digitalmars.D - inheritance and override conflict
- GM (56/56) May 25 2006 I started learning D to day. In playing around I found this behavior whi...
- Jarrett Billingsley (37/46) May 25 2006 Change the definition of WordWriter to the following:
I started learning D to day. In playing around I found this behavior which seemed a little strange to me. As you can see below the Writer class has two prints. If I override one of them in WordWriter then I can no longer see the other without implicitly calling super. If I call writer.print("Yikes") in main as below compilation fails because Writer.print(char[]) is no longer visible. import std.stdio; class Writer { static this() { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3; } this() { writefln(x, y, z); } ~this() { writefln(z, y, x); } void print(char[] o) { writef(o); } abstract void print(char o) { writef(o); } private: static const int x, y, z; } class WordWriter : Writer { this() { writefln("go"); } ~this() { writefln("and"); } void printWords(char[] str) { foreach(char c; str) { if(c == ' ') super.print("\n"); else print(c); } super.print("\n"); } override: void print(char o) { super.print(o); } } void main() { char[] str = "Hello, World!"; void delegate(char[]) f; WordWriter writer = new WordWriter(); f = &writer.printWords; writer.print("Yikes"); f(str); }
May 25 2006
"GM" <GM_member> wrote in message news:e559gn$glk$1 started learning D to day. In playing around I found this behavior which seemed a little strange to me. As you can see below the Writer class has two prints. If I override one of them in WordWriter then I can no longer see the other without implicitly calling super. If I call writer.print("Yikes") in main as below compilation fails because Writer.print(char[]) is no longer visible.Change the definition of WordWriter to the following: class WordWriter : Writer { this() { writefln("go"); } ~this() { writefln("and"); } void printWords(char[] str) { foreach(char c; str) { if(c == ' ') super.print("\n"); else print(c); } super.print("\n"); } alias Writer.print print; override void print(char o) { super.print(o); } } Notice the "alias Writer.print print." This brings the "super" version of the print method into the namespace of the WordWriter class, so that it overloads with the other methods. Also notice that if you were to put a colon after "override" it would make it apply to all subsequent method (and member) declarations, which might not be what you want. Notice in my version that it only affects the "void print(char o)" declaration.
May 25 2006