D - Single Source Tree
- Benji Smith (87/87) Sep 10 2003 I have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different software ...
- Ant (25/28) Sep 10 2003 I'm not a unix admin so probably the following
- Benji Smith (24/32) Sep 10 2003 I would love to tell everyone the domain name right now, but I know that...
- Helmut Leitner (37/116) Sep 10 2003 I'm very grateful that you do this.
- Matthew Wilson (41/96) Sep 11 2003 Hear, hear. I am itching to get the win32 registry library written, but ...
- Helmut Leitner (8/21) Sep 11 2003 Don't want to be misunderstood. I'm very happy with the semantical chang...
- Matthew Wilson (60/105) Sep 11 2003 about a
- Riccardo De Agostini (14/29) Sep 11 2003 it.
- Benji Smith (19/36) Sep 11 2003 The point is that library authors *could* use the com.XXXXX prefix for t...
- Helmut Leitner (9/13) Sep 11 2003 While I see your point, I can't agree. The chance for such a collision i...
- Benji Smith (19/22) Sep 11 2003 Yes. For example, it seems as though Burton Radons, who is currently usi...
- Riccardo De Agostini (36/52) Sep 11 2003 packages
- Ilya Minkov (18/18) Sep 11 2003 I don't think i like lengthy names, including arbitrary domains. I would...
- Riccardo De Agostini (18/27) Sep 11 2003 ...which, at this point, would also serve as namespace registrar, right?
- Ilya Minkov (42/56) Sep 11 2003 Exactly!
- Julio César Carrascal Urquijo (33/37) Sep 11 2003 packages
- Charles Sanders (11/48) Sep 11 2003 I totally aggree with this option, I dont like the com / org prefix, but...
- Riccardo De Agostini (6/18) Sep 12 2003 I'm with you on the name hierarchy, but I'd stick to lower case only.
- Helmut Leitner (7/30) Sep 12 2003 It wouldn't be funny to have a top level domain directrory with hundreds...
- Ilya Minkov (4/7) Sep 12 2003 I frankly can't see what the problem would be. Would you please explain
- Helmut Leitner (21/30) Sep 12 2003 There is no problem, its just aestetical. A top level like
Carlos Santander B.
Sep 12 2003
"Julio César Carrascal Urquijo"
wrote in message - Julio César Carrascal Urquijo (25/36) Sep 13 2003 Yes, names from other countries can be difficult to write but if if we d...
- John Boucher (7/15) Sep 13 2003 Howsabout "D Organization of Heuristics" AKA "D'OH!"
- Daniel Yokomiso (9/16) Sep 13 2003 [snip]
Daniel Yokomiso
Sep 11 2003
"Benji Smith"
escreveu na mensagem - Riccardo De Agostini (15/24) Sep 12 2003 to
- Antti =?iso-8859-1?Q?Syk=E4ri?= (25/56) Sep 14 2003 I hope not, but the issue is not very simple.
- Riccardo De Agostini (10/17) Sep 15 2003 Clearly (though not so clearly from my previous post) automatic version
- Ilya Minkov (24/37) Sep 12 2003 Operating systems should allow to make directories mirror other
- John Boucher (32/69) Sep 12 2003 This sounds like what I do with search lists on OpenVMS...
- Derek Parnell (6/11) Sep 14 2003 On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:03:44 +0000 (UTC) (09/13/03 07:03:44)
- J Anderson (82/82) Sep 15 2003
I have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different software packages that will be needed to host the new D source-code repository site. Along the way, I experienced significant enough frustration that I'm proposing that we change the world. I'll tell you about my frustrating experience first. Then I'll tell you about what I think we should do about it. <irrelevant> I'm hosting the new site on a "virtual dedicated server". There are lots of ways of doing this (especially in a unix environment (and especially especially in a linux environment)), but my particular hosting provider does it in such a way that I get full root access, including the ability to compile and install software, rwx permissions to every directory in the tree, and the ability to create arbitrary shell accounts. I can host as many domains as I want on my server, and I can essentially use it for whatever purposes I like. I get all of that, plus 3GB of storage space and 25GB of bandwidth each month, for only $15. The name of the hosting company is http://www.tektonic.net . (The only reason I mention their name at all is because it's such a good deal, I figure there'll be someone else in the ng who will be impressed by that price as much as I was. I don't make any money from tooting their horn. ) </irrelevant> Anyhow, I've been installing lots of software that will be necessary to get the repository site up and running. I've had to compile pretty much everything from source. And I've got some big gripes: 1) You can extract your source archives pretty much anywhere in the directory tree, as long as you run 'make' and 'make install' from within these directories. This can lead to source directories all over the place. Some of the software packages that came preinstalled on my server left their source directories in some pretty weird places. 2) There is no standard unix location for the installation of binaries, library files, and include (header) files. Binaries might be installed to '/bin' or 'sbin' or '/usr/bin' or '/usr/sbin' or '/usr/local/bin'. Libraries might be installed into analagous directories (just substitute 'lib' for 'bin' in any of these examples) or they might be installed into '/var/lib'. Header files are even more troublesome to locate. They might be in an analagous directory (replace 'bin' and 'lib' in any of the preceding examples with 'include'), but they could also be in a 'src' directory instead of an 'include' directory. Finally, any software package might choose to install its 'bin', 'lib' and 'include' directories under a single application-specific subdirectory. This leads to things like '/usr/local/mysql/lib' or '/usr/kerberos/bin'. When I need to compile new software, and that software needs to link with existing libraries and header files, it's a huge pain in the ass to track down the location of the installed files and then set up a CFLAGS environment variable with a '-I' option pointing to the directory in question. *************************** I'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishing a standard location for source code, libraries, and include files. I don't have much to say about libraries and include files, because I don't have much experience in the C/C++ world, and I think some of you guys will have more interesting stuff to say than me about that, but I do have some opinions about a canonical organization structure for source code. I think that Java got it right: all source code should be kept in a single code heirarchy, using a deep directory structure to provide unique canonical names to packages and modules. All java code written by Sun gets installed into the com > sun directory. Xml stuff written by the apache group gets installed into the org > apache > xerces directory. And so on and so on. Using reversed domain names in the package/module naming convention ensures that my XML api exists in an entirely different namespace as someone else's XML api. I know that Burton has imposed this type of canonical package organization to the dig sources, with module names like 'net.BurtonRadons.dig.main' and I think we need to move to an organizational structure like that. In fact, I think the phobos sources should be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos.*' just like any other package. There's no reason they should be special enough to be at the top of the package hierarchy. The trouble with this type of organizational structure is that it relies on everyone having a unique domain name in order to prevent conflicts in canonical names. And not everybody has a domain name. Especially when the primary members of the development community are individual developers rather than software companies. I have a solution to this problem as well. In a few weeks time, I'll be opening the gates to the first public source code repository for the D language. All source code will be available through public cvs access (well, actally it's svn rather than cvs, but it's the same idea), and I want to organize all of the projects into a single repository that can be imported using 'com.XXXXX' (where 'XXXXX' will be the domain name of the D repository site, which I'm keeping under wraps until after I've finished alpha testing). So, when I host a new project for my XML parsing API, it will be in the 'com.XXXXX.spinnerette' package, since 'spinnerette' is the name of my XML api. I think the repository site will also be the best place to host a standard library, like phobos. So, even though phobos would (at the moment) be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos', I think it should eventually be moved to 'com.XXXXX.phobos', once its development has become a community effort rather than being primarily under Walter's control. Do these ideas mesh well with everyone else's conception of how source code should be organized into hierarchies of packages? Does anyone strongly disagree here? We need to hash this out NOW because I need to build the repository structure within the next two weeks, and whatever gets implemented at that point will be difficult to reverse.
