D - Ugly holes/warts in Phobos
- Stewart Gordon (18/18) Apr 14 2004 1. std.file
- Phill (7/9) Apr 15 2004 What do you find peculiar about this format?
- Scott Egan (9/19) Apr 15 2004 It breaks the date and time up strangely.
Carlos Santander B.
Apr 15 2004
"Scott Egan"
wrote in message - Phill (17/59) Apr 15 2004 format
Carlos Santander B.
Apr 16 2004
wrote in message - Phill (8/51) Apr 16 2004 Thanks very much!
1. std.file You have functions to delete and rename files. How about a function to copy files? 2. std.date I've noticed a struct Date in the code. Why no functions to convert between d_time and Date, besides the internal workings of the parse function? Indeed, why no functions to get/set the component values of a d_time, or to construct a d_time from these values? For that matter, is there any particular reason for the peculiar format generated by toString(d_time)? 3. std.intrinsic int bt(uint *p, uint index) et al. Is there some esoteric reason behind a pointer instead of an inout here? Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Apr 14 2004
For that matter, is there any particular reason for the peculiar format generated by toString(d_time)?What do you find peculiar about this format? std.date.toString(getUTCtime()) Phill. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004
Apr 15 2004
It breaks the date and time up strangely. RFC2822 defines the date-time as used in mail headers. Would the basic format of this be better as it's standands based? On my PC std.date.toSrting(getUTCtime()) --> "Thu Apr 15 23:02:11 GMT+1000 2004", where as the RFC format would be: "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:02:11 +1000" "Phill" <phill pacific.net.au> wrote in message news:c5lkpm$1o0u$1 digitaldaemon.com...For that matter, is there any particular reason for the peculiar format generated by toString(d_time)?What do you find peculiar about this format? std.date.toString(getUTCtime()) Phill. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004
Apr 15 2004
"Scott Egan" <scotte tpg.com.aux> wrote in message news:c5m21t$2aut$1 digitaldaemon.com | It breaks the date and time up strangely. | | RFC2822 defines the date-time as used in mail headers. Would the basic | format of this be better as it's standands based? | | On my PC std.date.toSrting(getUTCtime()) --> "Thu Apr 15 23:02:11 GMT+1000 | 2004", | | where as the RFC format would be: | | "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:02:11 +1000" | | | | "Phill" <phill pacific.net.au> wrote in message | news:c5lkpm$1o0u$1 digitaldaemon.com... ||| For that matter, is there any particular reason for the peculiar format ||| generated by toString(d_time)? ||| || What do you find peculiar about this format? || || std.date.toString(getUTCtime()) || || Phill. || || || || || --- || Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. || Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). || Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004 I wrote a date2str function once. I posted it here and told Walter that if he wanted he could use it in Phobos. He hasn't, though. Anyway, it's available in http://earth.prohosting.com/carlos3/d_programas.htm and in the wiki: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage, in the section related to Phobos. ----------------------- Carlos Santander Bernal
Apr 15 2004
"Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message news:c5n6q8$12pe$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Scott Egan" <scotte tpg.com.aux> wrote in message news:c5m21t$2aut$1 digitaldaemon.com | It breaks the date and time up strangely. | | RFC2822 defines the date-time as used in mail headers. Would the basic | format of this be better as it's standands based? | | On my PC std.date.toSrting(getUTCtime()) --> "Thu Apr 15 23:02:11 GMT+1000 | 2004", | | where as the RFC format would be: | | "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:02:11 +1000" | | | | "Phill" <phill pacific.net.au> wrote in message | news:c5lkpm$1o0u$1 digitaldaemon.com... ||| For that matter, is there any particular reason for the peculiarformat||| generated by toString(d_time)? ||| || What do you find peculiar about this format? || || std.date.toString(getUTCtime()) || || Phill. || || || || || --- || Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. || Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). || Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004 I wrote a date2str function once. I posted it here and told Walter that if he wanted he could use it in Phobos. He hasn't, though. Anyway, it's available in http://earth.prohosting.com/carlos3/d_programas.htm and inthewiki: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage, in the section related to Phobos. ----------------------- Carlos Santander BernalWhen I tried to download from the Wiki site, I received this error: The file type you have requested (d) is invalid Is it possible to get this format with your source? 850515 020000 That is 15th of May 1985 2am The reason I need this format is so that I can send it to a server in this format. Thanks Phill. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004
Apr 15 2004
"Phill" <phill pacific.net.au> wrote in message news:c5nt2c$23t6$1 digitaldaemon.com | "Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message | news:c5n6q8$12pe$1 digitaldaemon.com... || || I wrote a date2str function once. I posted it here and told Walter that if || he wanted he could use it in Phobos. He hasn't, though. Anyway, it's || available in http://earth.prohosting.com/carlos3/d_programas.htm and in | the || wiki: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage, in the section || related to Phobos. || || ----------------------- || Carlos Santander Bernal | | When I tried to download from the Wiki site, I received this error: | | The file type you have requested (d) is invalid | | Is it possible to get this format with your source? | | 850515 020000 | That is 15th of May 1985 2am | | The reason I need this format is so that I can | send it to a server in this format. | | Thanks | Phill. | | | | | --- | Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. | Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). | Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004 Yes, there seems to be a problem with the server. Meanwhile, I'm attaching the file to this message. And yes, it's possible to get that format. ----------------------- Carlos Santander Bernal begin 666 date2str.d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Apr 16 2004
"Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message news:c5ogb6$31dd$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Phill" <phill pacific.net.au> wrote in message news:c5nt2c$23t6$1 digitaldaemon.com | "Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message | news:c5n6q8$12pe$1 digitaldaemon.com... || || I wrote a date2str function once. I posted it here and told Walter that if || he wanted he could use it in Phobos. He hasn't, though. Anyway, it's || available in http://earth.prohosting.com/carlos3/d_programas.htm and in | the || wiki: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage, in the section || related to Phobos. || || ----------------------- || Carlos Santander Bernal | | When I tried to download from the Wiki site, I received this error: | | The file type you have requested (d) is invalid | | Is it possible to get this format with your source? | | 850515 020000 | That is 15th of May 1985 2am | | The reason I need this format is so that I can | send it to a server in this format. | | Thanks | Phill. | | | | | --- | Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. | Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). | Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004 Yes, there seems to be a problem with the server. Meanwhile, I'm attaching the file to this message. And yes, it's possible to get that format.Thanks very much! Phill.----------------------- Carlos Santander Bernal--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.659 / Virus Database: 423 - Release Date: 4/15/2004
Apr 16 2004