c++.command-line - Yehaw!!! DONE!!! I MADE IT!!!!
- "SStallone" <sstallone gmx.de> Jul 26 2001
I have managed it. Here is my first functional beta version of map2obj inclusive one example how it works. Perhaps I will add a readme.txt but for now I have enough. Here is an instruction how to use it: 1) Extract .tar.gz file to DMCPP-folder 2) CD to DMCPP\EXAMPLE 3) type SC WATER.OBJ 4) type MAP2OBJ WATER 5) it should tell "All done!" as last comment 6) type SC WATER.OBJ GDI32.LIB OPENGL32.LIB GLU32.LIB 7) run WATER.EXE Now it is up to you to optimize the source code and include following: a) ability to add to all undefined symbols the __imp__ prefix if not already given means: _myFunction x in .obj becomes to __imp__myFunction without x b) speed up execution c) stabilize the code d) ??? Tell me your opinions Best regards Chris (SStallone) from Germany
Jul 26 2001