D - FYI: This is the "old" D newsgroup.
- J C Calvarese (16/16) Dec 18 2004 This is the old D newsgroup. Nothing to see here but dusty old posts.
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (4/5) Dec 18 2004 Is there no way to make this old newsgroup read-only ?
- Stewart Gordon (10/17) Dec 20 2004 Maybe we should make it so that only followups can be posted to this 'gr...
This is the old D newsgroup. Nothing to see here but dusty old posts. The D community is now hanging out over at the new newsgroup. I hope to see all of you there... *The new D newsgroup* Web: http://www.digitalmars.com/drn-bin/wwwnews?digitalmars.D Newsgroup: news://news.digitalmars.com/digitalmars.D More information about the D newsgroups: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?NewsDmD (There are other NG's relating to specific topics, such as bugs, gnu, dtl.) By the way, there's also a terrific wiki for D. Its apt name is *Wiki4D*. Here are a couple of the most useful pages for newbies: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FaqRoadmap http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?D__Tutorial Have fun! Justin (a/k/a jcc7) http://jcc_7.tripod.com/d/
Dec 18 2004
J C Calvarese wrote:This is the old D newsgroup. Nothing to see here but dusty old posts.Is there no way to make this old newsgroup read-only ? Too many cross-posts lately... --anders
Dec 18 2004
Anders F Bj�rklund wrote:J C Calvarese wrote:Maybe we should make it so that only followups can be posted to this 'group. But it is possible to make the server return an adequate human-readable error message to this effect? Perhaps "This is an old newsgroup, accepting only followups to existing threads. For new threads, use digitalmars.D instead." Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.This is the old D newsgroup. Nothing to see here but dusty old posts.Is there no way to make this old newsgroup read-only ? Too many cross-posts lately...
Dec 20 2004