D - D editor / Object question
- Jonathan Andrew (11/11) Jan 22 2003 OK, two quick questions:
- Ilya Minkov (21/37) Jan 22 2003 I made mine in CREdit within a few minutes, the manual contains the list...
- Daniel Yokomiso (13/26) Jan 22 2003 counting,
- Jonathan Andrew (115/143) Jan 24 2003 Argghh... me doing work wasn't supposed to be the answer! =)
- Jason Mills (4/12) Jan 23 2003 Although you are not interested in vim, there is a vim syntax file at
OK, two quick questions: I know this has been discussed already, but at 10,300 messages and counting, this group is getting hard to search! I know that some people created some language definition files so D could be written in various editors, (with pretty syntax highlighting.) could somebody please tell me where I could find them? I would be happy using just about any editor. (save maybe vim) A link on either digitalmars.com or opend.org would be a huge help. My other question is, do objects in D automatically inherit from type Object like java? Thanks, -Jon
Jan 22 2003
Jonathan Andrew wrote:OK, two quick questions: I know this has been discussed already, but at 10,300 messages and counting, this group is getting hard to search! I know that some people created some language definition files so D could be written in various editors, (with pretty syntax highlighting.) could somebody please tell me where I could find them? I would be happy using just about any editor. (save maybe vim) A link on either digitalmars.com or opend.org would be a huge help.I made mine in CREdit within a few minutes, the manual contains the list of kewords somewhere, and you also need to enter a couple of tiny things. It's easy you'll see. Time to fix up a full IDE, I guess.My other question is, do objects in D automatically inherit from type Object like java?Yes (rtm!), and this "Object" can already do a number of kool things! Take a look at object.d of phobos source.Thanks, -JonBTW, D is very flexible. You can write it even in your mail editor: /+ /''::;.. / ':. / /-. \\ / // : |: / // .: // / // .: /' / /L.:' :' / _.'' /____::==='' ''''' +/ :>
Jan 22 2003
"Ilya Minkov" <midiclub 8ung.at> escreveu na mensagem news:b0mpvc$1h6h$1 digitaldaemon.com...Jonathan Andrew wrote:counting,OK, two quick questions: I know this has been discussed already, but at 10,300 messages andsomethis group is getting hard to search! I know that some people created(withlanguage definition files so D could be written in various editors,findpretty syntax highlighting.) could somebody please tell me where I couldlink onthem? I would be happy using just about any editor. (save maybe vim) ADEdit is an editor written in D available somewhere at www.opend.org [snip] --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 10/1/2003either digitalmars.com or opend.org would be a huge help.I made mine in CREdit within a few minutes, the manual contains the list of kewords somewhere, and you also need to enter a couple of tiny things. It's easy you'll see. Time to fix up a full IDE, I guess.
