D - recls for D, beta1
- Matthew Wilson (476/476) Oct 11 2003 For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping, an...
- Matthew Wilson (17/30) Oct 12 2003 I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the
- Paul Frazee (16/56) Oct 13 2003 Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP, ho...
- Matthew Wilson (38/103) Oct 13 2003 Hi Paul
- Charles Sanders (28/137) Oct 13 2003 I get the same error , specifically :
- Charles Sanders (36/186) Oct 13 2003 Doh! Its calling Microsofts linker , using DMD's runs fine.
- Matthew Wilson (15/215) Oct 13 2003 I think I know why that is. Doh!
- Matthew Wilson (15/215) Oct 13 2003 I think I know why that is. Doh!
- Matthew Wilson (16/216) Oct 13 2003 There's nothing wrong with recls, it's the two test programs, that didn'...
- Matthew Wilson (23/173) Oct 13 2003 corrupt
For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping, and a couple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other uses the Search class, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball through what apparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- begin 666 recls_4_dmd_b1.zip M>THO]-996Q ````9 ``%P```&QI8B]R96-L<U]L:6)?9&TX,S0N;&EB[#L- M<!/7F6]M&00(+&.Q"$<A`C;$!)?Z+\0$$JULV=C &LFR)0,N&R$++")+BK0F M=G[M&-ILUIJ!)N&:NY K/=F>WK5WZ35W31HF-9B#I+G+7-J;SG5R/TV&2YW MW76:F22=NZGN^]YJI158`GJA=.[06$]OW_O^WO=][_O>>W[[R\6$]! 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Oct 11 2003
I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need to compile this mappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping. Creates lib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two test programs If you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If I don't respond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping, andacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other uses theSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball through what apparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 12 2003
Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP, home). The DMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems to have a problem with underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Then when it gets to the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fix that (.d.obj not found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batch files to compile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my first time to do this sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there is something wrong with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a valid library. I figured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so I tried to write my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviously did it wrong, because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm. I also tried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it would generate it on its own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need to compile this mappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping. Creates lib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two test programs If you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If I don't respond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping, andacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other uses theSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball through what apparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
Hi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealing with DLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the lib directory (alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several machines here to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command box as "nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post the output? Hopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I've not gone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP,home). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems to have aproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Then whenit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fix that(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batch filestocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my first time todothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there is somethingwrongwith the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a valid library.Ifigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so I triedtowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviously did itwrong,because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm. Ialsotried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it would generateit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...thisI guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need to compileCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.programslib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testdon'tIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If Iandrespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping,whatacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other uses theSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball through-apparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
I get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt fil e --- errorlevel 1136 Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy to overlook ) Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...Hi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealing with DLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the lib directory (alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several machines here to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command box as "nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post the output? Hopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I've not gone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...toStill having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP,home). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems to have aproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Then whenit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fix that(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batch filestocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my first timedolibrary.this sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there is somethingwrongwith the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIgeneratefigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so I triedtowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviously did itwrong,because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm. Ialsotried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...thisI guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need to compileCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.programslib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testdon'tIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If Iandrespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls D mapping,whatacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other uses theSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball throughapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
