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digitalmars.D - A big update on 2.110

reply Dennis <dkorpel gmail.com> writes:
Hello everyone,

As you all know, the official DMD releases got severely delayed. 
I think you're owed an explanation of why it took so long.

Iain Buclaw, our release manager, was working on streamlining the 
release process to make it more automated and reduce the '[bus 

Then he got 'hit by a bus'.

Development on dmd and automatic 
builds continued, but the official releases for 2.110 and beyond 
got delayed and delayed, as nobody was around with the know-how 
and access to make a proper release.
Luckily, as the [November 
update](https://forum.dlang.org/post/xlsnoajvuphefxlestwu forum.dlang.org)
alluded to, Iain was going to slowly return and on January 8, he uploaded the
release candidate for 2.110. While doing that, he walked me through the process
in a Slack huddle / tmate session, so I could take over the task for the time
being. I was optimistic that things were going to be back on track now, and
updated the release schedule with 2.110.0 due for February 1st 2025. However,
once that day passed, it turned out we were not in the clear yet. At first I
thought there was just a small wait for [the new changelog generator after our
migration from Bugzilla to GitHub
issues](https://github.com/dlang/tools/pull/466), but no: 2.110.0 still needed
to be built and uploaded, so this week I made it my priority to get everything
sorted out.

Feel free to skip to the next paragraph, this is just a bunch of 
technical details for your amusement / understanding of why it 
was so hard to complete a release for me.

So like I said, Iain and I scheduled an online meeting to go over 
the release process on January 8. Right from the start, Slack 
huddles don't work in Firefox, so I downloaded the client, which 
crashed really badly when I started sharing my screen through it, 
requiring a reboot of my computer to fix my audio. That's not 
relevant, but it set the tone wonderfully for everyone that was 
about to come.

So the release orchestration is largely handled by one big 
bash script with about 20 sequential steps, but it can't just be run on any
computer: it has a lot of dependencies on software being installed,
configuration, authentication to various servers etc. So Iain started by giving
me an account on his server from which he builds releases, that I can ssh into.
Then we walked through each step, one by one. Because I had some trouble
getting my git configuration/authentication/keys etc. working on the server, I
ended up `rsync`'ing my user folder on the server to my own desktop so I could
continue locally. That folder is 18 GB because it contains 4 different virtual
machines for building the Linux, Windows, OSX and FreeBSD releases, but once
the download completes, I should be able to build the release, right?

Each step uncovered new missing dependencies / setup on my part. 
I installed `vagrant` and `virtualbox`, had to `modprobe 
vboxdrv`, but that required installing `linux-rt-headers`, wait 
it still doesn't work, oh the right package is `linux-headers` 
yadayadayada... Running the VM also requires enabling 
virtualization in your BIOS, a setting which I couldn't find at 
first because it's labeled 'SVM mode' on this particular 
motherboard. The biggest issue was that I have an AMD processor, 
and OSX refuses to boot on anything but an Intel processor. 
Apparently it's easy to fool the cpuid on libvirt, but not on 
That's how far we came in that huddle: I made progress, but 
ultimately couldn't build myself yet.

When it became clear this week that I had to figure out a way to 
build myself, I started to look if I had a different computer 
laying around. Since my old desktop with an Intel processor has a 
broken motherboard, I dug up my old 2015 student laptop with 
Windows 10, and installed linux on a new partition. The USB drive 
from which I previously installed NixOS on a mini laptop suddenly 
failed to start the display manager. It looks like some bits got 
corrupted, because a decompression program reported bad file 
contents. I always suspected that particular USB stick to be 
unreliable, but the 2 other drives I tried wouldn't even get 
picked up by my Laptop's boot loader, so I copied a fresh NixOS 
installer on the sketchy one and hoped it would work. It did. I 
can't seem to boot it directly though, I have to boot Windows 10 
first and then shift + restart => use device => Linux Boot 
Loader. Oh well.

Now I had to configure everything on my new installation. Some 
ChatGPT assistance, [Stack 
e-too-open-on-mac), and an [MVP GitHub
later, I could finally boot the virtual boxes! Then it exceeded my 8GB of RAM
and the OOM killer crashed the whole PC.