Jan 22 2003
I made mine in CREdit within a few minutes, the manual contains the list of kewords somewhere, and you also need to enter a couple of tiny things. It's easy you'll see. Time to fix up a full IDE, I guess.Argghh... me doing work wasn't supposed to be the answer! =) In any case, I whipped up (well, modified) a D keyword file for the Scintilla/SciTE editor, its a pretty nice editor if you guys haven't checked it out (http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html). The keyword file is attached if anybody wants it. You might want to edit the global properties of SciTE also so the language support is available from the menu. -Jonbegin 0644 dmd.properties M;F\ :68 +F1M9"!I<R!A(&-O;6UO;B!E>'1E;G-I;VX 9F]R($0 9FEL97,- M"F9I;&4N<&%T=&5R;G,N9&UD/2HN9#LJ M8VQA<W,N9&UD/6%B<W1R86-T(&%L:6%S(&%L:6=N(&%S;2!A<W-E<G0 875T M;R!B:70 8F]D>2!B<F5A:R!B>71E(%P-"F-A<V4 8V%S="!C871C:"!C96YT M969A=6QT(&1E;&5G871E(&1E;&5T92!D97!R96-A=&5D(&1O(&1O=6)L92!< M="!I;G0 ;&]N9R!I;6%G:6YA<GD :68 <W=I=&-H('-Y;F-H<F]N:7IE9"!R M971U<FX 9V]T;R!S=')U8W0 7`T*:6YT97)F86-E(&EM<&]R="!S=&%T:6, M;W9E<G)I9&4 :6X ;W5T(&EN;W5T('!R:79A=&4 <')O=&5C=&5D('!U8FQI M8R!I;G9A<FEA;G0 7`T*=&AI<R!T:')O=R!T<G5E('1R>2!T>7!E9&5F(%P- M"G5B>71E('5C96YT('5I;G0 =6QO;F< =6YI;VX =7-H;W)T(%P-"G9E<G-I M>7=O<F1S,B!I<R!F;W( :&EG:&QI9VAT:6YG('5S97( 9&5F:6YE9"!K97EW M+B0H9FEL92YP871T97)N<RYC<'`I/69I;&4-"B, :V5Y=V]R9',S(&ES(&9O M<B!D;V, 8V]M;65N="!K97EW;W)D<RP :&EG:&QI9VAT960 :6X <W1Y;&4 M<'`I/6$ 861D:6YD97 861D=&]G<F]U<"!A;F-H;W( 87)G(&%T=&5N=&EO M(&1E9F=R;W5P(&1E<')E8V%T960 9&]N=&EN8VQU9&4 7`T*92!E;2!E;F1C M;V1E(&5N9&AT;6QO;FQY(&5N9&EF(&5N9&QA=&5X;VYL>2!E;F1L:6YK(&5N M9'9E<F)A=&EM(&5N=6T 97AA;7!L92!E>&-E<'1I;VX 7`T*9B0 9EL 9ET M9FEL92!F;B!H:61E:6YI=&EA;&EZ97( :'1M;&EN8VQU9&4 :'1M;&]N;'D M7`T*:68 :6UA9V4 :6YC;'5D92!I;F=R;W5P(&EN=&5R;F%L(&EN=F%R:6%N M92!N86UE(&YA;65S<&%C92!N;W-U8F=R;W5P:6YG(&YO=&4 ;W9E<FQO860 M7`T*<"!P86=E('!A<B!P87)A;2!P;W-T('!R92!R968 <F5L871E<R!R96UA M<FMS(')E='5R;B!R971V86P 7`T*<V$ <V5C=&EO;B!S964 <VAO=VEN:71I M86QI>F5R('-I;F-E('-K:7` <VMI<&QI;F4 <W1R=6-T('-U8G-E8W1I;VX M7`T*=&5S="!T:')O=R!T;V1O('1Y<&5D968 =6YI;VX =6YT:6P 7`T*=F%R M('9E<F)A=&EM('9E<F)I;F-L=61E('9E<G-I;VX =V%R;FEN9R!W96%K9W)O M=7` )"!`(%P )B`\(#X (R![('T-" T*=V]R9"YC:&%R<RYD;60])"AC:&%R M<RYA;'!H82DD*&-H87)S+FYU;65R:6,I7R,-"G=O<F0N8VAA<F%C=&5R<RXD M*&9I;&4N<&%T=&5R;G,N9&UD*3TD*'=O<F0N8VAA<G,N9&UD*0T*8V]M;65N M+F-P<#TQ M<W1R96%M+F5N9"YD;60]*B\-"F-O;6UE;G0N8F]X+G-T87)T+F1M9#TO* T* M8V]M;65N="YB;W N;6ED9&QE+F1M9#T * T*8V]M;65N="YB;W N96YD+F1M M9#T *B\-"F9O;&0N8V]M;65N=#TQ M"G-T871E;65N="YI;F1E;G0N)"AF:6QE+G!A='1E<FYS+F1M9"D]-2!C87-E M(&-A=&-H(&-L87-S(&1E9F%U;'0 9&\ 96QS92!F;W( :68 7`T*9FEN86QL M>2!P<FEV871E('!R;W1E8W1E9"!P=6)L:6, <W1R=6-T('1R>2!U;FEO;B!W M:&EL90T*<W1A=&5M96YT+F5N9"XD*&9I;&4N<&%T=&5R;G,N9&UD*3TQ,"`[ M"F)L;V-K+G-T87)T+B0H9FEL92YP871T97)N<RYD;60I/3$P('L-"F)L;V-K M<W1Y;&EN9RYW:71H:6XN<')E<')O8V5S<V]R/3$-"B-P<F5P<F]C97-S;W(N M<WEM8F]L+B0H9FEL92YP871T97)N<RYD;60I/2,-"B-P<F5P<F]C97-S;W(N M<')E<')O8V5S<V]R+FUI9&1L92XD*&9I;&4N<&%T=&5R;G,N9&UD*3UE;'-E M(&5L:68-"B-P<F5P<F]C97-S;W(N96YD+B0H9FEL92YP871T97)N<RYD;60I M($QI;F4 0V]M;65N=`T*<W1Y;&4N9&UD+C(])"AC;VQO=7(N8V]D92YC;VUM M96YT+FQI;F4I+"0H9F]N="YC;V1E+F-O;6UE;G0N;&EN92D-"B, 1&]C(&-O M;6UE;G0-"G-T>6QE+F1M9"XS/20H8V]L;W5R+F-O9&4N8V]M;65N="YD;V,I M+"0H9F]N="YC;V1E+F-O;6UE;G0N9&]C*0T*(R!.=6UB97(-"G-T>6QE+F1M M9"XT/20H8V]L;W5R+FYU;6)E<BD-"B, 2V5Y=V]R9`T*<W1Y;&4N9&UD+C4] M)"AC;VQO=7(N:V5Y=V]R9"DL8F]L9`T*(R!$;W5B;&4 <75O=&5D('-T<FEN M9PT*<W1Y;&4N9&UD+C8])"AC;VQO=7(N<W1R:6YG*0T*(R!3:6YG;&4 <75O M=&5D('-T<FEN9PT*<W1Y;&4N9&UD+C<])"AC;VQO=7(N8VAA<BD-"B, 555) M(%!R97!R;V-E<W-O< T*<W1Y;&4N9&UD+CD])"AC;VQO=7(N<')E<')O8RD- M+&)O;&0-"B, 261E;G1I9FEE<G,-"G-T>6QE+F1M9"XQ,3T-"B, 16YD(&]F M(&QI;F4 =VAE<F4 <W1R:6YG(&ES(&YO="!C;&]S960-"G-T>6QE+F1M9"XQ M9&UD+C$S/69O<F4Z(S`P-T8P,"PD*&9O;G0N;6]N;W-P86-E*2QB86-K.B-% M=F%38W)I<'0-"G-T>6QE+F1M9"XQ-#UF;W)E.B,S1C=&,T8L)"AF;VYT+FUO M;F]S<&%C92DL8F%C:SHC13!&,$9&+&5O;&9I;&QE9`T*(R!$;V, 0V]M;65N M(&%R92!O;FQY(&UA=&-H960 :6X ;W!E<F%T;W( <W1Y;&4-"F)R86-E<RYD M;6UA;F0N8V]M<&EL92XJ+F0])"AD8RD-"F-O;6UA;F0N8G5I;&0N*BYD/6UA M:V4-"F-O;6UA;F0N9V\N*BYD/20H1FEL94YA;64I+F5X90T*(R!4;R!M86ME M('1H92!';R!C;VUM86YD(&)O=& 8V]M<&EL92`H:68 ;F5E9&5D*2!A;F0 M97AE8W5T92P =7-E('1H:7, <V5T=&EN9SH-"B-C;VUM86YD+F=O+FYE961S M;VUM96YT960 ;W5T+"!N;W0 <W5R92!W:&%T('-I9VYI9FEC86YC92!I="!H M;6%N9"YN86UE+C$N*BYC>' ]3&EN=`T*(V-O;6UA;F0N,2XJ+F-X>#UG*RL M+5< +5=A;&P +5=S:&%D;W< +5=W<FET92US=')I;F=S("U7;VQD+7-T>6QE M+6-A<W0 7`T*(PDM5V]V97)L;V%D960M=FER='5A;"` +7!E9&%N=&EC("U/ M<R`M9FYO+65X8V5P=&EO;G, +69V=&%B;&4M=&AU;FMS("UC("0H1FEL94YA J=&EO; T*(V-O;6UA;F0N,BXJ+F-X>#TD*$-U<G)E;G1396QE8W1I;VXI ` endMy other question is, do objects in D automatically inherit from type Object like java?Yes (rtm!), and this "Object" can already do a number of kool things! Take a look at object.d of phobos source.Thanks, -JonBTW, D is very flexible. You can write it even in your mail editor: /+ /''::;.. / ':. / /-. \\ / // : |: / // .: // / // .: /' / /L.:' :' / _.'' /____::==='' ''''' +/ :>
Jan 24 2003
Jonathan Andrew wrote:OK, two quick questions: I know this has been discussed already, but at 10,300 messages and counting, this group is getting hard to search! I know that some people created some language definition files so D could be written in various editors, (with pretty syntax highlighting.) could somebody please tell me where I could find them? I would be happy using just about any editor. (save maybe vim) A link on either digitalmars.com or opend.org would be a huge help.Although you are not interested in vim, there is a vim syntax file at www.vim.org (in case you like to take an interest :-) Jason
Jan 23 2003