in use in the wild, plus whatever releases of LDC and GDC have happened since then. Are they getting bug fixes? If not, why not? We all know that requiring LTS to get all bug fixes makes it a big project, and that the probability of someone actually doing it is zero. It's not necessary and it's not sufficient to solve the problem of having to support too many compiler releases.All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 13:38:58 UTC, bachmeier wrote:On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 17:49:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I agree. While I don't think LTS releases needs to "get all bug fixes" - it doesn't stop it being a big project. While some people may think this is a case of simply creating an LTS branch and... boom.. job done. It wont be as simple as that. This needs some careful planning before going ahead with this. Besides, it is not worth putting effort into LTS if D developers are not onboard, especially library creators/maintainers. It is a change, afterall. One I am not willing to jump straight in without a cohesive plan. This is especially the case for bug fixes towards an LTS - as we have to consider not just DMD, but GDC and LDC. This wont be a one-man-task. I would guess atleast 3 people - 1 per compiler.. minimum. I don't think this will happen overnight. It will likely to be an oppotunity when it presents itself. How or when, I don't know. Maybe this wont come to fruition for a number of years. (wont stop me atleast looking into dmd compiler, atleast) I want to see Dlang succeed. In my opinion, having LTS is a stepping stone towards this goal (even if it is a tiny stone in the grand scheme of things) - of course thats my opinion.On 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:If you go back only three years, that means there are currently nine major releases of DMD still in use in the wild, plus whatever releases of LDC and GDC have happened since then. Are they getting bug fixes? If not, why not? We all know that requiring LTS to get all bug fixes makes it a big project, and that the probability of someone actually doing it is zero. It's not necessary and it's not sufficient to solve the problem of having to support too many compiler releases.All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.
Jun 19 2023
You're overthinking it a bit. We have had (and to some extent still do) have LTS in terms of dmd-fe codebase. It was done by Iain by himself pretty much.$1mce$1 See Iain's replies as to what needs to happen to do this proper.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 14:28:04 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:You're overthinking it a bit. We have had (and to some extent still do) have LTS in terms of dmd-fe codebase. It was done by Iain by himself pretty much.$1mce$1 See Iain's replies as to what needs to happen to do this proper.Thanks - those replies might have skipped me. Will look for them.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 14:23:18 UTC, Martyn wrote:While some people may think this is a case of simply creating an LTS branch and... boom.. job done. It wont be as simple as that.It actually is that simple. This is how the discussion is proceeding: "There are too many compiler releases. It makes it hard to share libraries with others." "Simple solution - have fewer compiler releases." "We can only do that if someone's going to port bug fixes back to all previous releases of the compiler." "Why? We're not doing that now?" [Crickets chirping] This problem has a simple solution. Fewer compiler releases. I'm all for bug fixes, but it has nothing to do with reducing the frequency of compiler releases. If bug fixes are that important, we'd already be doing it.
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 17:55:40 UTC, bachmeier wrote:This problem has a simple solution. Fewer compiler releases. I'm all for bug fixes, but it has nothing to do with reducing the frequency of compiler releases. If bug fixes are that important, we'd already be doing it.No, I don't think solution is to significantly delay features on a rapidly developed language. Features draw new users in, and keep people remembering and thinking about a new language. "I wonder what cool thing I can do with this new feature" I think a simple solution is mark all non-LTS releases as "beta", as in "buyer beware if you use these", and have an LTS release every 2/3/4 years. Having to update your codebase every say, "four years", isn't the end of the world if you know it's coming. If anyone is using the "beta"/"unstable" branch (or whatever you want to call it), it's immediately on them "You should have anticipated this could happen" if something breaks compatibility as the language evolves. At least, it's in the language users mind that it "could" happen and lessens the mental blow when it _does_ happen. A kind of consenting to instability. I would suggest two "branches". The latest LTS, and beta. You want reliability plus bugfixes, use the LTS. You want new features, use the beta. Expecting a small community to maintain more than two versions is unrealistic, and a nightmare for library developers. As for removing features, I don't think that's been sufficiently addressed. (Unless I missed the relevant discussion somehow.) Removing features (without so much as a press release/blog post) is a very dangerous precedent that forces users to think "Will my next used feature be removed? Should I migrate to a new more stable language?".
Jun 23 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 17:49:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/17/2023 5:14 AM, monkyyy wrote:All you need to say is "d version 99 is the lts for the next 3 year" or maybe a formal blog post by 5ish people.Somebody needs to step up and pull fixes into it.Coordination is not when everyone speaks. Your specifically the dictator for life, maybe md could write a formal blog post but there's a handful of voices that are "loud". An lts is a schelling point. It *can be* someone going out of their way to provide bug fixes and that is what makes it coordinated but it could also be like python 2 where the community just didn't upgrade for years. If grim fixes a bug for version 2.87 and adr is trying to make something work on a d1 compiler and mir-whatevers maintains tests if their code works on 2.95; there no LTS there a bunch of people trying to fix their local problem, there's a (very very) wasteful coordination mechanisms for people without leaders such as what happens between fireflies. But, these take many cycles of messages and when those messages are headache-inducing bug fixes in ancient code the coordination may not happen before people leave. If you say version 2.99 is the lts, and then store up a bunch of breaking changes for 2.125 then declare 2.124 the new lts. That may just work *without any extra bug fixes*, depending on how strongly the community trusts that message.Maybe grim ignores a bug report about 2.87 compiler, maybe mir tests upgrades its test suite to be 2.99 and maybe, just maybe, adr stops talking about the great d1 compile speeds and their actions may overlap better. Not likely, but it should be considered if you consider dlang gui important.Coordination is not when everyone speaks.
