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c++.dos - Help with reading keyboard in 32bit apps

reply Paul <Paul_member pathlink.com> writes:
Can anyone tell me how to read the state of arrow and shift keys in a 32-bit
application compiled with sc.exe? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm
trying to write a text-mode text editor and have the following problem. When I
compile 16-bit dos apps with -mld, I can detect shift and arrow keys with
getch() and _bios_keybrd etc but then can't access more than 64k of memory. When
I compile normal 32 bit apps I have no memory problems but then can't detect
arrow keys etc with getch() and _bios_keybrd is unavailable.

I've tried looking at the X32 extender but it is beyond me. Is there an easier

Sep 07 2005
parent "Walter Bright" <newshound digitalmars.com> writes:
"Paul" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message
news:dfm6vu$2o4v$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Can anyone tell me how to read the state of arrow and shift keys in a
 application compiled with sc.exe? Sorry if this is a stupid question but
 trying to write a text-mode text editor and have the following problem.
When I
 compile 16-bit dos apps with -mld, I can detect shift and arrow keys with
 getch() and _bios_keybrd etc but then can't access more than 64k of
memory. When
 I compile normal 32 bit apps I have no memory problems but then can't
 arrow keys etc with getch() and _bios_keybrd is unavailable.

 I've tried looking at the X32 extender but it is beyond me. Is there an
The source to MicroEmacs (from www.digitalmars.com) it has code in it to read the keyboard from DOS, DOS32, and Win32.
Sep 08 2005