D - unsynchronize?
- Hauke Duden (45/45) Sep 28 2003 I recently looked a bit more closely at the thread synchronizing support...
- Mike Wynn (60/122) Sep 28 2003 in java the montor semantics are such that
- Hauke Duden (20/42) Sep 28 2003 Thanks! I didn't know that. If I ever have to write a major project in J...
- jhenzie mac.com (39/161) Sep 28 2003 I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D shou...
- Hauke Duden (49/76) Sep 28 2003 I think my opinion on these depends on wether these additional function ...
Hauke Duden
Sep 28 2003
- Mike Wynn (43/59) Sep 28 2003 I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable...
- Graham StJack (34/105) Sep 28 2003 I would like to see something pitched at a higher level - the low-level
- jhenzie mac.com (47/152) Sep 28 2003 Interesting,
- Hauke Duden (19/28) Sep 29 2003 I believe "synchronized" methods use that very same object mutex/monitor...
- jhenzie mac.com (6/34) Sep 29 2003 Absolutely true.
- Graham StJack (8/195) Sep 29 2003 Yes, I know. what I was driving at is that having synchronized methods ...
- jhenzie mac.com (7/202) Sep 29 2003 Graham,
I recently looked a bit more closely at the thread synchronizing support in D. Is there a way to temporarily release the mutex inside a synchronize block? This is something that I often wanted to have in JAVA when I was programming poll-loops. Here's a small example to demonstrate what I mean: synchronize { while( continueLoop() ) //the continueLoop call needs to be synchronized { flobbox(); scravench(); //we need to sleep here to wait for new data to arrive //it should NOT be synchronized sleep(500); receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } The problem is the sleep inside the loop. The mutex needs to be released before the sleep to allow other threads to store new data into the queue. If I could just put some kind of "unsynchronize" statement around the sleep everything would be fine. Or is there maybe a way to access to the mutex directly and call lock/unlock on it? Without the ability to unsynchronize I would have to restructure the loop to look like this: while(true) { synchronize { if(!continueLoop()) break; flobbox(); scravench(); } sleep(500); synchronize { receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } Even though this example is pretty simplified, it is pretty apparent that the second version is a lot less readable than the first version. Any thoughts on this? Hauke
Sep 28 2003
Hauke Duden wrote:I recently looked a bit more closely at the thread synchronizing support in D. Is there a way to temporarily release the mutex inside a synchronize block? This is something that I often wanted to have in JAVA when I was programming poll-loops. Here's a small example to demonstrate what I mean: synchronize { while( continueLoop() ) //the continueLoop call needs to be synchronized { flobbox(); scravench(); //we need to sleep here to wait for new data to arrive //it should NOT be synchronized sleep(500); receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } The problem is the sleep inside the loop. The mutex needs to be released before the sleep to allow other threads to store new data into the queue. If I could just put some kind of "unsynchronize" statement around the sleep everything would be fine. Or is there maybe a way to access to the mutex directly and call lock/unlock on it? Without the ability to unsynchronize I would have to restructure the loop to look like this: while(true) { synchronize { if(!continueLoop()) break; flobbox(); scravench(); } sleep(500); synchronize { receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } Even though this example is pretty simplified, it is pretty apparent that the second version is a lot less readable than the first version. Any thoughts on this? Haukein java the montor semantics are such that synchronized ( this ) { while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); this.wait(500); // release monitor // (even if the "count" is greater than 1) receiveData(); } } is what you want (I've used an explict "this" for the wait as "this" could be any object). and this also allows the producer of the data to notify you when data is ready to be recieved rather than you just polling every 500ms. monitors, condition variables or rendevous are far more use than basic mutexes (which can be implemented with the above) and should be availiable in D especially as each OS requires you to subtly different things to create a lockable re-enterable item you want wait on (and obviously notify). you can create what you want in D pseudo code like this assume there is a Mutex class (not looked at D threads/mutex's much yet) auto class Locker { Mutex m; this( Mutex m0 ) { m = m0; m.lock(); } ~this() { m.unlock(); } final void lock() { m.lock(); } final void unlock() { m.unlock(); } } auto class UnLocker { Locker l; this( Locker l0 ) { l = l0; l.unlock(); } ~this() { l.lock(); } } { auto Locker lk( recvMutex ); while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); { auto Unlocker ulk( lk ); sleep( 500 ); } // ulk destroyed here receiveData(); } } // lk destroyed here. another use for with( auto ... ) with( auto Locker( recvMutex ) ) { while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); with( auto Unlocker( lk ) ) { sleep( 500 ); } // unlocker destroyed here receiveData(); } } // locker destroyed here.