Jun 19 2023
On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 18 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 13:59:07 UTC, Dany12L wrote:On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:You know that this was actually a bug, right?Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 18 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 14:15:14 UTC, Hipreme wrote:On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 13:59:07 UTC, Dany12L wrote:This is a deprecation that becomes an error, it should have been left as a deprecationOn Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:You know that this was actually a bug, right?Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 18 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 14:18:40 UTC, Dany12L wrote:On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 14:15:14 UTC, Hipreme wrote:Deprecation period serves to give people time for them to remove unexpected behaviors and bugs. Removing a feature is a thing, but fixing bugs and unexpected behaviors are completely other thing, deprecation periods usually takes 10 compiler versions, one should not expect them to keep working anyway after some timeOn Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 13:59:07 UTC, Dany12L wrote:This is a deprecation that becomes an error, it should have been left as a deprecationOn Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:You know that this was actually a bug, right?Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 18 2023
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 13:59:07 UTC, Dany12L wrote:On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I'm not sure about that one myself, even though I did it. (See my comment.) Right now, I'm mostly just hoping that nobody is calling private methods in that way. As I said, I could split it out into a separate deprecation but that would require undoing the error unification in the fix PR. And the whole this error happened like three separate times is because this check is split over a bunch of separate codepaths, so I'd hate to contribute to making it worse. That said, the language working as specified and documented is not an "unnecessary change". I think we're running the risk of falling into a hole of "code is fragile and unmaintainable, so don't change anything ever." Longstanding bugs going unfixed is a major contributor to code that is fragile and unmaintainable, because you cannot trust what it says! Not to mention this makes D a hellhole for new people to learn. Years ago, I noted that learning D is not primarily a matter of learning the language. The language is intuitive and straightforward. Instead, learning D is primarily a matter of memorizing all the diverse places where the language is *not* intuitive and in fact is broken and you just have to avoid them. I think cutting down on that is more important than preserving the very specific ways in which you are sometimes permitted to call a private method if you have placed an unrelated public method in the right location in your code. That said, honestly, look at the bug. They're calling a private method! That means they, or at least somebody, intended it to *not* be called! Even on its own merits, I really think this is a case where an error is just more valuable to the developer than no error.Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 19 2023
On Monday, 19 June 2023 at 07:23:59 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 13:59:07 UTC, Dany12L wrote:I think there is a misunderstanding here, saying that a particular language behavior is wrong according to the specification is different than throwing an error in the compiler. Is issue 21275 incorrect according to the language specification? Yes Is the behavior unpredictable? No, so there is no reason to throw an error Simply issue a deprecation or warning message and allow the user to ignore it or treat it as an error, the fact that it is against the specification does not prevent the compiler from generating a working executable with predictable behavior. There is no reason to throw errors for these things, C/C++ compilers don't do that and that allow the developer time to fix without preventing the code from compiling.On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 06:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I'm not sure about that one myself, even though I did it. (See my comment.) Right now, I'm mostly just hoping that nobody is calling private methods in that way. As I said, I could split it out into a separate deprecation but that would require undoing the error unification in the fix PR. And the whole this error happened like three separate times is because this check is split over a bunch of separate codepaths, so I'd hate to contribute to making it worse. That said, the language working as specified and documented is not an "unnecessary change". I think we're running the risk of falling into a hole of "code is fragile and unmaintainable, so don't change anything ever." Longstanding bugs going unfixed is a major contributor to code that is fragile and unmaintainable, because you cannot trust what it says! Not to mention this makes D a hellhole for new people to learn. Years ago, I noted that learning D is not primarily a matter of learning the language. The language is intuitive and straightforward. Instead, learning D is primarily a matter of memorizing all the diverse places where the language is *not* intuitive and in fact is broken and you just have to avoid them. I think cutting down on that is more important than preserving the very specific ways in which you are sometimes permitted to call a private method if you have placed an unrelated public method in the right location in your code. That said, honestly, look at the bug. They're calling a private method! That means they, or at least somebody, intended it to *not* be called! Even on its own merits, I really think this is a case where an error is just more valuable to the developer than no error.Frankly, anyone who wants to can step up and pick a version of D, declare it to be LTS, and pull only bug fixes to it, can do so.After all this talk another unnecessary change that will break the code in the user has been accepted Please Walter Bright check this...
Jun 19 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:So, as pissed as I am, please, for the love of everything, stop breaking D. I understand the desire to improve the language, but can you understand the desire to just... write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.The solution is simple - LTS release that will only get critical updates. Would you pay someone to manage that? I am sure D Language Foundation would accept donation(s) towards that goal.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:20:18 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:What's a "critical update" for a compiler? A compiler is not a web browser.So, as pissed as I am, please, for the love of everything, stop breaking D. I understand the desire to improve the language, but can you understand the desire to just... write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.The solution is simple - LTS release that will only get critical updates. Would you pay someone to manage that? I am sure D Language Foundation would accept donation(s) towards that goal.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:20:18 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:The solution is simple - LTS release that will only get critical updates. Would you pay someone to manage that? I am sure D Language Foundation would accept donation(s) towards that goal.I am not getting paid for other contributions that I did (or tried to do) for D, and I don't expect that anyone else does. I am interested in having an LTS branch and I could contribute to it. But I can't __create__ one.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:40:17 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 14:20:18 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:GrimMaple - Grim, are you ever using GDC or LDC?The solution is simple - LTS release that will only get critical updates. Would you pay someone to manage that? I am sure D Language Foundation would accept donation(s) towards that goal.I am not getting paid for other contributions that I did (or tried to do) for D, and I don't expect that anyone else does. I am interested in having an LTS branch and I could contribute to it. But I can't __create__ one.
Jun 17 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:There have been a lot of talk about Gripes, about the "Vision" of D... But more than half a year passed, and yet the breakage only gets worse, and nothing seems to be improving. At least in regards of LTS. And with no proper LTS, no proper 3rd-party can exist.My opinion is that this is a coordination problem. If you label a release every couple of years as LTS, no matter which one it is, anyone needing stability can write their code for the LTS release, and anyone needing to compile code will have the LTS release installed.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage.If they are public, perhaps they are good inclusions to buildkite: Projects on buildkite get their test suite run on every dmd pull request, so breakage can be prevented early.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage. It's nearly impossible to develop any reasonable 3rdparty in those conditions. I'm tired of fixing things that weren't broken. And I can't even imagine having to support multiple branches of code because of those deprecations. But I probably should, as, periodically, I get issues that dlangui can't compile with some outdated dmd version. It's just insane! Recently, some of the changes resulted in direct API changes. This is unacceptable, as it, basically, forces people to update major versions and split the codebase between "before" and "after". Also forcing them to support two version of the same thing.Thank you for sharing this and this is a valid concern indeed. Unfortunately D is run as a hobbyist project for langauage geeks with little concern for the professional environment. It is nothing wrong with language geeks having a project but it doesn't mix well with projects that require stable language+stdlib. I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3 so that language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language should be considered to be finished.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:48:26 UTC, IGotD- wrote:Thank you for sharing this and this is a valid concern indeed. Unfortunately D is run as a hobbyist project for langauage geeks with little concern for the professional environment. It is nothing wrong with language geeks having a project but it doesn't mix well with projects that require stable language+stdlib. I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3 so that language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language should be considered to be finished.Thank you for understanding my issues. I also think D2 is good enough to be considered finished. Personally, I would've branched it at around 2.100. That's before ImportC. I too get this feeling that D is a hobbyist project, mostly directed towards language creators, not software engineers. Which is why most of people I know avoid D as if it was a plague. And which is why there isn't much 3rdparty on dub to begin with.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 16:13:54 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:48:26 UTC, IGotD- wrote:Fully agree! and I also suggested *over and over again* to separate D2 and D3 for a long time. And as another evidence: just look at how fast this threads grow: 30 replies in ~3 hours!Thank you for sharing this and this is a valid concern indeed. Unfortunately D is run as a hobbyist project for langauage geeks with little concern for the professional environment. It is nothing wrong with language geeks having a project but it doesn't mix well with projects that require stable language+stdlib. I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3 so that language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language should be considered to be finished.Thank you for understanding my issues. I also think D2 is good enough to be considered finished. Personally, I would've branched it at around 2.100. That's before ImportC.I too get this feeling that D is a hobbyist project, mostly directed towards language creators, not software engineers. Which is why most of people I know avoid D as if it was a plague. And which is why there isn't much 3rdparty on dub to begin with.Me too, it's much more like a hobbyist project. Walter, do you hear?
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:48:26 UTC, IGotD- wrote:I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3I agree, but I doubt the dlang foundation would agree eitherso that language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language should be considered to be finished.Cool, but after that who will continue to maintain D2?
