c++.rtl - RegExp::compile
- Christof Meerwald (18/18) Aug 03 2002 According to the documentation (http://www.digitalmars.com/rtl/regexp.ht...
According to the documentation (http://www.digitalmars.com/rtl/regexp.html) I am allowed to pass a NULL pointer to the "attributes" parameter of RegExp::compile, but if I try to do it, I get an access violation: #include <regexp.h> int main() { RegExp re; re.compile("abc", NULL, 1); return 0; } Looking at the RTL source code, I guess the problem is in line 140 (src/core/regexp.c) which doesn't check for a NULL pointer: _tcscpy(flags, attributes); bye, Christof -- http://cmeerw.org JID: cmeerw jabber.at mailto cmeerw at web.de ...and what have you contributed to the Net?
Aug 03 2002