Sep 10 2003
I'm not a unix admin so probably the following might be wrong, hopefully some one will correct it if necessary.Binaries might be installed to'/bin' - system programs 'sbin' - system programs super user only (root) /bin and /sbin must be on the boot device tipicaly /usr is on a separated device that is mounted after the system boots up. '/usr/bin' - application programs '/usr/sbin' - application programs super user only (root) '/usr/local/bin' - applications programs '/usr/local/bin' - applications programs super user only (root) from /usr/ to /usr/local the difference might be what you want to make public on same kind of remote access (this one I'm just guessing) lib, includes and src probably follow the same idea. There, now you know more about unix then I do.All of the projects into a single repository that can be imported using 'com.XXXXX'that's why I wanted to know what was the domain a month ago. I have one simple problem with that, my project is not commercial, couldn't we have com.XXXXX net.XXXXX org.XXXXX .. Ant
Sep 10 2003
In article <bjovb9$1f22$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Ant says...I would love to tell everyone the domain name right now, but I know that people would show up to the site and start messing with stuff. I can't allow that until I've finished with alpha testing. You'll know soon enough.All of the projects into a single repository that can be imported using 'com.XXXXX'that's why I wanted to know what was the domain a month ago.I have one simple problem with that, my project is not commercial, couldn't we have com.XXXXX net.XXXXX org.XXXXXI don't really care whether stuff is commercial or not. The D repository site is certainly not a for-profit or commercial venture. And yet I'm using a ".com" tld rather than a ".org". Why? I just like it better, that's why. Any packages that are hosted strictly using the repository website can use the package naming convention of 'com.XXXXX.xyz' so that they're gaurunteed a canonical place to live. However, anyone else who hosts their own code (or anyone with a domain name, whether they host their code there or not) can use whatever TLD their domain falls under. So we'll have things like: com.digitalmars.phobos org.opend.dli net.somebodysdsite.wxd co.uk.xyz.zlib and so on and so on. My point is that all of these packages should live under a single parent directory. So, when you checkout a new package from somebody's cvs repository, you can put it into: C:\projects\development\d\src_root\org\opend\dli\ Somewhere in your DMD settings, you'd set up your source directory as "C:\projects\development\d\src_root", and you'll know that your D sources will always fall somewhere beneath this directory. --Benji
Sep 10 2003
Just a few comment on various topics.... Benji Smith wrote:I have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different software packages that will be needed to host the new D source-code repository site. Along the way, I experienced significant enough frustration that I'm proposing that we change the world. I'll tell you about my frustrating experience first. Then I'll tell you about what I think we should do about it.I'm very grateful that you do this.Anyhow, I've been installing lots of software that will be necessary to get the repository site up and running. I've had to compile pretty much everything from source. And I've got some big gripes: 1) You can extract your source archives pretty much anywhere in the directory tree, as long as you run 'make' and 'make install' from within these directories. This can lead to source directories all over the place. Some of the software packages that came preinstalled on my server left their source directories in some pretty weird places.You can, but you needn't. Typically - I think - a single place like e.g. /usr/src/packages/SOURCES is used.2) There is no standard unix location for the installation of binaries, library files, and include (header) files. Binaries might be installed to '/bin' or 'sbin' or '/usr/bin' or '/usr/sbin' or '/usr/local/bin'. Libraries might be installed into analagous directories (just substitute 'lib' for 'bin' in any of these examples) or they might be installed into '/var/lib'. Header files are even more troublesome to locate. They might be in an analagous directory (replace 'bin' and 'lib' in any of the preceding examples with 'include'), but they could also be in a 'src' directory instead of an 'include' directory. Finally, any software package might choose to install its 'bin', 'lib' and 'include' directories under a single application-specific subdirectory. This leads to things like '/usr/local/mysql/lib' or '/usr/kerberos/bin'. When I need to compile new software, and that software needs to link with existing libraries and header files, it's a huge pain in the ass to track down the location of the installed files and then set up a CFLAGS environment variable with a '-I' option pointing to the directory in question.It might be easier to have a single -I option and to put a symbolic link at that place if you choose to have the directory tree elsewhere. For me /usr/bin feels best.*************************** I'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishing a standard location for source code, libraries, and include files.I agree. And it should be done the sooner the better for it will break any existing code. Even the small semantic change (in 0.70?) of 'c' was/is a PITA.I don't have much to say about libraries and include files, because I don't have much experience in the C/C++ world, and I think some of you guys will have more interesting stuff to say than me about that, but I do have some opinions about a canonical organization structure for source code. I think that Java got it right: all source code should be kept in a single code heirarchy, using a deep directory structure to provide unique canonical names to packages and modules. All java code written by Sun gets installed into the com > sun directory. Xml stuff written by the apache group gets installed into the org > apache > xerces directory. And so on and so on. Using reversed domain names in the package/module naming convention ensures that my XML api exists in an entirely different namespace as someone else's XML api.It's possible to go this Java path, it's simple and proven. It may be a bit of an overkill enforcing long module names and heavy use of aliases. But Burton seems to have allready walked this way, so it seems fruitless to discuss this any more.I know that Burton has imposed this type of canonical package organization to the dig sources, with module names like 'net.BurtonRadons.dig.main' and I think we need to move to an organizational structure like that. In fact, I think the phobos sources should be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos.*' just like any other package. There's no reason they should be special enough to be at the top of the package hierarchy.We could use an organized namespace of invented top level domains and replace com.digitalmars.phobos. by just d.The trouble with this type of organizational structure is that it relies on everyone having a unique domain name in order to prevent conflicts in canonical names. And not everybody has a domain name. Especially when the primary members of the development community are individual developers rather than software companies.Individual programmers could have name.TomJones without even owing such a domain.I have a solution to this problem as well. In a few weeks time, I'll be opening the gates to the first public source code repository for the D language. All source code will be available through public cvs access (well, actally it's svn rather than cvs, but it's the same idea), and I want to organize all of the projects into a single repository that can be imported using 'com.XXXXX' (where 'XXXXX' will be the domain name of the D repository site, which I'm keeping under wraps until after I've finished alpha testing). So, when I host a new project for my XML parsing API, it will be in the 'com.XXXXX.spinnerette' package, since 'spinnerette' is the name of my XML api. I think the repository site will also be the best place to host a standard library, like phobos. So, even though phobos would (at the moment) be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos', I think it should eventually be moved to 'com.XXXXX.phobos', once its development has become a community effort rather than being primarily under Walter's control. Do these ideas mesh well with everyone else's conception of how source code should be organized into hierarchies of packages? Does anyone strongly disagree here?As I said, I would prefer a d. instead of com.XXXXX.phobos or com.digitalmars.phobos as it wouldn't collide with any existing or future domain.We need to hash this out NOW because I need to build the repository structure within the next two weeks, and whatever gets implemented at that point will be difficult to reverse.I agree. Thank you for your work. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.com
