D - imagemagick wrapper?
- Mårten Ask (3/3) Aug 12 2003 Hi,
- Mike Wynn (285/288) Aug 12 2003 here's a templated class lib I wrote to help with dll loading ('cos I li...
- Mårten Ask (25/79) Aug 15 2003 Thanks!
- Mike Wynn (43/136) Aug 15 2003 the compiler only needs to know about the struct layout, this is usually...
Hi, I want to use som functions from the imagemagick C api. How do I do that? How do I call the functions and objects and how do I link with the dll's?
Aug 12 2003
here's a templated class lib I wrote to help with dll loading ('cos I like the delphi extern "foo.dll"; ) and an example (loads winmm.dll to all access to multimedia timers) due to D's templateing its a little verbose, but works ... first make instances of the types of functions you want to import e.g. `extern (windows) DWORD func();` instance DynFunc( Windows, DWORD ) noParamReturnsDword; the declare a func pointer to it (using the template instance) `<instance>.fp` e.g. .... noParamReturnsDword.fp myFunc; // now write a static initialiser to your module to load the dll and get the function. // there are two ways to do this both have the same result but its personal preference which you use static this() { // fp = <template>.require( <dll name>, <func_name> ); // I perfer this myFunc = I_I_Ldr.require( "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); // <template>.use( fp, <dll name>, <func_name> ); noParamReturnsDword.use( myFunc, "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); } for C fucntions use instance DynFunc( C, <return_type>, <param1>, <param2> .... ) somename; if the return type is void due to D templates you can't use instance DynFunc( C, void, int ); instead you have to use DynProc( C, int ); or DyncProc( C ) => extern(C) void func( void ); to do it manually here the code that loads up and gets a directx d3d interface from the function `Direct3DCreate8` in `d3d8.dll` extern(Windows) alias IDirect3D8 function( UINT ) start_up_fp; IDirect3D8 loadD3DLibs() { HMODULE sysModule; sysModule = LoadLibraryA( "d3d8.dll" ); // load a dll FARPROC fp = GetProcAddress( sysModule, cast(char*)"Direct3DCreate8" ); // get a function pointer assert(fp); start_up_fp dxfp = cast(start_up_fp)fp; return dxfp(D3D_SDK_VERSION); } failing all that .... use implib to convert the dll to a .lib and just write the functions as extern( C ) ..... or extern(Windows) ..... the linker will the link correctly against <foo>.dll if you link against the created lib file. "Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bhb9cs$1eq3$1 digitaldaemon.com...Hi, I want to use som functions from the imagemagick C api. How do I do that? How do I call the functions and objects and how do I link with the dll's?begin 666 dynloader.d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Aug 12 2003
Thanks! I haven't had time to try it out yet.. There's still one thing that puzzles me though. Structs. how do I declare that I want a struct from the dll? From the imagemagick api: typedef struct _MagickWand MagickWand; ... extern MagickExport MagickWand *MagickCloneWand(const MagickWand *), *MagickCoalesceImages(MagickWand *), *NewMagickWand(void); ... Obviously I need to declare those functions as 'extern (C) MagickWand NewMagickWand()' but then the compiler complains about not knowing what a MagickWand is. Do I write 'extern (C) struct MagickWand'? Or 'extern (C) typedef MagickWand'? "Mike Wynn" <mike.wynn l8night.co.uk> skrev i meddelandet news:bhbaa0$1ftb$1 digitaldaemon.com...here's a templated class lib I wrote to help with dll loading ('cos I like the delphi extern "foo.dll"; ) and an example (loads winmm.dll to all access to multimedia timers) due to D's templateing its a little verbose, but works ... first make instances of the types of functions you want to import e.g. `extern (windows) DWORD func();` instance DynFunc( Windows, DWORD ) noParamReturnsDword; the declare a func pointer to it (using the template instance) `<instance>.fp` e.g. .... noParamReturnsDword.fp myFunc; // now write a static initialiser to your module to load the dll and getthefunction. // there are two ways to do this both have the same result but itspersonalpreference which you use static this() { // fp = <template>.require( <dll name>, <func_name> ); // I perfer this myFunc = I_I_Ldr.require( "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); // <template>.use( fp, <dll name>, <func_name> ); noParamReturnsDword.use( myFunc, "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); } for C fucntions use instance DynFunc( C, <return_type>, <param1>, <param2> .... ) somename; if the return type is void due to D templates you can't use instance DynFunc( C, void, int ); instead you have to use DynProc( C, int ); or DyncProc( C ) => extern(C) void func( void ); to do it manually here the code that loads up and gets a directx d3d interface from the function `Direct3DCreate8` in `d3d8.dll` extern(Windows) alias IDirect3D8 function( UINT ) start_up_fp; IDirect3D8 loadD3DLibs() { HMODULE sysModule; sysModule = LoadLibraryA( "d3d8.dll" ); // load a dll FARPROC fp = GetProcAddress( sysModule, cast(char*)"Direct3DCreate8" );//get a function pointer assert(fp); start_up_fp dxfp = cast(start_up_fp)fp; return dxfp(D3D_SDK_VERSION); } failing all that .... use implib to convert the dll to a .lib and justwritethe functions as extern( C ) ..... or extern(Windows) ..... the linker will the link correctly against <foo>.dll if you link againstthecreated lib file. "Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bhb9cs$1eq3$1 digitaldaemon.com...that?Hi, I want to use som functions from the imagemagick C api. How do I dodll's?How do I call the functions and objects and how do I link with the
