D - Access of extern'd declarations
- Matthew Wilson (7/7) Sep 17 2003 module synsoft.win32.regutil;
- Walter (3/10) Nov 01 2003 Yes. If you don't want to make that happen, use 'private' in front of it...
module synsoft.win32.regutil; extern (C) { int wsprintfA(char *dest, char *fmt, ...); } What is the visibility of wsprintfA()? Can it be accessed from outside the module, by importing synsoft.win32.regutil?
Sep 17 2003
"Matthew Wilson" <dmd synesis.com.au> wrote in message news:bk9n8n$23mr$1 digitaldaemon.com...module synsoft.win32.regutil; extern (C) { int wsprintfA(char *dest, char *fmt, ...); } What is the visibility of wsprintfA()? Can it be accessed from outside the module, by importing synsoft.win32.regutil?Yes. If you don't want to make that happen, use 'private' in front of it.
Nov 01 2003