digitalmars.D - Integrate rdmd into compiler?
- Dave (14/14) Apr 24 2006 The DMD distro. comes with 'rdmd' which extends the idea of running
- Daniel Keep (7/390) Apr 25 2006 AFAIK it has been integrated; not sure when it happened. Try `dmd -run
- Dave (10/398) Apr 25 2006 Thanks - I realize that but didn't make clear what I was asking.. rdmd
The DMD distro. comes with 'rdmd' which extends the idea of running 'she-bang' sh scripts by caching the executable and also allowing -version=foo). I find these two things pretty useful... Assuming this would be pretty easy to integrate into the compiler itself and Walter wants to, how about it? That way we could just use g/dmd for 'scripts' too. Opinions? Thanks, - Dave P.S.: Attached is the source code - the things I think need critical judgement would be a big holes, non-POSIX like non-standard cache path, and not recompiling an exe when it should be (source or switch change).
Apr 24 2006
AFAIK it has been integrated; not sure when it happened. Try `dmd -run SCRIPT`. As for gdc, I have no idea. -- Daniel Dave wrote:The DMD distro. comes with 'rdmd' which extends the idea of running 'she-bang' sh scripts by caching the executable and also allowing -version=foo). I find these two things pretty useful... Assuming this would be pretty easy to integrate into the compiler itself and Walter wants to, how about it? That way we could just use g/dmd for 'scripts' too. Opinions? Thanks, - Dave P.S.: Attached is the source code - the things I think need critical judgement would be a big holes, non-POSIX like non-standard cache path, and not recompiling an exe when it should be (source or switch change). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // rdmd - a program to compile, cache and execute D programming // language source files via either the command-line or as a // 'pseudo shell script' on POSIX conforming Linux systems. // // Written by Dave Fladebo and released into the public domain as // explained by // // This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or // implied warranties, including and without limitation to, any // warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. // // Windows additions by Roberto Mariottini // // version 1.1 version (Windows) { import; char[] fileSeparator = "\\"; char[] pathSeparator = ";"; char[] objectExtension = ".obj"; char[] exeExtension = ".exe"; } else { import std.c.linux.linux; char[] fileSeparator = "/"; char[] pathSeparator = ":"; char[] objectExtension = ".o"; char[] exeExtension = ""; } bool verbose = false; import std.c.stdlib, std.file, std.md5, std.process, std.stdio, std.string; int main(char[][] args) { int retval = -1; bool havefile = false, force = false; char[][] cmpv, argv; // cmpv = compiler arguments, argv = program arguments char[] exepath, dfilepath, compiler = "dmd", tmpdir = "/tmp"; version (Windows) { tmpdir = toString(getenv("TEMP")); } .myname = args[0]; foreach(int i, char[] arg; args) { if(i == 0) continue; if(find(arg,".d") >= 0 || find(arg,".ds") >= 0) { havefile = true; dfilepath = arg; } else { if(havefile == false) { bool skip = false; if(arg == "--help") usage; else if(arg == "--force") skip = force = true; else if(arg == "--verbose") skip = verbose = true; else { const char[] cs = "--compiler="; if(arg.length > cs.length && arg[0..cs.length] == cs) { compiler = split(arg,"=")[1]; skip = true; } const char[] td = "--tmpdir="; if(arg.length > td.length && arg[] == td) { tmpdir = split(arg,"=")[1]; skip = true; } } if(!skip) cmpv ~= arg; } else argv ~= arg; } } if(!havefile) error("Couldn't find any D source code file to compile or execute.", retval); if(compile(tmpdir,compiler,force,dfilepath,cmpv,exepath)) { char[][] exeargv; exeargv ~= exepath; foreach(char[] arg; argv) exeargv ~= arg; if(verbose) { fwritef(stderr,"running: "); foreach(char[] arg; exeargv) { fwritef(stderr,arg," "); } fwritefln(stderr); } // execute version (Windows) { retval = spawnvp(std.c.process._P_WAIT, exepath, exeargv); } else { retval = spawnapp(exepath,exeargv); } } else { try { std.file.remove(exepath); } catch {} error("Couldn't compile or execute " ~ dfilepath ~ ".", retval); } return retval; } char[] myname; void error(char[] errmsg, int errno) { fwritefln(stderr,myname,": ",errmsg); exit(errno); } void usage() { fwritefln(stderr,"Usage:"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," [D compiler arguments] [",myname," arguments] progfile.d [program arguments]"); fwritefln(stderr); fwritefln(stderr,myname," arguments:"); fwritefln(stderr," --help\t\tThis message"); fwritefln(stderr," --force\t\tForce re-compilation of source code [default = do not force]"); fwritefln(stderr," --verbose\t\tShow detailed info of operations [default = do not show]"); fwritefln(stderr," --compiler=(dmd|gdmd)\tSpecify compiler [default = dmd]"); fwritefln(stderr," --tmpdir=tmp_dir_path\tSpecify directory to store cached program and other temporaries [default = /tmp]"); fwritefln(stderr); fwritefln(stderr,"Notes:"); fwritefln(stderr," dmd or gdmd must be in the current user context $PATH"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," does not support execution of D source code via stdin"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," will only compile and execute files with a '.d' file extension"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } bool compile(char[] tmpdir, char[] compiler, bool force, char[] dfilepath, char[][] cmpv, inout char[] exepath) { int retval = 0; struct_stat dfilestat; // D source code file status info. int filrv = stat(dfilepath,&dfilestat); char[][] pathcomps = split(dfilepath,fileSeparator); char[] exefile = split(pathcomps[$-1],".")[0]; char[] cmdline = compiler ~ " -quiet"; foreach(char[] str; cmpv) if(str != "") cmdline ~= " " ~ str; // MD5 sum of compiler arguments ubyte[16] digest; sum(digest,cast(void[])cmdline); // directory for temp. files if(!tmpdir.length) tmpdir = "/tmp/"; else if(tmpdir[$-1] != fileSeparator[0]) tmpdir ~= fileSeparator; // exe filename format is basename-uid-filesysdev-inode-MD5 // append MD5 sum of the compiler arguments onto the file name to force recompile if they have changed exepath = tmpdir ~ exefile ~ "-" ~ toString(getuid()) ~ "-" ~ toString(dfilestat.st_dev) ~ "-" ~ toString(dfilestat.st_ino) ~ "-" ~ digestToString(digest) ~ exeExtension; struct_stat exestat; // temp. executable status info. int exerv = stat(exepath,&exestat); if(force || // force compilation exerv || // stat returned an error (e.g.: no exefile) dfilestat.st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime || // source code file is newer than executable progstat(.myname).st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime || // this program is newer than executable progstat(compiler).st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime) // compiler is newer than executable { cmdline ~= " " ~ dfilepath ~ " -of" ~ exepath ~ " -od" ~ tmpdir; if(verbose) { fwritefln(stderr,"running: ",cmdline); } retval = system(cmdline); // compile chmod(exepath,0700); } // remove object file try { std.file.remove(tmpdir ~ exefile ~ objectExtension); } catch {} return cast(bool)(retval == 0); } struct_stat progstat(char[] program) { struct_stat progstat; // D source code file status info. try { int prgrv; if(find(program,fileSeparator) >= 0) prgrv = stat(program, &progstat); else { // There's got to be a better way... char[][] pathdirs = split(toString(getenv("PATH")),pathSeparator); foreach(char[] dir; pathdirs) { prgrv = stat(dir ~ fileSeparator ~ program, &progstat); if (prgrv == 0) { break; } } } } catch {} return progstat; } version(linux) { int spawnapp(char[] pathname, char[][] argv) { int retval = 0; pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid != -1) { if(pid == 0) { execv(pathname,argv); goto Lerror; } while(1) { int status; pid_t wpid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if(exited(status)) { retval = exitstatus(status); break; } else if(signaled(status)) { retval = -termsig(status); break; } else if(stopped(status)) // ptrace support continue; else goto Lerror; } return retval; } Lerror: retval = getErrno; error("Cannot spawn " ~ toString(pathname) ~ "; " ~ toString(strerror(retval)) ~ " [errno " ~ toString(retval) ~ "]", retval); return retval; } extern(C) { char* strerror(int); ushort getuid(); } bool stopped(int status) { return cast(bool)((status & 0xff) == 0x7f); } bool signaled(int status) { return cast(bool)((cast(char)((status & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0); } int termsig(int status) { return status & 0x7f; } bool exited(int status) { return cast(bool)((status & 0x7f) == 0); } int exitstatus(int status) { return (status & 0xff00) >> 8; } } // version(linux) version (Windows) { extern (Windows) { BOOL GetFileTime(HANDLE hFile, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime, LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime); BOOL GetUserNameA(LPTSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD nSize); } // fake struct stat struct struct_stat { ulong st_dev; uint st_ino; ulong st_mtime; } // fake stat function int stat(char* name, struct_stat* st) { int retval = -1; HANDLE h = CreateFileA(name, FILE_GENERIC_READ, 0, null, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, null); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME lastWriteTime; if (GetFileTime(h, null, null, &lastWriteTime)) { st.st_mtime = lastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; st.st_mtime <<= 32; st.st_mtime |= lastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; retval = 0; } CloseHandle(h); } if(verbose) { fwritefln(stderr,"stat: ",toString(name)," : ",retval); } return retval; } // fake getuid function char[] getuid() { char[] buffer; DWORD size = buffer.length = 64; if(GetUserNameA(buffer, &size)) { buffer.length = size; return buffer; } return ""; } // fake chmod function void chmod(...) { } }-- v1sw5+8Yhw5ln4+5pr6OFma8u6+7Lw4Tm6+7l6+7D a2Xs3MSr2e4/6+7t4TNSMb6HTOp5en5g6RAHCP
