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c++ - Problems with RTL-DLL
Hi, when I want to use the DLL version of the RTL (snd.lib), I get the following output: --------------------- snip -------------------------- sc Test1.cpp -mn -o+time -WA -S -ND -5 -a8 -Nc -c -D_CONSOLE=1 -D_UNICODE=1 - oTest1.obj link /NOI /DE /PACKF /XN /NT /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup /BAS:4194304 /A:512 Test1.LNK Error: C:\PROGRAMME\SC\BIN\..\lib\SND.lib(_wprintf) (1232560): Symbol Undefined _vwprintf Lines Processed: 306 Errors: 1 Warnings: 0 Build failed --------------------- snip -------------------------- This is my test application: --------------------- snip -------------------------- #include <stdio.h> int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) { wprintf(L"This is a test of wprintf\n"); } --------------------- snip -------------------------- I use dmc 8.35.1. Best regards, Mark Junker Jun 10 2003
The only workaround for the moment is to use the statically linked library, snn.lib. Sorry, -Walter "Mark Junker" <mjs> wrote in message news:8n$9Mqpd8gB, when I want to use the DLL version of the RTL (snd.lib), I get the following output: --------------------- snip -------------------------- sc Jun 10 2003