Doh! Its calling Microsofts linker , using DMD's runs fine. I run test1 and I get Error: Assertion Failure recls_test_1.d(214) I havent looked at the source not sure what there supposed to do but test2 yields $ recls_test_2.exe c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C \Unzipped\recls\test\D\ c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\ makefile makefile 2889 bytes - File Path is different from path components path: c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile pathCheck: C:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf59q$189$1 digitaldaemon.com...I get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid orcorruptfil e --- errorlevel 1136 Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy tooverlook )Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...withHi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealingasDLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the lib directory (alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several machines here to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command boxoutput?"nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post thenotHopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I'veagone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP,home). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems to havewhenproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Thenthatit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fixfiles(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batchsomethingtotocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my first timedothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there istriedwronglibrary.with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIfigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so Iittowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviously didcompilewrong,generatebecause all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm. Ialsotried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need tomapping,thisCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.programslib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testdon'tIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If Irespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls Dtheandacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other useswhatSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball throughapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Oct 13 2003
I think I know why that is. Doh! I'll have a look into it. <blush> "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf5i4$1lk$1 digitaldaemon.com...Doh! Its calling Microsofts linker , using DMD's runs fine. I run test1 and I get Error: Assertion Failure recls_test_1.d(214) I havent looked at the source not sure what there supposed to do but test2 yields $ recls_test_2.exe c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C \Unzipped\recls\test\D\ c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\ makefile makefile 2889 bytes - File Path is different from path components path: c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile pathCheck: C:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf59q$189$1 digitaldaemon.com...directoryI get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid orcorruptfil e --- errorlevel 1136 Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy tooverlook )Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...withHi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealingDLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the libmachines(alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several(XP,ashere to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command boxoutput?"nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post thenotHopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I'vegone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windowshavehome). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems toatimewhenproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Thenthatit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fixfiles(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batchtocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my firstdidtosomethingdothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there istriedwronglibrary.with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIfigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so Itowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviouslyitIwrong,because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm.classcompilealsogeneratetried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need tothisCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.lib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the SearchIprogramstest\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If(http://www.stlsoft.org)mapping,don'trespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls Dtheandacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other usesSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniacthroughContributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ballwhatapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
I think I know why that is. Doh! I'll have a look into it. <blush> "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf5i4$1lk$1 digitaldaemon.com...Doh! Its calling Microsofts linker , using DMD's runs fine. I run test1 and I get Error: Assertion Failure recls_test_1.d(214) I havent looked at the source not sure what there supposed to do but test2 yields $ recls_test_2.exe c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C \Unzipped\recls\test\D\ c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\ makefile makefile 2889 bytes - File Path is different from path components path: c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile pathCheck: C:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf59q$189$1 digitaldaemon.com...directoryI get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid orcorruptfil e --- errorlevel 1136 Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy tooverlook )Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...withHi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealingDLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the libmachines(alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several(XP,ashere to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command boxoutput?"nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post thenotHopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I'vegone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windowshavehome). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems toatimewhenproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Thenthatit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fixfiles(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batchtocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my firstdidtosomethingdothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there istriedwronglibrary.with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIfigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so Itowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviouslyitIwrong,because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm.classcompilealsogeneratetried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need tothisCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.lib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the SearchIprogramstest\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If(http://www.stlsoft.org)mapping,don'trespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls Dtheandacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other usesSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniacthroughContributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ballwhatapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