I rebooted and set up an 8GB swap file. I retried, but suddenly 
the Virtual Boxes wouldn't boot anymore, now reporting a new 
error. Huh? When I retried, it failed even before getting to the 
command to start the VM. Can't write to `/tmp/XXX`? Oh, I see. I 
ran out of disk space. I only had room for a 58 GB partition, 
which I thought was enough for the 20 GB of VMs, but not when 
`~/VirtualBox VMs` and `/tmp` get filled up by running vagrant so 
many times. Some disk cleaning and 2 hours of anxiously watching 
my task manager showing 95% RAM usage later, it actually did it. 
It built releases for all platforms! That felt real good, but my 
troubleshooting hadn't come to an end just yet...

To run the script that handles the release process, [to quote 
Atila](https://forum.dlang.org/post/fiyfbeczwihhsbiudtaw forum.dlang.org), you
need a special ~~Windows~~ Linux box commisioned by the Vatican and blessed by
the Pope himself. But after a ton of troubleshooting, my old laptop became such
a blessed box. It's probably the third one on the planet, and I'm storing it in
a safe in a nuclear bunker. :)

Every release is accompanied with a PGP signature in the form a 
.sig file, which the `install.sh` script and the setup-dlang 
GitHub action uses to `gpg --verify` the executables with. Since 
I'm a new signer, I added my public key to the 
[gpg_keys](https://dlang.org/gpg_keys.html) page. However, I 
wasn't aware that I also had to manually update the binary 
`d-keyring.pgp` file, which is the source of public keys 
installation scripts actually use. So yesterday (March 5) you 
might have noticed the following error in your CI:

Run dlang-community/setup-dlang v1
Enabling dmd-latest
Verifying the download with GPG
gpg: Signature made Wed Mar  5 12:46:50 2025 UTC
gpg:                using RSA key 
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

I fixed that this morning (Mar 6 11:00 UTC) with assistance from 
Andrei Horodniceanu on Slack (thanks!). I'm sorry for the 
inconvenience. If you encounter this error while manually 
installing/verifying, ensure you are using the latest keyring.

My current plans are:

- Fix the changelog (either by trying Robert's new tool or 
writing something manually)
- Formally announce the 2.110 release on Friday March 7, and 
publish the download links on the website
- Update the [release archive 
index](https://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/) (currently I 
hit a snag where 
[d-requests](https://code.dlang.org/packages/requests) can't find 
the right libssl.so)
- Update the documentation archives
- Document everything I learned about the release process for 
future maintainers
- Do the releases for 2.111 onwards until Iain or someone else 
takes over again

If you want to download 2.110 already, you can do so at:


Note that 2.110 only contains bug fixes implemented in the last 7 
months, not the new features of the last 7 months. Those are 
scheduled for 2.111, which brings up a question: Iain and I had 
the idea of skipping 2.110.1 and going straight to 2.111.0, since 
we're so far behind. There's also been talk of slowing down the 
amount of releases in general. What do you all think?

I know the whole situation is very unprofessional. Personally, 
I'm working part time as Pull Request and Issue Manager for the D 
Language Foundation, and part time as D Programmer for 
[SARC](https://www.sarc.nl/), a Dutch maritime software company 
with a roughly similar head count as the DLF 'core team'. Every 
week, I go to SARC's office where there's a weekly meeting with 
everyone. You can see what everyone is working on, knowledge is 
easily shared, and issues can be solved together. While I think 
it's amazing that DLF operates completely remote, with volunteer 
contributions coming from all around the world, it is awful for 
handling situations like this 2.110 release debacle. But we are 
learning and improving overall I think.

I want to thank Iain for doing the thankless job of being release 
manager, and helping us out recently when he really shouldn't 
have had to.

Have a good day everyone.

~Dennis Korpel
Mar 06
next sibling parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 07/03/2025 2:30 AM, Dennis wrote:
 Development on dmd and automatic nightly <https://github.com/dlang/dmd/ 
 releases/tag/nightly> builds continued
This isn't entirely true. Dmd nightlies broke for OSX for less than a day. By some very lucky chance I had been digging into the CI situation as part of making a release when the OSX image went bye byes. We didn't miss a single build! Anyway, thanks to both Dennis and Iain for working on this, I know how much work is needed to get all of this sorted out long term.
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent Sergey <kornburn yandex.ru> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Have a good day everyone.

