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digitalmars.D - Proposal for handling command line "defines"

Submitted for your approval...

I whipped up this Perl script as a proof-of-concept sort of thingy. Ideally I
would like this functionality added to the compiler, but a compiler that creates
a source file would be unusual.

The command:

perl dpp.pl defs.d -Danint=123 -Dadouble=12.3f -Dastring="This is text" -Dabool

Executes the script to strip out the -D items and build a file "compilation.d"
that contains:

struct defines
static int anint = 123 ;
static double adouble = 12.3f ;
static char[] astring = "This is text" ;
static bool abool = true ;

Then executes dmd, adding compilation.d to the file list.

In the program simply add:

import compilation ;

to have access to the "defines" from the command line -- with appropriate types!

defs.d contains:

import std.c.stdio ;

import compilation ;

int main ( char[][] args )
int[] anarray = new int[compilation.defines.anint] ;

printf ( "astring = %.*s\n" , compilation.defines.astring ) ;
printf ( "anint   = %d\n"   , compilation.defines.anint ) ;
printf ( "adouble = %f\n"   , compilation.defines.adouble ) ;
printf ( "abool   = %.*s\n" , compilation.defines.abool?"True":"False" ) ;

printf ( "arr.len = %d\n"   , anarray.length ) ;

return ( 0 ) ;

And produces output:

astring = This is text
anint   = 123
adouble = 12.300000
abool   = True
arr.len = 123

The script is pretty rough because I'm not much good with Perl, but it's good
enough for my purpose at this time.


$filename = "compilation.d" ;
$struct   = "defines" ;
$opened   = 0 ;
$cmd      = "" ;

while (  ARGV > 0 )
$item = shift (  ARGV ) ;

if ( substr ( $item , 0 , 2 ) eq "-D" )

if ( $opened == 0 )
open ( TMPFILE , ">$filename" ) ;
printf ( TMPFILE "struct $struct\n{\n" ) ;

$opened = 1 ;

$item = substr ( $item , 2 ) ;

if ( $item =~ m/=/ )

 parts = split ( "=" ,  $item ) ;

if (  parts[1] !~ m/\D/ )
printf ( TMPFILE "    static int %s = %s ;\n" ,  parts[0] ,  parts[1] ) ;

if (  parts[1] =~ m/\d\./ )
printf ( TMPFILE "    static double %s = %s ;\n" ,  parts[0] ,  parts[1] ) ;

printf ( TMPFILE "    static char[] %s = \"%s\" ;\n" ,  parts[0] ,  parts[1] ) ;

printf ( TMPFILE "    static bool %s = true ;\n" , $item ) ;

$cmd .= " " . $item ;

if ( $opened )
printf ( TMPFILE "}" ) ;

close ( TMPFILE ) ;

$cmd .= " " . $filename ;

system ( "dmd" . $cmd ) ;

May 23 2004