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:48:26 UTC, IGotD- wrote:Unfortunately D is run as a hobbyist project for langauage geeks with little concern for the professional environment. It is nothing wrong with language geeks having a project but it doesn't mix well with projects that require stable language+stdlib.Is it even true? I always thought D was pretty rigid when it comes to language features Sure we get bunch of attributes, but what about the core features? ``switch`` is still the same as it was in the past, other languages evolved it past what C has to offer, they have pattern matching ``union`` same story, other languages came up with tagged union, coupled with improved switch, you got sweet pattern matching capabilities and safeties ``tuple`` same story again.. other language, even the most high Other languages evolve at faster pace, some are even catching up yet they are considered `stable` languages The `.enum` proposal for that got shutdown is the proof The switch as expression got ignored The tagged union one was met with: "just use std.sumtype template soup and get shitty errors"I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3 so that language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language should be considered to be finished.I aggree, it's time for D3, for it will be useless without a vision for the future
Jun 09 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage. It's nearly impossible to develop any reasonable 3rdparty in those conditions. I'm tired of fixing things that weren't broken. And I can't even imagine having to support multiple branches of code because of those deprecations. But I probably should, as, periodically, I get issues that dlangui can't compile with some outdated dmd version. It's just insane! Recently, some of the changes resulted in direct API changes. This is unacceptable, as it, basically, forces people to update major versions and split the codebase between "before" and "after". Also forcing them to support two version of the same thing. There have been a lot of talk about Gripes, about the "Vision" of D... But more than half a year passed, and yet the breakage only gets worse, and nothing seems to be improving. At least in regards of LTS. And with no proper LTS, no proper 3rd-party can exist. So, as pissed as I am, please, for the love of everything, stop breaking D. I understand the desire to improve the language, but can you understand the desire to just... write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.For facing reality, there is a bunch of code that were made in dlangui with a lot older version of the language. And right now, I don't see as much breakage as it happens with dlangui. There is a bunch of stuff that is being workarounded every version. For Hipreme Engine, I do get some errors on users when they use a different version, what I've done is simply limiting their version (my build system also includes an auto download system for the expected D version). I'm always trying to stick to the most recent version because i know that if I stick too much time with a version, when needing to jump 10 versions, everything will be broken (specially since I'm maintaining my own runtime now). The thing is that D doesn't have structure enough to get a LTS. We can only try to always get newest ones because we don't want to deal with old and nasty bugs. What I see right now is that D is in a constantly changing phase where they're trying to fix those billion bugs we had on bugzilla so it is quite normal to expect there will be a lot of breakage in this trail. So, what I would recommend right now is literally adding more examples to buildkite and adding migration paths. Which would be a lot easier than maintaining 2 versions of the language (which I find rather unproductive most of the time)
Jun 08 2023
On 09/06/2023 7:43 AM, Hipreme wrote:The thing is that D doesn't have structure enough to get a LTS.Not true. Iain maintained the LTS version for gdc for a very long time. We can do it, but as far as I'm concerned its up to him if we proceed and how.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 21:11:24 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:Iain maintained the LTS version for gdc for a very long time.And I maintained compatibility with that version in my libs until quite recently (of course some of them still do, but my test system uses gdc 12 instead of 9 now so the gdc9 support is prolly gonna start slipping). It actually wasn't even that hard.
Jun 08 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 21:11:24 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:On 09/06/2023 7:43 AM, Hipreme wrote:GCC is released yearly with a D front-end frozen at whatever the current version is at the time of branching, and that stays maintained for ~3 years. - GDC 11.x - D v2.076.x (C++ port) Current release 11.4, last point release 11.5 expected 2024-05. - GDC 12.x - D v2.100.x Current release 12.3, next point releases expected 2024-05 and 2025-05. - GDC 13.x - D v2.103.x Current release 13.1, next point releases expected 2023-08, 2024-05, 2025-05, 2026-05. The devs working on LDC could sync up and maintain these specific versions as well. Then we'd just be working together on backporting regression fixes long after DMD has moved on to the next bi-monthly major release rather than just leave it to one person. ;-) It's only a matter of creating a release branch instead of tags in the dlang/dmd repository so that there's still a common upstream maintained by all interested downstream parties - i.e: this is where all updates and fixes for the C++ port got landed to. If no one else is doing it, there's really no incentive for me to re-upstream any regression fixes backported into GDC from a newer D language version.The thing is that D doesn't have structure enough to get a LTS.Not true. Iain maintained the LTS version for gdc for a very long time. We can do it, but as far as I'm concerned its up to him if we proceed and how.
Jun 09 2023
My general feeling is the LTS should be based upon what is required to bootstrap the compiler. But yeah, this kinda needs rights to happen with branches & coordination. Not something that can be made to happen on the N.G. needs an industry meeting with someone wanting to do it I think.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 21:13:06 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:My general feeling is the LTS should be based upon what is required to bootstrap the compiler.We're already doing that then? It is already a requirement that gdc-9 has to be able to compile gdc-mainline (ergo, dmd itself must always be buildable by 2.076).
Jun 10 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 19:43:56 UTC, Hipreme wrote:For Hipreme Engine, I do get some errors on users when they use a different version, what I've done is simply limiting their version (my build system also includes an auto download system for the expected D version). I'm always trying to stick to the most recent version because i know that if I stick too much time with a version, when needing to jump 10 versions, everything will be broken (specially since I'm maintaining my own runtime now).For Dplug I tell users what compiler they should use, even then it's useful when people try the latest and it brings up issues. So we ought to do that with the D compiler ourselves else noone will see the issues. Even then my lib have very little breaking changes and people willingly use the former versions, to my dismay. I think people have a bit unreaistic expectations about their favourite rate of change. I don't believe a D LTS would solve things (it's like a small schism in the language regularly), the current situation seems honestly ideal to me with relatively gradual upgrade paths. Haven't had the same issues, I had very small issues with DFLAGS being required to make an actually standalone shared library with the newer DUB+LDC. Or dub.json comments being impossible at the moment, but nothing really striking.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 11:42:50 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:blahOh crap, I do get the __traits(getAttributes) deprecation. Karma.
Jun 09 2023
On 09/06/2023 11:42 PM, Guillaume Piolat wrote:I don't believe a D LTS would solve thingsIt does have some strong benefit, wrt. bootstrapping of the compiler. So it solves more long term things, rather than short or medium term issues I think.
Jun 09 2023
Thanks for spending the time to post this. We're going to take it to heart.
Jun 09 2023
On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 07:56:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Thanks for spending the time to post this. We're going to take it to heart.Don Clugston also strongly advocated for an LTS:
Jun 11 2023
On Sunday, 11 June 2023 at 23:20:31 UTC, mate wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 07:56:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:The situation at Weka is very similar. Trying to help the discussion a little bit. I think there is some miscommunication because different people in this thread have different ideas of what "LTS" means/should be. Please define what you mean with "LTS" What I think would help me (Weka) is having a stable *language*, not necessarily a stable compiler. Adding new features to the compiler can be very useful, but if every new compiler introduces *language changes*, then that becomes an issue. With language changes I consider: - introducing a new deprecation/warning/error - removing keywords - changing meaning / behavior of something (incl standard library) - adding deprecation/warning/error for something that invokes defined but undesired behavior. - change of data layout. (although this is not defined by the language, users depend on this implementation detail because D is systems programming after all) - ... Not: - adding deprecation/warning/error for something that clearly invokes undefined behavior (as noted by the spec) - adding a new feature (for example `-i` flag) - adding a new trait - ... The current problem is that _every_ compiler version introduces some language change. Even point-releases do that! ( So we technically have _many_ different D language versions out there. The language changes are often in the "Compiler changes" category. But those are not *compiler* changes, they are *language* changes. cheers, JohanThanks for spending the time to post this. We're going to take it to heart.Don Clugston also strongly advocated for an LTS:
Jun 12 2023
On Monday, 12 June 2023 at 11:01:35 UTC, Johan wrote:Trying to help the discussion a little bit. I think there is some miscommunication because different people in this thread have different ideas of what "LTS" means/should be. Please define what you mean with "LTS"I sort of agree with this, but the goals are not exclusive. I don't see anyone disagreeing with the statement that the number of compilers currently in use makes it hard to share code with others (whether for money or otherwise). That can be fixed in less than a minute by labeling certain releases "LTS". If someone wants to undertake a time-intensive effort to go beyond that, fine. It's not needed to improve the current situation though. We already have many compilers in the wild that aren't receiving updates. There's no reason to make this extra work a prerequisite to reducing the number of compilers you have to support in order to share your code with others.
