D - first cut at Emacs mode for D
- Ben Hinkle (13/13) Aug 25 2003 I've put a first cut at an emacs mode for D in the uploads section of
- Charles Sanders (15/28) Aug 25 2003 Cool :).
I've put a first cut at an emacs mode for D in the uploads section of http://dlanguage.netunify.com/38 The basic support is for most of the syntax and keywords and font-lock for highlighting. Some D-specific constructs aren't supported like nested comments (I've been wrestling with cc-engine.el to figure out how cc-mode parses comments -ugh!), but in general I've found it does a reasonable job with most of the sample files and phobos. Hopefully I'm not sucking up too much of the upload space. If I am I'll find another spot to park it. I also added an entry to that wiki for emacs. I've only tried it on Windows but I don't imagine linux emacs would have any problem. enjoy, -Ben Hinkle
Aug 25 2003
Cool :). Maybe put a line on the site about using (require 'd-mode) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.d\\'" . d-mode) auto-mode-alist)) in ~/.emacs to auto load it Also I have (setq c-default-style "bsd") which seems to clash with the d-mode Error: File mode specification error: (wrong-type-argument listp "bsd") Charles "Ben Hinkle" <bhinkle4 juno.com> wrote in message news:bieabb$2mvr$1 digitaldaemon.com...I've put a first cut at an emacs mode for D in the uploads section of http://dlanguage.netunify.com/38 The basic support is for most of the syntax and keywords and font-lock for highlighting. Some D-specific constructs aren't supported like nested comments (I've been wrestling with cc-engine.el to figure out how cc-mode parses comments -ugh!), but in general I've found it does a reasonable job with most of the sample files and phobos. Hopefully I'm not sucking up too much of the upload space. If I am I'llfindanother spot to park it. I also added an entry to that wiki for emacs.I'veonly tried it on Windows but I don't imagine linux emacs would have any problem. enjoy, -Ben Hinkle
Aug 25 2003