c++ - Obsolete -Ju ?
- Jean-Pierre H. Dumas (16/16) May 13 2003 I have a slight problem with the now considered obsolete -Ju (and -J) sc...
- Walter (19/35) May 13 2003 option (in C, not C++)
I have a slight problem with the now considered obsolete -Ju (and -J) sc option (in C, not C++) the code I write uses "unsigned char" only, like most people outside the US, as I need to use the char as index in vectors.And, yes, there are people that use char >127 every day. So, "blahblah" is signed char *, it is a bit heavy to put (unsigned char *) in front of each "..." and '.' in programs, right ? Then, when I call library functions, they are all declared signed char, in parameters and result, so casting again at all lines, really heavy. (I do not feel like tweaking all system include files to get them correctly, because at each update I would have to do it again.) If I want to compile without fatal errors I have to disable the type checking with -Jm, then I loose the benefit of type checking, not nice if I want to create ANSI clean code. Some months ago -Ju was silent, now with the "obsolete" message it is rather noisy. So, as I don't believe that unsigned char are seen as a necessary standard, it would be nice just to have -Ju back to its former silent behavior, please. (DMC must be the only remaining compiler with signed char by default, no ?) Jean-Pierre
May 13 2003
"Jean-Pierre H. Dumas" <jeanpierre.dumas freesbee.fr> wrote in message news:1103_1052855870 news.digitalmars.com...I have a slight problem with the now considered obsolete -Ju (and -J) scoption (in C, not C++)the code I write uses "unsigned char" only, like most people outside theUS, as I need touse the char as index in vectors.And, yes, there are people that use char 127 every day. So, "blahblah" is signed char *, it is a bit heavy to put (unsigned char*) in frontof each "..." and '.' in programs, right ? Then, when I call library functions, they are all declared signed char, inparameters and result,so casting again at all lines, really heavy. (I do not feel like tweaking all system include files to get themcorrectly, because ateach update I would have to do it again.) If I want to compile without fatal errors I have to disable the typechecking with -Jm,then I loose the benefit of type checking, not nice if I want to createANSI clean code.Some months ago -Ju was silent, now with the "obsolete" message it israther noisy.So, as I don't believe that unsigned char are seen as a necessarystandard, it wouldbe nice just to have -Ju back to its former silent behavior, please. (DMC must be the only remaining compiler with signed char by default, no?) The problem with -Ju is it plays type havoc with the headers and libraries. It's not well tested anymore, and I wasn't sure it was reliable. I had several programs myself that relied on -Ju, and I recoded them to not rely on the signed-ness of char. Where char is used as an index, I just: array[c] => array[c & 0xFF] DMC is signed char by default to be compatible with common practice on the PC.
May 13 2003