Jun 12 2023
On Sunday, 11 June 2023 at 23:20:31 UTC, mate wrote:On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 07:56:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I am referencing Mike Parkers' comment found inside the above link... This is a great example of what I would like to see moving forward. Imagine being able to create a new project and specifying the release you would like to use. If you don't have it, it will install it for you. For example, when you `dub init` it could also ask the question :- "Which D release would you like? **D23**" etc. In most cases, users/developers are likely to choose the current "milestone" release. However, the previous milestones can also be available. For sake of simplicity and point, lets assume the current milestone release is D23. Of course, specific releases can still be used (ie 2.104.0) Of course, milestone releases can have patches - but must not break things! Ie D23.1 or D23.2, etc. Imagine the next milestone, D25, being available months and months ahead of time as a pre-release (ie D25-Prerelease0.1, etc) allowing the maintainers to test/prepare their libraries. Imagine if D encouraged a rule for libraries to follow to specific versioning patterns. For example:- {release.major.minor.etc} - Imagine a library having releases such as or This tells us that D23 is available. I have **increased confidence** I can download this and "works" inside my D23 project. There is also a D25 version, the not-yet-released milestone. I now have confidence this library is very active into the next milestone release. DUB could also be more intelligent when you `dub add` a dependency and, perhaps, handle validation (or test) upgrading to the next milestone. "There is no release for D23. Suggestions... D25 (, D21 (" etc. Obviously the regular releases can continue... 2.104.0 2.103.0 2.102.0 etc These all get factored into the next milstone. Imagine a page for the next upcomming milestone to contain all of the new/updated features -- all on one page. Yes, I am likely getting carried away with this. I understand that some of my points require some (big) changes in various areas including DUB - but I am just trying to demonstrate, and hopefully well, the many advantages to a LTS system/structure. Until then, we have regular monthly (or every other month) releases. Could the next release break my application? What about LibraryX or LibraryY I am using? etc. Thanks.Thanks for spending the time to post this. We're going to take it to heart.Don Clugston also strongly advocated for an LTS:
Jun 12 2023
On Monday, 12 June 2023 at 12:12:18 UTC, Martyn wrote:[...] I am referencing Mike Parkers' comment found inside the above link... [...]That is exactly what I would like to see as well! This versioning scheme is much better than what we have right now stabilizing the language changes...
Jun 12 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. [...]Case in point:
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 14:17:33 UTC, deadalnix wrote:On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Interesting... Anyway, this is a general question for all, and I understand I am (likely) showing my n00bness as a D developer. (Afterall, one of the reasons I am skeptical using Dlang for production is precisely this reason... no LTS and, more specifically, mangling of libraries tested under different dmd builds) For example.. lets say:- I have created a D application using DUB. So far, so good. It builds with the latest version of dmd I installed earlier today (2.104.0) Ok, now I need to use some libraries. DUB is great for this! However, when I search for packages, how do I know which version they support? ``` 2.104.0? 2.103.0? 2.102.0? (???) ``` Are we expecting maintainers of these libraries to keep them up to date monthly? Lets be honest.. if I need to include 3 DUB projects into my application then what are the chances they have been tested on 2.104.0? It is highly unlikely. The next question is - what version should I be using? Atleast 4 versions old? One DUB package might have been updated 4 months ago. While I can predict the version they last used, it does not mean thats that the version tested by the maintainer. Should I have to predict this? Should I have to look at their code? Each DUB package have their own versioning which does not help, either. Now, imagine the difficulties of an application with 3 or 4 DUB packages. Each library being released/updated at different times and lord knows what version they were last tested on. Will they all work with 2.104.0? Because of potential breaking changes for each new release... could I end up with ProjectA being OK but not another, while experimenting with different dmd versions? There is a reason why LTS releases exist. Look at other languages. Java, .NET, C++. Look at other projects like Linux or Blender. Could you imagine Blender users going by monthly builds only. Blender would fall apart and fast! Again, if we had LTS builds, our libraries can target those specifically. It also makes it easier to maintainers to plan ahead for the next LTS. As my previous post suggested, the version of the libraries can start with the LTS version. It makes it so easy to know if your version is supported, etc. Just my 2 cents and I apologise if I am really missing the point. I am sure atleast some of this lands with a number of people.I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. [...]Case in point:
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 15:34:28 UTC, Martyn wrote:On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 14:17:33 UTC, deadalnix wrote:Mangling is not really the problem I think. If the ABI changes you can still rebuild everything, including the cached dependencies that would break; Not great but not a big problem. I think the discussion is more about how the language features are different from a version to another.On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Anyway, this is a general question for all, and I understand I am (likely) showing my n00bness as a D developer. (Afterall, one of the reasons I am skeptical using Dlang for production is precisely this reason... no LTS and, more specifically, mangling of libraries tested under different dmd builds) [...] Just my 2 cents and I apologise if I am really missing the point. I am sure atleast some of this lands with a number of people.I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. [...]
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 15:34:28 UTC, Martyn wrote:Ok, now I need to use some libraries. DUB is great for this! However, when I search for packages, how do I know which version they support?Actually, dub already allows specifying toolchain requirments. . But it hardly helps with solving the issue of breakage, as some packages may require different versions of frontend and there is no way to solve it. Actually, someimtes, even dub packages themself can break because they depend on different versions of the same package, but at least 3rd party is usually strong enough in guaranteeing compatibility within certain major version.Are we expecting maintainers of these libraries to keep them up to date monthly? Lets be honest.. if I need to include 3 DUB projects into my application then what are the chances they have been tested on 2.104.0? It is highly unlikely. The next question is - what version should I be using? Atleast 4 versions old?I don't know what the "expectancy" is, but talking with a lot of D developers led me to one conclusion: everyone expects you to have your own standard library. And then everyone expects you to use as little of the language as possible. And then everyone expects you to write your own code anyway, because there's an informal agreement that "dependencies bad". This is a chicken and egg problem, really. Is there no packages because nobody writes them because "dependencies bad", or are "dependencies bad" because every existing one just breaks?Now, imagine the difficulties of an application with 3 or 4 DUB packages. Each library being released/updated at different times and lord knows what version they were last tested on. Will they all work with 2.104.0?I don't have to _imagine_ this -- dlangui has 9 dependencies. I went through great lengths to extract them from dlangui project itself (they were initially copy-pasted into a 3rdparty folder), and I'm beginning to regret this. If any of the dependencies break, or stop updating, I'm stuck with an old compiler version essentially. And it's not like replacing dependencies is easy when they are so scarce.Because of potential breaking changes for each new release... could I end up with ProjectA being OK but not another, while experimenting with different dmd versions?`icontheme` dependency of dlangui is exactly what you describe. The maintainer refused to adapt to changed `alias this` rules, and I will have to figure something out eventually. Possibly, it's another project that I will have to maintain by myself because of silly breakage.There is a reason why LTS releases exist. Look at other languages. Java, .NET, C++. Look at other projects like Linux or Blender. Could you imagine Blender users going by monthly builds only. Blender would fall apart and fast!I agree that _some form_ of LTS is needed, but I don't think it's going to happen with D. After all, it's not that the lack of LTS is causing issues. We could be upgrading compilers monthly without issue __if__ those releases provided some strong guarantee of _at least_ not changing something that results in API changes. After all, changing, eg, `std.xml` to `undead.xml` isn't that devastating, and doesn't affect third-party that much. I even stressed that D has __become__ unbearable, as in it didn't introduce much breakage a few years back. Though, a stable release would still be greatly appreciated.Again, if we had LTS builds, our libraries can target those specifically. It also makes it easier to maintainers to plan ahead for the next LTS. As my previous post suggested, the version of the libraries can start with the LTS version. It makes it so easy to know if your version is supported, etc.Yes, that is the whole point of this thread. To ask for some sort of stability in the D ecosystem. Because, practically, there isn't just "the latest version", there are 10 to 20 versions of D in the wild at the same time, and it's impossible to deal with.