Aug 15 2003
"Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bhjaf3$348$1 digitaldaemon.com...Thanks! I haven't had time to try it out yet.. There's still one thing that puzzles me though. Structs. how do I declare that I want a struct from the dll? From the imagemagick api:the compiler only needs to know about the struct layout, this is usually in the c header some times you will find typedef struct _foo { } * ApiToken; either way the dll does not "export" the struct layout. if the dll contains a struct then I assume its struct foo { int a; } extern (C) foo in_dll; I've only every used "getProcAddress" or implicit linking I'm not sure what VC++/Windows does with dll's contain data too, guess I better read some docs might be useful!! read on about how to declare the struct;typedef struct _MagickWand MagickWand; ... extern MagickExport MagickWand *MagickCloneWand(const MagickWand *), *MagickCoalesceImages(MagickWand *), *NewMagickWand(void);you need to know what the _MagicWand struct looks like .. also note the use of align. struct Foo { align(1): byte a, b; int missaligned; }; struct Foo2 { align(4): byte a, b; int aligned; align(1): byte c; int offby1; }; (the default for D and C is to align items at their size (works on CISC and RISC then)) only the functions need to be extern(C) etc extern(C) : Foo * getFooFromFoo2( Foo2* ); Foo* getContext(); etc... asfaik (Walter correct me here if I'm wrong) the only time making a struct, alias or typedef as extern(CONV) is if it contains a pointer to func that you want to have that calling convention. although is does help document the code to have extern(C) struct MyStruct { align(4): int a, b, c, d; } (implies that its for use with extern(C) funcs).... Obviously I need to declare those functions as 'extern (C) MagickWand NewMagickWand()' but then the compiler complains about not knowing what a MagickWand is. Do I write 'extern (C) struct MagickWand'? Or 'extern (C) typedef MagickWand'? "Mike Wynn" <mike.wynn l8night.co.uk> skrev i meddelandet news:bhbaa0$1ftb$1 digitaldaemon.com...likehere's a templated class lib I wrote to help with dll loading ('cos Ithe delphi extern "foo.dll"; ) and an example (loads winmm.dll to all access to multimedia timers) due to D's templateing its a little verbose, but works ... first make instances of the types of functions you want to import e.g. `extern (windows) DWORD func();` instance DynFunc( Windows, DWORD ) noParamReturnsDword; the declare a func pointer to it (using the template instance) `<instance>.fp` e.g. .... noParamReturnsDword.fp myFunc; // now write a static initialiser to your module to load the dll and getthefunction. // there are two ways to do this both have the same result but itspersonalpreference which you use static this() { // fp = <template>.require( <dll name>, <func_name> ); // I perfer this myFunc = I_I_Ldr.require( "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); // <template>.use( fp, <dll name>, <func_name> ); noParamReturnsDword.use( myFunc, "foo.dll", "someFuncname" ); } for C fucntions use instance DynFunc( C, <return_type>, <param1>, <param2> .... ) somename; if the return type is void due to D templates you can't use instance DynFunc( C, void, int ); instead you have to use DynProc( C, int ); or DyncProc( C ) => extern(C) void func( void ); to do it manually here the code that loads up and gets a directx d3d interface from the function `Direct3DCreate8` in `d3d8.dll` extern(Windows) alias IDirect3D8 function( UINT ) start_up_fp; IDirect3D8 loadD3DLibs() { HMODULE sysModule; sysModule = LoadLibraryA( "d3d8.dll" ); // load a dll FARPROC fp = GetProcAddress( sysModule, cast(char*)"Direct3DCreate8" );//get a function pointer assert(fp); start_up_fp dxfp = cast(start_up_fp)fp; return dxfp(D3D_SDK_VERSION); } failing all that .... use implib to convert the dll to a .lib and justwritethe functions as extern( C ) ..... or extern(Windows) ..... the linker will the link correctly against <foo>.dll if you link againstthecreated lib file. "Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bhb9cs$1eq3$1 digitaldaemon.com...that?Hi, I want to use som functions from the imagemagick C api. How do I dodll's?How do I call the functions and objects and how do I link with the
Aug 15 2003