digitalmars.D - [announce] leds 0.11 for linux
Ok, here is a quiet announcement. linux only leds 0.11. this is the leds that compiles with the recent dool and DUI and DMD 0.108. (you need to download the lastest linux version of dool and DUI from source forge). a compiled linux slackware (9 beta) binary is available. If you didn't like leds before don't bother to try it again yet. If you are using leds you will find many small usability improvements. (I'm still working on the windows version. I might drop scintilla all together and use the DUI TextView instead. That would not be noticable for now but in the future improvements to the editor would come slower then if using scintilla) the windows pre-alpha release is still the old one and will not compile with the current DMD, dool or DUI. Ant
Dec 09 2004
In article <cpa495$137r$1>, Ant says...Ok, here is a quiet announcement. linux only leds 0.11.I just had a report saying that things aren't good. it fails to create the necessary leds environment directories making it unusable. please accept my appologies and wait until the next announcement with the corrections to the problems. Ant
Dec 09 2004