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 16:57:15 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 15:34:28 UTC, Martyn wrote:Ok, now I need to use some libraries. DUB is great for this! However, when I search for packages, how do I know which version they support?This is a chicken and egg problem, really. Is there no packages because nobody writes them because "dependencies bad", or are "dependencies bad" because every existing one just breaks?Although I have done my own standard library myself. I have plenty of other reasons to do so. One of them was for the number of platforms I needed to support (including my own Druntime). I can't see any other reason why would anyone other would need their own.Now, imagine the difficulties of an application with 3 or 4 DUB packages. Each library being released/updated at different times and lord knows what version they were last tested on. Will they all work with 2.104.0?
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 16:57:15 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:...Thank you for taking the time to respond. Yes, your answers are confirming a number of things.. and that my 'imagine' case(es) are, in fact, a reality - especially for bigger-than-average maintainers... like dlangui. The "dependencies bad" mindset has a place for certain projects but should this be the case for many D projects? Sure D is great for low-level solutions and certainly allows this approach. It is a great replacement for C, etc. However D is also a high-level etc - especially with their respected package repositories. With dependencies, the footprint on D executable, etc, should still be tiny compared to others. In **most cases**, the "dependency bad" needs to die in D. *"I went through great lengths to extract them from dlangui project itself (they were initially copy-pasted into a 3rdparty folder), and I'm beginning to regret this. If any of the dependencies break, or stop updating, I'm stuck with an old compiler version essentially. And it's not like replacing dependencies is easy when they are so scarce."* This pretty much hit the nail on the head for me. I do not want to write commercial projects only to keep having to handle dependency/compiler problems. Reality is - **** happens, and time is money. Do I really have the time to deal with this (potential) problem happening out of nowhere? *"I agree that some form of LTS is needed, but I don't think it's going to happen with D"* This is too bad. I hope you are wrong about this. I have been on-and-off with D for a few years, now. I felt D was going to be the "one true language" for me, whether low or high level. Some projects are coming my way believing the time have arrived to finally move to D.. to write some server-side applications... I just feel like I will hit a brick wall with the things mentioned above. Honestly it's making me bite the bullet and go a step closer to Ru$t (though they were having their own problems with trademark backlashes.. lol) *"Yes, that is the whole point of this thread. To ask for some sort of stability in the D ecosystem"* I just wanted it laid out in plain text. It seems to me the majority are on the same wavelength of what LTS means. I just wanted to clarify this. Happy hacking.
Jun 13 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 16:57:15 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:`icontheme` dependency of dlangui is exactly what you describe. The maintainer refused to adapt to changed `alias this` rules, and I will have to figure something out eventually. Possibly, it's another project that I will have to maintain by myself because of silly breakage.I just did a grep -nr in my git directory, I've got 26 uses of it just in the few projects I have installed on this netbook. That's insane to delete a feature because "it's not clearly defined". If it's not clearly defined... then you _define_ it, not _delete_ it. Especially after years of the feature being around. Imagine if we dropped strings from D because there's some use case that's undefined. If the blog/patchnotes stated workaround [1] is basically... implementing alias this with a template mixin... then make it use that mixin internally and keep "alias this". I mean, if that template mixin is a viable alternative, then it's clearly a solvable problem. If it's NOT a viable alternative, then why are we deleting a feature with no workaround? And likewise, if alias this is so dangerous, how is it safe/okay to recommend using the mixin version? And as for "gotchas" with alias this use, 90% of the D language is one big gotcha. Put code in a deconstructor? Better know exactly what kind code causes allocations because writeln(x, " = ", y) will be fine, but god forbid you accidentally write writeln(x ~ " = ", y) and segfault with no stacktrace as you're trying to learn a new language. imported std.regex? You just doubled your compile time. There's a gotcha. Tell any other object about yourself in the constructor? segfault. Because your object isn't constructed till _after_ the constructor runs. There's a gotcha. Not adding a feature I can use like [private] for classses (if I understand correctly, they don't do anything in D), I can stand. Not everyone agrees on what features are valuable. But actually __removing__ features I'm using to make my code cleaner with no compiler switch to keep the feature at my own peril? That's incredibly frustrating. Language users are NOT going to take more than one or two instances of deleting features before they leave. Why risk writing code in a language when literally any other feature you use may be on the chopping block next? [1]
Jun 14 2023
On 15/06/2023 2:44 PM, Chris Katko wrote:imported std.regex? You just doubled your compile time. There's a gotcha.That is more or less solved.
Jun 14 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 04:18:34 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:On 15/06/2023 2:44 PM, Chris Katko wrote:That's great news!imported std.regex? You just doubled your compile time. There's a gotcha.That is more or less solved.
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 15 June 2023 at 02:44:59 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:Tell any other object about yourself in the constructor? segfault. Because your object isn't constructed till _after_ the constructor runs. There's a gotcha.What case triggers this? I've heard of most the other things but this one I can guess a couple things on but I'm not sure.Not adding a feature I can use like [private] for classses (if I understand correctly, they don't do anything in D)The `private` keyword always applies on the module level, so a private class member can be seen inside its module but not outside it.
Jun 15 2023
On 6/14/2023 7:44 PM, Chris Katko wrote:Tell any other object about yourself in the constructor? segfault. Because your object isn't constructed till _after_ the constructor runs. There's a gotcha.All objects are default constructed before the constructor is called. I'll need an example?
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, June 15, 2023 8:05:21 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 6/14/2023 7:44 PM, Chris Katko wrote:Or to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructors are called. - Jonathan M DavisTell any other object about yourself in the constructor? segfault. Because your object isn't constructed till _after_ the constructor runs. There's a gotcha.All objects are default constructed before the constructor is called.
Jun 15 2023
On 6/15/2023 7:45 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Or to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructors are called.Right. (Good to hear from you!)
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:42:11 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 6/15/2023 7:45 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, but they've improved enough that I'm getting back to work now. I don't know how much I'll be dealing with the newsgroup or official D stuff going forward, but I intend to be at least somewhat involved again. - Jonathan M DavisOr to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructors are called.Right. (Good to hear from you!)
Jun 15 2023
On 16/06/2023 6:23 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, but they've improved enough that I'm getting back to work now. I don't know how much I'll be dealing with the newsgroup or official D stuff going forward, but I intend to be at least somewhat involved again. * Jonathan M DavisGood to hear, I was also wondering what was up. Also, come join Discord!