 ~Dennis Korpel
Thanks Dennis and Iain for your great work!
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent Hipreme <msnmancini hotmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Note that 2.110 only contains bug fixes implemented in the last 
 7 months, not the new features of the last 7 months. Those are 
 scheduled for 2.111, which brings up a question: Iain and I had 
 the idea of skipping 2.110.1 and going straight to 2.111.0, 
 since we're so far behind. There's also been talk of slowing 
 down the amount of releases in general. What do you all think?
Yes, there's no need to release 2.110.1 I believe that the separation between people which updates their compiler is basically; 1 - Bug Fixes 2 - New features Since bugfixes entered 2.110.0, there isn't much point into releasing the minor
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent Bastiaan Veelo <Bastiaan Veelo.net> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 As you all know, the official DMD releases got severely 
 delayed. I think you're owed an explanation of why it took so 
 But we are learning and improving overall I think.

 I want to thank Iain for doing the thankless job of being 
 release manager, and helping us out recently when he really 
 shouldn't have had to.

 Have a good day everyone.

 ~Dennis Korpel
Thank you for doing this very important work, it is good to see this train being put back on the tracks again! Regarding preference for release cadence I think this should be mainly up to the person doing the work. I also think that it makes sense to prioritise making the process more robust and easier to operate over a high cadence. Also, it may be more valuable to have frequent bug fix releases than feature releases. And, should it take extra effort to prepare installer packages than the zip archives, it could be an option to have a lower cadence for these. People that require the latest and greatest are probably fine with a zip. At SARC we have automated compiler installation as part of the commit history, which relies solely on zip archives. This is probably a common approach in professional teams. — Bastiaan.
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent jmh530 <john.michael.hall gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 As you all know, the official DMD releases got severely 
 delayed. I think you're owed an explanation of why it took so 
Thank you and Iain for all your hard work.
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent M. M. <matus email.cz> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 As you all know, the official DMD releases got severely 
 delayed. I think you're owed an explanation of why it took so 

Thank you for the update and the details behind. It is much appreciated. Thank you and Iain for doing this work. I hope you can manage to streamline some of that. With respect to the frequency of releases, I quite like the bi-monthly cadence, but really anything else that will be more than once or twice a year is great.
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent kinke <noone nowhere.com> writes:
Much obliged!
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:

 To run the script that handles the release process, [to quote 
 Atila](https://forum.dlang.org/post/fiyfbeczwihhsbiudtaw forum.dlang.org), you
need a special ~~Windows~~ Linux box commisioned by the Vatican and blessed by
the Pope himself. But after a ton of troubleshooting, my old laptop became such
a blessed box. It's probably the third one on the planet, and I'm storing it in
a safe in a nuclear bunker. :)
It is clear that you enjoyed what you wrote (especially the above), which I cannot quote in its entirety. Most of all, I'm glad you made it. I read all the lines that you sincerely wrote. This was difficult due to the fact that my native language is not English. However, the difficulties you are experiencing are insignificant compared to the difficulties you are experiencing. In summary, I congratulate you for what you have done

 Note that 2.110 only contains bug fixes implemented in the last 
 7 months, not the new features of the last 7 months. Those are 
 scheduled for 2.111, which brings up a question: Iain and I had 
 the idea of skipping 2.110.1 and going straight to 2.111.0, 
 since we're so far behind. There's also been talk of slowing 
 down the amount of releases in general. What do you all think?
Updating bugs was important. Maybe we should do a little review instead of skipping the version number. And no matter how difficult it is, version 2.110.1 can be completed with a small update, what do you think. In summary, it is better not to spoil what we are used to. Because the previous "versioning method" had already changed Thanks Dennis... SDB 79
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Dukc <ajieskola gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:

 To run the script that handles the release process, [to quote 
 Atila](https://forum.dlang.org/post/fiyfbeczwihhsbiudtaw forum.dlang.org), you
need a special ~~Windows~~ Linux box commisioned by the Vatican and blessed by
the Pope himself. But after a ton of troubleshooting, my old laptop became such
a blessed box. It's probably the third one on the planet, and I'm storing it in
a safe in a nuclear bunker. :)
Thanks for the writeup - and especially the work to do this. Wow, that was quite a campaign to get it working! Since your box runs NixOS as the host OS, I guess you can pass its `configuration.nix` to the Foundation, so when it comes a time to set up a fourth box someday it should be at least a bit easier.

