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c++.idde - Help including header files

reply j.hirshon att.net writes:
How do I set up a project so that I can include *.h and non-.h (<string>,
<vector>) header files?

How can I see the value of environment variables such as INCLUDE?

Jun 14 2005
parent Marshall <Marshall_member pathlink.com> writes:

Read the documentation on sc.ini.  Then edit \dm\bin\sc.ini.  One example of the
include line might read INCLUDE="% P%\..\stlport\stlport";"% P%\..\include"

As far as seeing the environment variables; I would recomend compiling with
smake.exe and the /p option.  It might not give you everything you're looking
for, but it's an excellent start.  Also try make.exe with the -l option.

In article <d8mgpe$tq4$1 digitaldaemon.com>, j.hirshon att.net says...
How do I set up a project so that I can include *.h and non-.h (<string>,
<vector>) header files?

How can I see the value of environment variables such as INCLUDE?

Jun 14 2005