Jun 15 2023
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 06:23:00 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:On Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:42:11 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:My wife has had crippling migraines for years, like 2 a week, crawling around on the floor crying, heavy duty painkillers to knock her out bad. She started on Ajovy about a year ago and its literally changed her life, she gets maybe 2 a month now. So instead of spending 3 or 4 days a week in bed or recovering from the after affects, she has a couple of days a month where she has to be in bed with the room blacked out. The neurologist also made her stop taking any pain meds unless it's absolutely desperate, that helped with the day to day headaches she was also getting. So she doesnt take anything unless its a full on migraine. But the Ajovy stuff is amazing, literally changed her life. It's an injection once a month with an epipen like thing.On 6/15/2023 7:45 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, but they've improved enough that I'm getting back to work now. I don't know how much I'll be dealing with the newsgroup or official D stuff going forward, but I intend to be at least somewhat involved again. - Jonathan M DavisOr to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructors are called.Right. (Good to hear from you!)
Jun 16 2023
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 08:55:11 UTC, claptrap wrote:On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 06:23:00 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:I feel for you. Start keeping a log of food whenever you have a migraine. Just write down what you ate that day. Many people will find that food triggers migraines. My doctors gave me a list of foods to avoid (or watch). Literally on my wall to my right. It says: Onions (garlic), alcohol, chocolate, aged cheeses, caffeine, nuts, and lastly, cinnamon is one of the most common triggers in the world. I cut out cinnamon, garlic/onions and my migraines almost disappeared.On Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:42:11 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:My wife has had crippling migraines for years, like 2 a week, crawling around on the floor crying, heavy duty painkillers to knock her out bad. She started on Ajovy about a year ago and its literally changed her life, she gets maybe 2 a month now. So instead of spending 3 or 4 days a week in bed or recovering from the after affects, she has a couple of days a month where she has to be in bed with the room blacked out. The neurologist also made her stop taking any pain meds unless it's absolutely desperate, that helped with the day to day headaches she was also getting. So she doesnt take anything unless its a full on migraine. But the Ajovy stuff is amazing, literally changed her life. It's an injection once a month with an epipen like thing.On 6/15/2023 7:45 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, but they've improved enough that I'm getting back to work now. I don't know how much I'll be dealing with the newsgroup or official D stuff going forward, but I intend to be at least somewhat involved again. - Jonathan M DavisOr to be more precise, they're default-initialized before any constructors are called.Right. (Good to hear from you!)
Jun 16 2023
On 6/15/2023 11:23 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, I've been out of things for a while due to issues with migraines, but they've improved enough that I'm getting back to work now. I don't know how much I'll be dealing with the newsgroup or official D stuff going forward, but I intend to be at least somewhat involved again.That's great news! I'm glad to have you back!
Jun 16 2023
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 02:05:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2023 7:44 PM, Chris Katko wrote:I misremembered a bit when summarizing, from this thread last year: Code works fine when you directly send a reference during construction. But if you access it from an absolute path like module.classinstance.variable it crashes. That is not something that is obvious, at least to me. If, during construction, I can send a reference to [this] to a called function just fine, but not refer to the same object through its absolute path until after construction, that's counter-intuitive / a gotcha, for me. Note: on re-reading my old post I see typos that were corrected in my later posts in the thread. To be clear, I'm not referring to module.CLASSTYPE.variable anywhere. It's module.classInstance.variable.Tell any other object about yourself in the constructor? segfault. Because your object isn't constructed till _after_ the constructor runs. There's a gotcha.All objects are default constructed before the constructor is called. I'll need an example?
Jun 16 2023
Thanks for the reference. I think Mike accurately diagnosed it. D doesn't guarantee that null pointers won't be dereferenced, and you'll need to ensure they are set before using them.
Jun 17 2023
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 16:57:15 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Yes, that is the whole point of this thread. To ask for some sort of stability in the D ecosystem. Because, practically, there isn't just "the latest version", there are 10 to 20 versions of D in the wild at the same time, and it's impossible to deal with.Hi, I hope you don't mind my opinion since it's my first post here. But in my defense I'm a lurker for years. For some reason I like this forum very much. While I didn't read every answer in this particular thread, I thought the quote from OP can be very well summarised to: "I need some sort of stability despite the numerous versions of D." Thinking about this, I'm not sure a LTS support version is the best solution for this problem, because the primary thing you need is stability not support. What you need is the possibility to have a stable working environment when dealing with older versions. That your software is building even when new versions of a D compiler or some libraries are released. I think the solution to this lies in a package manager that allows for different versions of D including the associated libraries.
Jun 15 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.Add the `deprecation` directory and save the `deprecation` function code there. If the `deprecated` function is placed separately in the`deprecated` directory, even if it is deprecated, some people are unwilling to improve and can continue to keep the `deprecated` function available. As long as the code is there, it can be compiled and passed. In this way, it is equivalent to `updating`only adding functionality, without `damaging` functionality.
Jun 13 2023
On Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 01:22:00 UTC, zjh wrote:In this way, it is equivalent to `updating`only adding functionality, without `damaging` functionality.With the `deprecated` directory, there is no need to maintain the `LTS` version because you have never `deleted` functionality!.
Jun 13 2023
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13:38:20 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:I usually try to stay more silent (on the form at least), but I think I reached my boiling point. I've been a (self employed) full time D developer for almost 2 years now, developing quite a large codebase of personal closed source projects, as well as adopting some 3rdparty code like dlangui. And my life has become particularly miserable in the last half a year or so. I wish I was exaggerating, but __every__ new DMD version breaks some of my code, to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be either my own code, or dependency code, but I started drowning in deprecation messages or outright breakage. It's nearly impossible to develop any reasonable 3rdparty in those conditions. I'm tired of fixing things that weren't broken. And I can't even imagine having to support multiple branches of code because of those deprecations. But I probably should, as, periodically, I get issues that dlangui can't compile with some outdated dmd version. It's just insane! Recently, some of the changes resulted in direct API changes. This is unacceptable, as it, basically, forces people to update major versions and split the codebase between "before" and "after". Also forcing them to support two version of the same thing. There have been a lot of talk about Gripes, about the "Vision" of D... But more than half a year passed, and yet the breakage only gets worse, and nothing seems to be improving. At least in regards of LTS. And with no proper LTS, no proper 3rd-party can exist. So, as pissed as I am, please, for the love of everything, stop breaking D. I understand the desire to improve the language, but can you understand the desire to just... write working code? Please, make D at least somewhat stable.To be honest, it is best to leave D. There really is no vision, no real organization, and no throughput. D is just coasting on fumes. I stopped programming in D and I'm much happier. I only use it to maintain a few small utilities I regularly use when I want to add a feature or fix a bug but I've moved on. D will not last. It's a pipe dream to think D will ever get anywhere. Python, a rather idiotic language, has become dominant because of AI and it being pushed by major companies. The world doesn't work logically and it depends more on $$$ and desire than logic or quality. As more and more people get in to programming(the younger generations) languages like python will dominate and languages like D will die a cold harsh death. These are just facts. I don't make them up, I just report them. D's community failed to realize how myopic and insignificant they were. Those still remaining are just hanging on to hang on. D was about 10-20 years behind the curve. Now It's only gotten worse since only a massive amount of investment will be able to turn D in to anything competitive and sane. It doesn't matter how "great" the language is if no one uses it. It will die out. New people will come in to "take over" and ruin it as they try to turn it in to something else. This discussion has been had for nearly a decade and the core team simply does not care and never will. For them, it's their golf game and they don't care about playing professional, just every other weekend for an hour or so. With the speed of modern computers and the focus on GPU's and AI D really serves no use. It's like learning Latin. Sure it is a nice thing to know but it's about useless in the real world. The people that "speak Latin" simply do not care and/or have the resources to make it main stream. Fewer and fewer people will learn it. Over time it will die like any other language. There will always be a few people that will be interested in wasting their time learning it so they can pretend they have some secret talent over others or because they want to understand the original text accurately but this is not enough to sustain it past a few decades or hundred years. If I'm not mistaken, Latin has about 1000 fluent speakers. If you realize that it was once the dominant language of the modern world and was the lingua franca of Christianity then, well, imagine how D is going to fare. Save yourself now before you waste more of your life with it. I'm speaking from experience. You won't be able to talk sense in to the diehards, many have tried. They are deluded or get paid to use D by a company that is simply trying to maintain it's codebase and has no need to switch. Kids rule the world, they are the ones that will spend hours upon hours a day programming useless things and pushing things for no reason other than they want to. Those drive progress. Age, at some point, ruins almost everyone. At some point the effort to grow something is more than one can put in. Everything dies, and D's on it's deathbed(this does not mean necessarily that D will just vanish completely off the face of the earth on day, it means that it is not popular enough to sustain growth in any meaningful way and the diehards won't do anything change that).
