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digitalmars.D - Associative Array that Supports upper/lower Ranges

I was in need of an associative array / dictionary object that 
could also support getting ranges of entries with keys below or 
above a given value.  I couldn't find anything that would do 
this, and ended up using the RedBlackTree to store key/value 
pairs, and then wrap the relevant functions with key lookups.

I feel that there was probably an easier way to do this, but I 
didn't find one.  Regardless, if anyone else has this kind of 
problem, you can get around it like this:

module rbtree_map;

import std.container.rbtree;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.functional : binaryFun;
import std.meta : allSatisfy;
import std.range : ElementType, isInputRange;
import std.traits : isDynamicArray, isImplicitlyConvertible;

  * A dictionary or associative array backed by a Red-Black tree.

unittest {
   auto rbTreeMap = new RBTreeMap!(string, int)();
   rbTreeMap["a"] = 4;
   rbTreeMap["b"] = 2;
   rbTreeMap["c"] = 3;
   rbTreeMap["d"] = 1;
   rbTreeMap["e"] = 5;
   assert(rbTreeMap.length() == 5);
   assert("c" in rbTreeMap);
   assert("c" !in rbTreeMap);
   rbTreeMap.lowerBound("c");  // Range of ("a", 4), ("b", 2)
   rbTreeMap.upperBound("c");  // Range of ("d", 1), ("e", 5)

final class RBTreeMap(KeyT, ValueT, alias KeyLessF = "a < b", 
bool allowDuplicates = false) {
   static struct Pair {
     KeyT key;
     ValueT value;

   alias keyLess = binaryFun!KeyLessF;

   alias RedBlackTreeT =
       RedBlackTree!(Pair, (pair1, pair2) => keyLess(pair1.key, 
pair2.key), allowDuplicates);

   RedBlackTreeT rbTree;

   // Forward compatible methods like: empty(), length(), 
opSlice(), etc.
   alias rbTree this;

   this() {
     rbTree = new RedBlackTreeT();

   this(Pair[] elems...) {
     rbTree = new RedBlackTreeT(elems);

   this(PairRange)(PairRange pairRange)
   if (isInputRange!PairRange && 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!PairRange, Pair)) {
     rbTree = new RedBlackTreeT(pairRange);

   bool opEquals(Object rhs) {
     RBTreeMap that = cast(RBTreeMap) rhs;
     if (that is null) return false;

     return rbTree == that.rbTree;

   /// Insertion
   size_t stableInsert(K, V)(K key, V value)
   if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(K, KeyT) && 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(V, ValueT)) {
     return rbTree.stableInsert(Pair(key, value));
   alias insert = stableInsert;

   ValueT opIndexAssign(ValueT value, KeyT key) {
     rbTree.stableInsert(Pair(key, value));
     return value;

   /// Membership
   bool opBinaryRight(string op)(KeyT key) const
   if (op == "in") {
     return Pair(key) in rbTree;

   /// Removal
   size_t removeKey(K...)(K keys)
   if (allSatisfy!(isImplicitlyConvertibleToKey, K)) {
     KeyT[K.length] toRemove = [keys];
     return removeKey(toRemove[]);

   //Helper for removeKey.
   private template isImplicitlyConvertibleToKey(K)
     enum isImplicitlyConvertibleToKey = 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(K, KeyT);

   size_t removeKey(K)(K[] keys)
   if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(K, KeyT)) {
     auto keyPairs = keys.map!(key => Pair(key));
     return rbTree.removeKey(keyPairs);

   size_t removeKey(KeyRange)(KeyRange keyRange)
   if (isInputRange!KeyRange
       && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!KeyRange, KeyT)
       && !isDynamicArray!KeyRange) {
     auto keyPairs = keys.map(key => Pair(key));
     return rbTree.removeKey(keyPairs);

   /// Ranges
   RedBlackTreeT.Range upperBound(KeyT key) {
     return rbTree.upperBound(Pair(key));

   RedBlackTreeT.ConstRange upperBound(KeyT key) const {
     return rbTree.upperBound(Pair(key));

   RedBlackTreeT.ImmutableRange upperBound(KeyT key) immutable {
     return rbTree.upperBound(Pair(key));

   RedBlackTreeT.Range lowerBound(KeyT key) {
     return rbTree.lowerBound(Pair(key));

   RedBlackTreeT.ConstRange lowerBound(KeyT key) const {
     return rbTree.lowerBound(Pair(key));

   RedBlackTreeT.ImmutableRange lowerBound(KeyT key) immutable {
     return rbTree.lowerBound(Pair(key));

   auto equalRange(KeyT key) {
     return rbTree.equalRange(Pair(key));

Jun 25 2018