 Note that 2.110 only contains bug fixes implemented in the last 
 7 months, not the new features of the last 7 months. Those are 
 scheduled for 2.111, which brings up a question: Iain and I had 
 the idea of skipping 2.110.1 and going straight to 2.111.0, 
 since we're so far behind. There's also been talk of slowing 
 down the amount of releases in general. What do you all think?
Good idea. There are a varying number of patch versions for each major version anyway. It doesn't bother me if that number is sometimes 1.

 I know the whole situation is very unprofessional.
I don't think the delay itself is that unprofessional. Iain has an incredible load of responsibilities so it would be a surprise if something like this _didn't_ happen sometimes. For a small organisation like the Foundation I don't expect that every role can have a timely back up that would be there in an ideal big company. The only gripe I have is about keeping the users up to date when the release doesn't happen when it was planned to. Why? What's the new ETA? Or if there's no ETA currently, what's the ETA for the new ETA? But you just remedied that with your post.
 I want to thank Iain for doing the thankless job of being 
 release manager, and helping us out recently when he really 
 shouldn't have had to.
Mar 06
parent Dennis <dkorpel gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 20:33:20 UTC, Dukc wrote:
 Since your box runs NixOS as the host OS, I guess you can pass 
 its `configuration.nix` to the Foundation, so when it comes a 
 time to set up a fourth box someday it should be at least a bit 
Indeed, that was one of the reasons I chose NixOS even though I'm more experienced with Debian and Arch at the moment: I wanted to have a comprehensive and reproducible list of dependencies.
 The only gripe I have is about keeping the users up to date 
 when the release doesn't happen when it was planned to. Why?
I understand. I think this also comes down to the delay in communication you get from distributed remote work. Concretely: I was on vacation on February 1st, and missed the DLF monthly meeting on February 7th. On the 14th I had my bi-weekly check-in with Mike and Razvan, and I heard that the 2.110 release situation came up in the monthly meeting, and that Robert and Iain were working on the changelog generator. I guess at that point I could have made an announcement, but I had hardly any details. I couldn't tell if it was going to be sorted out next week or actually another major delay. It wasn't the top idea in my mind either: I had my own work to get back to. With online correspondence it's so easy for days to pass between messages, or even weeks when one party forgets to follow up. It's like what Walter always stresses: issues that are going on for months can be hashed out at DConf in minutes, where we're all in person.
Mar 06
prev sibling next sibling parent matheus <matheus gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

Nice story and a bit scary one. There must have be good relief in the end. We should be glad to have people that give up their own time to maintain projects like this. Thanks for your work, Matheus.
Mar 07
prev sibling next sibling parent reply deadalnix <deadalnix gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 ~Dennis Korpel
Unfortunately, what is released as 2.110 differs from what's in the 2.110.rc.1 . Not by much, but by enough so that the release doesn't build SDC even though rc.1 does. I'm a bit frustrated because all my CI pipelines are now broken, even though I test the beta channel and rc to make sure I don't find myself in that spot. What's the point of making a rc if this is not going to be what is shipped? Anyways, this is the failure I'm getting: https://github.com/snazzy-d/sdc/actions/runs/13713868682/job/38372203222
Mar 07
parent deadalnix <deadalnix gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 7 March 2025 at 12:24:54 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
 On Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 13:30:51 UTC, Dennis wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 ~Dennis Korpel
Unfortunately, what is released as 2.110 differs from what's in the 2.110.rc.1 . Not by much, but by enough so that the release doesn't build SDC even though rc.1 does. I'm a bit frustrated because all my CI pipelines are now broken, even though I test the beta channel and rc to make sure I don't find myself in that spot. What's the point of making a rc if this is not going to be what is shipped? Anyways, this is the failure I'm getting: https://github.com/snazzy-d/sdc/actions/runs/13713868682/job/38372203222
I was able to reduce this to https://github.com/dlang/dmd/issues/20965 . The reduced error happens in 2.109 as well, and I assume it now triggers in the overall project in 2.110 and not 2.109 because the template instactiation order changed somehow.
Mar 07
prev sibling parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
I big thank you to Dennis and Iain for the tremendous amount of work solving 
this problem!

I hope Iain gets better soon!
Mar 07