D - Strategic Programming
- Mark Evans (48/48) Feb 21 2003 A short paper, worth a read (esp. for language designers). Possibly som...
- Bill Cox (8/68) Feb 21 2003 Hmm... Is it my imagination, or is Strategic Programming mostly just
- Mark Evans (4/6) Feb 21 2003 Read the paper and find out. I tried to make it clear with excerpts. F...
- Mark Evans (9/9) Feb 21 2003 The motivation for Strategic Programming is not necessarily enhancement ...
- bill viasic.com (18/24) Feb 21 2003 Ok... I read it again. It still looks like fancy iterators to me.
- Mark Evans (7/7) Feb 21 2003 Here's an application of the techniques. No language designer worth his...
- bill viasic.com (5/12) Feb 21 2003 Hi, Mark.
- bill viasic.com (3/5) Feb 21 2003 Grr! How did Strategies get mispelled? The spelling error must be mine...
A short paper, worth a read (esp. for language designers). Possibly some relation to the success/failure (goal-directed) paradigm of Icon, but stated in language-independent fashion. Mark http://www.cs.uu.nl/~visser/ftp/eosp.pdf Strategic Programming "Abstract. ... A strategy is a generic data-processing action which can traverse into heterogeneous data structures while mixing uniform and type-specific behaviour. ... Using a combinator style ... actual traversals are obtained by passing the problem-specific ingredients as parameters to suitable [traversal] schemes. The prime application domain for strategic programming is program transformation and analysis. In this paper, we provide a language-independent definition that generalises over existing incarnations of this idiom in term rewriting, functional programming, and object-oriented programming." "The key idea underlying strategic programming is the separation of problem-specific ingredients of traversal functionality (i.e., basic actions) and reusable traversal schemes (i.e., traversal control)." "Depending on the incarnation of strategic programming within a certain programming paradigm, strategies might correspond to pure functions, impure functions, objects, and others. Further strategies might be statically typed, dynamically typed and others. We would first like to provide an abstract notion of strategy that is not bound to any particular programming language or paradigm, nor do we want to include unnecessary requirements." "The strategic programming idiom encompasses both expressiveness and a method for designing and implementing traversal functionality. The 'strategic' expressiveness is basically that strategies are first-class citizens, and that recursive traversal schemes can be composed in all kinds of ways from primitive one-layer traversal combinators." "Strategic programming is general-purpose generic programming since the implementation of traversal functionality is a recurring theme. The more complex the traversed data structures are ... the more substantial are the benefits one can expect from strategic application development. This motivates the typical application domains for strategic programming: language processing, document processing, program transformation and analysis." "The separation of basic actions and traversal control is at the very heart of strategic programming, and it makes it easy to alter the design of a traversal. These are some variation points for traversal control: – transformation vs. query, – top-down vs. bottom-up traversal, – depth-first vs. breadth-first traversal, – left-to-right traversal and vice versa, – single vs. nested or cascaded traversal, – local choice vs. cut vs. full backtracking, – optimised variations on traversal schemes, – full vs. one-hit vs. cut-off vs. path traversal, – fixpoint by failure vs. fixpoint by equality test, – effectfull [sic] traversal (accumulation, binding, etc.), – type-specific vs. generic problem-specific ingredients."