Sep 10 2003
aI'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishingcode.standard location for source code, libraries, and include files.I agree. And it should be done the sooner the better for it will break any existingEven the small semantic change (in 0.70?) of 'c' was/is a PITA.Hear, hear. I am itching to get the win32 registry library written, but this is one of the things that's tempering my enthusiasm (along with those static properties, Walter).don't haveI don't have much to say about libraries and include files, because Ihave moremuch experience in the C/C++ world, and I think some of you guys willabout ainteresting stuff to say than me about that, but I do have some opinionsitcanonical organization structure for source code. I think that Java gota deepright: all source code should be kept in a single code heirarchy, usingmodules.directory structure to provide unique canonical names to packages anddirectory. XmlAll java code written by Sun gets installed into the com > sunxercesstuff written by the apache group gets installed into the org > apache >entirelydirectory. And so on and so on. Using reversed domain names in the package/module naming convention ensures that my XML api exists in anbit ofdifferent namespace as someone else's XML api.It's possible to go this Java path, it's simple and proven. It may be aan overkill enforcing long module names and heavy use of aliases.It is, but it's unambiguous.But Burton seems to have allready walked this way, so it seems fruitlesstodiscuss this any more.organization toI know that Burton has imposed this type of canonical packageI thinkthe dig sources, with module names like 'net.BurtonRadons.dig.main' andthink thewe need to move to an organizational structure like that. In fact, Ilike anyphobos sources should be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos.*' justthe topother package. There's no reason they should be special enough to be atYes, I think the standard library should not be at com.digitalmars.phobos. Presumably we all want this language to succeed and expand. At such time, would an implementor, e.g. Microsoft, be keen to be writing their modules within "com.digitalmars.*"? I think not.of the package hierarchy.We could use an organized namespace of invented top level domains and replace com.digitalmars.phobos. by just d.onThe trouble with this type of organizational structure is that it reliescanonicaleveryone having a unique domain name in order to prevent conflicts inmembersnames. And not everybody has a domain name. Especially when the primarysoftwareof the development community are individual developers rather thanGood idea. Would Benji's organisation arbitrate on these, i.e. when we get multiple people with the same name, or do we assume that there'll be a D Libraries Group together by then?companies.Individual programmers could have name.TomJones without even owing such a domain.standardI think the repository site will also be the best place to host aimportedlibrary, like phobos. So, even though phobos would (at the moment) beratherusing 'com.digitalmars.phobos', I think it should eventually be moved to 'com.XXXXX.phobos', once its development has become a community effortcodethan being primarily under Walter's control. Do these ideas mesh well with everyone else's conception of how sourcedisagreeshould be organized into hierarchies of packages? Does anyone stronglystructurehere?As I said, I would prefer a d. instead of com.XXXXX.phobos or com.digitalmars.phobos as it wouldn't collide with any existing or future domain.We need to hash this out NOW because I need to build the repositorywill bewithin the next two weeks, and whatever gets implemented at that pointYes, and yes. Looking forward to seeing it. :)difficult to reverse.I agree. Thank you for your work.
Sep 11 2003
Matthew Wilson wrote:Don't want to be misunderstood. I'm very happy with the semantical change of 'c'. But it broke almost any code and library out there. There are some, that are not actively maintained. People downloading and testing such code (perhaps even in a year) without knowing the internals, might not become happy. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.comaI'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishingcode.standard location for source code, libraries, and include files.I agree. And it should be done the sooner the better for it will break any existingEven the small semantic change (in 0.70?) of 'c' was/is a PITA.Hear, hear. I am itching to get the win32 registry library written, but this is one of the things that's tempering my enthusiasm (along with those static properties, Walter).
Sep 11 2003
*************************** I'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishing a standard location for source code, libraries, and include files. I don't have much to say about libraries and include files, because Idon't havemuch experience in the C/C++ world, and I think some of you guys will havemoreinteresting stuff to say than me about that, but I do have some opinionsabout acanonical organization structure for source code. I think that Java got it right: all source code should be kept in a single code heirarchy, using adeepdirectory structure to provide unique canonical names to packages andmodules.All java code written by Sun gets installed into the com > sun directory.Xmlstuff written by the apache group gets installed into the org > apache >xercesdirectory. And so on and so on. Using reversed domain names in the package/module naming convention ensures that my XML api exists in anentirelydifferent namespace as someone else's XML api.I recall that when I suggested this I was shouted down (boo hoo). However, I (still) think it's the way to go, so you can count me in.I know that Burton has imposed this type of canonical package organizationtothe dig sources, with module names like 'net.BurtonRadons.dig.main' and Ithinkwe need to move to an organizational structure like that. In fact, I thinkthephobos sources should be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos.*' justlike anyother package. There's no reason they should be special enough to be atthe topof the package hierarchy.All my stuff is currently synsoft.*, but I think I'll probably move it to org.synsoft.* if we see a groundswell of support.The trouble with this type of organizational structure is that it reliesoneveryone having a unique domain name in order to prevent conflicts incanonicalnames. And not everybody has a domain name. Especially when the primarymembersof the development community are individual developers rather thansoftwarecompanies. I have a solution to this problem as well. In a few weeks time, I'll beopeningthe gates to the first public source code repository for the D language.Allsource code will be available through public cvs access (well, actallyit's svnrather than cvs, but it's the same idea), and I want to organize all oftheprojects into a single repository that can be imported using 'com.XXXXX'(where'XXXXX' will be the domain name of the D repository site, which I'mkeepingunder wraps until after I've finished alpha testing). So, when I host anewproject for my XML parsing API, it will be in the 'com.XXXXX.spinnerette' package, since 'spinnerette' is the name of my XML api.I like the fact that you're willing to supply them, but ...I think the repository site will also be the best place to host a standard library, like phobos. So, even though phobos would (at the moment) beimportedusing 'com.digitalmars.phobos', I think it should eventually be moved to 'com.XXXXX.phobos', once its development has become a community effortratherthan being primarily under Walter's control.... I strongly disagree with this. If we like org.blah.lib-main.lib-individual.* com.digitalmars.phobos. isn't putting everything into com.XXXXX.* utterly pointless, since everything will just have com.XXXXX in front of it. The second objection is people will simply not take to being forced/coerced/obliged to go into "the one true way". The third reason is that I can't see Walter going with it in a month of Sundays. For my part I think it's useful and important to: (i) Have a consistent, coherent, predictable and inclusive structure. (ii) Have a standard library (owned by Digital Mars until the language gets all ISO'd) that has a distinguisable identity. The com.domain.lib.sub-lib.* format is very good for this, it's just not the whole answer. I think that Phobos should be under D as in D.rtl.stdio D.lang.except Note that this distingushes between language and standard rtl features. (I personally don't want Phobos as part of the package names, though I do want to keep it as the (un)official name of the rtl distribution, but I'm not sure it's up to me. ;)Do these ideas mesh well with everyone else's conception of how sourcecodeshould be organized into hierarchies of packages? Does anyone stronglydisagreehere?Yes and noWe need to hash this out NOW because I need to build the repositorystructurewithin the next two weeks, and whatever gets implemented at that pointwill bedifficult to reverse.
