D - C++ macros -> D ?
- Heretic (17/17) Jan 01 2004 hiya. i have a lil question... in C++ i have some macros to "guard" func...
- Hauke Duden (49/69) Jan 01 2004 This is the kind of thing where a preprocessor can come in very handy.
- Heretic (8/8) Jan 01 2004 k, 10x for a thorough answer ;)
- Matthew (8/25) Jan 01 2004 Why not just use an auto class template?
- Matthew (5/35) Jan 01 2004 Hmm.. I appear to be suffering from premature opinionation. Please ignor...
hiya. i have a lil question... in C++ i have some macros to "guard" functions for exceptions... if ye are familiar to Unreal source code, ya already know what i mean. to those who arent heres a short explanation: i have a function more or less like this: void foo() { guard(foo) { // some potentially harmful stuff } unguard } the guard macro creates a string with the function name and enters a try{ block. the unguard macro catches possible exceptions and if one was caught, it rethrows it, but telling that it was thrown from the "foo" function... so when i have an exception somewhere im my proggie, i can always know where it was risen... Is this possible in D in a similar syntax ? can that be done with no preprocessor in D ? it can really save lots of pain sometimes...
Jan 01 2004
Heretic wrote:hiya. i have a lil question... in C++ i have some macros to "guard" functions for exceptions... if ye are familiar to Unreal source code, ya already know what i mean. to those who arent heres a short explanation: i have a function more or less like this: void foo() { guard(foo) { // some potentially harmful stuff } unguard } the guard macro creates a string with the function name and enters a try{ block. the unguard macro catches possible exceptions and if one was caught, it rethrows it, but telling that it was thrown from the "foo" function... so when i have an exception somewhere im my proggie, i can always know where it was risen... Is this possible in D in a similar syntax ? can that be done with no preprocessor in D ? it can really save lots of pain sometimes...This is the kind of thing where a preprocessor can come in very handy. No conventional language construct will allow you to extend the language in a way exactly like this, because you want to have the beginning of a code block (try) sandwiched in one construct (guard) and the end in another (unguard). The only thing I can think of that lets you do something similar is the following: Have a global stack (thread-local if your app is multi-threaded) with the names of the functions that are currently executing. Derive all exceptions from the same base class. In the constructor of the base exception class, copy the contents of that function stack. Now all you have to do is update the stack each time a function is entered/left, so that it reflects the current call chain. You can do this with auto objects in D: auto class FuncCall { this(char[] name) { g_FuncCallStack.push(name); } ~this() { g_FuncCallStrack.pop(); } } Then, all you have to do is instantiate one of these objects in each function. void foo() { FuncCall c=new FuncCall("foo"); ... } Note that the FuncCall class is an "auto" class, so its objects are automatically destroyed when the reference "c" goes out of scope (i.e. when the function exits). This is necessary, because otherwise the function name will remain on the stack until the FuncCall object is garbage collected, which can be loooong after the function was exited. Matthew has proposed a better syntax for auto objects that would make this even easier: void foo() { FuncCall c("foo"); ... } This is not (yet?) possible, though. So you'll have to use the first version for the time being. Hope this helps... Hauke
Jan 01 2004
k, 10x for a thorough answer ;) the latter syntax seems quite good to me :) however there`s one problem remaining... and i dunno whether it can be solved while maintaining simple syntax. i have actually also macro guard_critical... and this one in the release build in c++ turns into nothing... so in debug i can test the app and in release i get full speed in time critical code. in cpp this is again done by a macro checking for "NDEBUG"... any clue this time ? :(
Jan 01 2004
You can make an auto class that is version aware and, if you can make it do nothing in release, the compiler will elide it for you. :) "Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt2jnm$ja3$1 digitaldaemon.com...k, 10x for a thorough answer ;) the latter syntax seems quite good to me :) however there`s one problem remaining... and i dunno whether it can besolvedwhile maintaining simple syntax. i have actually also macroguard_critical...and this one in the release build in c++ turns into nothing... so in debugi cantest the app and in release i get full speed in time critical code. in cppthisis again done by a macro checking for "NDEBUG"... any clue this time ? :(
Jan 01 2004
In article <bt2ndr$oin$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew says...You can make an auto class that is version aware and, if you can make it do nothing in release, the compiler will elide it for you. :)Yeah, i can only HOPE the compiler will elide it :( cuz even if it ALLOCS an object that *does nothing* and then gets deleted, if this is done 1,000,000 times a second (im into game programming), it wont be too good :( ill have to try and implement this with dmd and if it doesnt work, i`ll pray for the GCC frontend ;)
