digitalmars.D - Flex file for the D programming language
- Casper Ellingsen (6/6) Dec 30 2005 I need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just
- J C Calvarese (6/10) Dec 30 2005 (I assume you mean this flex:
- Manfred Nowak (5/6) Dec 30 2005 [...]
- Casper Ellingsen (5/11) Dec 30 2005 I'm pretty sure flex supports unicode. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
- Manfred Nowak (8/10) Dec 30 2005 That reads as if you are not willing to do any tests yourself prior
- Chris Lajoie (12/15) Dec 30 2005 I have a mostly complete lexer written for ANTLR. It shouldn't be too
- Casper Ellingsen (7/22) Dec 30 2005 Thanks! I'll wait and see what Carlos finds first, and then possible use...
- Carlos Smith (6/9) Dec 30 2005 I wrote one some months ago.
- Casper Ellingsen (5/15) Dec 30 2005 Sounds good. Let me know if you find it.
- Carlos Smith (577/578) Dec 30 2005 I found the files. (dated March 2005)
I need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch? Casper -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
Dec 30 2005
In article <op.s2lmqbuge7y2tg>, Casper Ellingsen says...I need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch? Casper(I assume you mean this flex: I don't think I've heard of anyone creating a flex file for D because I think if I had heard of such an effort I would've added a mention to this wiki page: jcc7
Dec 30 2005
Casper Ellingsen wrote:I need a flex file for the D programming language.[...] Never heard that flex does support unicode. If flex does not support unicode then only a subset of D can be read. -manfred
Dec 30 2005
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 21:03:20 +0100, Manfred Nowak <svv1999> wrote:Casper Ellingsen wrote:I'm pretty sure flex supports unicode. Correct me if I'm wrong though. -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: need a flex file for the D programming language.[...] Never heard that flex does support unicode. If flex does not support unicode then only a subset of D can be read. -manfred
Dec 30 2005
Casper Ellingsen wrote: [...]I'm pretty sure flex supports unicode. Correct me if I'm wrong though.That reads as if you are not willing to do any tests yourself prior to acquiring help from the community. The flex of my cygwin installaton, which is up to date, creates lexers, that read into an `extern char* yytext;'. Maybe we have different definitions for "support". -manfred
Dec 30 2005
Casper Ellingsen wrote:I need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch?I have a mostly complete lexer written for ANTLR. It shouldn't be too hard to convert to flex, but I recommend you rewrite each rule individually to make sure I didn't screw up ;) (let me know if I did and it's not noted in the comments). Anything that is not handled correctly by my ANTLR lexer (that I am aware of) is noted in a comment prefixed with TODO: or BUG:. I have tried it on several of the largest files in phobos and it scanned each of them correctly, so it is complete enough for most D files. I understand there was another project doing this noted in the wiki, but it has been a dead link for some time now. Chris
Dec 30 2005
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:01:12 +0100, Chris Lajoie <ctlajoie___remove___this___> wrote:Casper Ellingsen wrote:Thanks! I'll wait and see what Carlos finds first, and then possible use yours as a base for my flex grammar file. Either way, I'll post my file once it's done for others to use. -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch?I have a mostly complete lexer written for ANTLR. It shouldn't be too hard to convert to flex, but I recommend you rewrite each rule individually to make sure I didn't screw up ;) (let me know if I did and it's not noted in the comments). Anything that is not handled correctly by my ANTLR lexer (that I am aware of) is noted in a comment prefixed with TODO: or BUG:. I have tried it on several of the largest files in phobos and it scanned each of them correctly, so it is complete enough for most D files. I understand there was another project doing this noted in the wiki, but it has been a dead link for some time now. Chris
Dec 30 2005
I need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch?I wrote one some months ago. Was quite complete at the time, but needs some work to make it up to date. Must search it, when found will post it here, tonight ( now it is 18h40 in Quebec City ). Carlos
Dec 30 2005
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:38:13 +0100, Carlos Smith <carlos.smith> wrote:Sounds good. Let me know if you find it. -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was just wondering of anyone of you guys know where I can find an already existing one? Or do I have to make one from scratch?I wrote one some months ago. Was quite complete at the time, but needs some work to make it up to date. Must search it, when found will post it here, tonight ( now it is 18h40 in Quebec City ). Carlos
Dec 30 2005
"Casper Ellingsen" <no> wrote in message news:op.s2lmqbuge7y2tg need a flex file for the D programming language. So, I was justI found the files. (dated March 2005) Using flex 2.5.4 and bison 2.1 from the MingW32 distribution. D.y is an almost empty grammar for D. Just enough to allow bison to produce a header for the tokens. will produce dtab.h will produce dlex.c gives a program to test. produce a list of tokens on stdout. Carlos begin 666 dtab.h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Dec 30 2005