digitalmars.D - Module destructors not called when unhandled exception terminates program
- James Dunne (73/73) Apr 14 2005 -------------------- mytest.d -------------------
- Jarrett Billingsley (4/9) Apr 14 2005 This could very easily be solved by putting that after-code in a finally...
- Carlos Santander B. (5/40) Apr 14 2005 That seems like a bug to me.
- Walter (24/29) Apr 15 2005 bypasses
-------------------- mytest.d ------------------- module mytest; import testmodule; static this() { printf("mytest: static this()\n"); } static ~this() { printf("mytest: static ~this()\n"); } int main(char[][] args) { throw new Exception("some error here"); return 0; } ----------------- testmodule.d ------------------ module testmodule; static this() { printf("testmodule: static this()\n"); } static ~this() { printf("testmodule: static ~this()\n"); printf("hey, what if i want to store stuff back to the database on program termination?\n"); } ------------------------------------------------- This program results in the following output: testmodule: static this() mytest: static this() Error: some error here What happened to my static ~this()'s? On checking Phobos' dmain2.d, I see the following code: Now... on catching an exception, exit(EXIT_FAILURE) is called, which bypasses the _moduleDtor() call I'm wanting to happen, as well as other equally important calls: gc_term(), _STD_critical_term(), and _STD_monitor_staticdtor(). I must inquire - is this just an overlooked, untested bug? Or this by design? What happens if you throw an object in a module destructor? On a quick documentation glance, I read the following about static destructors: "A static destructor gets called on program termination, but only if the static constructor completed successfully. Static destructors have empty parameter lists. Static destructors get called in the reverse order that the static constructors were called in." This says nothing about when exceptions are thrown. I'd suggest some sort of clarification in the documentation about this issue. Is the assumption that the program is not really "terminated" per se when an exception is thrown? A user-available D function for guaranteed-call-on-program-termination would be a nice function to have indeed! We don't seem to currently have any of those called by Phobos. Thanks for your consideration if you read this, Walter. Regards, James Dunne
Apr 14 2005
"James Dunne" <jdunne4> wrote in message news:d3lfvf$jom$1 says nothing about when exceptions are thrown. I'd suggest some sort of clarification in the documentation about this issue. Is the assumption that the program is not really "terminated" per se when an exception is thrown?This could very easily be solved by putting that after-code in a finally bock. I'm surprised that it isn't.
Apr 14 2005
James Dunne wrote:[snip] What happened to my static ~this()'s? On checking Phobos' dmain2.d, I see the following code: [snip] Regards, James DunneThat seems like a bug to me. -- Carlos Santander Bernal JP2, you'll always live in our minds
Apr 14 2005
"James Dunne" <jdunne4> wrote in message news:d3lfvf$jom$1 on catching an exception, exit(EXIT_FAILURE) is called, whichbypassesthe _moduleDtor() call I'm wanting to happen, as well as other equallyimportantcalls: gc_term(), _STD_critical_term(), and _STD_monitor_staticdtor(). I must inquire - is this just an overlooked, untested bug? Or this bydesign?What happens if you throw an object in a module destructor?It's by design. Usually, uncaught exceptions are program bugs. Having more program code be executed can both make the bug harder to find, and can cause more problems than it solves. There isn't much need to clean up system resources, because modern operating systems will clean up resources for you when your process exits. You can achieve the behavior you want, however, simply by adding try-catch to main(): void main() { try { ... my app code ... } catch (Object o) { printf("Error: "); o.print(); } }
Apr 15 2005