c++.dos.16-bits - set start address of .com file
- Christian Neubert (3/3) Jan 05 2005 I want to rewrite my loader in c and I want to give this compiler a try,...
- Christian Neubert (7/10) Jan 05 2005 I tried it and I need some more info.
- Walter (7/17) Jan 14 2005 The linker doesn't need any special commands. Generating .com files is t...
I want to rewrite my loader in c and I want to give this compiler a try, but it is possible to compile to a binary file (like .com) with a start offset of 0?
Jan 05 2005
Christian Neubert wrote:I want to rewrite my loader in c and I want to give this compiler a try, but it is possible to compile to a binary file (like .com) with a start offset of 0?I tried it and I need some more info. I want to link several .obj files to 1 .com like file. What commands have I to give to the linker? The next problems are the standard libs. I turn they of with the -NL switch, but when I want to link I get the errors, with a symbol __acrtused and with my function which is written and compiled with nasm.
Jan 05 2005
"Christian Neubert" <Codemasterhs yahoo.de> wrote in message news:crhr0m$5mb$1 digitaldaemon.com...Christian Neubert wrote:The linker doesn't need any special commands. Generating .com files is the "t" memory model. To create hello.com, dmc -mt hello which will show how it is obj2asm'd and exe2bin'd.I want to rewrite my loader in c and I want to give this compiler a try, but it is possible to compile to a binary file (like .com) with a start offset of 0?I tried it and I need some more info. I want to link several .obj files to 1 .com like file. What commands have I to give to the linker?The next problems are the standard libs. I turn they of with the -NL switch, but when I want to link I get the errors, with a symbol __acrtused and with my function which is written and compiled with nasm.See www.digitalmars.com/ctg/acrtused.html
Jan 14 2005