Jun 21 2023
Putting in my 2 cents. I used to work as a professional D developer, made a living off of it for a year or two, and then became quickly disillusioned with it. Hell - DMD has not worked for me on aarch64 macOS for the past 6 months, even after updating to the latest version of both macOS / DMD available due to some obscure linker error that I sincerely cannot be assed to dig into. It just doesn't work, so I've just avoided writing D like the plague (or just use ldc, which has always worked!). In my eyes, D is like the perfect embodiment of "move fast, and break things", but sans the "you need to fix those things at some point after you break them", and like OP mentioned, so incredibly frustrating to deal with. I tried. I genuinely did. But there are so many rough edges, as well as a complete reluctance to try New Ideas That Are Proven To Work Elsewhere. Because we have to do it the D way -- whatever the hell that means. I'm personal friends with a few engineers at Facebook, and learned the reason why Facebook dropped D. I mean, hell, there was huge internal hype about it there, as well as major investment in the language; it was seen as the replacement to C++ and was paraded around as the Next Great Thing (TM). Hell - they even hired on Andrei & Walter, as well integrated it fully into Buck (Facebook's internal build tool). You know what happened? Facebook engineers ran into so many headaches and issues with D that they chose to drop it entirely, and in its place came a language that you might've heard of: Rust. Need proof? Look at what languages are implemented in Buck2 - you'll notice that there's a stark lack of D anywhere. I'm genuinely shocked that D is still used in production anywhere. It feels like you need to take the Symmetry approach of writing your own standard library (and be incredibly selective about which features you use - e.g. the majority of Mir is written with safe pure nogc, which made it an absolute joy to work with) just to even be able to use it in a remotely productive way. And even then, you start to run into some serious rough edges with dmd and work around compiler issues all the time. This doesn't even get into my criticisms of the language itself. The level of compiler metaprogramming that D encourages its users to use has so many footguns, combined with a compiler that has so many incredibly bizarre design decisions (seriously, DMD has caused me to OOM my entire system on multiple occasions) that I've become incredibly incredibly skeptical that it was a good idea to begin with. Now I write Rust professionally and don't have any of these pains. I have new pains, of course, but at least my "new pains" are addressed by the community / language maintainers in a reasonable timeframe, whereas some of the compiler bugs I've reported have gone unseen unless I made an absolute fuss about it on the Discord. I don't have to worry about my crates magically breaking if I update the compiler. I don't need to worry about my code randomly getting slower to compile if I update the compiler. I can use every part of the standard library and not have to worry about (x) or (y) - unlike tar pits like std.regex, or std.string. Sure, the cognitive load is higher since I now need to worry about ownership / borrowing, and I sometimes need to fight the borrow checker, but in return I get a language that is incredibly reliable & ergonomic to use. I wish you all well, and I wish D could've worked out. I really wanted to like the language. There are so many great lessons that can be learned from D. But viewed holistically, I cannot recommend any new developers to write any code in D.
Jun 30 2023
Are you seeing warnings about alignment? Its a known issue that has been fixed in LDC but DMD still needs the workaround.
Jun 30 2023
On Friday, 30 June 2023 at 18:09:45 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:Are you seeing warnings about alignment? Its a known issue that has been fixed in LDC but DMD still needs the workaround. forum.dlang.orgThat's the one! Crazy that an issue that we've known about since November 4th, 2021 *still* hasn't been fixed in the "flagship" compiler. Oh well.
Jun 30 2023
On 01/07/2023 6:15 AM, Z3Solver wrote:That's the one! Crazy that an issue that we've known about since November 4th, 2021 /still/ hasn't been fixed in the "flagship" compiler. Oh well.Reference compiler, not flag ship which is a bit different. Yeah we don't generally recommend dmd these days. Its good if you're on x86 and want fast builds, but is not so good at performance or correctness type of stuff. Eventually dmd will drop support for OSX, once Apple drops the x86 support. So if you want to drop support for dmd and be happy about it, I'd recommend it. But for reference, there have been a lot of governance changes in the last 10 years. Its well worth talking about the problems that you are having including going to one of the industry meetings.
Jun 30 2023
On Friday, 30 June 2023 at 17:55:38 UTC, Z3Solver wrote:It feels like you need to take the Symmetry approach of writing your own standard library (and be incredibly selective about which features you use - e.g. the majority of Mir is written with safe pure nogc, which made it an absolute joy to work with) just to even be able to use it in a remotely productive way.This is a misunderstanding. The standard library whose core Symmetry based on Phobos is for the internal Symmetry Integration Languge, SIL. D code in Symmetry still uses Phobos as-is. Sure, we sometimes copy-paste a function out of it to modify it slightly, and sometimes use third-party (or internal) libraries when we're unsatisfied with what Phobos offers, but `std` is still widely used. Also, at least my experience is that the list of D features to not use at Symmetry are stylistic choices. There's no general ban on technological D features like the garbage collector, ` system` code or global variables (although of course we prefer to avoid the latter two when other things are equal, like any good D programmer).
Jul 02 2023
On Sunday, 2 July 2023 at 18:18:35 UTC, Dukc wrote:On Friday, 30 June 2023 at 17:55:38 UTC, Z3Solver wrote:Funkwerk, same here. Widespread use of the standard library except when we need to fork something to fix a bug or design issue (grrr Rebindable grrr). We try to *minimize* GC load via various means (ranges, structs, stream decoding), but we wouldn't forbid it outright - that would make the code far too painful to contemplate. And it is useful.It feels like you need to take the Symmetry approach of writing your own standard library (and be incredibly selective about which features you use - e.g. the majority of Mir is written with safe pure nogc, which made it an absolute joy to work with) just to even be able to use it in a remotely productive way.This is a misunderstanding. The standard library whose core Symmetry based on Phobos is for the internal Symmetry Integration Languge, SIL. D code in Symmetry still uses Phobos as-is. Sure, we sometimes copy-paste a function out of it to modify it slightly, and sometimes use third-party (or internal) libraries when we're unsatisfied with what Phobos offers, but `std` is still widely used. Also, at least my experience is that the list of D features to not use at Symmetry are stylistic choices. There's no general ban on technological D features like the garbage collector, ` system` code or global variables (although of course we prefer to avoid the latter two when other things are equal, like any good D programmer).