Sep 28 2003
"Mike Wynn" wrote:in java the montor semantics are such that synchronized ( this ) { while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); this.wait(500); // release monitor // (even if the "count" is greater than 1) receiveData(); } } is what you want (I've used an explict "this" for the wait as "this" could be any object). and this also allows the producer of the data to notify you when data is ready to be recieved rather than you just polling every 500ms.Thanks! I didn't know that. If I ever have to write a major project in JAVA (I hope not!) I'll keep it in mind ;).monitors, condition variables or rendevous are far more use than basic mutexes (which can be implemented with the above) and should be availiable in D especially as each OS requires you to subtly different things to create a lockable re-enterable item you want wait on (and obviously notify).I agree. Synchronize is supported, threading is supported, so ideally D should have the other necessary synchronization primitives as well.you can create what you want in D pseudo code like this assume there is a Mutex class (not looked at D threads/mutex's much yet) auto class Locker {< Mutex m; <snip> Does this Mutex class exist? It does not seem to be mentioned anywhere in the documentation. Also, using a mutex object and RAII brings us back to where we currently are with C++. And as I understand it, the idea behind the synchronize statement is to have this often used operation (mutex locking/unlocking) as a language construct in order to improve performance and readability. I realize that "unsynchronizing" is used less often than plain synchronize, so I can understand if Walter is reluctant to add a new language construct for it. However, I would very much like it if we could at least have lock/unlock methods for the object mutexes. That way we can use the elegant synchronize statement for the common case and would still be able to use RAII with the lock/unlock methods to simulate "unsynchronize" when needed. Hauke
Sep 28 2003
I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); } With the Thread class reduced to the following interface. class Thread { alias int function(void * arg) threadStart; static Thread detachThread(threadStart selector); static Thread detachThread(hreadStart selector, void *object); // PLUS DELEGATES static Thread getCurrentThread(); static ThreadPriority getPriority(); static void setPriority(ThreadPriority priority); static void sleep(); static voif sleep(uint millis); Object[char[]] getThreadDictionary(); // To provide a simple form of TLS thread_id getThreadId(); } The above represents a very simple interface that can accomodate most threading needs of most classifications of application. without exposing developers, particulally the inexperienced to the opportunity to sleep another thread, come on, say it with me, Deadlock. In recognition that there are circumstance where one might require a more, shall we say complete, thread library, there should also be a collection of function that can act on the thread_id to provide more sophiticated synchronization facilities equivalent to PTHREADS. Opinions. comments, down right condemnations, all are welcome. Justin In article <bl7116$2jin$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Mike Wynn says...Hauke Duden wrote:I recently looked a bit more closely at the thread synchronizing support in D. Is there a way to temporarily release the mutex inside a synchronize block? This is something that I often wanted to have in JAVA when I was programming poll-loops. Here's a small example to demonstrate what I mean: synchronize { while( continueLoop() ) //the continueLoop call needs to be synchronized { flobbox(); scravench(); //we need to sleep here to wait for new data to arrive //it should NOT be synchronized sleep(500); receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } The problem is the sleep inside the loop. The mutex needs to be released before the sleep to allow other threads to store new data into the queue. If I could just put some kind of "unsynchronize" statement around the sleep everything would be fine. Or is there maybe a way to access to the mutex directly and call lock/unlock on it? Without the ability to unsynchronize I would have to restructure the loop to look like this: while(true) { synchronize { if(!continueLoop()) break; flobbox(); scravench(); } sleep(500); synchronize { receiveData(); //this may receive a command to abort the loop. } } Even though this example is pretty simplified, it is pretty apparent that the second version is a lot less readable than the first version. Any thoughts on this? Haukein java the montor semantics are such that synchronized ( this ) { while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); this.wait(500); // release monitor // (even if the "count" is greater than 1) receiveData(); } } is what you want (I've used an explict "this" for the wait as "this" could be any object). and this also allows the producer of the data to notify you when data is ready to be recieved