D - static initialization bug?
- Kris (76/76) Apr 02 2004 I have a struct, containing a number of statically initialized instances...
- Kris (6/12) Apr 02 2004 Never mind ... the FU**%#$#$* alias silently dropped the "static const" ...
- John Reimer (3/7) Apr 02 2004 Uh uh uh... Remember, Kris, "alias" is a powerful tool, and for the
- Kris (7/14) Apr 02 2004 Cheers John; you are so-o-o-o-o-o right :-)
- Ben Hinkle (3/17) Apr 04 2004 I'm curious, does using typedef instead of alias keep the modifiers?
- Kris (5/6) Apr 04 2004 Afraid not Ben: I attempted that also. The only way I could get those
I have a struct, containing a number of statically initialized instances of another struct. At runtime, references to these initialized instances refer to something else entirely (name.length == 0x87762000 !). Seems like a bug, but perhaps I'm doing something stupid? - Kris struct HttpStatus { int code; char[] name; } struct HttpResponses { alias static const HttpStatus httpStatus; httpStatus Continue = {100, "Continue"}; httpStatus SwitchingProtocols = {101, "SwitchingProtocols"}; httpStatus OK = {200, "OK"}; httpStatus Created = {201, "Created"}; httpStatus Accepted = {202, "Accepted"}; httpStatus NonAuthoritativeInformation = {203, "NonAuthoritativeInformation"}; httpStatus NoContent = {204, "NoContent"}; httpStatus ResetContent = {205, "ResetContent"}; httpStatus PartialContent = {206, "PartialContent"}; httpStatus MultipleChoices = {300, "MultipleChoices"}; httpStatus MovedPermanently = {301, "MovedPermanently"}; httpStatus MovedTemporarily = {302, "MovedTemporarily"}; httpStatus SeeOther = {303, "SeeOther"}; httpStatus NotModified = {304, "NotModified"}; httpStatus UseProxy = {305, "UseProxy"}; httpStatus BadRequest = {400, "BadRequest"}; httpStatus Unauthorized = {401, "Unauthorized"}; httpStatus PaymentRequired = {402, "PaymentRequired"}; httpStatus Forbidden = {403, "Forbidden"}; httpStatus NotFound = {404, "NotFound"}; httpStatus MethodNotAllowed = {405, "MethodNotAllowed"}; httpStatus NotAcceptable = {406, "NotAcceptable"}; httpStatus ProxyAuthenticationRequired = {407, "ProxyAuthenticationRequired"}; httpStatus RequestTimeout = {408, "RequestTimeout"}; httpStatus Conflict = {409, "Conflict"}; httpStatus Gone = {410, "Gone"}; httpStatus LengthRequired = {411, "LengthRequired"}; httpStatus PreconditionFailed = {412, "PreconditionFailed"}; httpStatus RequestEntityTooLarge = {413, "RequestEntityTooLarge"}; httpStatus RequestURITooLarge = {414, "RequestURITooLarge"}; httpStatus UnsupportedMediaType = {415, "UnsupportedMediaType"}; httpStatus RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = {416, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable"}; httpStatus ExpectationFailed = {417, "ExpectationFailed"}; httpStatus InternalServerError = {500, "InternalServerError"}; httpStatus NotImplemented = {501, "NotImplemented"}; httpStatus BadGateway = {502, "BadGateway"}; httpStatus ServiceUnavailable = {503, "ServiceUnavailable"}; httpStatus GatewayTimeout = {504, "GatewayTimeout"}; httpStatus VersionNotSupported = {505, "VersionNotSupported"}; }
Apr 02 2004
of its declaration. Even without this damned alias bug, it should still have worked. So there's actually two bugs in there somewhere. "Kris" <someidiot earthlink.dot.dot.dot.net> wrote in message news:c4l7ug$86m$1 digitaldaemon.com...I have a struct, containing a number of statically initialized instancesofanother struct. At runtime, references to these initialized instances refer to something else entirely (name.length == 0x87762000 !). Seems like a bug, but perhaps I'm doing something stupid? - Kris
Apr 02 2004
Kris wrote:of its declaration. Even without this damned alias bug, it should still have worked. So there's actually two bugs in there somewhere.Uh uh uh... Remember, Kris, "alias" is a powerful tool, and for the transcendental guru only. ;-)
Apr 02 2004
Cheers John; you are so-o-o-o-o-o right :-) Apparently, I failed to maintain total-concentration for that fleeting moment ... "John Reimer" <jjreimer telus.net> wrote in message news:c4la79$b96$1 digitaldaemon.com...Kris wrote:parthaveof its declaration. Even without this damned alias bug, it should stillworked. So there's actually two bugs in there somewhere.Uh uh uh... Remember, Kris, "alias" is a powerful tool, and for the transcendental guru only. ;-)
Apr 02 2004
I'm curious, does using typedef instead of alias keep the modifiers? On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 19:13:02 -0800, "Kris" <someidiot earthlink.dot.dot.dot.net> wrote:of its declaration. Even without this damned alias bug, it should still have worked. So there's actually two bugs in there somewhere. "Kris" <someidiot earthlink.dot.dot.dot.net> wrote in message news:c4l7ug$86m$1 digitaldaemon.com...I have a struct, containing a number of statically initialized instancesofanother struct. At runtime, references to these initialized instances refer to something else entirely (name.length == 0x87762000 !). Seems like a bug, but perhaps I'm doing something stupid? - Kris
Apr 04 2004
Afraid not Ben: I attempted that also. The only way I could get those attributes to 'take' was to place them explicitly on each declaration. - Kris "Ben Hinkle" <bhinkle4 juno.com> wrote in message news:ima170p0qa6ahr1agq9gmdg1hcm4g5k1vo 4ax.com...I'm curious, does using typedef instead of alias keep the modifiers?
Apr 04 2004