Jul 02 2023
On 6/30/2023 10:55 AM, Z3Solver wrote:I tried. I genuinely did. But there are so many rough edges, as well as a complete reluctance to try New Ideas That Are Proven To Work Elsewhere.I appreciate you spending the time to post here. I have some frustrations, too - how can we focus just on bug fixes while implementing new features at the same time? The other frustration I have is I never heard any feedback from Facebook, and I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing, but it would be nice to have a specific list.
Jul 02 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 03:12:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I have some frustrations, too - how can we focus just on bug fixes while implementing new features at the same time?Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing, but it would be nice to have a specific list.This entire thread is a list of problems, yet your only response is "Do it yourself". So I'm not buying this "I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing".
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:35:41 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?Recently translated miniz (a zlib replacement) from C to D and Dennis' ctod didn't make it through the unbelievable macros, and it was a drag to expand the macros by hand. I will very probably use ImportC when it can find the preprocessor on Windows, which has been a blocker here. So many codebases have been translated from C to D it can be indeed valuable. Moreover ImportC is also a fast C compiler so it can eventually help build times of D projects by rewriting in C :)
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:50:32 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:Recently translated miniz (a zlib replacement) from C to D and Dennis' ctod didn't make it through the unbelievable macros, and it was a drag to expand the macros by hand. I will very probably use ImportC when it can find the preprocessor on Windows, which has been a blocker here. So many codebases have been translated from C to D it can be indeed valuable. Moreover ImportC is also a fast C compiler so it can eventually help build times of D projects by rewriting in C :)So to help projects in D you should re-write them in C? Huge W for the language, GG. Big confidence boost!
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:56:40 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:So to help projects in D you should re-write them in C? Huge W for the language, GG. Big confidence boost!If I can keep part of my stack in C by just not translating them to D then it would be a win, since then you get the breadth of C libs + faster compile time. The pragma(pack) and __align work is needed to get there... it's not lack of confidence not to start a JPEG decoder from scratch, it is way faster to translate.
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:35:41 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?I didn't ask, but I sure am happy ImportC exists! --Bastiaan.
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:35:41 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 03:12:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Why so many hate for ImportC? I am waiting when it will be ready and supported by LDC, thus i will be able to use some C libraries without pain. For example, it took too much time to understand how to generate (and then manually process) D definitions for such simple library as [libzip]( I am waiting when ImportC will be supported by LDC, and then i will be able to use it for example for this wrapper around libzip ( Also, i want to use D to create some internal service to parse git repositories (few hundreds repos), and for this reason i want to use libgit2 C library. But without ImportC ready, i do not want to even try to manually generate D bindings for for that. I have seen and tried to use [libgit2]( D bindings, even added there 1 PR. But currently, i see that without ImportC, it will be impossible to maintain such kind of bindings with reasonable (for me) efforts. Especially, taking into account different versions of libgit2. Thus i think, ImportC is important feature that could significantly boost D ecosystem. Also, i want to create libpq wrapper for postgresql database similar for python's psycopg (no classes, only ref-counted structs, no integrated orm, just simple and reliable library). But the only thing that stops me to start work on it (except time) is that ImportC is not ready yet (not supported by LDC and has some bugs). I will not even try to start work on such projects without ImportC. So, please, stop hate ImportC. --- In case of LTS, i support that D needs some kind of LTS release, or at least keep backward compatibility as much as reasonably possible. But, i think, that before starting of LTS, at least following features have to be completed (no need to use -preview to enable them): - DIP1000 support - ImportC - Preview In (good to have, but not necessary) - Something other that is partially ready and may be necessary for D ecosystem. I think that, things that have to be backported to (or may be forwardported from) LTS release must include: - regressions - critical bugfixes - bugfixes that require reasonable amount of work to backport. - possibly some deprecation warnings (i think it is good to know that some feature will be removed as early as possible). - possibly some safe (fully backward-compatible features that require reasonable amount of work to backport). In case of reasonable amount of work, i mean: why not to backport fix/feature if it could take not more then few hours.I have some frustrations, too - how can we focus just on bug fixes while implementing new features at the same time?Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing, but it would be nice to have a specific list.This entire thread is a list of problems, yet your only response is "Do it yourself". So I'm not buying this "I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing".
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 13:59:56 UTC, Dmytro Katyukha wrote:On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:35:41 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:FYI, I'm cross-compiling and cross-linking targeting Windows from a Mac, using ImportC to handle directly the ffmpeg API, using LDC. I just love that. /P[...]Why so many hate for ImportC? I am waiting when it will be ready and supported by LDC, thus i will be able to use some C libraries without pain. [...]
Jul 03 2023
On 7/3/2023 7:08 AM, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:FYI, I'm cross-compiling and cross-linking targeting Windows from a Mac, using ImportC to handle directly the ffmpeg API, using LDC.Awesome!
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 13:59:56 UTC, Dmytro Katyukha wrote:For example, it took too much time to understand how to generate (and then manually process) D definitions for such simple library as [libzip]( I am waiting when ImportC will be supported by LDC, and then i will be able to use it for example for this wrapper around libzip (, but I plan to make a `miniz` package with this translation, since it could maybe simplify using zlib. (some of the APIs aren't supported though) Also translated lz4 (but not lz4hc).
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:35:41 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 03:12:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I'm not using it in D right now, but every compiler I've ever made has had some variant of ImportC. It's a great feature, and I am hype that it's in the language.I have some frustrations, too - how can we focus just on bug fixes while implementing new features at the same time?Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?
Jul 03 2023
On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 15:04:13 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:I'm not using it in D right now, but every compiler I've ever made has had some variant of ImportC. It's a great feature, and I am hype that it's in the language.Many used approach with clang/cling.. D already had dstep,ctod,htod,dpp,calypso,ohmygentool Also same ABI with C and easy export(C).. Many languages somehow live without it.. Also there were no DIP with: analysis of “best practices”, effort estimation, asking which approach based on effort is more desired by community.. Maybe it was but only inside core team idk..
Jul 03 2023
On 7/3/2023 8:27 AM, Sergey wrote:Also there were no DIP with: analysis of “best practices”, effort estimation, asking which approach based on effort is more desired by community.. Maybe it was but only inside core team idk..There wasn't a DIP, because ImportC isn't about the D language. I.e. it's a compiler feature, not a D feature.
Jul 03 2023
On 7/3/2023 4:35 AM, GrimMaple wrote:On Monday, 3 July 2023 at 03:12:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:There have been 4 previous attempts at automating access to C .h files, by 4 different people. There's quite clearly a problem that needs solving.I have some frustrations, too - how can we focus just on bug fixes while implementing new features at the same time?Who asked for those features in the first place? Eg. who asked for ImportC? Are you even sure those new features are needed?Look at my PRs starting with "Fix ..." and the PRs people are steadily contributing.I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing, but it would be nice to have a specific list.This entire thread is a list of problems, yet your only response is "Do it yourself". So I'm not buying this "I would like to work on the problems you're experiencing".
Jul 03 2023
whereas some of the compiler bugs I've reported have gone unseenAs far as I can tell, this is the first post by Z3Solver. I cannot find any bugzilla issues attributed by Z3Solver. If you could provide links to the issues you've reported, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Jul 02 2023