c++.mfc - Compile MFC - internal error
- DigitalMars (13/13) Mar 10 2002 Hi,
Hi, today I've downloaded DM ?ompiler and I'm trying to compile MFC CVS 4.21. I use smake -f nafxcw.mak and I get the following error:. SC -cpp -Ae -Ar -mn -o+time -NL -5 -a8 -Nc -c -H -HDNW -HO- -wx -w- -w3 -w6 -w7 -w11 -w12 -w17 -D_X86_ -D_MT -D_MBCS=1 -I..\..\..\include -oNW\olemon.ob j ..\olemon.cpp Internal error: cgobj 3034 --- errorlevel 1 SMAKE fatal error: command "SC" returned with error code 1 Stopping. Where is the problem? Please help, Oxy
Mar 10 2002