c++.dos.16-bits - hybrid MS-DOS/Win32 exe?
Um..I've always wanted to easily write like something that just uses stdio and runs as a 32bit extended DOS app under MS-DOS but a Win32 app under Win32? Could this be done, easily? I understand there are at least two options -- compile and link everything twicing, using the 32bit extended DOS app as the "stub" for the Win32 app, or some very special startup code and .exe file formatting such that you achieve object code sharing. I know there's a DOS extender that implements a subset of Win32 and runs PE files but I found it had a strong tendency not to work..I also found it kind of scary that it contains a PE loader written in /assembly/.. - Jay
Jun 22 2002
It's pretty easy. Just build a regular DOS executable (or even a DOSX one!), and then list that executable as the "stub" executable for your Win32 executable. You'll then have one very large exe file that is a dual mode app. I used to do this all the time. It works so well I don't see any point to trying to kludge a win32 executable to run under a dos extender. "Jay Krell" <jay.krell cornell.edu> wrote in message news:af1nuk$1f8j$1 digitaldaemon.com...Um..I've always wanted to easily write like something that just uses stdio and runs as a 32bit extended DOS app under MS-DOS but a Win32 app under Win32? Could this be done, easily? I understand there are at least two options -- compile and link everything twicing, using the 32bit extendedDOSapp as the "stub" for the Win32 app, or some very special startup code and .exe file formatting such that you achieve object code sharing. I know there's a DOS extender that implements a subset of Win32 and runsPEfiles but I found it had a strong tendency not to work..I also found itkindof scary that it contains a PE loader written in /assembly/.. - Jay
Jul 01 2002