Sep 11 2003
"Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjp6oc$1pie$1 digitaldaemon.com...[...] If we like org.blah.lib-main.lib-individual.* com.digitalmars.phobos. isn't putting everything into com.XXXXX.* utterly pointless, since everything will just have com.XXXXX in front ofit. That could in fact make less people willing to host their projects on the repository site.There are companies which release open source code; I don't think they'd go with anything else than com.companyname for their libraries. They spend money on it, leave them the glory at least. :)The third reason is that I can't see Walter going with it in a month of Sundays.The worst thing about Walter, IMHO, is that he doesn't have a copy constructor so we can clone him. :-)The com.domain.lib.sub-lib.* format is very good for this, it's just notthewhole answer. I think that Phobos should be under D as in D.rtl.stdio D.lang.except Note that this distingushes between language and standard rtl features.Agreed completely. Let Phobos remain as a codename, but the D RTL is part of D, just as Windows is not Whistler, OpenDOS is OpenDOS and not any of its fancy release codenames, etc. Ric
Sep 11 2003
In article <bjpdn4$241a$2 digitaldaemon.com>, Riccardo De Agostini says..."Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjp6oc$1pie$1 digitaldaemon.com...The point is that library authors *could* use the com.XXXXX prefix for their libraries, guarunteeing them a unique canonical name. However, there's no need to impose that type of naming convention on them if they already have a domain name of their own. I agree that it would be pointless to have everything reside under the com.XXXXX structure. I'm just saying that I'll make sure those project names are unique so that the package names are also unique. I also don't think there's anything special about internet domain names, except that they're canonical, by definition. I think that's the only reason that they're used as package names in Java (AFAIK, there is no auto-downloading feature for classes in Java). If we don't use domain names as package name prefixes, how do you suggest we gauruntee unique package names? I'd hate to have to download a package from 'name.johnsmith.*' and not know that the "johnsmith" name is gaurunteed to be unique. Of course, I don't really care about the domain names themselves, so if you can think of another system that gauruntees unique canonical names, I'd like to hear it. And I'm not crazy about the idea of using my repository site as a registrar of package names. But you might be able to convince me. Maybe. --Benji Smith[...] If we like org.blah.lib-main.lib-individual.* com.digitalmars.phobos. isn't putting everything into com.XXXXX.* utterly pointless, since everything will just have com.XXXXX in front ofit. That could in fact make less people willing to host their projects on the repository site.There are companies which release open source code; I don't think they'd go with anything else than com.companyname for their libraries. They spend money on it, leave them the glory at least. :)
Sep 11 2003
Benji Smith wrote:If we don't use domain names as package name prefixes, how do you suggest we gauruntee unique package names? I'd hate to have to download a package from 'name.johnsmith.*' and not know that the "johnsmith" name is gaurunteed to be unique.While I see your point, I can't agree. The chance for such a collision is small (always in mind that the typical coding will be done using correct domain names). Anyway your system will have to accept the given domain names without a chance to check them. So I suppose anyone could check in a "com.acorp.module" without being the owner of the domain "acorp.com" and you wouldn't even notice it. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.com
Sep 11 2003
In article <3F608254.36C58B20 hls.via.at>, Helmut Leitner says...Anyway your system will have to accept the given domain names without a chance to check them. So I suppose anyone could check in a "com.acorp.module" without being the owner of the domain "acorp.com" and you wouldn't even notice it.Yes. For example, it seems as though Burton Radons, who is currently using the prefix 'net.BurtonRadons' for his dig packages, doesn't actually own the domain name 'burtonradons.net'. I think that's a mistake on his part. I think that if he's writing code using that prefix, it implies that you can visit www.burtonradons.net for more information about the packages. In this case, that's not true. So the domain name convention provide any mechanism for guarunteeing that people only write code for their own domains. In fact, I could write java code and call my packages 'com.sun.java.blingblang'. If I do so, I have to hope that Sun will never release a package called 'blingblang'. If they do, I'm the one who will have to change my package name, since they're the domain owners. I know that namespace conlicts will be rare, no matter what naming convention we use, but at some point, there will be a few conflicts (if we get to the point where there is an active library-development community (and we're all hoping for that)). Using a domain-name-based package-naming convention, we'll have some way of figure out how to resolve those conflicts. But maybe there's a better convention we can use. If you have any ideas, I want to hear them. --Benji
Sep 11 2003
"Benji Smith" <dlanguage xxagg.com> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjosk1$1aut$1 digitaldaemon.com...I have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different softwarepackagesthat will be needed to host the new D source-code repository site.Oh, BTW... I had missed your first posts about the repository site. Although late, please accept my thanks and congratulations.I don't have much to say about libraries and include files, because Idon't havemuch experience in the C/C++ world, and I think some of you guys will havemoreinteresting stuff to say than me about that, but I do have some opinionsabout acanonical organization structure for source code. I think that Java got it right: all source code should be kept in a single code heirarchy, using adeepdirectory structure to provide unique canonical names to packages andmodules. If you're in a hurry, skip next paragraph: it's just to say that I agree. :) I'm not a Java programmer, but I've seen some Java code and sure, it has the best code organization I've ever seen. And if setting up for compilation under Linux is a pain because of too many "standard" paths, how about DOS and Windows, that have none?! Every time I have to set up a new development machine, or make some modifications to old code and thus install those four or five libraries I haven't been using for a couple of years, I get asked why a modification so trivial took me a whole week... but it usually took 4 days just to have it recompile as-is! And don't even mention "smart" component-based IDEs! Yes, for the first time ever, this ng is seeing me complaining about Delphi! :)The trouble with this type of organizational structure is that it reliesoneveryone having a unique domain name in order to prevent conflicts incanonicalnames. And not everybody has a domain name. Especially when the primarymembersof the development community are individual developers rather thansoftwarecompanies.I can't believe that! What sense does it make to constrain the source tree structure to actual Internet registered domains? It may be right for Java, so the VM may download at runtime a class used by an applet and know exactly where to save it for later retrieval, but maybe it could be not so strict a requirement for D.I have a solution to this problem as well. [...] So, when I host a new project for my XML parsing API, it will be in the 'com.XXXXX.spinnerette' package, since 'spinnerette' is the name of my XML api.I'm with Ant here: org.XXXXX would be better. But I'm not going to start a holy war on that: there are too many more important things that are to be dealt with, one of the most important ones being having the repository site up and running, so it could even be biz.XXXXX for what it's worth. Thanks again for your precious work Ric
Sep 11 2003
I don't think i like lengthy names, including arbitrary domains. I would propose that: - There is only one repository site. - Project names *are* namespace names. No "com.blahblah" in front; - To avoid collisions, "d" and "c" should be pre-registered, and all commercial companies developing their code, should register their projects or namespaces on the repository site. They could use webspace as redirection, as well as file download facility, but they need not use svn. - "d" stands for standard libraries - currently Phobos. I can't recall any name collision when using Delphi, even though it uses next to no namespace protection. -eye PS. Ricardo: you do not need to register components with the IDE just to make Delphi compile some project which uses them. :) Just show it the path and it shall figure out. :) Much less pain than i'm having with C++, which relies on the actual file positions, almost manual linking, and so on...