Apr 25 2006
Daniel Keep wrote:AFAIK it has been integrated; not sure when it happened. Try `dmd -run SCRIPT`. As for gdc, I have no idea. -- DanielThanks - I realize that but didn't make clear what I was asking.. rdmd adds a couple features that 'dmd -run' doesn't have: - caching the executable - passing in compiler options I want to know the opinion of others of adding this to dmd itself and also opinions on the source code below (e.g.: security holes that I may be missing). Thanks, - DaveDave wrote:The DMD distro. comes with 'rdmd' which extends the idea of running 'she-bang' sh scripts by caching the executable and also allowing -version=foo). I find these two things pretty useful... Assuming this would be pretty easy to integrate into the compiler itself and Walter wants to, how about it? That way we could just use g/dmd for 'scripts' too. Opinions? Thanks, - Dave P.S.: Attached is the source code - the things I think need critical judgement would be a big holes, non-POSIX like non-standard cache path, and not recompiling an exe when it should be (source or switch change). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // rdmd - a program to compile, cache and execute D programming // language source files via either the command-line or as a // 'pseudo shell script' on POSIX conforming Linux systems. // // Written by Dave Fladebo and released into the public domain as // explained by // // This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or // implied warranties, including and without limitation to, any // warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. // // Windows additions by Roberto Mariottini // // version 1.1 version (Windows) { import; char[] fileSeparator = "\\"; char[] pathSeparator = ";"; char[] objectExtension = ".obj"; char[] exeExtension = ".exe"; } else { import std.c.linux.linux; char[] fileSeparator = "/"; char[] pathSeparator = ":"; char[] objectExtension = ".o"; char[] exeExtension = ""; } bool verbose = false; import std.c.stdlib, std.file, std.md5, std.process, std.stdio, std.string; int main(char[][] args) { int retval = -1; bool havefile = false, force = false; char[][] cmpv, argv; // cmpv = compiler arguments, argv = program arguments char[] exepath, dfilepath, compiler = "dmd", tmpdir = "/tmp"; version (Windows) { tmpdir = toString(getenv("TEMP")); } .myname = args[0]; foreach(int i, char[] arg; args) { if(i == 0) continue; if(find(arg,".d") >= 0 || find(arg,".ds") >= 0) { havefile = true; dfilepath = arg; } else { if(havefile == false) { bool skip = false; if(arg == "--help") usage; else if(arg == "--force") skip = force = true; else if(arg == "--verbose") skip = verbose = true; else { const char[] cs = "--compiler="; if(arg.length > cs.length && arg[0..cs.length] == cs) { compiler = split(arg,"=")[1]; skip = true; } const char[] td = "--tmpdir="; if(arg.length > td.length && arg[] == td) { tmpdir = split(arg,"=")[1]; skip = true; } } if(!skip) cmpv ~= arg; } else argv ~= arg; } } if(!havefile) error("Couldn't find any D source code file to compile or execute.", retval); if(compile(tmpdir,compiler,force,dfilepath,cmpv,exepath)) { char[][] exeargv; exeargv ~= exepath; foreach(char[] arg; argv) exeargv ~= arg; if(verbose) { fwritef(stderr,"running: "); foreach(char[] arg; exeargv) { fwritef(stderr,arg," "); } fwritefln(stderr); } // execute version (Windows) { retval = spawnvp(std.c.process._P_WAIT, exepath, exeargv); } else { retval = spawnapp(exepath,exeargv); } } else { try { std.file.remove(exepath); } catch {} error("Couldn't compile or execute " ~ dfilepath ~ ".", retval); } return retval; } char[] myname; void error(char[] errmsg, int errno) { fwritefln(stderr,myname,": ",errmsg); exit(errno); } void usage() { fwritefln(stderr,"Usage:"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," [D compiler arguments] [",myname," arguments] progfile.d [program arguments]"); fwritefln(stderr); fwritefln(stderr,myname," arguments:"); fwritefln(stderr," --help\t\tThis message"); fwritefln(stderr," --force\t\tForce re-compilation of source code [default = do not force]"); fwritefln(stderr," --verbose\t\tShow detailed info of operations [default = do not show]"); fwritefln(stderr," --compiler=(dmd|gdmd)\tSpecify compiler [default = dmd]"); fwritefln(stderr," --tmpdir=tmp_dir_path\tSpecify directory to store cached program and other temporaries [default = /tmp]"); fwritefln(stderr); fwritefln(stderr,"Notes:"); fwritefln(stderr," dmd or gdmd must be in the current user context $PATH"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," does not support execution of D source code via stdin"); fwritefln(stderr," ",myname," will only compile and execute files with a '.d' file extension"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } bool compile(char[] tmpdir, char[] compiler, bool force, char[] dfilepath, char[][] cmpv, inout char[] exepath) { int retval = 0; struct_stat dfilestat; // D source code file status info. int filrv = stat(dfilepath,&dfilestat); char[][] pathcomps = split(dfilepath,fileSeparator); char[] exefile = split(pathcomps[$-1],".")