D - CGI module
- Mårten Ask (213/213) Jul 27 2003 Hello,
Carlos Santander B.
Jul 27 2003
"Mårten Ask"
wrote in message - Charles Sanders (8/31) Jul 28 2003 Yes I'd like to know also, is their instructions to setup apache with it
- Mårten Ask (4/41) Jul 28 2003 With apache you just put the .exe in the cgi-bin directory. Then reach i...
Carlos Santander B.
Jul 30 2003
"Mårten Ask"
wrote in message
Hello, I've written a very basic cgi module. It parses headers, querystrings and forms as well as getting and settings cookies. It needs lots of more work, but is quite useful already. Anyway, I've tested it a little and was hoping that others might test it aswell so I can add useful stuff. I've only used PHP before and all this strong typing really hurts my brain! :-) So I could use some help.. Anyway, I'll send the module along and here's a small test program I wrote: import cgi; void main() { Request req = new Request(); Response res = new Response(); if(req.serverVariable("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST") { char[] name = req.formString("name"); // returns formfield value as string char[] comment = req.formString("comment"); res.cookie("name", name, "", "", "", 0); res.write("<html>\n<head>\n<title>CGI-test</title>\n</head>\n"); res.write("<body>\n"); res.write("Hello <b>"~name~"</b><p>\n"); res.write("You wrote:\n"); res.write("<blockquote><b>\""~comment~"\"</b></blockquote>\n"); res.write("<a href='cgitest.exe'>Back to form</a>"); res.write("</body></html>"); res.flush(); } else { char[] cookie; try { cookie = req.cookie("name"); } catch(CGIError) // cookie wasn't set! { cookie = ""; } printf(res.getHeaders()~"\n\n"); printf("<html>\n<head>\n<title>CGI-test</title>\n</head>\n"); printf("<body>\n"); printf("<form method='post' action='cgitest.exe'>\n"); printf("Name: <input type='text' name='name' value='%.*s'><br>\n", cookie); printf("Comment: <input type='text' name='comment'><br>\n"); printf("<input type='submit' value='Send!'>\n"); printf("</form></body></html"); } } begin 666 cgi.d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` end
Jul 27 2003
"Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bg0tqe$2mhm$1 digitaldaemon.com... | Hello, | | I've written a very basic cgi module. It parses headers, querystrings and | forms as well as getting and settings cookies. It needs lots of more work, | but is quite useful already. Anyway, I've tested it a little and was hoping | that others might test it aswell so I can add useful stuff. I've only used | PHP before and all this strong typing really hurts my brain! :-) So I could | use some help.. | | Anyway, I'll send the module along and here's a small test program I wrote: | ... what do I have to do to use cgi? ————————————————————————— Carlos Santander --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release Date: 2003-07-24
Jul 27 2003
Yes I'd like to know also, is their instructions to setup apache with it somewhere? Charles "Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message news:bg2477$tb5$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bg0tqe$2mhm$1 digitaldaemon.com... | Hello, | | I've written a very basic cgi module. It parses headers, querystringsand| forms as well as getting and settings cookies. It needs lots of morework,| but is quite useful already. Anyway, I've tested it a little and was hoping | that others might test it aswell so I can add useful stuff. I've onlyused| PHP before and all this strong typing really hurts my brain! :-) So I could | use some help.. | | Anyway, I'll send the module along and here's a small test program I wrote: | ... what do I have to do to use cgi? ------------------------- Carlos Santander --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release Date: 2003-07-24
Jul 28 2003
With apache you just put the .exe in the cgi-bin directory. Then reach it at http://localhost/cgi-bin/filename.exe "Charles Sanders" <sanders-consulting comcast.net> skrev i meddelandet news:bg3dmn$28uh$1 digitaldaemon.com...Yes I'd like to know also, is their instructions to setup apache with it somewhere? Charles "Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> wrote in message news:bg2477$tb5$1 digitaldaemon.com..."Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bg0tqe$2mhm$1 digitaldaemon.com... | Hello, | | I've written a very basic cgi module. It parses headers, querystringsand| forms as well as getting and settings cookies. It needs lots of morework,| but is quite useful already. Anyway, I've tested it a little and was hoping | that others might test it aswell so I can add useful stuff. I've onlyused| PHP before and all this strong typing really hurts my brain! :-) So I could | use some help.. | | Anyway, I'll send the module along and here's a small test program I wrote: | ... what do I have to do to use cgi? ------------------------- Carlos Santander --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release Date: 2003-07-24
Jul 28 2003
"Mårten Ask" <majbritt37 hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bg3n4v$2ik1$1 digitaldaemon.com... | With apache you just put the .exe in the cgi-bin directory. Then reach it at | http://localhost/cgi-bin/filename.exe | And if I'm trying to access it from a html page? I mean, how do I put it in a <a href=...>? ————————————————————————— Carlos Santander --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release Date: 2003-07-24
Jul 30 2003