rather than you just polling every 500ms. monitors, condition variables or rendevous are far more use than basic mutexes (which can be implemented with the above) and should be availiable in D especially as each OS requires you to subtly different things to create a lockable re-enterable item you want wait on (and obviously notify). you can create what you want in D pseudo code like this assume there is a Mutex class (not looked at D threads/mutex's much yet) auto class Locker { Mutex m; this( Mutex m0 ) { m = m0; m.lock(); } ~this() { m.unlock(); } final void lock() { m.lock(); } final void unlock() { m.unlock(); } } auto class UnLocker { Locker l; this( Locker l0 ) { l = l0; l.unlock(); } ~this() { l.lock(); } } { auto Locker lk( recvMutex ); while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); { auto Unlocker ulk( lk ); sleep( 500 ); } // ulk destroyed here receiveData(); } } // lk destroyed here. another use for with( auto ... ) with( auto Locker( recvMutex ) ) { while( continueLoop() ) { flobbox(); scravench(); with( auto Unlocker( lk ) ) { sleep( 500 ); } // unlocker destroyed here receiveData(); } } // locker destroyed here.
Sep 28 2003
jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D shouldoffera simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I think my opinion on these depends on wether these additional function can be implemented in the generic object without adding additional overhead. I agree that events/signals are needed from time to time, they are not common enough to justify unnecessary bloat for objects that don't need them. I think if these features can not be implemented efficiently it would be best to have standard classes in the RTL instead.class Thread { alias int function(void * arg) threadStart; static Thread detachThread(threadStart selector); static Thread detachThread(hreadStart selector, void *object); // PLUS DELEGATESIs detachThread supposed to start a new thread? I would prefer a name like startThread for such a function. Or, even better, a constructor.The above represents a very simple interface that can accomodate mostthreadingneeds of most classifications of application. without exposing developers, particulallytheinexperienced to the opportunity to sleep another thread, come on, say it with me, Deadlock.I agree. Killing or suspending other threads is usually a Bad Thing (TM). And quite often it interferes with the semantics of high level languages as well. E.g. it is usually not possible to cleanly kill a thread so that the its resources are properly freed. Just think about finally statements that should be executed or auto objects.that need to be destroyed.In recognition that there are circumstance where one might require a more,shallwe say complete, thread library, there should also be a collection of function that can actonthe thread_id to provide more sophiticated synchronization facilities equivalent to PTHREADS.I don't like the idea of using thread ids for this. Why not define thread as an interface instead? That way a "guru level" thread library could easily provide a different implementation, without having to use wrapper objects and stuff like that. How about this: interface IThread { ThreadPriority getPriority(); void setPriority(ThreadPriority priority); bool hasTerminated(); void waitForTermination(int timeout); //AKA join Object[char[]] getDictionary(); //should it be allowed to access the TLS of another thread?? }; alias int function(Object arg) ThreadFunc; IThread createThread(ThreadFunc func,Object arg); IThread createThread(void delegate(Object) dg,Object arg); class ThisThread { static IThread getObject(); static void sleep(int millis=-1); }; A different threading library would simply have to provide a different createThread function that returns an enhanced IThread object. But these objects could still be used as basic threads as well. The only thing that isn't quite consistent with this proposal is that the static IThread object that can be obtained from ThisThread would have to be initialized by the threading library somehow. I'll think about it a bit more... Hauke
Sep 28 2003
"Hauke Duden" wrote:I don't like the idea of using thread ids for this. Why not define threadasan interface instead? That way a "guru level" thread library could easily provide a different implementation, without having to use wrapper objects and stuff like that. How about this:<snip> I just thought about this a bit more and realized that having thread ids is pretty much a necessity to be able to use advanced threading functions. After all, the OS usually provides the actual implementation of threads, so it shouldn't matter which library created them. So, since all threads would have the same abilities, it is pretty nonsensical to artificially limit the functionality of threads that were created by the standard library (the limitation stems from the fact that the "thread object" doesn't support the advanced interfaces). In other words: please disregard the second part of my post ;). Hauke
Sep 28 2003
jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable. one problem with the Java approach (where all object have an associated monitor) is that every object potentially requires a monitor, this either causes a big resource overhead that is not used, or lots of work for the compiler writer/library writer to deal with the cases when a monitor is not used or only used by one thread. I do not belive that alloing any object to be "synchronized" makes code any more thread safe than only allowing "synchonisation" on specified objects. as D allows lower level programming than Java I think the sync primatives should allow a little more programmer control than the Java approach does. I'm not sure if "wait/notify" should be part of a synchronised obj, interface Syncronizable { /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) */ void enter(); /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) * will only block for timeout ms, then returns false */ bit enter( int timeout ); /* try to get monitor returns false if already locked * by another thread (never blocks might task switch) */ bit tryEnter(); /* leave monitor (one level) */ void leave() throws UnownedError; /* release all levels */ void release(); } interface Waitable { void wait(); bit wait( int timeout ); // true if notified void notify(); // notify one waiter (non blocking) void notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (non blocking) void notifyExchange(); // notify and switch to waiter } interface SyncWaiter : Waitable, Syncnizable { // here wait/notify calls also call lock thus // notify calls are only non blocking if you have the lock. // so this may be required. bit tryNotify(); // notify if unlocked } synchronized blocks/methods can only be used with objects that implment Syncronizable (implemented internally).
Sep 28 2003
I would like to see something pitched at a higher level - the low-level stuff is just too easy to get wrong. Something along the lines of the following code fragment, which is easy to get right, and fairly easy for the compiler to do, might be worth discussing. I prefer extending the language instead of adding new classes because it increases the options for both compile-time and run-time error checking. class Queue { int itemCount = 0; barrier bit empty = true; public synchronized void remove() barrier empty { itemCount--; empty = (itemCount == 0); } public synchronized void add() { itemCount++; empty = false; } } The compiler would: * Be extended to treat barrier as a keyword. * Insist on exactly one call that uses a barrier condition for each declared barrier. In the example, it is remove(). * Allow more than one barrier per class. * For each barrier instance, set up a list of blocked threads. * Generate extra code for remove() that, if the barrier is true, adds the thread to the back of the barrier's list and suspends the thread. * Generate extra code that fires whenever the barrier becomes false (ie changes from true to false), that resumes the front thread on the barrier's list. I am assuming here that suspending and resuming threads is a cheap operation. A similar arrangement could be achieved using pthreads, but I don't know how to use them directly - I have used Ada protected objects, which do it for me. Mike Wynn wrote:jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable. one problem with the Java approach (where all object have an associated monitor) is that every object potentially requires a monitor, this either causes a big resource overhead that is not used, or lots of work for the compiler writer/library writer to deal with the cases when a monitor is not used or only used by one thread. I do not belive that alloing any object to be "synchronized" makes code any more thread safe than only allowing "synchonisation" on specified objects. as D allows lower level programming than Java I think the sync primatives should allow a little more programmer control than the Java approach does. I'm not sure if "wait/notify" should be part of a synchronised obj, interface Syncronizable { /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) */ void enter(); /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) * will only block for timeout ms, then returns false */ bit enter( int timeout ); /* try to get monitor returns false if already locked * by another thread (never blocks might task switch) */ bit tryEnter(); /* leave monitor (one level) */ void leave() throws UnownedError; /* release all levels */ void release(); } interface Waitable { void wait(); bit wait( int timeout ); // true if notified void notify(); // notify one waiter (non blocking) void notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (non blocking) void notifyExchange(); // notify and switch to waiter } interface SyncWaiter : Waitable, Syncnizable { // here wait/notify calls also call lock thus // notify calls are only non blocking if you have the lock. // so this may be required. bit tryNotify(); // notify if unlocked } synchronized blocks/methods can only be used with objects that implment Syncronizable (implemented internally).