Sep 11 2003
"Ilya Minkov" <minkov cs.tum.edu> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjprc8$2lk3$1 digitaldaemon.com...- There is only one repository site....which, at this point, would also serve as namespace registrar, right? Benji said he doesn't love the idea much, but it makes a lot of sense.- Project names *are* namespace names. No "com.blahblah" in front;I'd leave developers with the possibility of prepending the developer name, as in "burtonradons.yetanotherlib" instead of just "yetanotherlib" if Burton so wishes. I'm not with the Internet domain idea, definitely. Of course I'm not ever releasing anything called "riccardodeagostini.mylib", or rewriting the library could take less time than typing the imports... :)I can't recall any name collision when using Delphi, even though it uses next to no namespace protection.Me neither. Though people like TurboPower have always used two-letter prefixes on all their units' names...PS. Ricardo: you do not need to register components with the IDE just to make Delphi compile some project which uses them. :) Just show it the path and it shall figure out. :) Much less pain than i'm having with C++, which relies on the actual file positions, almost manual linking, and so on...Granted, Delphi is not the worst case. But I don't even want to show it the path, call me lazy! :) I want a single setting (or environment variable) a la CLASSPATH. I want to be able to just copy the entire "classpath" tree to my new development box and have it working at once. I want to be able to use a classpath (in lack, for now, of a better name) on a network share. OK, maybe I want too much, but I tried... :) Ric
Sep 11 2003
Riccardo De Agostini wrote:Exactly! Now i have gotten second thoughts. The official name registration facility may be at Walter's or Jan's site - it should be free and voluntary, but everyone should do it when releasing an open-source library to the world... The world need not be limited to one repository - but the repositories would need to co-operate on giving away project names. It just seems to me that if there is a central repository, there isn't much sense to make its project fall into such a deep namespace... They can be top-level if the obvious names can be reserved.- There is only one repository site....which, at this point, would also serve as namespace registrar, right? Benji said he doesn't love the idea much, but it makes a lot of sense.yeah, if he has registered a project of his name. :) But well, the idea with domains is not bad for people who do not want to be dependant on the central registration service... but want to have net, com, org, or whatever in the beginning of their unit names. This way should be open to them, and having a top-level domain name in the beginning would clearly disambiguate them from anything else. This all leads to a possible necessity to make it possible to register sub-projects... This is probably not important at first, but later it could be good. The projects would get a dot in their name and would be acessible as subproject.project.XXXXX.com www.XXXXX.com/projects/project.subproject but for the first the members should simply arrange directories in their webspace to match sub-project names. www.XXXXX.com/projects/project/subproject project.XXXXX.com/subproject- Project names *are* namespace names. No "com.blahblah" in front;I'd leave developers with the possibility of prepending the developer name, as in "burtonradons.yetanotherlib" instead of just "yetanotherlib" if Burton so wishes. I'm not with the Internet domain idea, definitely.Me neither. Though people like TurboPower have always used two-letter prefixes on all their units' names...Ah, that's the reason. :) Besides, important libs were well known and noone would dare to invent a colliding name. :)Granted, Delphi is not the worst case. But I don't even want to show it the path, call me lazy! :) I want a single setting (or environment variable) a la CLASSPATH.The only thing that lacked there was a recursive search of sub-directories which would eliminate the problem completely. :) Plus a possibility to exclude a certain directory from search by putting a flag file into it. :) There is a deep ocean to similar things. Like, with most windows proggies - you move it and it breaks. And later it should not be able to uninstall itself. Thus reorganising software is bound to go through pain of uninstall- reinstall- reconfigure... Unlike on a mac - move and it picks on. Even on another computer. That's how everything should work - including compilers. :)))))) This imposes another problem within multi-user environmants but i have figured out a solution as well ;) ... Gotta tell it the Yellow Tab (BeOS/Zeta) crew before it's too late. :) -eye
Sep 11 2003
"Benji Smith" <dlanguage xxagg.com> wrote in message news:bjosk1$1aut$1 digitaldaemon.com...I have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different softwarepackagesthat will be needed to host the new D source-code repository site. Alongthe Incredible work Benji. I know I'll be using your services a lot. I read this newsgroup almost dayly but don't get into the discussions too often. But this kind of donation to the comunity surely deserves congratulations from everyone here.I'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishing a standard location for source code, libraries, and include files.A standard location for D source code it's a really good idea. Java's naming convention for packages it's a little clumsy but works pretty well. As Ricardo said, there's no need to add com. or net. to module names in D and probably add a lot of collisions with variable names: import com.digitalmars.win32; void main() { ComObject com = new ComObject(); com.AddRef(); } test.d(7): undefined identifier module com.AddRef I think module names should be MixedCase and prepending the name of the company or organization that is mantaining it, except of course for the standard library wich should be D: import D; // implicitly imported. import D.Win32; import DigitalMars.ReflectionExtension; // Tips, tips, tips ... import Microsoft.ADO; import Eclipse.SWT.Widgets; And for independent developers we should decide on a standard module that will be open for them: import Contrib.BurtonRadons.DIG; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.SomeLib; It can be "Contrib", "Personal", "Name", etc. I don't mind as long as it is reserved for that use.
Sep 11 2003
I totally aggree with this option, I dont like the com / org prefix, but a company/ organization name prefix seems to work beautifully. I also vote for the Contrib, though JulioCesarCarrascal is a lot of typing and easy to get wrong! Charles "Julio César Carrascal Urquijo" <adnoctum phreaker.net> wrote in message news:bjq5f6$2fd$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Benji Smith" <dlanguage xxagg.com> wrote in message news:bjosk1$1aut$1 digitaldaemon.com...thisI have recently finished compiling the zillion or so different softwarepackagesthat will be needed to host the new D source-code repository site. Alongthe Incredible work Benji. I know I'll be using your services a lot. I readnewsgroup almost dayly but don't get into the discussions too often. But this kind of donation to the comunity surely deserves congratulations from everyone here.aI'd like to avoid this type of mayhem in the D community by establishingnamingstandard location for source code, libraries, and include files.A standard location for D source code it's a really good idea. Java'sconvention for packages it's a little clumsy but works pretty well. As Ricardo said, there's no need to add com. or net. to module names in D and probably add a lot of collisions with variable names: import com.digitalmars.win32; void main() { ComObject com = new ComObject(); com.AddRef(); } test.d(7): undefined identifier module com.AddRef I think module names should be MixedCase and prepending the name of the company or organization that is mantaining it, except of course for the standard library wich should be D: import D; // implicitly imported. import D.Win32; import DigitalMars.ReflectionExtension; // Tips, tips, tips ... import Microsoft.ADO; import Eclipse.SWT.Widgets; And for independent developers we should decide on a standard module that will be open for them: import Contrib.BurtonRadons.DIG; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.SomeLib; It can be "Contrib", "Personal", "Name", etc. I don't mind as long as itisreserved for that use.
