digitalmars.D - A file reading benchmark
- bearophile (50/50) Feb 17 2012 A tiny little file lines reading benchmark I've just found on Reddit:
- bearophile (11/12) Feb 17 2012 Sorry, I have forgotten the version of the D code with GC disabling:
- Walter Bright (3/4) Feb 17 2012 If you're going to benchmark reading a file line by line, that's what yo...
- bearophile (8/12) Feb 17 2012 I have used the benchmark presented on Reddit.
- Walter Bright (6/7) Feb 17 2012 I have no issue with that, just with your conclusion that it's file read...
- Robert Jacques (3/5) Feb 17 2012 Whether or not deque vs vector was the primary performance problem, post...
- Robert Jacques (3/11) Feb 17 2012 Bearophile, when comparing a deque to a classic vector, of course the de...
- Andrei Alexandrescu (30/40) Feb 23 2012 [snip]
- Martin Nowak (5/13) Feb 23 2012 Nice, I just got shocked yesterday by seeing that we call fgetc for ever...
- Andrei Alexandrescu (5/19) Feb 23 2012 Yah, feel free to work opportunistically on this if you find the time.
- Martin Nowak (4/23) Feb 23 2012 Could we get rid of libc file streams or do we need to share the locks
- H. S. Teoh (9/13) Feb 23 2012 [...]
A tiny little file lines reading benchmark I've just found on Reddit: The Ruby code that generates slowly the test data: But for my timings I have used only about a 40% of that file, the first 1_965_800 lines, because I have less memory. My Python-Psyco version runs in 2.46 seconds, the D version in 4.65 seconds (the D version runs in 13.20 seconds if I don't disable the GC). From many other benchmarks I've seen that file reading line-by-line is slow in D. ------------------------- My D code: import std.stdio, std.string, std.array; void main(in string[] args) { Appender!(string[][]) rows; foreach (line; File(args[1]).byLine()) rows.put(line.idup.split("\t")); writeln([1].join(",")); } ------------------------- My Python 2.6 code: from sys import argv from collections import deque import gc import psyco def main(): gc.disable() rows = deque() for line in open(argv[1]): rows.append(line[:-1].split("\t")) print ",".join(rows[1]) psyco.full() main() ------------------------- The test data generator in Ruby: user_id=1 for user_id in (1..10000) payments = (rand * 1000).to_i for user_payment_id in (1..payments) payment_id = user_id.to_s + user_payment_id.to_s payment_amount = "%.2f" % (rand * 30); is_card_present = "N" created_at = (rand * 10000000).to_i if payment_id.to_i % 3 == 0 is_card_present = "Y" end puts [user_id, payment_id, payment_amount, is_card_present, created_at].join("\t") end end ------------------------- Bye, bearophile
Feb 17 2012
(the D version runs in 13.20 seconds if I don't disable the GC).Sorry, I have forgotten the version of the D code with GC disabling: import std.stdio, std.string, std.array, core.memory; void main(in string[] args) { GC.disable(); Appender!(string[][]) rows; foreach (line; File(args[1]).byLine()) rows.put(line.idup.split("\t")); writeln([1].join(",")); } Bye, bearophile
Feb 17 2012
On 2/17/2012 5:44 PM, bearophile wrote:A tiny little file lines reading benchmark I've just found on Reddit:If you're going to benchmark reading a file line by line, that's what your code should do. But that isn't what it does, it conflates it with appending to an array.
Feb 17 2012
Walter Bright:If you're going to benchmark reading a file line by line, that's what your code should do. But that isn't what it does, it conflates it with appending to an array.I have used the benchmark presented on Reddit. I understand that a read-only benchmark is more useful for D developers. Removing the storing of lines the code is slower than equivalent Python code still. ----------------Bearophile, when comparing a deque to a classic vector, of course the deque is going to win. This has nothing to do with D, and everything to do with writing a good algorithm.<In this specific case you are wrong: in Python if I replace the deque with a list (that is a dynamic array), the runtime grows only by less than 0.2 seconds. I know this benchmark is about Phobos not about D.Also, Appender has known performance problems with large appends (Issue 5813 , I'm currently folding in Vladimir's suggestions and generating a pull request)<OK. We'll see. But the File.byLine() is slower than file by line reading, regardless appending to deques of arrays or appenders. Bye, bearophile
Feb 17 2012
On 2/17/2012 7:25 PM, bearophile wrote:I have used the benchmark presented on Reddit.I have no issue with that, just with your conclusion that it's file reading that's slow. It's not supported by your data. Benchmarking is not so easy, I've very often seen benchmarks purporting to measure X when they were actually measuring Y. The scientific jargon for this is "isolating the variables".
Feb 17 2012
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 21:25:05 -0600, bearophile <bearophileHUGS> wrote: [snip]Whether or not deque vs vector was the primary performance problem, posting an 'apples to oranges' performance benchmark causes people to a) dismiss the thread and b) lower their opinion of the poster.Bearophile, when comparing a deque to a classic vector, of course the deque is going to win. This has nothing to do with D, and everything to do with writing a good algorithm.<In this specific case you are wrong: in Python if I replace the deque with a list (that is a dynamic array), the runtime grows only by less than 0.2 seconds. I know this benchmark is about Phobos not about D.
