D - implicit casting of class variable to char[]
hi, why not to cast class variable to char[] automatically? NewClass { NewClass opAdd() {...} NewClass opDiv() {...} char[] toString() {...} } NewClass v1 = new NewClass(); NewClass v2 = new NewClass(); // This is more readable (java way): printf("v1+v2="~(v1+v2)~" v1/v2="~(v1/v2)~" \n"); // Then D way: printf("v1+v2="~(v1+v2).toString()~" v1/v2="~(v1/v2).toString()~" \n");
Feb 16 2004
Because implicit conversions are generally, though by no means exclusively, a bad thing. "Yan" <Yan_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:c0qcqm$20k1$1 digitaldaemon.com...hi, why not to cast class variable to char[] automatically? NewClass { NewClass opAdd() {...} NewClass opDiv() {...} char[] toString() {...} } NewClass v1 = new NewClass(); NewClass v2 = new NewClass(); // This is more readable (java way): printf("v1+v2="~(v1+v2)~" v1/v2="~(v1/v2)~" \n"); // Then D way: printf("v1+v2="~(v1+v2).toString()~" v1/v2="~(v1/v2).toString()~" \n");
Feb 18 2004