Sep 11 2003
"Julio César Carrascal Urquijo" <adnoctum phreaker.net> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjq5f6$2fd$1 digitaldaemon.com...I think module names should be MixedCase and prepending the name of the company or organization that is mantaining it, except of course for the standard library wich should be D: import D; // implicitly imported. import D.Win32; import DigitalMars.ReflectionExtension; // Tips, tips, tips ... import Microsoft.ADO; import Eclipse.SWT.Widgets;I'm with you on the name hierarchy, but I'd stick to lower case only.And for independent developers we should decide on a standard module that will be open for them: import Contrib.BurtonRadons.DIG; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.SomeLib;Why not let Burton, or yourself, have his own top level namespace? Hasn't an independent developer the same dignity as a corporation? Ric
Sep 12 2003
Riccardo De Agostini wrote:"Julio César Carrascal Urquijo" <adnoctum phreaker.net> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjq5f6$2fd$1 digitaldaemon.com...It wouldn't be funny to have a top level domain directrory with hundreds of entries, somewhere in between, hard to find, "d", "org" and "com" where the music really plays. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.comI think module names should be MixedCase and prepending the name of the company or organization that is mantaining it, except of course for the standard library wich should be D: import D; // implicitly imported. import D.Win32; import DigitalMars.ReflectionExtension; // Tips, tips, tips ... import Microsoft.ADO; import Eclipse.SWT.Widgets;I'm with you on the name hierarchy, but I'd stick to lower case only.And for independent developers we should decide on a standard module that will be open for them: import Contrib.BurtonRadons.DIG; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.SomeLib;Why not let Burton, or yourself, have his own top level namespace? Hasn't an independent developer the same dignity as a corporation?
Sep 12 2003
Helmut Leitner wrote:It wouldn't be funny to have a top level domain directrory with hundreds of entries, somewhere in between, hard to find, "d", "org" and "com" where the music really plays.I frankly can't see what the problem would be. Would you please explain what you mean? -eye
Sep 12 2003
Ilya Minkov wrote:Helmut Leitner wrote:There is no problem, its just aestetical. A top level like ROOT/c /com /d /name /net /org would just look better to me than having hundreds of entries at this level. It would also be easier to select a semantical part of it like e. g. /c /d /org for updating. And I think that the Java-like domain type organization is basically a good way to go, just not in the strict sense that forces phobos into /com/digitalmars/phobos Just my $0.02. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.comIt wouldn't be funny to have a top level domain directrory with hundreds of entries, somewhere in between, hard to find, "d", "org" and "com" where the music really plays.I frankly can't see what the problem would be. Would you please explain what you mean?
Sep 12 2003
"Julio César Carrascal Urquijo" <adnoctum phreaker.net> wrote in message news:bjq5f6$2fd$1 digitaldaemon.com... | ... | And for independent developers we should decide on a standard module that | will be open for them: | | import Contrib.BurtonRadons.DIG; | import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.SomeLib; | As Charles said, writing a whole name could be very prone to errors (just a sample: this is copied and pasted because I still don't know how to write it: Achilleas Margaritis... well, we live in a world with a lot of diversity). However I really like the contrib part, for what my vote counts. But I don't think we should use people's names. I don't see the need. Sure, it's good to give credit to the creator, but I think it could envolve too much complexity. Maybe it could be better if somewhere was maintained a central library names repository (was it already proposed? I think so). I'm mixing things, but think about this: import contrib.DanielYokomiso.deimos; import contrib.[SorryIForgotThePerson].deimos; The first one is a template library. The second one is to convert .h files to d modules. Now, someone new comes and sees that, he won't know what to do because both things have the same name (ok, the second one isn't a library, but you get the point). The point is to avoid name duplication. So Benji could do that at first (register names), and later someone else could (I dunno... maybe there'll be an International D Organization where those things could be ruled). [Sometimes I tend to talk too much and not say much, mix ideas... But that's pretty much what's in my mind about this] ————————————————————————— Carlos Santander --- Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.516 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 2003-09-01
Sep 12 2003
Carlos Santander wrote:But I don't think we should use people's names. I don't see the need.Sure,it's good to give credit to the creator, but I think it could envolve too much complexity. Maybe it could be better if somewhere was maintained aYes, names from other countries can be difficult to write but if if we drop developer name's there's a problem that I'll try to explain better (I'm wrestling with my poor english).import contrib.DanielYokomiso.deimos; import contrib.[SorryIForgotThePerson].deimos; The first one is a template library. The second one is to convert .h files to d modules. Now, someone new comes and sees that, he won't know what todo What if some of us wanted to re-implement the standard XML library? We could easly choose one of the following: import D.XML; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.XML; import Contrib.DanielYokomiso.XML; import Contrib.CarlosSantander.XML; And, as long each one implemented the same public interface, the code using the library will work fine. I'm bringing this up is because the first implementation almost always isn't the fastest or the smallest and people will prefer Daniel's XML library.dunno... maybe there'll be an International D Organization where those things could be ruled).Maybe an "International D Organization" it's a political overkill for an issue that could be solved with just a good naming convention for module names. Also, I vote for mixed-case names so we can avoid name collisions with variables. Modules look a lot more like classes than variables. That's why I think lower-case names for modules is inconsistent.[Sometimes I tend to talk too much and not say much, mix ideas... Butthat'spretty much what's in my mind about this]Me too. I'm thinking to go back to the domain name thing and drop the whole issue :)
Sep 13 2003
In article <bjvc01$19bv$2 digitaldaemon.com>, Julio César Carrascal Urquijo says...Howsabout "D Organization of Heuristics" AKA "D'OH!"dunno... maybe there'll be an International D Organization where those things could be ruled).Maybe an "International D Organization" it's a political overkill for an issue that could be solved with just a good naming convention for module names.Also, I vote for mixed-case names so we can avoid name collisions with variables. Modules look a lot more like classes than variables. That's why I think lower-case names for modules is inconsistent.As an unrepentant OpenVMS guy I don't like case sensitivity in file systems. What if a D compiler is ever ported to OpenVMS? (As if!) John Boucher The King had Humpty pushed.
