c++ - Internal error: init 1814
- Matthew Wilson (13/13) Jun 13 2002 Walter
- Walter (8/19) Jun 14 2002 code
- Matthew Wilson (11/35) Jun 14 2002 The line number thing is a little strange because it's exactly the same ...
- Walter (6/12) Jun 14 2002 No, it's the line number in the compiler source.
- Matthew Wilson (4/17) Jun 15 2002 Duh, don't I feel silly
Walter Am compiling some moderately complex template stuff, and with v8.27 I get Internal error: init 1814 whereas with v8.28 I get Internal error: init 1815 Obviously if I want you to be able to fix it I'll have to boil down the code (there's 900 lines of cpp, and about 2500 lines of header), but I would like to know first whether the increment in internal error is a function of a similar-sized (ie. by 1) increment in the compiler version number, or whether it is likely to be an artefact of the later compiler getting a little further before apoptosis? Thanks Matthew
Jun 13 2002
"Matthew Wilson" <matthew thedjournal.com> wrote in message news:aec14p$22pt$1 digitaldaemon.com...Walter Am compiling some moderately complex template stuff, and with v8.27 I get Internal error: init 1814 whereas with v8.28 I get Internal error: init 1815 Obviously if I want you to be able to fix it I'll have to boil down thecode(there's 900 lines of cpp, and about 2500 lines of header), but I wouldliketo know first whether the increment in internal error is a function of a similar-sized (ie. by 1) increment in the compiler version number, or whether it is likely to be an artefact of the later compiler getting a little further before apoptosis?The number is simply the line number in the source code that threw the assert. I would appreciate it if you could boil it down, in my experience about 97% of all such bugs can be reduced to 10 lines of code or less. That makes it much easier to fix. -Walter
Jun 14 2002
The line number thing is a little strange because it's exactly the same code that's being compiled, just with different versions. Does one do 0-based and the other do 1-based? Surely not? Just checked, and the source file has 847 lines. Only two headers are > 1000 lines, and only one has anything like code on or around lines 1814/5. Very odd. I'll try and boil it down. "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:aeda2b$c9i$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Matthew Wilson" <matthew thedjournal.com> wrote in message news:aec14p$22pt$1 digitaldaemon.com...getWalter Am compiling some moderately complex template stuff, and with v8.27 IThatInternal error: init 1814 whereas with v8.28 I get Internal error: init 1815 Obviously if I want you to be able to fix it I'll have to boil down thecode(there's 900 lines of cpp, and about 2500 lines of header), but I wouldliketo know first whether the increment in internal error is a function of a similar-sized (ie. by 1) increment in the compiler version number, or whether it is likely to be an artefact of the later compiler getting a little further before apoptosis?The number is simply the line number in the source code that threw the assert. I would appreciate it if you could boil it down, in my experience about 97% of all such bugs can be reduced to 10 lines of code or less.makes it much easier to fix. -Walter
Jun 14 2002
No, it's the line number in the compiler source. "Matthew Wilson" <dmd synesis.com.au> wrote in message news:aeelmm$1mek$1 digitaldaemon.com...The line number thing is a little strange because it's exactly the samecodethat's being compiled, just with different versions. Does one do 0-basedandthe other do 1-based? Surely not? Just checked, and the source file has 847 lines. Only two headers are >1000lines, and only one has anything like code on or around lines 1814/5. Very odd.
Jun 14 2002
Duh, don't I feel silly "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:aeemek$1n6a$1 digitaldaemon.com...No, it's the line number in the compiler source. "Matthew Wilson" <dmd synesis.com.au> wrote in message news:aeelmm$1mek$1 digitaldaemon.com...VeryThe line number thing is a little strange because it's exactly the samecodethat's being compiled, just with different versions. Does one do 0-basedandthe other do 1-based? Surely not? Just checked, and the source file has 847 lines. Only two headers are >1000lines, and only one has anything like code on or around lines 1814/5.odd.
Jun 15 2002