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c++ - FIXLIB
Trying to link some libraries generates: Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB Any idea where to find FIXLIB and what does this mean? Is there a decent debugger that can debug DigitalMars compiled .EXE? Regards, Darin Jul 02 2001
Which libraries are you trying to link? You should be able to use CodeView... Check the compiler options on how to generate the proper debugging format. Also, the DMC++ CD-ROM comes with a complete ID(D)E which includes a debugger... Jan Darin Peshev wrote:Trying to link some libraries generates: Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB Any idea where to find FIXLIB and what does this mean? Is there a decent debugger that can debug DigitalMars compiled .EXE? Regards, Darin Jul 02 2001
Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B4111EB.7BF3DDD2>...Trying to link some libraries generates: Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB Any idea where to find FIXLIB and what does this mean? Jul 02 2001
Hmm, that's strange because this is import library generated as a result of implib. Does this means that implib is buggy? .DLL for which I'm generating import library is quite big - 2.7mb. Could this be a problem? I tried to generate .DEF file out of .DLL but when I try to link with it I get this: C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Segmented output main.obj(main) Error 116: NEAR call to IMPORT at Relative 00013H from Segment _TEXT FRAME = Frame of Group FLAT 0000 TARGET = External Symbol ??0QApplication QAE AAHPAPAD Z (syscall QApplication::QApplication(int &,char **)) 00000H FIXUPP Type = 32-bit Conditional JMP Any ideas? Darin Walter wrote:Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B4111EB.7BF3DDD2>...Trying to link some libraries generates: Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB Any idea where to find FIXLIB and what does this mean? Jul 03 2001
Looks like you're trying to do a JMP to an import. That doesn't work on Win32 - all imports are done with a layer of indirection. That's why imported symbols have to be declared with __declspec(dllimport). Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B41E0B9.DC5D3587>...Hmm, that's strange because this is import library generated as a result of implib. Does this means that implib is buggy? .DLL for which I'm generating import library is quite big - 2.7mb. Could this be a problem? I tried to generate .DEF file out of .DLL but when I try to link with it I get this: C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Segmented Jul 03 2001
I guess he need to compile his code with the -WA compiler switch thrown so that the proper code is being generated for functions that presist in the .DLL's being used. Jan Walter wrote:Looks like you're trying to do a JMP to an import. That doesn't work on Win32 - all imports are done with a layer of indirection. That's why imported symbols have to be declared with __declspec(dllimport). Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B41E0B9.DC5D3587>...Hmm, that's strange because this is import library generated as a result of implib. Does this means that implib is buggy? .DLL for which I'm generating import library is quite big - 2.7mb. Could this be a problem? I tried to generate .DEF file out of .DLL but when I try to link with it I get this: C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Segmented Jul 03 2001
I don't think I'm trying to do this. I have small example (few lines) that contains few calls to .DLL exported functions. I'm compiling this code with Digital Mars and I'm linking resulting .OBJ file with import library generated by IMPLIB. Does any of this sound like trying to do JMP to import? My feeling is that Digital Mars generates near calls (instead of far calls) to functions supplied by the import library. And because import library is quite big, linker cannot resolve references even by reordering segments. I've been looking for DM switch to force far calls for functions in other modules(.obj or .lib) but I was not able to find any. I'll try to add __declspec(dllimport) to .h files supplied with .dll and this may be will solve the problem but I don't think that explicit __declspec(dllimport) is needed in other compilers. Does it make sense to add new switch to the compiler that will presume __declspec(dllimport) for all unresolved function refernces during compilation? Darin Walter wrote:Looks like you're trying to do a JMP to an import. That doesn't work on Win32 - all imports are done with a layer of indirection. That's why imported symbols have to be declared with __declspec(dllimport). Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B41E0B9.DC5D3587>...Hmm, that's strange because this is import library generated as a result of implib. Does this means that implib is buggy? .DLL for which I'm generating import library is quite big - 2.7mb. Could this be a problem? I tried to generate .DEF file out of .DLL but when I try to link with it I get this: C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Segmented Jul 03 2001
That's why I wrote to throw the -WA switch for you own code and make sure the header files act to it in the right way. The functions in the header file have to be declared __declspec(dllimport). The -WA switch generates .EXE code that uses a .DLL.... Jan Darin Peshev wrote:I don't think I'm trying to do this. I have small example (few lines) that contains few calls to .DLL exported functions. I'm compiling this code with Digital Mars and I'm linking resulting .OBJ file with import library generated by IMPLIB. Does any of this sound like trying to do JMP to import? My feeling is that Digital Mars generates near calls (instead of far calls) to functions supplied by the import library. And because import library is quite big, linker cannot resolve references even by reordering segments. I've been looking for DM switch to force far calls for functions in other modules(.obj or .lib) but I was not able to find any. I'll try to add __declspec(dllimport) to .h files supplied with .dll and this may be will solve the problem but I don't think that explicit __declspec(dllimport) is needed in other compilers. Does it make sense to add new switch to the compiler that will presume __declspec(dllimport) for all unresolved function refernces during compilation? Darin Walter wrote:Looks like you're trying to do a JMP to an import. That doesn't work on Win32 - all imports are done with a layer of indirection. That's why imported symbols have to be declared with __declspec(dllimport). Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B41E0B9.DC5D3587>...Hmm, that's strange because this is import library generated as a result of implib. Does this means that implib is buggy? .DLL for which I'm generating import library is quite big - 2.7mb. Could this be a problem? I tried to generate .DEF file out of .DLL but when I try to link with it I get this: C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Segmented Jul 03 2001
Near and far calls? Are you working with 16 bit code or 32 bit code? It's beginning to sound like you are attempting to mix 16 and 32 bit code, which will inevitably produce bizarre linker messages. -Walter Darin Peshev wrote in message <3B421415.767E170D>...I don't think I'm trying to do this. I have small example (few lines) that contains few calls to .DLL exported functions. I'm compiling this code with Digital Mars and I'm linking resulting .OBJ file with import library Jul 03 2001
.DLL that I'm trying to use us 32bit library (PE header contains Flags 210E which means - executable bacwards 32bit library. Same application works perfect when compiled and linked with VC++ 6.0). Code that calls functions in the library is CPP source. With this two things as a start point why do I get this error message? (See below). My OS is Windows 2000 and I read carefully through the DM documentation for different options controling compilation and linking. However I was not able to find anything that leads to :C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Jul 03 2001
.DEF file: EXETYPE NT SUBSYSTEM WINDOWS,4.0 As I think you want WinMain as program entry point and not main. You could also try: link .../ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup Jan Darin Peshev wrote:.DLL that I'm trying to use us 32bit library (PE header contains Flags 210E which means - executable bacwards 32bit library. Same application works perfect when compiled and linked with VC++ 6.0). Code that calls functions in the library is CPP source. With this two things as a start point why do I get this error message? (See below). My OS is Windows 2000 and I read carefully through the DM documentation for different options controling compilation and linking. However I was not able to find anything that leads to :C:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(constart) Error 83: Illegal frame on start address OPTLINK : Warning 174: 32-bit Segments Inappropriate for 16-bit Jul 03 2001