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c++ - How do i pause a console program after execution?
hi, i am using Digital Mars C++ compiler for my learning purposes. can anyone tell me how to pause the programs i create after execution? coz they seem to disappear in WinXP immediately after execution. like in Blood Shed Dev C++ we can use system("PAUSE"); and in turbo c++ getch(); thanx -burner out Feb 08 2004
You need to run them from the command-line. FYI, if you want to run a command-line program from the shell, you should put it in a batch file, and call a pause function afterwards, as in: rem This batch file calls MyProg and then calls MyPause, so that it the output from MyProg remains visible in the command box MyProg MyPause as to what MyPause is, you have two options: 1. Use the Win32 "pause" utility, which waits until a key is pressed. 2. If you want it to pause for a specific time and then disappear without requiring a key press, you can use the SyPause utility from "Burner" <Burner_member> wrote in message news:c05u67$1ot3$1, i am using Digital Mars C++ compiler for my learning purposes. can anyone tell me how to pause the programs i create after execution? coz Feb 08 2004
Matthew <matthew.hat> wrote:You need to run them from the command-line. Feb 08 2004
"Burner" in Blood Shed Dev C++ we can use system("PAUSE"); and in turbo c++ getch(); Feb 10 2004