D - What's the problem here?
- Alen Siljak (35/35) Sep 19 2003 I get the following error when compiling:
- Alen Siljak (2/2) Sep 19 2003 Hm, after unpacking (still hot) 0.73, the mentioned example compiles
I get the following error when compiling: dig_dlg.obj(dig_dlg) Error 42: Symbol Undefined __Class_13my_dialog_box13my_dialog_box dig_dlg.obj(dig_dlg) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D13my_dialog_box13my_dialog_box5_ctorFZC13my_dialog _box13my_dialog_box --- errorlevel 2 In dig_dlg.d I have import my_dialog_box; void cmd_new_dbox_Click() { // my_dialog_box db = new my_dialog_box(); // db.showModal(); (new my_dialog_box).showModal(); } and some more code that works if the body of this method is commented. The my_dialog_box.d is simple: module my_dialog_box; import net.BurtonRadons.dig.main; class my_dialog_box : Frame { this () { caption ("Hello program"); height(50); width(35); } } I tried both with and without module statement. So, the question is how do I use a class from another module (my own, that is)? Thanks, Alen
Sep 19 2003
Hm, after unpacking (still hot) 0.73, the mentioned example compiles fine within DIDE?! Cool.
Sep 19 2003