digitalmars.D - Harmonia and DMD 0.157
- Andrew Fedoniouk (28/28) May 14 2006 I have a template in Harmonia (code reduced):
- Andrew Fedoniouk (3/3) May 14 2006 Working DMD version (for Harmonia) was DMD 0.150
- Jarrett Billingsley (7/10) May 14 2006 Looks kind of like when the template name mangling algorithm changes, an...
- Andrew Fedoniouk (12/23) May 14 2006 Thanks Jarrett.
- Deewiant (4/17) May 15 2006 Since DMD 0.151, with -inline -release, inlining is done for all importe...
- Andrew Fedoniouk (8/24) May 15 2006 Sounds suspiciously close....
I have a template in Harmonia (code reduced): struct array(T) { T[] elements; .... struct ENUM // bidirectional enumerator { int opApply(int delegate(inout T) dg) { ... } } ENUM items(bool forward) { ENUM w; w._forward = forward; w._a = elements; return w; } ENUM forward() { return items(true); } ENUM backward() { return items(false); } } And its instantiation in other module: array!(Doc.Brick*) bricks; Since DMD 0.157(probably 0.156 too) compilation is yelding to: OPTLINK : C:\d\build\lib\release\view.obj(view) Offset 03958H Record Type 0091 Error 1: Previous Definition Different : __init_8harmonia5types46__T5arrayTPS8harmonia4html8document3Doc5BrickZ5array4ENUM This is in Release mode, in Debug mode everything is fine. I cannot understand how to solve this. Instantiation of array!(Doc.Brick*) is in single place and I have no idea what "Previous Definition Different" means here. If pattern looks familiar to somebody - please let me know as Harmonia is broken now. Andrew.
May 14 2006
Working DMD version (for Harmonia) was DMD 0.150 Since then something was changed in the way how it links/compiles. Andrew.
May 14 2006
"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:e47jup$21kb$1 DMD version (for Harmonia) was DMD 0.150 Since then something was changed in the way how it links/compiles. Andrew.Looks kind of like when the template name mangling algorithm changes, and so the compiler's looking for one thing when the library has another which uses the old name mangling (happened, for example, when Walter added string and float template params). But if you're not linking to any precompiled libraries, hmm..
May 14 2006
"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2> wrote in message news:e491l3$dg9$1"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:e47jup$21kb$1 Jarrett. Probably this information will be useful: I am able to compile in release but only if I'll remove -inline flag. Dflags which does not work: DFLAGS = -c -inline -O -release Dflags which does work: DFLAGS = -c -O -release No inlining anymore? Andrew Fedoniouk. http://terrainformatica.comWorking DMD version (for Harmonia) was DMD 0.150 Since then something was changed in the way how it links/compiles. Andrew.Looks kind of like when the template name mangling algorithm changes, and so the compiler's looking for one thing when the library has another which uses the old name mangling (happened, for example, when Walter added string and float template params). But if you're not linking to any precompiled libraries, hmm..
May 14 2006
Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:I am able to compile in release but only if I'll remove -inline flag. Dflags which does not work: DFLAGS = -c -inline -O -release Dflags which does work: DFLAGS = -c -O -release No inlining anymore? Andrew Fedoniouk. http://terrainformatica.comSince DMD 0.151, with -inline -release, inlining is done for all imported modules as well as compiled ones. I don't know how this affects templates, but that might have something to do with it.
May 15 2006
"Deewiant" <deewiant.doesnotlike.spam> wrote in message news:e499rk$upp$1 Fedoniouk wrote:Sounds suspiciously close.... Sideffect of fixing these? Andrew Fedoniouk. http://terrainformatica.comI am able to compile in release but only if I'll remove -inline flag. Dflags which does not work: DFLAGS = -c -inline -O -release Dflags which does work: DFLAGS = -c -O -release No inlining anymore?Since DMD 0.151, with -inline -release, inlining is done for all imported modules as well as compiled ones. I don't know how this affects templates, but that might have something to do with it.
May 15 2006