D - DMD To-Do list
- Matthew Wilson (12/12) Jul 09 2003 Walter
- Walter (6/18) Jul 09 2003 I wish there was, but there isn't at the moment. My current focus is fix...
- Matthew Wilson (13/39) Jul 09 2003 So does that mean that most of the conceptual issues are resolved?
- Helmut Leitner (9/48) Jul 09 2003 There has been a discussion about an open bug list and we had to accept
- Matthew Wilson (11/59) Jul 10 2003 Understood.
Walter Is there a place, perhaps on the DMD site, where the major outstanding issues are listed, along with any possible/opposing intentions, the completion level, and the likely date of completion? It'd be much easier for those of us who necessarily dip in and out, but want to contribute, to be able to see at a glance what are the hot topics. Of course, you can say look in the newsgroup, but the ng contains a variety of issues - bugs, other language contrasts, etc. etc. - so it's quite time-consuming. Now, if we had multiple D newsgroups ... Taxonomically yours Matthew
Jul 09 2003
I wish there was, but there isn't at the moment. My current focus is fixing bugs. "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:beide9$jq9$1 digitaldaemon.com...Walter Is there a place, perhaps on the DMD site, where the major outstanding issues are listed, along with any possible/opposing intentions, the completion level, and the likely date of completion? It'd be much easierforthose of us who necessarily dip in and out, but want to contribute, to be able to see at a glance what are the hot topics. Of course, you can say look in the newsgroup, but the ng contains avarietyof issues - bugs, other language contrasts, etc. etc. - so it's quite time-consuming. Now, if we had multiple D newsgroups ... Taxonomically yours Matthew
Jul 09 2003
So does that mean that most of the conceptual issues are resolved? Having just got back up to speed on the NG after a couple of months of other things, it seems that there are still some issues unresolved, or perhaps some people who have not accepted the resolutions. Foremost on the list is, I guess, the modules/symbols issue, but there are also more prosaic issues, like the sizeof(bool), etc. And, that's not to mention the need for libraries, and the even more important need for library organisation, coherence and control Or am I completely misinterpreting the current state of D? "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:beiolh$ufg$1 digitaldaemon.com...I wish there was, but there isn't at the moment. My current focus isfixingbugs. "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:beide9$jq9$1 digitaldaemon.com...beWalter Is there a place, perhaps on the DMD site, where the major outstanding issues are listed, along with any possible/opposing intentions, the completion level, and the likely date of completion? It'd be much easierforthose of us who necessarily dip in and out, but want to contribute, toable to see at a glance what are the hot topics. Of course, you can say look in the newsgroup, but the ng contains avarietyof issues - bugs, other language contrasts, etc. etc. - so it's quite time-consuming. Now, if we had multiple D newsgroups ... Taxonomically yours Matthew
Jul 09 2003
Matthew Wilson wrote:So does that mean that most of the conceptual issues are resolved? Having just got back up to speed on the NG after a couple of months of other things, it seems that there are still some issues unresolved, or perhaps some people who have not accepted the resolutions. Foremost on the list is, I guess, the modules/symbols issue, but there are also more prosaic issues, like the sizeof(bool), etc. And, that's not to mention the need for libraries, and the even more important need for library organisation, coherence and control Or am I completely misinterpreting the current state of D? "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:beiolh$ufg$1 digitaldaemon.com...There has been a discussion about an open bug list and we had to accept that Walter thinks that it is an too easy for critics to use such a list to put D down. It would be the same for a list of outstanding issues. Youmay have noted that there is now a Linux version, so this is a big step forward. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.comI wish there was, but there isn't at the moment. My current focus isfixingbugs. "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:beide9$jq9$1 digitaldaemon.com...beWalter Is there a place, perhaps on the DMD site, where the major outstanding issues are listed, along with any possible/opposing intentions, the completion level, and the likely date of completion? It'd be much easierforthose of us who necessarily dip in and out, but want to contribute, toable to see at a glance what are the hot topics. Of course, you can say look in the newsgroup, but the ng contains avarietyof issues - bugs, other language contrasts, etc. etc. - so it's quite time-consuming. Now, if we had multiple D newsgroups ...
Jul 09 2003
Understood. I'm not really talking about bugs, though, more any large outstanding theoretical issues. "Helmut Leitner" <helmut.leitner chello.at> wrote in message news:3F0CFB3B.A9BCD6F2 chello.at...Matthew Wilson wrote:otherSo does that mean that most of the conceptual issues are resolved? Having just got back up to speed on the NG after a couple of months ofarethings, it seems that there are still some issues unresolved, or perhaps some people who have not accepted the resolutions. Foremost on the list is, I guess, the modules/symbols issue, but thereoutstandingalso more prosaic issues, like the sizeof(bool), etc. And, that's not to mention the need for libraries, and the even more important need for library organisation, coherence and control Or am I completely misinterpreting the current state of D? "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:beiolh$ufg$1 digitaldaemon.com...I wish there was, but there isn't at the moment. My current focus isfixingbugs. "Matthew Wilson" <matthew stlsoft.org> wrote in message news:beide9$jq9$1 digitaldaemon.com...Walter Is there a place, perhaps on the DMD site, where the majoreasierissues are listed, along with any possible/opposing intentions, the completion level, and the likely date of completion? It'd be muchtoforthose of us who necessarily dip in and out, but want to contribute,quitebeable to see at a glance what are the hot topics. Of course, you can say look in the newsgroup, but the ng contains avarietyof issues - bugs, other language contrasts, etc. etc. - so it'sThere has been a discussion about an open bug list and we had to accept that Walter thinks that it is an too easy for critics to use such a list to put D down. It would be the same for a list of outstanding issues. Youmay have noted that there is now a Linux version, so this is a big step forward. -- Helmut Leitner leitner hls.via.at Graz, Austria www.hls-software.comtime-consuming. Now, if we had multiple D newsgroups ...
Jul 10 2003