digitalmars.D - A trouble with constructors
- bearophile (23/23) Nov 22 2010 While optimizing some code I have seen that adding a basic struct constr...
While optimizing some code I have seen that adding a basic struct constructor produces a large difference in performance, this is a test program: enum bool use_ctor = true; struct Foo { static if (use_ctor) { double x, y, z; pure nothrow this(double x_, double y_, double z_) { this.x = x_; this.y = y_; this.z = z_; } } else { double x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0; } Foo muls(double s) { return Foo(this.x*s, this.y*s, this.z*s); } } void main() {} Changing use_ctor from true to false changes a lot the amount of asm code produced and the performance of a program that uses this structs. For asm listings and more info click here: Bye, bearophile
Nov 22 2010