Sep 13 2003
"Julio César Carrascal Urquijo" <adnoctum phreaker.net> escreveu na mensagem news:bjvc01$19bv$2 digitaldaemon.com...Carlos Santander wrote:[snip][snip]import contrib.DanielYokomiso.deimos; import contrib.[SorryIForgotThePerson].deimos;import D.XML; import Contrib.JulioCesarCarrascal.XML; import Contrib.DanielYokomiso.XML; import Contrib.CarlosSantander.XML;Am I becoming famous? Must be, now I'm an code example ;) --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.516 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 1/9/2003
Sep 13 2003
"Benji Smith" <dlanguage xxagg.com> escreveu na mensagem news:bjosk1$1aut$1 digitaldaemon.com... [snip] Using a single source tree has a couple of problems. First it won't help with different versions of source code, so if I have to use version 0.3.5 of dig with dcc 1.2, but dTree 1.0.2 uses dig 0.2.4 I'll have to place both versions somewhere in the tree. I had this problem in Java once (particularly nasty when you consider different versions of JDK break different libraries in different ways). Also installing newer versions will be more fun: instead of just installing a new version under a dlib1.0.3 folder he'll have to remember which were the old modules and delete them before, in the case the project splitted a single module in two (somewhat common). Second it's hard to keep track of dependencies. If we have the Java model and look at Apache we'll see lots of code under the org.apache tree, but some pieces are from xml (e.g. xerces and xalan) other from jakarta (e.g. bcel, tomcat) all from different projects with different maintainers. Also they keep different branches sometimes (Xerces has two active releases IIRC). It's very difficult to keep track of everything, from maintainers rights to versioning if everything falls under the same tree inside the cvs, so they keep different projects inside the cvs and everything is fine. But if the user has to maintain everything in a single source he won't be able to keep track over things using cvs (i.e. the tree org.apache will be shared in his box but separated in the server), so he'll probably maintain things that he update from cvs outside the released trees. I like the idea of a single source tree, but it doesn't work with the filesystems we have. If we had a filesystem aware of library versions and able to distinguish two projects that live under the same tree it would be easier. <wishful-thinking> Someone ;) mentioned a virtual filesystem project earlier for D, perhaps we could modify this idea and come with a D library manager (DLM): new libraries are downloaded in compressed form (using a standard D installer creating an executable binary) and installed in the DLM location. During the installation the DLM becomes aware of the library version and dependencies, so it'll be able to keep it in a separated fisical location, but logically connected to the other modules (including versioning conflicts, etc.). During compilation the DLM can offer the real path to the compiler, so we just can "dlmc <my_project>" and it'll call the registered compiler with the appropriate paths. It would handle dll versioning too and clean our houses ;) </wishful-thinking> BTW, the repository site idea is very good, but I don't think every project must be named after a domain name, specially the domain name of the site. D standard libraries should be under "d" and specific projects should be under their own module names (e.g. dtlsoft). IMHO using domain names is wrong because they put all "org.*" under the same logical tree even if they have no connection. Best regards, Daniel Yokomiso. "The consumer is not an idiot, she is your wife." - David Ogilvy, founder of Ogilvy & Mather --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.514 / Virus Database: 312 - Release Date: 28/8/2003
Sep 11 2003
"Daniel Yokomiso" <daniel_yokomiso yahoo.com.br> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjr3nu$1cjr$1 digitaldaemon.com...First it won't help with different versions of source code, so if I havetouse version 0.3.5 of dig with dcc 1.2, but dTree 1.0.2 uses dig 0.2.4 I'll have to place both versions somewhere in the tree. I had this problem in Java once (particularly nasty when you consider different versions of JDK break different libraries in different ways). Also installing newerversionswill be more fun: instead of just installing a new version under adlib1.0.3folder he'll have to remember which were the old modules and delete them before, in the case the project splitted a single module in two (somewhat common).<daydreaming> -----<in myprog.d>----- import stlsoft.vector version 2.0; -----<in vector.d>------ version 2.2 compatible 2.0; -----<in other words...>----- How about automatic version checking by the compiler? <daydreaming> (This time Walter is going to ban me from the ng :-) ) Ric
Sep 12 2003
In article <bjs2et$2o89$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Riccardo De Agostini wrote:"Daniel Yokomiso" <daniel_yokomiso yahoo.com.br> ha scritto nel messaggio news:bjr3nu$1cjr$1 digitaldaemon.com...I hope not, but the issue is not very simple. Having two different versions in the source tree (and being able to pick one in an "import" sentence) would be a rather useful feature. Look at the difficulty that one has to go through to compile a project that has 15 libraries it depends on. If all the libraries are under development and break all the time, hell breaks loose. (Ever tried to compile GNOME on Linux?) The fundamental thing is: I want to be confident that when upgrading SomeProject from 1.0 to 1.1 the former version won't be overwritten and all software that depends on version 1.0 can be still compiled and used as if nothing had happened. You might want also to say something like import stlsoft.vector version >=2.0; or import dot.com.boom.bang.xml version 1.0 .. 1.2; (now would that mean 1.0 <= version < 1.2 or 1.0 <= version <= 1.2...) More things to think about... How do you compare version numbers, for example? There are plenty of different version number schemes, starting from simple x.y.z where x, y and z are numbers, to something like 1.0445j and 2.0-pre4. And you might have branches that are indicated in the version number (Linux kernel has branched versions such as 2.4.21-pre5-ac3, but that kind of versioning might be out of scale here) -AnttiFirst it won't help with different versions of source code, so if I havetouse version 0.3.5 of dig with dcc 1.2, but dTree 1.0.2 uses dig 0.2.4 I'll have to place both versions somewhere in the tree. I had this problem in Java once (particularly nasty when you consider different versions of JDK break different libraries in different ways). Also installing newerversionswill be more fun: instead of just installing a new version under adlib1.0.3folder he'll have to remember which were the old modules and delete them before, in the case the project splitted a single module in two (somewhat common).<daydreaming> -----<in myprog.d>----- import stlsoft.vector version 2.0; -----<in vector.d>------ version 2.2 compatible 2.0; -----<in other words...>----- How about automatic version checking by the compiler? <daydreaming> (This time Walter is going to ban me from the ng :-) )
Sep 14 2003
"Antti Sykäri" <jsykari gamma.hut.fi> ha scritto nel messaggio news:slrnbm8n8o.rsn.jsykari pulu.hut.fi...More things to think about... How do you compare version numbers, for example? There are plenty of different version number schemes, starting from simple x.y.z where x, y and z are numbers, to something like 1.0445j and 2.0-pre4. And you might have branches that are indicated in the version number (Linux kernel has branched versions such as 2.4.21-pre5-ac3, but that kind of versioning might be out of scale here)Clearly (though not so clearly from my previous post) automatic version checking would imply a standard and well-defined versioning scheme to which all libraries should adhere. This is probably going to be an all too good topic for holy wars. I myself have been using different versioning schemes for different projects and all of them made sense in their own context. Just to start with something, how about the classic <version>.<subversion>.<release>? Ric
Sep 15 2003