Sep 28 2003
Interesting, Every object in D currently has a monitor, check out the memory model excerpt Object Model An object consists of: offset contents ------ -------- 0: pointer to vtable 4: monitor 8... non-static members The monitor already exists and provide the serialization primitive for synchronized ( obj ) {} While this might appear unnecessary given the ability to synchronize the encompassing method, some classifications of applications desire very low thread contention and thus the granularity of the serialization can be significant thus may require a finer granularity than by method, the purist could argue that one should pull out the granualar critical section and place it in its own synchronized method but at the end of the day ( it gets dark ) , that also has cost associated with it. Given that desire to provide finer granularity, it would be necessary to support the monitor per object semantics that are already in place and thus the ability to ceed ones lock on the monitor within the scope of the critical section, thus Object.wait(), Object.wait(x); It is my belief that this is the simplest, most supportable mechanism for multithreading. Those of us who have had the pleasure, and pain, of using Java can attest to how flexible this arrangement is. Of course I am also in favour of providing a library as complete as pthreads for those for which the simple solution does not suffice, but to be honest I would be very surprised if it was often used. I have yet to fix the linux deadlock problem in the existing implementation, windows fix has been posted to this forum earlier, just a matter of finding the time to sit down at a linux box, But once done I would very much enjoy collaborating on this, and I am fairly sure Walter will be thrilled. I think its a testament to D that the posts on this forum are more often than not intelligent, rational and balanced. Visit the javalobby to see what can happen <smile/> Justin In article <bl89h4$15vl$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Graham StJack says...I would like to see something pitched at a higher level - the low-level stuff is just too easy to get wrong. Something along the lines of the following code fragment, which is easy to get right, and fairly easy for the compiler to do, might be worth discussing. I prefer extending the language instead of adding new classes because it increases the options for both compile-time and run-time error checking. class Queue { int itemCount = 0; barrier bit empty = true; public synchronized void remove() barrier empty { itemCount--; empty = (itemCount == 0); } public synchronized void add() { itemCount++; empty = false; } } The compiler would: * Be extended to treat barrier as a keyword. * Insist on exactly one call that uses a barrier condition for each declared barrier. In the example, it is remove(). * Allow more than one barrier per class. * For each barrier instance, set up a list of blocked threads. * Generate extra code for remove() that, if the barrier is true, adds the thread to the back of the barrier's list and suspends the thread. * Generate extra code that fires whenever the barrier becomes false (ie changes from true to false), that resumes the front thread on the barrier's list. I am assuming here that suspending and resuming threads is a cheap operation. A similar arrangement could be achieved using pthreads, but I don't know how to use them directly - I have used Ada protected objects, which do it for me. Mike Wynn wrote:jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable. one problem with the Java approach (where all object have an associated monitor) is that every object potentially requires a monitor, this either causes a big resource overhead that is not used, or lots of work for the compiler writer/library writer to deal with the cases when a monitor is not used or only used by one thread. I do not belive that alloing any object to be "synchronized" makes code any more thread safe than only allowing "synchonisation" on specified objects. as D allows lower level programming than Java I think the sync primatives should allow a little more programmer control than the Java approach does. I'm not sure if "wait/notify" should be part of a synchronised obj, interface Syncronizable { /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) */ void enter(); /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) * will only block for timeout ms, then returns false */ bit enter( int timeout ); /* try to get monitor returns false if already locked * by another thread (never blocks might task switch) */ bit tryEnter(); /* leave monitor (one level) */ void leave() throws UnownedError; /* release all levels */ void release(); } interface Waitable { void wait(); bit wait( int timeout ); // true if notified void notify(); // notify one waiter (non blocking) void notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (non blocking) void notifyExchange(); // notify and switch to waiter } interface SyncWaiter : Waitable, Syncnizable { // here wait/notify calls also call lock thus // notify calls are only non blocking if you have the lock. // so this may be required. bit tryNotify(); // notify if unlocked } synchronized blocks/methods can only be used with objects that implment Syncronizable (implemented internally).
