digitalmars.D - DDBI and SQLite Troubles
- lurker (6/6) Jun 08 2008 hi,
- Chris R. Miller (18/25) Jun 08 2008 B libs as was said before.
hi, did anyone by chance already do a library for sedna? other then that, i tink that one of the big drawbacks od D is missing DB libs as was said before. thanks lurker
Jun 08 2008
lurker wrote:hi, =20 did anyone by chance already do a library for sedna? =20 =20 other then that, i tink that one of the big drawbacks od D is missing D=B libs as was said before. The nearest approximation to Sedna that I know of is DDBI's Sqlite=20 layer, which only shares the similarity that it's not through a network. Using XQuery it looks like you could build a Sedna layer for DDBI,=20 though after talking with Lars it sounds like the contract from=20 IPreparedStatement is slated to change in the future, so it would be=20 more like hitting a moving target. If you want to see Sedna in D, or more specifically in DDBI, you should=20 first create a D port of Sedna, then a D port of the XQuery stuff that=20 you would use to translate SQL to Sedna stuff. By the time you're done=20 with all that DDBI might be to a point that it will no longer be such a=20 moving target. I cannot make any certain prediction, but that's what=20 I'd wager. Of interest if you really want to do that is the XML capability spread=20 across Tango, Sendero, Mango, Tango Scrapple, and DWin. I also think=20 that Chris E. wrote some XML stuff that would be on his site=20, but I could be mistaken.
Jun 08 2008