Daniel Yokomiso wrote:<wishful-thinking> Someone ;) mentioned a virtual filesystem project earlier for D, perhaps we could modify this idea and come with a D library manager (DLM): new libraries are downloaded in compressed form (using a standard D installer creating an executable binary) and installed in the DLM location. During the installation the DLM becomes aware of the library version and dependencies, so it'll be able to keep it in a separated fisical location, but logically connected to the other modules (including versioning conflicts, etc.). During compilation the DLM can offer the real path to the compiler, so we just can "dlmc <my_project>" and it'll call the registered compiler with the appropriate paths. It would handle dll versioning too and clean our houses ;) </wishful-thinking>Operating systems should allow to make directories mirror other directories. When you look into this directory(1), you see files which are actually in another directory(2), plus the files in (1). If the file with the same name exists in both, you see the one in (1). However, whenever you try to write or modify files through (1) - the changes should be written in (1) even if the original file was in (2). This simple magic allows to write programs which would store their configuration in their directory, that is the way single-user systems work. In the multi-user environment, an administrator would install bunches of software on some common read-only storage. If a sertain user wants to use some piece of software, he simply creates a directory for it in his space - wherever he wants - and lets it mirror the actual location, which may be read-only... and it works rightaway. I don't know whether any OS already implements such a thing or not, but i believe it would be of a lot of help in all cases, where configurations need to be slightly different and directory structures clean... There must also be some way to hide files in a mirror... Don't know whether this particular idea of mine expands to library version control, and it doefinately doesn't expand to some operating systems... So your idea is good anyway. Lunatic mentioned a virual filesystem which would work on associated words, instead of directores. But it wasn't related to D. -eye
Sep 12 2003
This sounds like what I do with search lists on OpenVMS... One can define a logical name that actually points to a list of directories. Something like: define appdir "appdisk:[app] , usrdisk:[me.app]" (I've forgotten the exact syntax in the year-and-a-half I've been away from OpenVMS.) Now I can use: dir appdir and see both directories. I can also: set default appdir ("set default" is "change directory") And I can say that my config file (or data or whatever) is appdir:app.cfg Now, if I'm a new user with no personal config file, I get the shared one from the appdisk, if I already have a config file it will be found in my directory, and when I save the file it gets saved in my directory for future use. I used this quite a bit when programming on OpenVMS. For each project I had a WORK and a CLEAN directory with a search list containing them (in that order). I would fetch code from CMS (CVS) into the CLEAN directory. Then I could look at the file and if I modified it it would be saved into the WORK directory. Then I could send only the files in WORK back to CMS. This sort of thing also simplifies builds, you don't need to have everything in one physical directory, you don't need to add a whole ton of directories to your include and library switches. And you can have any intermediate files be created away from the source code. OpenVMS' logicals are perhaps the most powerful feature of the OS and yet no other OS uses them? They're way better than logical link files. I'll also add that OpenVMS has the ability to have multiple names for a directory or file (which is dangerous and seldom used). In article <bjt4bc$14ig$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Ilya Minkov says...Daniel Yokomiso wrote:John Boucher The King had Humpty pushed.<wishful-thinking> Someone ;) mentioned a virtual filesystem project earlier for D, perhaps we could modify this idea and come with a D library manager (DLM): new libraries are downloaded in compressed form (using a standard D installer creating an executable binary) and installed in the DLM location. During the installation the DLM becomes aware of the library version and dependencies, so it'll be able to keep it in a separated fisical location, but logically connected to the other modules (including versioning conflicts, etc.). During compilation the DLM can offer the real path to the compiler, so we just can "dlmc <my_project>" and it'll call the registered compiler with the appropriate paths. It would handle dll versioning too and clean our houses ;) </wishful-thinking>Operating systems should allow to make directories mirror other directories. When you look into this directory(1), you see files which are actually in another directory(2), plus the files in (1). If the file with the same name exists in both, you see the one in (1). However, whenever you try to write or modify files through (1) - the changes should be written in (1) even if the original file was in (2). This simple magic allows to write programs which would store their configuration in their directory, that is the way single-user systems work. In the multi-user environment, an administrator would install bunches of software on some common read-only storage. If a sertain user wants to use some piece of software, he simply creates a directory for it in his space - wherever he wants - and lets it mirror the actual location, which may be read-only... and it works rightaway. I don't know whether any OS already implements such a thing or not, but i believe it would be of a lot of help in all cases, where configurations need to be slightly different and directory structures clean... There must also be some way to hide files in a mirror... Don't know whether this particular idea of mine expands to library version control, and it doefinately doesn't expand to some operating systems... So your idea is good anyway. Lunatic mentioned a virual filesystem which would work on associated words, instead of directores. But it wasn't related to D. -eye
Sep 12 2003
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:03:44 +0000 (UTC) (09/13/03 07:03:44) , John Boucher <John_member pathlink.com> wrote: [snip]OpenVMS' logicals are perhaps the most powerful feature of the OS and yet no other OS uses them? They're way better than logical link files. I'll also add that OpenVMS has the ability to have multiple names for a directory or file (which is dangerous and seldom used).And automatic file versioning! -- Derek
Sep 14 2003
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title></title> </head> My .02c<br> <blockquote type="cite" cite="midbjosk1$1aut$1 digitaldaemon.com"> <pre wrap="">I think the repository site will also be the best place to host a standard library, like phobos. So, even though phobos would (at the moment) be imported using 'com.digitalmars.phobos', I think it should eventually be moved to 'com.XXXXX.phobos', once its development has become a community effort rather than being primarily under Walter's control. </pre> </blockquote> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">I like the idea of a repository for D. Thanks, Benji!<br> <br> My babble,<br> <br> I'd be nice if it could be linked in with the editor, so you could have some sort of tool, which would do all sorts of fancy stuff with the repository such as:</span><span style=""><o:p></o:p></span></p> <ul type="disc"> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Download updates and the repository hierarchy in the background (while your coding).<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Allow searching for particular types of libraries by keywords, descriptions ect... Allowing many different types of filters and sort modes.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Automatic installation of projects when you click on them.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">In the text editor/source code, you could click on an "import" and go to the help web page (or anything related to that package).<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Automatically adds and updates your project (when you say so of cause).<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">All the CVS stuff.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Links to support email addresses or even forums.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">List of summited code samples for the particular project (which like a newsgroup, could be summited by anyone).<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Informs when new projects have been added.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Clicking on an error caused by a particular project would either take you to the solution to that error, or allow you to summit a bug report.<o:p></o:p></span></li> <li style="" class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">If you download one project, and it needs several others, they would also be downloaded.<o:p></o:p></span></li> </ul> <span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">Anyway, basically, you'd be able to find the lib you need (without knowing what the libraries name was to begin with), and download and install it into the current project in a matter of clicks, in the editor. And then get help with it, in a few more clicks. Actually the software could probably support a local version of this as well. The point is, every free library invented for D would almost be as easy to use, as if it was already installed on your machine (there would be some extra $+forms for commercial products).<br> <br> I guess the program would look something like mixture of newsgroup, personal chat programs and P2P download share programs.<br> <br> I wish I had time to do something like that; I'd save even more time then a web page repository. Of course, the repository needs to be established first, and second, in many cases web page designers put up resistance to creation of a software version of their web page (</span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";"><span lang="EN-US">Benji</span></span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">?).</span> </body> </html>
Sep 15 2003