D - Re: [Performance] dmd outperforms gcc C and several others in trigonometric functions
- Manfred Nowak (70/70) Mar 14 2004 Following the benchmark, which can be found under
Following the benchmark, which can be found under http://osnews.com/story.php?news_id=5602&page=1 the benchmark tested five criteria: integer math, long math, double math, trigonometric functions, file io I only take into account the first four. The unweighted geometric mean of the quotients of the time needed for the program compiled by dmd and of the time needed by the program compiled by Visual C++ yields an estimated performance for dmd of a 2,59-fold of the time needed by the reference compiler Visual C++. The ordered ranking of the used compilers follows: Visual C++ 1 Visual Basic 1.43 gcc C 1.77 Java 1.4.2 2.04 Java 1.3.1 2.58 dmd 0.79(est) 2.59 Python/psyco 8.78 Python 34.1 Now the relative results for gcc and dmd: int long double trig geometric mean Visual C++ 1 1 1 1 1 gcc C 1.021 1.532 1.484 4.257 1.77 dmd(est) 1.039 5.691 3.688 2.074 2.59 The estimated timing results for dmd on the benchmark machine are: int long double trig dmd(est) 9.97 107 23.6 7.26 (all values in seconds) This estimated timing results are calculated by compiling the source code of the benchmark by the gcc(same version) on my machine and running it. The runs yield the following timing results `gcc.mine' in seconds for the four tests: int long double trig gcc.mine 18.1 46.9 16.6 19.6 Then the code of the benchmark was adopted to the syntax of D and compiled by dmd 0.79 and run on my machine, yielding the following timing results `dmd.mine' in seconds for the four tests: int long double trig dmd.mine 18.4 176 41.3 9.54 The benchmark results from gcc for the four tests are `gcc.rep' in seconds int long double trig gcc.rep 9.8 28.8 9.5 14.9 From these three values the estimated benchmark result for each test is computed using the formula dmd(est) := dmd.mine * gcc.rep / gcc.mine The values for gcc.mine and dmd.mine where obtained as follows: compiling the source with 'gcc -march=pentium -mno-cygwin -s -O3' under cygwin and running it three times on a command prompt on a nearly empty machine yielded the following: gcc.mine int: 18130, 18130, 18180 -> 18.1 long: 46850, 46900, 46850 -> 46.9 double: 16640, 16590, 16640 -> 16.6 trig: 19610, 19610, 19670 -> 19.6 compiling the adapted source with 'dmd -O' and running it three times on a comand prompt yielded the following: d.mine int: 18410, 18404, 18434 -> 18.4 long: 174497, 174534, 174563 -> 175 double: 41283, 41278, 41255 -> 41.3 trig: 9537, 9544, 9541 -> 9.5i4 The code of the benchmark is located at: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~cowell/research/benchmark/code/ The source adapted for D is not attached because of the existing copyright of the benchmark creator. The adaption is staright forward. NOTE: also gcc was adviced in the original benchmark to make use of the SSE2, this seemed not to work. Otherwise dmd should even score better So long.
Mar 14 2004