Sep 28 2003
jhenzie mac.com wrote:Interesting, Every object in D currently has a monitor, check out the memory model excerpt<snip>The monitor already exists and provide the serialization primitive for synchronized ( obj ) {} While this might appear unnecessary given the ability to synchronize the encompassing method,I believe "synchronized" methods use that very same object mutex/monitor. I.e. synchronized void method() { ...code... } is just syntactic sugar for void method() { synchronized(this) { ...code... } } So the object mutex is necessary if you want to have something like the synchronized statement. Hauke
Sep 29 2003
Absolutely true. I guesst what I am saying is that without the synchronize (obj) facility the granularity of the serialized code is at the method level rather than at the critical code level. JH In article <bl8si8$24ji$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Hauke Duden says...jhenzie mac.com wrote:Interesting, Every object in D currently has a monitor, check out the memory model excerpt<snip>The monitor already exists and provide the serialization primitive for synchronized ( obj ) {} While this might appear unnecessary given the ability to synchronize the encompassing method,I believe "synchronized" methods use that very same object mutex/monitor. I.e. synchronized void method() { ...code... } is just syntactic sugar for void method() { synchronized(this) { ...code... } } So the object mutex is necessary if you want to have something like the synchronized statement. Hauke
Sep 29 2003
jhenzie mac.com wrote:Interesting, Every object in D currently has a monitor, check out the memory model excerptYes, I know. what I was driving at is that having synchronized methods isn't enough, and hence enter java's Object methods wait(), wait(x) and notify() which allow threads to communicate with each other meaningfully, not just keep out of each other's way. What I am suggesting is an alternative to wait() and notify() that is pitched at a higher level, and is thus easier to use safely. Of course I will be delighted when D is extended to allow inter-thread cooperation, whatever form it takes.Object Model An object consists of: offset contents ------ -------- 0: pointer to vtable 4: monitor 8... non-static members The monitor already exists and provide the serialization primitive for synchronized ( obj ) {} While this might appear unnecessary given the ability to synchronize the encompassing method, some classifications of applications desire very low thread contention and thus the granularity of the serialization can be significant thus may require a finer granularity than by method, the purist could argue that one should pull out the granualar critical section and place it in its own synchronized method but at the end of the day ( it gets dark ) , that also has cost associated with it. Given that desire to provide finer granularity, it would be necessary to support the monitor per object semantics that are already in place and thus the ability to ceed ones lock on the monitor within the scope of the critical section, thus Object.wait(), Object.wait(x); It is my belief that this is the simplest, most supportable mechanism for multithreading. Those of us who have had the pleasure, and pain, of using Java can attest to how flexible this arrangement is. Of course I am also in favour of providing a library as complete as pthreads for those for which the simple solution does not suffice, but to be honest I would be very surprised if it was often used. I have yet to fix the linux deadlock problem in the existing implementation, windows fix has been posted to this forum earlier, just a matter of finding the