Jan 02 2004
"Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt4644$2vf7$1 digitaldaemon.com...In article <bt2ndr$oin$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew says...doYou can make an auto class that is version aware and, if you can make itannothing in release, the compiler will elide it for you. :)Yeah, i can only HOPE the compiler will elide it :( cuz even if it ALLOCSobject that *does nothing* and then gets deleted, if this is done1,000,000times a second (im into game programming), it wont be too good :( ill havetotry and implement this with dmd and if it doesnt work, i`ll pray for theGCCfrontend ;)IIRC, we were talking about auto objects, which exist on the stack, so elision will be simple. I'd be surprised, though not shocked, if the compiler could elide from existence empty heap objects at this point in the development
Jan 02 2004
"Matthew" <matthew.hat stlsoft.dot.org> wrote in message news:bt4mes$lgt$2 digitaldaemon.com..."Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt4644$2vf7$1 digitaldaemon.com...itIn article <bt2ndr$oin$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew says...You can make an auto class that is version aware and, if you can makedoALLOCSnothing in release, the compiler will elide it for you. :)Yeah, i can only HOPE the compiler will elide it :( cuz even if itanhaveobject that *does nothing* and then gets deleted, if this is done1,000,000times a second (im into game programming), it wont be too good :( illtothetry and implement this with dmd and if it doesnt work, i`ll pray for theGCCfrontend ;)IIRC, we were talking about auto objects, which exist on the stack, so elision will be simple. I'd be surprised, though not shocked, if the compiler could elide from existence empty heap objects at this point indevelopmentWhat matters most right now is if the language semantics allow the removal of it. Better optimizing compilers will come in time, just like they have for C++.
Jan 02 2004
Agreed "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:bt4pk4$q0o$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Matthew" <matthew.hat stlsoft.dot.org> wrote in message news:bt4mes$lgt$2 digitaldaemon.com...the"Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt4644$2vf7$1 digitaldaemon.com...itIn article <bt2ndr$oin$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew says...You can make an auto class that is version aware and, if you can makedoALLOCSnothing in release, the compiler will elide it for you. :)Yeah, i can only HOPE the compiler will elide it :( cuz even if itanhaveobject that *does nothing* and then gets deleted, if this is done1,000,000times a second (im into game programming), it wont be too good :( illtotry and implement this with dmd and if it doesnt work, i`ll pray forGCCthefrontend ;)IIRC, we were talking about auto objects, which exist on the stack, so elision will be simple. I'd be surprised, though not shocked, if the compiler could elide from existence empty heap objects at this point indevelopmentWhat matters most right now is if the language semantics allow the removal of it. Better optimizing compilers will come in time, just like they have for C++.
Jan 02 2004
Why not just use an auto class template? "Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt2bh4$6dj$1 digitaldaemon.com...hiya. i have a lil question... in C++ i have some macros to "guard"functionsfor exceptions... if ye are familiar to Unreal source code, ya alreadyknow whati mean. to those who arent heres a short explanation: i have a function more or less like this: void foo() { guard(foo) { // some potentially harmful stuff } unguard } the guard macro creates a string with the function name and enters atry{ block.the unguard macro catches possible exceptions and if one was caught, itrethrowsit, but telling that it was thrown from the "foo" function... so when ihave anexception somewhere im my proggie, i can always know where it was risen... Is this possible in D in a similar syntax ? can that be done with no preprocessor in D ? it can really save lots of pain sometimes...
Jan 01 2004
Hmm.. I appear to be suffering from premature opinionation. Please ignore in favour of Hauke's much better response. :) "Matthew" <matthew.hat stlsoft.dot.org> wrote in message news:bt2n8q$oee$1 digitaldaemon.com...Why not just use an auto class template? "Heretic" <Heretic_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bt2bh4$6dj$1 digitaldaemon.com...risen...hiya. i have a lil question... in C++ i have some macros to "guard"functionsfor exceptions... if ye are familiar to Unreal source code, ya alreadyknow whati mean. to those who arent heres a short explanation: i have a function more or less like this: void foo() { guard(foo) { // some potentially harmful stuff } unguard } the guard macro creates a string with the function name and enters atry{ block.the unguard macro catches possible exceptions and if one was caught, itrethrowsit, but telling that it was thrown from the "foo" function... so when ihave anexception somewhere im my proggie, i can always know where it wasIs this possible in D in a similar syntax ? can that be done with no preprocessor in D ? it can really save lots of pain sometimes...
Jan 01 2004