digitalmars.D - Duplication in FAQ
- Stewart Gordon (18/18) Jul 26 2005 Am I the first to notice this?
- Walter (1/1) Jul 30 2005 You're right. Done.
Am I the first to notice this? "Where can I get a GUI for D?" This ought to be removed. There is already a much more comprehensive answer further down. "Is there a GUI library for D?" Moreover, using "a GUI" to mean "a GUI library" never sounded right to me.... Stewart. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/M d- s:- a->--- UB P+ L E W++ N+++ o K- w++ O? M V? PS- PE- Y? PGP- t- 5? X? R b DI? D G e++>++++ h-- r-- !y ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jul 26 2005