D.gnu - phobos fix, walter bright come to see (Element demo need that fix to build)
- davidl (32/32) Aug 17 2006 due to design of special features of class in D.
due to design of special features of class in D. When you introduce members with the same name in a child class, you automatically hide the inherited name from the parent so in phobos/std/stream.d class EndianStream line 2208 we should add a line as follow: alias Stream.read read since read(ubyte x) is not implemented in EndianStream and when u want to read a ubyte identifier that would fail in EndianStream class. also u need to change win32.d in phobos phobos/internal/gc win32.d first line originally is import std.c.windows.windows; due to the change in dmd 0.163 import becomes privately we need to declare it public so -import std.c.windows.windows; +public import std.c.windows.windows; i think dmd should include a fixed phobos!! and phobos make file explicitly use a hardcoded path of dmd. in phobos/internal/gc/win32.mak #DMD=\dmd\bin\dmd add DMD=..\..\..\..\bin\dmd in phobos/win32.mak find the line DMD=\dmd\bin\dmd add DMD=..\..\bin\dmd there is a page about building phobos in WIKI4D follow the instructions there would be fine -- 使用 Opera 革命性的电子邮件客户程序: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Aug 17 2006