Every once in awhile the function std.gc.fullCollect causes an access violation. Could it be caused by a deleted object's pointer still being stored at an int (could be there by chance even), and the GC thinking it's the actual object and it attempts to scan it? If so, couldn't this occur when the GC kicks in automatically? This could be a big problem. Perhaps the GC should always be wrapped in try/catch and ignore the exception. I can't think of any other solution. -- Christopher E. Miller www.dprogramming.com
Feb 03 2004
In article <bvoq3n$n2e$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Vathix says...Every once in awhile the function std.gc.fullCollect causes an access violation. Could it be caused by a deleted object's pointer still being stored at an int (could be there by chance even), and the GC thinking it's the actual object and it attempts to scan it?yes. but ..If so, couldn't this occur when the GC kicks in automatically? This could be a big problem. Perhaps the GC should always be wrapped in try/catch and ignore the exception. I can't think of any other solution.no need to try/catch. GC scan only to the memory which GC itself allocated , so never happen AV. yaneurao.
Feb 03 2004