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D - By the way, this is the "old" D newsgroup

This is the old D newsgroup. It has very low traffic because there's 
usually nothing to see here but old posts. The D community is now 
hanging out over at the new D newsgroup (and in a few other newsgroups 
with more specific purposes). There are also other NG's relating to 
specific topics, such as bugs, GDC, learning, templates, etc.

*The new D newsgroup*
Web: http://www.digitalmars.com/drn-bin/wwwnews?digitalmars.D
Newsgroup: news://news.digitalmars.com/digitalmars.D

By the way, there's also a helpful wiki for D called *Wiki4D*.

More information about the D newsgroups:

Some useful pages for people new to D:

Apr 05 2006