Feb 17 2012
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 19:44:04 -0600, bearophile <bearophileHUGS> wrote:A tiny little file lines reading benchmark I've just found on Reddit: The Ruby code that generates slowly the test data: But for my timings I have used only about a 40% of that file, the first 1_965_800 lines, because I have less memory. My Python-Psyco version runs in 2.46 seconds, the D version in 4.65 seconds (the D version runs in 13.20 seconds if I don't disable the GC). From many other benchmarks I've seen that file reading line-by-line is slow in D.Bearophile, when comparing a deque to a classic vector, of course the deque is going to win. This has nothing to do with D, and everything to do with writing a good algorithm. Also, Appender has known performance problems with large appends (Issue 5813 , I'm currently folding in Vladimir's suggestions and generating a pull request)
Feb 17 2012
On 2/17/12 7:44 PM, bearophile wrote:A tiny little file lines reading benchmark I've just found on Reddit: The Ruby code that generates slowly the test data: But for my timings I have used only about a 40% of that file, the first 1_965_800 lines, because I have less memory. My Python-Psyco version runs in 2.46 seconds, the D version in 4.65 seconds (the D version runs in 13.20 seconds if I don't disable the GC). From many other benchmarks I've seen that file reading line-by-line is slow in D. ------------------------- My D code:[snip] The thread in D.announce prompted me to go back to this, and I've run a simple test that isolates file reads from everything else. After generating the CSV data as described above, I ran this Python code: import sys rows = [] f = open(sys.argv[1]) for line in f: if len(line) > 10000: rows.append(line[:-1].split("\t")) and this D code: import std.stdio, std.string, std.array; void main(in string[] args) { Appender!(string[][]) rows; auto f = File(args[1]); foreach (line; f.byLine()) { if (line.length > 10000) rows.put(line.idup.split("\t")); } } Both programs end up appending nothing because 10000 is larger than any line length. On my machine (Mac OSX Lion), the Python code clocks around 1.2 seconds and the D code at a whopping 9.3 seconds. I looked around where the problem lies and sure enough the issue was with a slow loop in the generic I/O implementation of readln. The commit 53015eb1113854424d0 brings the speed of the test to 2.1 seconds. We could and should reduce that further with taking buffering in our own hands, but for now this is a good low-hanging fruit to pick. Andrei
Feb 23 2012
On my machine (Mac OSX Lion), the Python code clocks around 1.2 seconds and the D code at a whopping 9.3 seconds. I looked around where the problem lies and sure enough the issue was with a slow loop in the generic I/O implementation of readln. The commit 53015eb1113854424d0 brings the speed of the test to 2.1 seconds. We could and should reduce that further with taking buffering in our own hands, but for now this is a good low-hanging fruit to pick.Nice, I just got shocked yesterday by seeing that we call fgetc for every char, those are usually macros and as we already maintain the per system *_unlocked functions we might probably use the macro expansions.
Feb 23 2012
On 2/23/12 3:40 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:Yah, feel free to work opportunistically on this if you find the time. However, I think long-term we want to give byLine() the freedom of doing its own buffering. AndreiOn my machine (Mac OSX Lion), the Python code clocks around 1.2 seconds and the D code at a whopping 9.3 seconds. I looked around where the problem lies and sure enough the issue was with a slow loop in the generic I/O implementation of readln. The commit brings the speed of the test to 2.1 seconds. We could and should reduce that further with taking buffering in our own hands, but for now this is a good low-hanging fruit to pick.Nice, I just got shocked yesterday by seeing that we call fgetc for every char, those are usually macros and as we already maintain the per system *_unlocked functions we might probably use the macro expansions.
Feb 23 2012
On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 00:24:16 +0100, Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail> wrote:On 2/23/12 3:40 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:Could we get rid of libc file streams or do we need to share the locks with C?Yah, feel free to work opportunistically on this if you find the time. However, I think long-term we want to give byLine() the freedom of doing its own buffering. AndreiOn my machine (Mac OSX Lion), the Python code clocks around 1.2 seconds and the D code at a whopping 9.3 seconds. I looked around where the problem lies and sure enough the issue was with a slow loop in the generic I/O implementation of readln. The commit brings the speed of the test to 2.1 seconds. We could and should reduce that further with taking buffering in our own hands, but for now this is a good low-hanging fruit to pick.Nice, I just got shocked yesterday by seeing that we call fgetc for every char, those are usually macros and as we already maintain the per system *_unlocked functions we might probably use the macro expansions.
Feb 23 2012
On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 00:24:16 +0100, Andrei Alexandrescu[...][...] And while we're working with byLine(), it would be nice if this issue was also looked at: :-) T -- What do you mean the Internet isn't filled with subliminal messages? What about all those buttons marked "submit"??Yah, feel free to work opportunistically on this if you find the time. However, I think long-term we want to give byLine() the freedom of doing its own buffering.
Feb 23 2012