time to sit down at a linux box, But once done I would very much enjoy collaborating on this, and I am fairly sure Walter will be thrilled. I think its a testament to D that the posts on this forum are more often than not intelligent, rational and balanced. Visit the javalobby to see what can happen <smile/> Justin In article <bl89h4$15vl$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Graham StJack says...I would like to see something pitched at a higher level - the low-level stuff is just too easy to get wrong. Something along the lines of the following code fragment, which is easy to get right, and fairly easy for the compiler to do, might be worth discussing. I prefer extending the language instead of adding new classes because it increases the options for both compile-time and run-time error checking. class Queue { int itemCount = 0; barrier bit empty = true; public synchronized void remove() barrier empty { itemCount--; empty = (itemCount == 0); } public synchronized void add() { itemCount++; empty = false; } } The compiler would: * Be extended to treat barrier as a keyword. * Insist on exactly one call that uses a barrier condition for each declared barrier. In the example, it is remove(). * Allow more than one barrier per class. * For each barrier instance, set up a list of blocked threads. * Generate extra code for remove() that, if the barrier is true, adds the thread to the back of the barrier's list and suspends the thread. * Generate extra code that fires whenever the barrier becomes false (ie changes from true to false), that resumes the front thread on the barrier's list. I am assuming here that suspending and resuming threads is a cheap operation. A similar arrangement could be achieved using pthreads, but I don't know how to use them directly - I have used Ada protected objects, which do it for me. Mike Wynn wrote:jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable. one problem with the Java approach (where all object have an associated monitor) is that every object potentially requires a monitor, this either causes a big resource overhead that is not used, or lots of work for the compiler writer/library writer to deal with the cases when a monitor is not used or only used by one thread. I do not belive that alloing any object to be "synchronized" makes code any more thread safe than only allowing "synchonisation" on specified objects. as D allows lower level programming than Java I think the sync primatives should allow a little more programmer control than the Java approach does. I'm not sure if "wait/notify" should be part of a synchronised obj, interface Syncronizable { /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) */ void enter(); /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) * will only block for timeout ms, then returns false */ bit enter( int timeout ); /* try to get monitor returns false if already locked * by another thread (never blocks might task switch) */ bit tryEnter(); /* leave monitor (one level) */ void leave() throws UnownedError; /* release all levels */ void release(); } interface Waitable { void wait(); bit wait( int timeout ); // true if notified void notify(); // notify one waiter (non blocking) void notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (non blocking) void notifyExchange(); // notify and switch to waiter } interface SyncWaiter : Waitable, Syncnizable { // here wait/notify calls also call lock thus // notify calls are only non blocking if you have the lock. // so this may be required. bit tryNotify(); // notify if unlocked } synchronized blocks/methods can only be used with objects that implment Syncronizable (implemented internally).
