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c++ - internal error 3726..
any help on what might cause this??? TIA Michael. Jan 21 2003
See "Mike Comperchio" <mcmprch> wrote in message news:b0jcpr$2hnp$1 help on what might cause this??? TIA Michael. Jan 21 2003
Ok, I can isolate it down to a specific function. If needed I can include all the header files as well as the complete source.... I have a class declared in Fields.h as: //: A vector of FieldInfos, with some extra utility methods. class Fields : public std::vector<FieldInfo> { public: Fields(); explicit Fields(MYSQL_RES* pResult, bool bFullFieldInfo = false); //bFullFieldInfo: Some MYSQL_RES members are random unless the result comes from mysql_list_fields(). Fields(const Fields& src); virtual ~Fields(); Fields& operator=(const Fields& src); //: Returns the field with an offset of i; const FieldInfo& operator [] (size_type i) const; const FieldInfo& operator [] (const std::string& strFieldName) const ; size_type get_index(const std::string& strFieldName) const ; bool get_PrimaryKey(size_type& i) const; //bool indicates success. protected: typedef std::vector<FieldInfo> type_base; }; and in the implementation const FieldInfo& Fields::operator [] (size_type i) const { return type_base::operator[](i); } const FieldInfo& Fields::operator [] (const std::string& strFieldName) const { return operator[](get_index(strFieldName)); } //////////////// if I #define this out the file compiles fine. //////////////// other wise i get the template 3726 error Fields::size_type Fields::get_index(const std::string& strFieldName) const { //string temp(strFieldName); //str_to_lwr(temp); FieldInfo result; for(size_type i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const FieldInfo& fieldInfo = operator[](i); if(fieldInfo.get_Name() == strFieldName) return i; } throw ex_base("field name not found: " + strFieldName); return 0; } "Walter" <walter> wrote in message news:b0k682$30ra$1 "Mike Comperchio" <mcmprch> wrote in message news:b0jcpr$2hnp$1 help on what might cause this??? TIA Michael. Jan 21 2003
I need a complete compilable example. There is always the chance that the bug isn't in the code fragment presented (although it may appear to be), and it takes a lot of time trying to flesh it out into a compilable example. Thanks, -Walter Jan 21 2003