Feb 21 2003
Hmm... Is it my imagination, or is Strategic Programming mostly just really fancy iterators? I'd love a good iterator mechanism in D, but "Strategic Programming" sounds more like a way to get research funding than a way to develop real applications... Once again, thanks for the link! Bill Mark Evans wrote:A short paper, worth a read (esp. for language designers). Possibly some relation to the success/failure (goal-directed) paradigm of Icon, but stated in language-independent fashion. Mark http://www.cs.uu.nl/~visser/ftp/eosp.pdf Strategic Programming "Abstract. ... A strategy is a generic data-processing action which can traverse into heterogeneous data structures while mixing uniform and type-specific behaviour. ... Using a combinator style ... actual traversals are obtained by passing the problem-specific ingredients as parameters to suitable [traversal] schemes. The prime application domain for strategic programming is program transformation and analysis. In this paper, we provide a language-independent definition that generalises over existing incarnations of this idiom in term rewriting, functional programming, and object-oriented programming." "The key idea underlying strategic programming is the separation of problem-specific ingredients of traversal functionality (i.e., basic actions) and reusable traversal schemes (i.e., traversal control)." "Depending on the incarnation of strategic programming within a certain programming paradigm, strategies might correspond to pure functions, impure functions, objects, and others. Further strategies might be statically typed, dynamically typed and others. We would first like to provide an abstract notion of strategy that is not bound to any particular programming language or paradigm, nor do we want to include unnecessary requirements." "The strategic programming idiom encompasses both expressiveness and a method for designing and implementing traversal functionality. The 'strategic' expressiveness is basically that strategies are first-class citizens, and that recursive traversal schemes can be composed in all kinds of ways from primitive one-layer traversal combinators." "Strategic programming is general-purpose generic programming since the implementation of traversal functionality is a recurring theme. The more complex the traversed data structures are ... the more substantial are the benefits one can expect from strategic application development. This motivates the typical application domains for strategic programming: language processing, document processing, program transformation and analysis." "The separation of basic actions and traversal control is at the very heart of strategic programming, and it makes it easy to alter the design of a traversal. These are some variation points for traversal control: ? transformation vs. query, ? top-down vs. bottom-up traversal, ? depth-first vs. breadth-first traversal, ? left-to-right traversal and vice versa, ? single vs. nested or cascaded traversal, ? local choice vs. cut vs. full backtracking, ? optimised variations on traversal schemes, ? full vs. one-hit vs. cut-off vs. path traversal, ? fixpoint by failure vs. fixpoint by equality test, ? effectfull [sic] traversal (accumulation, binding, etc.), ? type-specific vs. generic problem-specific ingredients."
Feb 21 2003
Bill Cox says...Hmm... Is it my imagination, or is Strategic Programming mostly just really fancy iterators?Read the paper and find out. I tried to make it clear with excerpts. Feel free to contact the authors. Mark
Feb 21 2003
The motivation for Strategic Programming is not necessarily enhancement of D, but help with the compiler. In other words, even if SP adds nothing to D the language, it can ease the implementation. That is important when we talk about supporting various features and paradigms which we *would* like in the language itself. http://www.program-transformation.org/twiki/bin/view/Transform/ProgramTransformation http://www.stratego-language.org/twiki/bin/view/Stratego/StrategoLanguage http://www.csg.is.titech.ac.jp/~chiba/openc++.html Mark
Feb 21 2003
In article <b368st$2mla$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Mark Evans says...Bill Cox says...Ok... I read it again. It still looks like fancy iterators to me. I can't help but poke some fun at these guys... They've come up with a whole new vocabulary. Here are two of my favorites: "Strategic Programming" - "Programming with the use of Stragegies". I swear I copied and pasted that. "Partiality" - "The application of a strategy to a given datum may fail, and recovery from failure is feasible." Here's where they explain what stragegic programming is for: "The abstract notion of strategy serves two purposes. Firstly, it corresponds to a requirement specification for incarnating strategic programming in a given programming language or paradigm." Whoa! "Secondly, it is a useful reference chart to assess other generic programming approaches." If my job were funding people who were a whole lot smarter than me, these guys would definately get some serious cash :-) BillHmm... Is it my imagination, or is Strategic Programming mostly just really fancy iterators?Read the paper and find out. I tried to make it clear with excerpts. Feel free to contact the authors. Mark
Feb 21 2003
Here's an application of the techniques. No language designer worth his salt today can ignore partial specialization. These slides are from a university course. Mark http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/pub/Ist/ProgramTransformation/IST-PT2.pdf http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/pub/Ist/ProgramTransformation/IST-PT3.pdf http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/bin/view/Pt/CourseDescription
Feb 21 2003
In article <b36scp$6j9$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Mark Evans says...Here's an application of the techniques. No language designer worth his salt today can ignore partial specialization. These slides are from a university course. Mark http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/pub/Ist/ProgramTransformation/IST-PT2.pdf http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/pub/Ist/ProgramTransformation/IST-PT3.pdf http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/bin/view/Pt/CourseDescriptionHi, Mark. These are nice links. Thanks for posting them. Sorry about poking fun at the Strategic guys. Bill
Feb 21 2003
"Strategic Programming" - "Programming with the use of Stragegies". I swear I copied and pasted that.Grr! How did Strategies get mispelled? The spelling error must be mine since it's spelled right in the paper. Bill
Feb 21 2003