digitalmars.D - FreeType port
- Trevor Parscal (14/14) May 24 2005 As I move through my app I keep picking up different ports that are part...
As I move through my app I keep picking up different ports that are parts of derelect and others. Now I am finding there is no port for FreeType yet, spare SDL_TTF, which causes issues since I am using GLFW instead. Anyone know if there is a way to use only SDL_TTF without the overhead of SDL being loaded (it requires the video functions) Otherwise, I am about to emark on a complete port of the FreeType headers, or a FreeType wrapper for D. Let me know if anyone could help in the subject. I could use some help with something so large, and while I know how to use FreeType well enough to get something renderd, I am no expert. Thanks, Trevor Parscal trevorparscal
May 24 2005