Sep 29 2003
Graham, Totally with you. IMHO the wait, notify mechanism is pretty easy to use, and, given the ownership sematics, is very safe, but I am all for providing a mechanism that communicates the intent. JH In article <blact3$16hj$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Graham StJack says...jhenzie mac.com wrote:Interesting, Every object in D currently has a monitor, check out the memory model excerptYes, I know. what I was driving at is that having synchronized methods isn't enough, and hence enter java's Object methods wait(), wait(x) and notify() which allow threads to communicate with each other meaningfully, not just keep out of each other's way. What I am suggesting is an alternative to wait() and notify() that is pitched at a higher level, and is thus easier to use safely. Of course I will be delighted when D is extended to allow inter-thread cooperation, whatever form it takes.Object Model An object consists of: offset contents ------ -------- 0: pointer to vtable 4: monitor 8... non-static members The monitor already exists and provide the serialization primitive for synchronized ( obj ) {} While this might appear unnecessary given the ability to synchronize the encompassing method, some classifications of applications desire very low thread contention and thus the granularity of the serialization can be significant thus may require a finer granularity than by method, the purist could argue that one should pull out the granualar critical section and place it in its own synchronized method but at the end of the day ( it gets dark ) , that also has cost associated with it. Given that desire to provide finer granularity, it would be necessary to support the monitor per object semantics that are already in place and thus the ability to ceed ones lock on the monitor within the scope of the critical section, thus Object.wait(), Object.wait(x); It is my belief that this is the simplest, most supportable mechanism for multithreading. Those of us who have had the pleasure, and pain, of using Java can attest to how flexible this arrangement is. Of course I am also in favour of providing a library as complete as pthreads for those for which the simple solution does not suffice, but to be honest I would be very surprised if it was often used. I have yet to fix the linux deadlock problem in the existing implementation, windows fix has been posted to this forum earlier, just a matter of finding the time to sit down at a linux box, But once done I would very much enjoy collaborating on this, and I am fairly sure Walter will be thrilled. I think its a testament to D that the posts on this forum are more often than not intelligent, rational and balanced. Visit the javalobby to see what can happen <smile/> Justin In article <bl89h4$15vl$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Graham StJack says...I would like to see something pitched at a higher level - the low-level stuff is just too easy to get wrong. Something along the lines of the following code fragment, which is easy to get right, and fairly easy for the compiler to do, might be worth discussing. I prefer extending the language instead of adding new classes because it increases the options for both compile-time and run-time error checking. class Queue { int itemCount = 0; barrier bit empty = true; public synchronized void remove() barrier empty { itemCount--; empty = (itemCount == 0); } public synchronized void add() { itemCount++; empty = false; } } The compiler would: * Be extended to treat barrier as a keyword. * Insist on exactly one call that uses a barrier condition for each declared barrier. In the example, it is remove(). * Allow more than one barrier per class. * For each barrier instance, set up a list of blocked threads. * Generate extra code for remove() that, if the barrier is true, adds the thread to the back of the barrier's list and suspends the thread. * Generate extra code that fires whenever the barrier becomes false (ie changes from true to false), that resumes the front thread on the barrier's list. I am assuming here that suspending and resuming threads is a cheap operation. A similar arrangement could be achieved using pthreads, but I don't know how to use them directly - I have used Ada protected objects, which do it for me. Mike Wynn wrote:jhenzie mac.com wrote:I have been giving this some thought over the past week. I think D should offer a simple mechanism for threading using a similar appriach as Java. That being synchronized ( obj ) { obj.wait(); obj.wait(uint milliseconds); obj.tryWait(); obj.notify();1 obj.notifyAll(); }I agree IF obj is either a monitor or an object marked as synchronizable. one problem with the Java approach (where all object have an associated monitor) is that every object potentially requires a monitor, this either causes a big resource overhead that is not used, or lots of work for the compiler writer/library writer to deal with the cases when a monitor is not used or only used by one thread. I do not belive that alloing any object to be "synchronized" makes code any more thread safe than only allowing "synchonisation" on specified objects. as D allows lower level programming than Java I think the sync primatives should allow a little more programmer control than the Java approach does. I'm not sure if "wait/notify" should be part of a synchronised obj, interface Syncronizable { /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) */ void enter(); /* get monitor (blocks unless you already own the monitor) * will only block for timeout ms, then returns false */ bit enter( int timeout ); /* try to get monitor returns false if already locked * by another thread (never blocks might task switch) */ bit tryEnter(); /* leave monitor (one level) */ void leave() throws UnownedError; /* release all levels */ void release(); } interface Waitable { void wait(); bit wait( int timeout ); // true if notified void notify(); // notify one waiter (non blocking) void notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (non blocking) void notifyExchange(); // notify and switch to waiter } interface SyncWaiter : Waitable, Syncnizable { // here wait/notify calls also call lock thus // notify calls are only non blocking if you have the lock. // so this may be required. bit tryNotify(); // notify if unlocked } synchronized blocks/methods can only be used with objects that implment Syncronizable (implemented internally).
Sep 29 2003