There's nothing wrong with recls, it's the two test programs, that didn't account for whether the drive character was upper or lower. I've fixed it, and am reposting in a few mins. "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf5i4$1lk$1 digitaldaemon.com...Doh! Its calling Microsofts linker , using DMD's runs fine. I run test1 and I get Error: Assertion Failure recls_test_1.d(214) I havent looked at the source not sure what there supposed to do but test2 yields $ recls_test_2.exe c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C \Unzipped\recls\test\D\ c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\ makefile makefile 2889 bytes - File Path is different from path components path: c:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile pathCheck: C:\Unzipped\recls\test\D\makefile C "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf59q$189$1 digitaldaemon.com...directoryI get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid orcorruptfil e --- errorlevel 1136 Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy tooverlook )Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...withHi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealingDLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the libmachines(alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several(XP,ashere to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command boxoutput?"nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post thenotHopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I'vegone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windowshavehome). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems toatimewhenproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Thenthatit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fixfiles(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batchtocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my firstdidtosomethingdothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there istriedwronglibrary.with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIfigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so Itowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviouslyitIwrong,because all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm.classcompilealsogeneratetried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need tothisCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.lib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the SearchIprogramstest\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If(http://www.stlsoft.org)mapping,don'trespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls Dtheandacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other usesSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniacthroughContributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ballwhatapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct 13 2003
"Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> wrote in message news:bmf59q$189$1 digitaldaemon.com...I get the same error , specifically : $ make Making recls_test_1.exe dmd -c -version=Windows -I..\..\mappings\D -debug -unittest recls_test_1.d -ofre cls_test_1.obj link recls_test_1.obj -noi ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib ..\..\lib\recls_li b_dm834.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option "noi"; ignored recls_test_1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF ..\..\mappings\D\recls.D.debug.lib : fatal error LNK1136: invalid orcorruptfil e --- errorlevel 1136Ah! I'm using the dm836 link.exe I guess the answers for people who are not using DM's link.exe to remove that flag? Have you got a working version you can post now?Also, on line 584 you have assert(null != m_hSrch); i think should prolly be !== ( hehe, i see your point its easy tooverlook ) Yes indeed! Let me have a look to see whether that's valid.Im at work now but Ill test it more when I get home Charles "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmf4bv$31g9$1 digitaldaemon.com...withHi Paul I have no idea what you're doing wrong. Are you using the latest DMD? There's no need for a .DEF file at any point, since we're not dealingasDLLs. The makefile in the mappings\D creates a .lib in the lib directory (alongside the C lib recls_lib_dm834.lib). The makefile in the test\D creates two .exes that each link to the two libs (the C lib, and the generated D lib) in the lib directory. I've tried it on several machines here to check it's not a green issue, and it all just works. Can you download the nvx tool from my website (http://synesis.com.au/r_systools.html) and run it in your command boxoutput?"nvx -p -l", and post the output? Also, can you copy the results from the make attempts and post thenotHopefully we can track this down. Everyone else: could someone else try this out, just to make sure I'veagone green? Cheers Matthew "Paul Frazee" <Paul_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmed3g$22ve$1 digitaldaemon.com...Still having a little trouble getting recls compiling on windows (XP,home). TheDMD shell will not run the makefiles out of the box - it seems to havewhenproblemwith underscores and dashes in the name (BLAH_BLAH not found). Thenthatit getsto the suffix rules, it says the same, and I do not know how to fixfiles(.d.objnot found). Finding little luck there, I resorted to writing batchsomethingtotocompile it. I actually got the mappings compiling (seeing as this is my first timedothis sort of thing, that is pretty amazing). However, there istriedwronglibrary.with the outputted recls.D.lib - the linker says it isnt a validIfigured that maybe it needed definitions (.def) or something, so Iittowrite my own .def file. Having no experiance in this, I obviously didcompilewrong,generatebecause all of the functions I had in there could not be found. Hrm. Ialsotried just adding /DEF to lib.exe options in hopes that it wouldit onits own? Just guessing... Anyway, what am I doing wrong? In article <bmcste$18b$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I guess I should have explained a little more. The zip contains the following: lib\recls_lib_dm834.lib - the C API, already compiled with DMC++ mappings\D\recls.d - the recls D mapping. You will need tomapping,thisCreatesmappings\D\makefile - a makefile to compile the recls D mapping.programslib\recls.D.lib and lib\recls.D.debug.lib test\D\recls_test_1.d - a test program that uses the D-ified API test\D\recls_test_2.d - a test program that uses the Search class test\D\makefile - a makefile that builds the two testdon'tIf you have any problems, just post here and I'll try and fix. (If Irespond soon enough, email me to remind me) Matthew "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:bmak1l$39h$1 digitaldaemon.com...For those of you that have asked for it, here is the recls Dtheandacouple of test programs: one uses the D-ified API, the other useswhatSearchclass, and freaches its contents Let me know if you have issues -- Matthew Wilson STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac (http://www.stlsoft.org) Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal (www.synesis.com.au/articles.html#columns) "I can't sleep nights till I found out who hurled what ball throughapparatus" -- Dr Niles Crane------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Oct 13 2003