[0]; char[] cmdline = compiler ~ " -quiet"; foreach(char[] str; cmpv) if(str != "") cmdline ~= " " ~ str; // MD5 sum of compiler arguments ubyte[16] digest; sum(digest,cast(void[])cmdline); // directory for temp. files if(!tmpdir.length) tmpdir = "/tmp/"; else if(tmpdir[$-1] != fileSeparator[0]) tmpdir ~= fileSeparator; // exe filename format is basename-uid-filesysdev-inode-MD5 // append MD5 sum of the compiler arguments onto the file name to force recompile if they have changed exepath = tmpdir ~ exefile ~ "-" ~ toString(getuid()) ~ "-" ~ toString(dfilestat.st_dev) ~ "-" ~ toString(dfilestat.st_ino) ~ "-" ~ digestToString(digest) ~ exeExtension; struct_stat exestat; // temp. executable status info. int exerv = stat(exepath,&exestat); if(force || // force compilation exerv || // stat returned an error (e.g.: no exefile) dfilestat.st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime || // source code file is newer than executable progstat(.myname).st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime || // this program is newer than executable progstat(compiler).st_mtime > exestat.st_mtime) // compiler is newer than executable { cmdline ~= " " ~ dfilepath ~ " -of" ~ exepath ~ " -od" ~ tmpdir; if(verbose) { fwritefln(stderr,"running: ",cmdline); } retval = system(cmdline); // compile chmod(exepath,0700); } // remove object file try { std.file.remove(tmpdir ~ exefile ~ objectExtension); } catch {} return cast(bool)(retval == 0); } struct_stat progstat(char[] program) { struct_stat progstat; // D source code file status info. try { int prgrv; if(find(program,fileSeparator) >= 0) prgrv = stat(program, &progstat); else { // There's got to be a better way... char[][] pathdirs = split(toString(getenv("PATH")),pathSeparator); foreach(char[] dir; pathdirs) { prgrv = stat(dir ~ fileSeparator ~ program, &progstat); if (prgrv == 0) { break; } } } } catch {} return progstat; } version(linux) { int spawnapp(char[] pathname, char[][] argv) { int retval = 0; pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid != -1) { if(pid == 0) { execv(pathname,argv); goto Lerror; } while(1) { int status; pid_t wpid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if(exited(status)) { retval = exitstatus(status); break; } else if(signaled(status)) { retval = -termsig(status); break; } else if(stopped(status)) // ptrace support continue; else goto Lerror; } return retval; } Lerror: retval = getErrno; error("Cannot spawn " ~ toString(pathname) ~ "; " ~ toString(strerror(retval)) ~ " [errno " ~ toString(retval) ~ "]", retval); return retval; } extern(C) { char* strerror(int); ushort getuid(); } bool stopped(int status) { return cast(bool)((status & 0xff) == 0x7f); } bool signaled(int status) { return cast(bool)((cast(char)((status & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0); } int termsig(int status) { return status & 0x7f; } bool exited(int status) { return cast(bool)((status & 0x7f) == 0); } int exitstatus(int status) { return (status & 0xff00) >> 8; } } // version(linux) version (Windows) { extern (Windows) { BOOL GetFileTime(HANDLE hFile, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime, LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime); BOOL GetUserNameA(LPTSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD nSize); } // fake struct stat struct struct_stat { ulong st_dev; uint st_ino; ulong st_mtime; } // fake stat function int stat(char* name, struct_stat* st) { int retval = -1; HANDLE h = CreateFileA(name, FILE_GENERIC_READ, 0, null, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, null); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME lastWriteTime; if (GetFileTime(h, null, null, &lastWriteTime)) { st.st_mtime = lastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; st.st_mtime <<= 32; st.st_mtime |= lastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; retval = 0; } CloseHandle(h); } if(verbose) { fwritefln(stderr,"stat: ",toString(name)," : ",retval); } return retval; } // fake getuid function char[] getuid() { char[] buffer; DWORD size = buffer.length = 64; if(GetUserNameA(buffer, &size)) { buffer.length = size; return buffer; } return ""; } // fake chmod function void chmod(...) { } }
Apr 25 2006