c++.mfc - Problem compiling newest MFC/SDK code
I have obtained the latest Win DDk and am trying to get DMC to work with the updated win and MFC files. So far it is going well, but I am having a problem compiling this section of "afxcom_.h". The error I get is "Error: C:\DM\BIN\..\mfc\include\afxcom_.h(310): '_CIP' is not a member of struct '_CIP<IUnknown ,&const _GUID IID_IUnknown>'" .... template<class _Interface, const IID* _IID> _CIP<_Interface, _IID>::_CIP<_Interface, _IID>() :_pInterface(NULL) { } .... Any advice is greatly appreciated and I will share the results of my efforts. Thanks. Andy.
Oct 21 2003
"Andy C" <Andy_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bn3h50$18be$1 digitaldaemon.com...I have obtained the latest Win DDk and am trying to get DMC to work withtheupdated win and MFC files. So far it is going well, but I am having aproblemcompiling this section of "afxcom_.h". The error I get is "Error: C:\DM\BIN\..\mfc\include\afxcom_.h(310): '_CIP'isnot a member of struct '_CIP<IUnknown ,&const _GUID IID_IUnknown>'" .... template<class _Interface, const IID* _IID> _CIP<_Interface, _IID>::_CIP<_Interface, _IID>() :_pInterface(NULL) { } .... Any advice is greatly appreciated and I will share the results of myefforts.Thanks. Andy.Here's some tips on narrowing down such problems: www.digitalmars.com/faq.html#error
Oct 21 2003